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10734858 No.10734858 [Reply] [Original]

Is homeschooling a good idea?

(Education is traditionally an accepted topic on /lit/, so I believe this thread is okay.)

>> No.10734873

Homeschooling is just another type of schooling. It can work if done right but it can cripple if done wrong.

>> No.10734879

Simplest solution is to go someplace more sane than the US. Send your kids to a nice public school in the UK.

>> No.10734881


the benefits of a more "rigorous" curriculum do not outweigh the arrested social development

children need, first and foremost even before education, to be socialized, no matter how dismal the current state of society may be. homeschooling is inherently anti-social and your children will be considered freaks (with good reason)

t. homeschooled khv NEET in his 20s

>> No.10734888

You can be home schooled and be social. Most home schooled kids do things like sports or scouts. I don't know about you, but there's also a lot more socializing between home schooled kids and adults.

>> No.10734923

Obviously, the only way to socialize children is by way of state supervised play breaks.. There is simply no other option

>> No.10734931

Yeah, getting your kids involved in local community programs is really hard and is also a really stupid idea.

>> No.10734932

I think learning how to socialize and how to be an agreeable person towards your peers is more important. All the people that I know who were homeschooled have a lot of hangups

>> No.10734953

the point is to Integrate your child into whatever the current society happens to be. the modern world does not facilitate anything outside of it's conventions, no matter how banal or fettering those may be. and once outside reintegration is nearly impossible if the fundamental points of development are absent

i know that not every homeschooled kid fails. my older brother who was also homeschooled graduated law school last year and got married, bought a house, found a job etc. but he is still an awkward fuck and does not have nor ever has had any social life beyond his work.

the majority of homeschooled kids end up extremely stunted because of it and the homeschooling community itself borders on a cult

>> No.10734959

Jokes on you nigger I went to a poor public school and I'm still a sociopath

>> No.10734961

Did the school have niggers?

>> No.10734977

>the point is to Integrate your child into whatever the current society happens to be. the modern world does not facilitate anything outside of it's conventions, no matter how banal or fettering those may be.
Send your kid into a system directly responsible for the decay of society, and he/she will grow up to watch society further decay, but at least they'll have friends. Then it's rinse/repeat with their children.
Sound logic.

>> No.10734983

better than to ostracize the kid for your own beliefs

>> No.10734988

>public school in the UK

You clearly aren't British.

>> No.10734989

you have a very juvenile grasp of existence

>> No.10734992

There are many kids who go to school and don't make any friends, have to deal with mean children (they are naturally mean, if you deny it's because you haven't dealt with them) and just have increased stress and anxiety as a result.

>> No.10735000

>the majority of homeschooled kids end up extremely stunted because of it and the homeschooling community itself borders on a cult

I know homeschoolers, and I've studied it for a project in uni. I'm going to need at least two sources on this, because I'm pretty sure it's straight bullshit.

Just stereotypes that exists about homeschoolers. On average they are just as social, integrate slightly better into society, and do significantly better in college.
Michael H. Romanowski's "Revisiting the Common Myths About Homeschooling"

>> No.10735002

Enlighten me with your heightened life experience and perspective. I'll wait.
>Dude, just trust the state to teach your kids what they need to know.

>> No.10735003
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homeschooling or christian classical schools are the only ways your kids are going to get an actual education instead of a meme education

>> No.10735004

well I went to public school and I'm still an awkward loser with no social life, so go fuck yourself with your anecdotal garbage.

and please don't act like contemporary society is something worth integrating with.

>> No.10735008
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>> No.10735012
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homeschooled kids being badly socialized is also a baseless meme

>> No.10735013

I mean of course the argument is that lack of exposure to other kids can leave you a socially retarded mess but I went to public school and still left a socially retarded mess so really it's just a crapshoot.

>> No.10735014

I agree how else are children going to familiarize themselves with drugs and homosexuality? We can’t let parents decide in what environment their kids will socialize.

>> No.10735016

I wonder who could be behind this post

>> No.10735017
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some graphs about christian classical schools and how they are better than the rest of us

>> No.10735022

Correlation is not causation.

>> No.10735026
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>Classical Christian education
>Wilson described an educational model based on the child's developmental capabilities and natural inclinations.

>From birth, the child learns language and about itself.
>From about age 2 to age 4, the child develops social skills and gains mobility and dexterity
>The Grammar stage begins around age 5. In this stage, the child is in a "parrot" stage of repeating what they are told. This phase sees them enjoying simple songs over and over, so songs, rhymes and memory aid teach the basics of reading, writing, numbers and math, and observational science. Many schools begin Latin language training in 3rd grade. Some schools will also teach a Christian Catechism while students are in this phase, as foundation for intensive study of the texts and structures of the Bible.
>The Logic stage begins in 6th grade. At this age, students naturally develop an argumentative behavior, and are equipped with tools of logic and how to formulate a defense for an idea. This provides the foundation for Sayers' 'teaching them to think' model.
>The Rhetoric phase happens during high school, blending the prior learning with specialized knowledge, generally in a college preparatory curriculum. [7]

>> No.10735031

causation is just a meme, only correlation exists in real life

>> No.10735034

Then higher abilities means inclination toward homeschooling? Or something else causes both heightened abilities and the inclination toward homeschooling?

I'm not seeing all alternative explainations of the data by you.

>> No.10735056
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>let the globalist state turn your kid into a literal pleb
good job my dude

>> No.10735058

the best schools in my country are military schools, which are single-gender and as traditional and strict as it gets.

>> No.10735062

Poor people can not afford to homeschool

>> No.10735109

so your point is that poor people are just dumber and the method itself can't be a justification?

>> No.10735117

I think homeschooling is great. Just that that chart does not control for anything and proves nothing.

>> No.10735120


>> No.10735125

Make sense.

>> No.10735170

Not that guy but taking the aggregate stats for americas public school and homeschool educated isn't a scientific comparison. There are a number of confounds such as which parents are most likely to homeschool. Factors like this have an impact and need to be controlled for

>> No.10735188

Exactly, so again, do smarter parents homeschool? Or does homeschooling produce smarter kids, or something else.

>> No.10735192

>homeschool your kid to teach them that everyone (including psycopaths) should have the ability to own semi automatic weapons because muh ebil gubmint

Yea no he is a retarded gun-nut and is the reason why decent people are wary of homeschooling.

>> No.10735194

Homeschooling is a terrible idea. Private schooling, on the other hand, is a very good idea.

>> No.10735205

I'm really fucking glad none of you autismos will ever have any children.

>> No.10735213
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homeschool your children so they don't get trapped into a "gun-free zone" with nobody to defend them

>> No.10735227

Public schools are private schools in the UK.

>> No.10735229

All those other things have legitimate day-to-day uses other than cigarettes (which should be subject to severe restrictions just like rifles to protect public health)

>> No.10735243

>low quality jpg facebook pic
the absolute state of gun nuts

>> No.10735251

Yeah but only for non-morons, OPs pic very unrelated

>> No.10735255

homeschooling is fine and actually ideal until age 9 or 10. This is generally the point of no return for life long mental conditioning of an individual human. But if you're keeping them from school past that age you're doing it wrong, they need to get adjusted to hierarchical systems and establish valuable connections within that system because it emulates social life in the workforce and adult life in general. Plus you're kid has to learn the value of competition and how he does against others in the class not in the walls of his room.

>> No.10735257

>educating your children to think the earth is 6000 years old is "better"

No thanks.

>> No.10735259

Spot on. Who can forget that time that dude walked into a high school and killed 17 kids by force feeding them opiates.

>> No.10735265
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>> No.10735270

Coddle me daddy gov

>> No.10735271
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work from home so that you don't get trapped into a "plane crash free zone" with nobody to defend them

>> No.10735284
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I don't know how to feel about it, I know numerous people studying education about to become high school teachers who have an actual disdain for the canon, or anything written by "old white dudes." I thought that was a meme but there will probably come a time (if it's not already now) where the Odyssey and Great Gatsby and Crime and Punishment are discarded for Kaur, John Green, etc. In the words of these students they want works the kids "can actually relate to." Kill me now.

On the other hand though.... all the home school kids I've met have been massive autists with helicopter parents. I guess it's possible to avoid that but I think it's a big risk. But either way you're playing with fire, I want to have children but I would feel kind of sick bringing them into the current state of things, especially if they're going to spend most of their life staring at a screen. I could try to take that away from them too, but again, all the kids I knew growing up whose parents made them eat super healthy and weren't allowed video games and TV grew up extremely messed up and jealous of the other kids. Kids are retarded and want to be cool, it's only natural. If all of society is actively pushing the post-modern techno-capitalist lifestyle on kids from their very first moments I'm not sure what you can do, besides taking your family to a remote cabin where they will grow up to be autists.

>> No.10735286

Yeah asking that the Government make it at least slightly harder for someone to be able to murder children with a semi-auto version of the weapon we used to kill a shitton of gooks in the 70's is like the definition of "coddling".

>> No.10735289

>support second amendment
The second amendment may have been a mistake but once you start doctoring with the bill of rights and arbitrarily historicizing them it becomes a pretty fucking slippery slope.

>> No.10735295

>sourceless graphs and anecdotal evidence: the thread

I don't know if everyone in here is defending homeschool because they were homeschooled, or if everyone is just fantasizing about raising a child to "save civilization", but either way this thread has certainly proven that education does not matter once people get on the internet.

>> No.10735296

Whoa, be careful with those edgy opinions, freedom hating soviet-nazi.

>> No.10735300

Handguns kill way more people every year. Just admit that you think "assault rifles" look scary and your psyche is being manipulated by the tragedy porn media narrative.

>> No.10735301

I'm not even american
>muh freedumbs
>muh shlipper shloppe

>> No.10735304

Aw yeah it's a huge fucking slippery slope to make amendments to the constitution. Just imagine if we had done that 17 times already, we'd be living in a post apocalyptic hellscape.

>> No.10735305

They knew who this kid was and clearly was a problem with the background checks they did for him the first time... How will they get any better?

>> No.10735306

>xD edgy lmao praise kek!
back to r/t_D with you

>> No.10735312

also, see this: https://www.nytimes.com/2014/09/14/sunday-review/the-assault-weapon-myth.html
you can even rectify it with your worldview, it talks about how it's racis to focus on "assault weapons" when BLACK BODIES are being killed by handguns everyday

>> No.10735313

Only white people homeschool

>> No.10735319

you don't fuck with the bill of rights though my dude. If that's the case why don't we amend away with freedom of speech and assembly.
He's being ironic you dumb twat

>> No.10735322

>Homeschool thread turns into gun rights debate
What a time to be alive

>> No.10735323

the bill of rights is just the first 10 amendments, they can be altered by the citizenry at any time

>> No.10735329

and they haven't been! but let's start doing away with them now, why not? Due process? Pfffft. Right to a trial by a jury of your peers? Dude that's so old white men from the 18th century. Name me a single example where the Bill of Rights were amended, I'll fucking wait.

>> No.10735331

You should read the constitution and about how it was written to understand the full importance of the Bill of Rights and why it's so much more than "just the first 10 amendments".

>> No.10735334

Oh good, so the difference is just arbitrary. We can now save a lot of money by just arming our soldiers with Glocks since apparently giving them 30 round magazine rifles that shoot 5.56mm cartridges gives them no substantive tactical advantage in terms of murdering people.

>> No.10735337

>Can only own any gun if you're a homeowner/long time renter

There just fixed the mass shooting epidemic.

>> No.10735338

which country are you from m8? if it's the UK I may have to turn you in for hate speech against muricans.

>> No.10735351
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>it hasn't been done before so it can't be done in the future

>> No.10735357

How should I educated my future kids?
I have 900k in bong money.
I was thinking of moving close to a grammar school and hiring a tutor to help them get into it.

>> No.10735358

I was homeschooled. Granted, in high school I was going to school twice a week for classes (Biola had a youth program where you’d take high school level classes with other students at a satellite campus, despite the affiliation it wasn’t expensive). Honestly looking around at my coworkers and others I meet, I think I’m actually better adjusted than many of my public schooled associates, and I still hang out with a group of guys from high school, 5 years after the fact - we’re still quite close and see each other at least once a week.

However I also know plenty of homeschoolers with severe arrested development. Honestly homeschooling is fine if you actually put in the effort to get your kids involved in socializing multiple times per week. Not just extracurricular activities, but actual classes too.

If/when I have children, I would probably want to either homeschool them or send them to a Jesuit school. I absolutely do not trust the public school system to properly teach my children. I’ve talked to many public schooled people, generally the system seems to churn out idiots who can’t think critically.

>> No.10735359

It's a statistic that's been wheeled out so many times but here goes again: almost all gun crime in the US is committed with illegally obtained firearms. Mass shootings are often the exception to this which is why they're the perfect fodder for the anti-gun lobby. You've got it all: a mentally disturbed boy who is LITERALLY A WHITE MALE, scary looking "assault rifles," and most importantly, a legally obtained scary "assault rifle." If not don't you think they would be focused on urban gun crime? Nobody cares about that, there's no glamour, no way of fitting it neatly into the 24 hour tragedy news cycle. I don't even like guns honestly but the anti-gun movement has become so hypocritical and hysterical that it's laughable.

>> No.10735362

>burgers actually have no idea that they live in Western Somalia

>> No.10735364

>all these /pol/ faggots saying that modern society isn't worth integrating into
Lmao you'll never learn to ride the Tiger if you do this shit guys

>> No.10735365

Nobody's saying it can't be done. Rather that we shouldn't. But go ahead, fuck our core constitutional values they're just arbitrary and subject to change at any time. It's such a fucking boomer cliche to say but I'll say it: go live in a country that doesn't have speech protection, due process, trial by jury, or the the rule of law period, and see how you would like living there.

>> No.10735368

The US government has conciously chosen not to follow due process multiple times. A problem that your kind don't seem to think is a problem, despite your protests about da gobment going to take yur gunzzz.

>> No.10735369

all amendments can be revoked by newer amendments even the bill of rights, this is why its called a living document. The bill of rights isn't gospel, it is subject to change and you know this.

>> No.10735380
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/pol/ faggots will never understand anything. The decent ones will continue to be hikikomori losers that die from malnutrition and the bad ones will eventually die out via suicide. The problem is a portion of the latter will choose to do so after some kind of rampage, but I suppose there's comfort in that they're incapable of breeding so they must die out as some point.

>> No.10735384

>the government is imperfect and doesn't follow its own laws/constitution all the time
>fuck it what's the point of even having a bill of rights dude lmao if we don't follow it to the letter every time

>problem that your kind don't seem to think is a problem
>If you support the bill of rights in it's entirety you're a Muslim hatin' Guantanamo lovin' Fox News watchin' yokel
Nice strawman my dude.

>> No.10735389

It hasn't been changed though. Unless you can come up with an example. We're still waiting. Also "living document" is one branch of constitutional theory. Nice spook there friend.

>> No.10735390

>op creates a thread about homeschooling
>Decent discussion looks like it's about to take place
>Outrageous claims
>Unbacked misinformation
>Low-quality infographs
>I give an argument for homeschooling, complete with a source.
>I'm a proper pseud now
>Leave for a while
>Come back
>Debate on gun control has broken out
>look at the board
>Look at the anons on my side of the original debate
>Realise they are all homeschoolers
>Realise they are all 4channers
Jesus Christ! Homeschooling causes autism!

>> No.10735392
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>mfw being accused of a strawman by someone strawmanning

>> No.10735396

>Nobody's saying it can't be done
im glad you acknowledge this but you seem upset that the founders didn't set the bill of rights in stone as you so wish.

>> No.10735402

Hey guys, what do you think about homeschooling? Good idea?

>> No.10735403

>yea like it can be change and all BUT IT HASN'T SO THERE

literal retard

>> No.10735405

>hurr why try to make efforts to stop mass shootings when there are other problems you could focus on
You explained yourself why people don't focus on urban gun crime, because there's basically no easily identifiable solution as of now that's short of disarming the entire populace, which is obviously stupid. Meanwhile there's a plethora of measures we could take to fix the former concern.
Stop pretending like every piece of the bill of rights is self evidently equal in it's importance. The 2nd and 3rd amendments are clearly there for a very specific concern they had at that time and don't have the kind of universality of the ones you're choosing to quote. This is especially stupid since constitutional law is built around discrepancies in interpreting those amendments. People have doing this shit for centuries. Most people aren't even asking to fucking abolish the amendment, just to reevaluate the distinctions between civilian and military weaponry WHICH WE ALREADY FUCKING DO WITH FULLY AUTOMATIC RIFLES.

>> No.10735410

Homeschooling with or without guns?

>> No.10735416
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>Nice spook there friend.
>mfw someone squabbling about the details of a constitution uses spook
The whole concept of a statehood is a spook you retard

>> No.10735423

>the second amendment isn't important because I don't feel like it's important
The absolute fucking STATE of grabbers

>> No.10735438

>the second amendment is important because I feel like it's important

>> No.10735444

If it makes you feel better, I actually think every child should not be homeschooled solely because the republic/state needs to take part in the education of its citizen.

>> No.10735446

Yeah total fucking coincidence that nobody gave a shit about the 2nd amendment until lunatics started gunning down people in the streets 50 years ago. When was the last time you were up in arms about soldiers being quartered in your house?

>> No.10735456

Y'all are both retarded. The second amendment was instituted as a last line of defence against the government going tyrannical, as this was the very thing the founding fathers were seeking to undo. This is why the first is about sharing of ideas in speech. If a political problem can be solved verbally then do so, but if not, it is equally important that people be able to arm themselves against the true evil. Nazi Germany saw this sort of tyranny. I am not going to say that a second amendment there would have entirely prevented this on its own, but the ability to bear arms would have empowered some truly good people living there are the time to fight against the evil while it was rising.

>> No.10735459

I woudn't care for friends if I became Mozart.

>> No.10735463

I agree, but the state seems pretty corrupted desu

>> No.10735467

Mozart had lots of friends, lovers, etc. He was a total social butterfly.

>> No.10735470

>tfw no poop loving music making Chad best friend

>> No.10735471

i went to public school and i still can't have a proper conversation with anyone

>> No.10735472

Because this is the first time we have had actual discussion of a mass gun ban. So, as an Amerifag,

Yes, we are concerned about tyranny like this

No, we don't want kids to die

Yes, we would consider gun control. In fact we have it now.

No, we don't want a mass gun ban.

Any more questions? I've heard this "well we don't have a tyrannical government right now so why would we need to protect against one" nonsense far too many times. If you don't see the logical fallacy here then you're a moron. Give me a better argument please.

>> No.10735474

if the parents have a well developed understanding of the world and are significantly above average IQ then it can work out okay. a secular private school, or moving to an upper middle class area with good public schools, would be better choices tho.

>> No.10735477

>The second amendment was instituted as a last line of defence against the government going tyrannical

is this whats being fed to homeschooled kids in america?

>> No.10735478
File: 3.40 MB, 316x213, 1504219117046.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thread about homeschooling
>it's now about guns
can you niggers not be cancer for a single thread

>> No.10735479

>if the parents have a well developed understanding of the world and are significantly above average IQ then it can work out okay
I have never met a homeschool parent who has met these qualifications

>> No.10735480

the depressing thing about this pic is that "daily living" is represented by a car. isn't gasoline wonderful?

>> No.10735484

Why didn't lunatics before 50 years ago mass shoot people though? They had access to firearms. What has caused this? Does the mere idea of having access to firearms just make someone want to kill people in mass a new phenomen?

>> No.10735486

>Second amendment was instituted because they thought guns are cool hurr durr

>> No.10735487

yea Trump needs to go I reckon, hes way too corrupt

>> No.10735488

whats your sample size

>> No.10735494

Homeschooled kids generally come from better backgrounds with competent parents. State schooled kids are the standard and the norm. On average they will always underperform homeschooled kids because of this so any comparisons between academic performance is meaningless.

>> No.10735496

Then desu get your shit together. But this still undercuts the idea of homeschooling and by extension private education

>> No.10735500

I mean if it was a wise philosopher candidate who believed in virtue and duty versus trump I'd pick the first guy

>> No.10735501

It's more anecdotal bullshit, mate. Just ignore him.

Again, there are actual statistics on the subject. Y'all can read up on it, so I would appreciate not posting all of these things.

>I haven't met any homeschoolers with social skills

C'mon. That's a shit argument.

>> No.10735503

This is a legitimate point. Even if I had been public schooled instead of homeschooled, I probably would have turned out better than average because my parents actually gave a shit about my education. It’s sad how many students underperform just because their parents aren’t involved in any way.

>> No.10735505

you'd pick Bernie?

>> No.10735506

i said classical christian school, not rootless amerimutt school

>> No.10735508

Lmao lossless jungles friendless virgin autist homeschool kid detected

>> No.10735509

Should cue you in on something there sonny.

>> No.10735510

someone get this hothead outta here

>> No.10735511

Nah man don't think I said that

>> No.10735515

>just because their parents aren’t involved in any way.
Some parents aren't good educators. It is a skill and trade like anything else. But you are right in that parents should be more vested in children's education by spending more time with them and shit

>> No.10735517

Good point. I agree with you here. Most people that homeschool are going to be parents that really care about their child's education, which may in itself explain the various statistics. The only thing I would like to add is that in public schools most kids move at the pace of the slowest learner. Giving a one-on-one education between parent and child can be an excellent solution to this. Then, if a parent really cared, would it not still be better for them to homeschool versus allowing the child to perform even above average in a public school? No teacher is going to give as much attention or care to the child's education as a really good parent would.

>> No.10735519

If done right and done well then I'm sure it's very nice being raised by the people that gave you life rather than some depressed and underpaid state verified indoctrinator.
I'm quite sure that most of the stuff about social isolation and inability to socialize are memes or the child was incorrectly schooled. I know plenty of state schooled people who are awkward etc etc
At the school my sister currently attends they tried 'integrating' the 'lower ability' children into the smart classes. Obviously it didn't work and they behaved like monkeys. One lovely pakistani boy called my sister a nigger - but she is white.

>> No.10735523

>a school with high moral standards and a good teaching curriculum
>a public school full of soon-to-be criminals and drug dealers who fight all the time

>> No.10735530

I feel like you're deliberately being obtuse about this. What is to stop amending away freedom of speech if you start arbitrarily historicizing amendments like >>10735405 <-this guy. I'm not making an argument for or against gun control, that's another matter. I'm arguing for the sanctity of the bill of rights. If you don't think they matter that's great, you're well within your right (see what I did there) to disagree with me. And yes you're also in your right to legislate and amend those rights away.
it's almost like people haven't changed it for a reason. The person I was arguing with was making a point from precedent, i.e. that the constitution is subject to change as a "living document" (his claim not mine) because it has been changed in the past so therefore we could and should change it in the future. What I'm saying this same principle has never been applied to the bill of rights and once we start doing that it becomes muh slippery slope.

>> No.10735533

it's an amerimutt statistic, what did you expect? thank god it wasn't an assault rifle

>> No.10735534

Or school your child to feel loved and that he has a place in society as a well behaved and well mannered person. And teach him to respect weapons and their uses and dangers.
There are other countries that have relaxed gun laws that don't have school shootings every other day. Maybe its a problem with American society.

>> No.10735536
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>Mom and Dad its your fault I'm a virgin!!

>> No.10735547
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>if the parents have a well developed understanding of the world and are significantly above average IQ then it can work out okay.
but school teachers are the scum of society, you can't go lower than that even if you are a shit parent or a crack addict

>> No.10735550

Don't forget the atomized individual with no real conviction to his country, drowned in individualism, extreme liberalism and junk food. All part of life in the US
Oh no sorry, the real issue is muh guns lol

>> No.10735552

>have a well developed understanding of the world and are significantly above average IQ
Most Elementary/Middle school teachers do not fit this qualification, either. A good amount of high school teachers don't meet this, too.

>> No.10735561

Because they had a sense of belonging in a country they - mostly - loved, they could afford houses, they got married etc etc etc.
I have a feeling school shootings are largely to do with alienation due to modern societal function. Obviously, this does not excuse the actions of the shooters but that may be the reason.

>> No.10735563
File: 320 KB, 2000x1000, Marcus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop sending your children to school

>> No.10735564

one benefit of schooling is that youll be exposed to significantly more teachers and viewpoints. if youre homeschooled and your parents are dumb / crazy, youre pretty well fucked. tho youd probably be fucked regardless

>> No.10735578

I was home schooled for 12 years. This post pretty much sums it up, and basically everyone who sings the praises of home schooling is either 1.) A parent who themselves was not home schooled and doesn’t realize what they’re doing to their children by not allowing them to be around other kids, and 2.) Has no experience with home schooling at all.

It’s pretty telling that basically no one I knew who was home schooled growing up ended up home schooling their own children. I get that it seems like a good idea given the absolute shit of our cultural climate, but you’d be better off finding some private school to put your kids in that doesn’t try to shove weird anti-western ideology down on them.

>> No.10735587

>Every homeschooling parent is a cult leader

You guys seem to forget that homeschooled kids are allowed outside of their house. It's not being locked in a basement until you're 18, it's just doing (roughly the same) work at home and with your parents instead of at a public (or private, I know) school with teachers, most of whom don't give two shots about you. You can disagree with your parents about anything you want, but things like math don't require a "viewpoint".

>> No.10735596
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also you didn't have 17yo useless retarded plebs in school forced to socialize with people that have nothing in common with them for 8 hours a day

they worked at 12yo instead and felt useful, or where bums and just stabbed each other for a can of tuna so nobody noticed

>> No.10735599

>implying i implied that

your insecurity is showing

>> No.10735601

except teachers have been brainwashed and standardized to serve the globalist agenda, education faculties are a meme

>> No.10735607

The ideal: a freethinking adult with an education well rooted in both modern science and classical humanities raises his children in a well rounded collective with robust social interchanges, exposure to language and culture, athletic endeavor, and an eventual acceptance to school of their choice.

The reality: a female retard suffering from Dunning-Kruger gets mad at schools making rational choices about their mis-diagnosed with ADHD child's education, takes them out, gives them a sub-par hour or two a day education that they themselves would get middling grades in, and then says fuckit and goes off to mcdonalds and maybe a commercial audition.

I know a lot of homeschoolers, and at BEST they are soccer mommies who have convinced themselves they know best. That said raising your kid on some research station is hard to criticize.

>> No.10735608

>I have a feeling school shootings are largely to do with alienation due to modern societal function. Obviously, this does not excuse the actions of the shooters but that may be the reason.
It is the reason! As much as I hate boomer-tier arguments like 'it's all mental health' and 'guns don't kill people people do,' this is the elephant in the room nobody wants to address because it would require some serious self reflection on the part of a society which is no longer interested in that but in an endless cycle of stimulation, in which the tragedy porn news cycle is a major part. Guns become the scapegoat, but the truth is much, much uglier. Would it help if we banned "assault rifles?" Maybe. More and more people are becoming alienated from themselves and others and losing themselves in the techno-media dreamscape so the number of mass killings will continue to rise. And people will find a way, if not guns then trucks, knives, maybe even drone bombs. Are we going to ban fertilizer too?

>> No.10735615

You got me. I'm practically shaking while writing this reply.

You implied they only get the one viewpoint of their parent(s), who are solely responsible for educating them. That sounds like a cult to me. Maybe pick up a dictionary or two so you can stop being a moron?

>> No.10735625

everything is a meme.

>> No.10735635

you seem emotional

>> No.10735638

Maybe some non anecdotal posts next time?

>> No.10735647

>I'm arguing for the sanctity of the bill of rights
there is no point in arguing with you then, you literally believe the bill of rights are gospel text that can't be changed.

>> No.10735649

Seriously though, how are you judging whether you are an autistic fuck up because of home schooling or just being an autistic fuck up?

>> No.10735657


youve posted nothing of value here, and your posting style is obvious. ive seen this thread and you in it before, and you are obviously the product of homeschooling, just like the 20+ homeschooled people i have met in my life. They cannot handle work environments, unless you stick them in a box with a computer. And their mothers are worse. They are staggered by mild social interactions, and by actual challenge to their positions. You have done nothing here but prove your adversaries right.

>> No.10735660

I found it funny how Stephen King called -
I assume - gun owners 'second amendment extremists'.
1) he wrote a load of shit normie books and got popular. He isn't a politician.
2) 2nd amendment extremist hahahahaha

>> No.10735661

It's called interpretation of the constitution. Read a book sometime you massive faggot. I didn't say it's the only way of looking it at, just my way. I don't know you or how you feel about the Bill of Rights actually, all I'm arguing against is treating them like historical curiosities that should be changed at the first moment of weakness. Have you always thought this way, that the Bill of Rights should be changed? Or only when KIDS ARE DYING that you care.

>> No.10735665

How the fuck did you extrapolate anything about the average intelligence of homeschooling parents or their homeschooled kids?

Highly politicized, middle-class christian parents are more likely to homeschool their children. Their kids, in turn, are more likely to be highly politicized christians.

>> No.10735690

Well those are both me. I've never posted on a similar thread, though. Honestly, the connection between these two (and probably a lot of other posts) should be obvious. I've been asking for non-anecdotal evidence. I'm not even particularly in favor of homeschooling, but I have seen one argument against so far. Other then that it is just about inaccurate ideas of homeschooled kids, backed by someone saying something like "well I know homeschoolers and they aren't social".

I'm merely saying that is a bad argument.

>> No.10735705
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I will be homeschooling my children, if I have any, so yes, I think it's a good idea. Every homeschooled person I have met is far more intelligent than me. They're often socially stunted, so I will make sure that my children have daily social interactions with non-siblings. Take them to a city park, or something. That way they have the best of both. It's really very simple.

>> No.10735712
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>> No.10735715

>it's almost like people haven't changed it for a reason

Because it's set in stone? is that you're trying to get that? Any amendment is free to be revisited and changed via 2/3rds majority in the government or a state convention. Why is this so hard to grasp?

>> No.10735720

How do you make society more interested in to something else outside that cycle of stimulation?

>> No.10735735

He's trying to get at the fact that it's important, not that it cannot possibly be changed.

>> No.10735738

>terrible education system

i can tell

>> No.10735743

You interpret the constitution like you interpret the bible. The constitution is not a permanent document, it is meant to reflect the will of the people at the time thats why we're allowed to amend it. You seem so badly to want to believe that the bill of rights are commandments.

>> No.10735747

If your guns get restricted then all you've got to do is brace you bumhole for the nanny state making its entrance. It'll be like UK part 2.

>> No.10735748

>Because it's set in stone? is that you're trying to get that? Any amendment is free to be revisited and changed via 2/3rds majority in the government or a state convention. Why is this so hard to grasp?
what this guy said >>10735735 is what I'm actually trying to say. I bet you believe in a teleology of progress you absolute brainlet.

>> No.10735750

again I didn't say that. They can be changed, doesn't mean that they should. How is that such a hard concept to grasp? And that's just like my opinion man. If enough people disagree with me you can go ahead and amend the Bill of Rights. I just don't think it's a good idea. But go ahead and try it if that's what you want.

>> No.10735752

I made it on paint.net and couldn't change It because I was all on one layer. My point still stands

>> No.10735753

Destroy it
You decide whether "it" is the cycle or society itself

>> No.10735755

>I'm not even american

It shows

>> No.10735759

As long as you provide better education than a legitimate institution would (not hard, just time-consuming), and you have to ensure they socialise and develop properly. I'm sure you could engage with other parents/kids, in addition to various clubs/sports. You need to put the time in though, no full-time work (at least not for both parents). Otherwise you're basically just leaving them at home with chores and half-arsed instructions, rather than an engaging and family-oriented quality education.

>> No.10735764

Try to reintroduce more traditional values back into society. Reintroduce good and moral values. Traditional marriage, nuclear families etc. Give people some meaning to their life and give them a country and a future they care for.

>> No.10735766

Oust the Marxists and 'others' from the educational institutions. Obviously none of this will happen and the US, UK and Europe will become like Brazil or Venezuela.

>> No.10735798

>And that's just like my opinion man
And my opinion is that they should be changed to reflect the will of the people at the time.

>If enough people disagree with me you can go ahead and amend the Bill of Rights
popular opinion on this issue has started to swing against your view. The poll was generally at 66-29 for the second amendment in 2001, now its 52-46. Meanwhile the other amendments are fully supported by both sides. Clearly there is an issue with one of them.

>> No.10735799

No, just send your children to public school (the British fee-paying meaning of the term)

>> No.10735809
File: 7 KB, 480x360, Так жить нельзя.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

alright man, I don't think that's a good path to go down but sure let's start with the second amendment. It's not like there are forces and lobbies on both sides of the political divide who want to weaken and even do away with the other ones, no not all. It'll stop at the second amendment. "Progress" always stops where it's supposed to.

>> No.10735826

if they wanted to they can do away with them anyway, it doesn't hinge on the second amendment. You're clearly paranoid by a non-existing threat.

>o-okay man like they'll never do X right? *wink wink*

grow up

>> No.10735856

I've had some hope for /lit/ but it seems like this is just another board filled with deranged American right-wingers.

>> No.10735858

If you're a parent and you send your kids to a public school then you're a shitty parent and your kids will be shitty too, don't be shitty and homeschool or send them to private school.

>> No.10735881

>I've had some hope for /lit/ but it seems like this is just another board filled with deranged American right-wingers
I honestly hope you are being ironic.

>> No.10735888

>deranged American right-wingers.
Tfw im mad and low iq so im right wing

>> No.10735895

Normies out (you)

>> No.10735907

>Why didn't lunatics before 50 years ago mass shoot people though?
They did numbnuts

>> No.10735915

That you're an moran and needs to stop posting, yes.

>> No.10735918
File: 8 KB, 300x168, hugo-sempai notices your sugoi revolutionary activities!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God, if only. If only.

>> No.10735925

>an moran

>> No.10736066

Fucking Americans.

>> No.10736076

You shouldn't school your children at all.

>> No.10736085

lmao you're the naive one who needs to grow up if you think the Bill of Rights can be selectively picked apart and if you trust the political class to do so responsibly. I want to emphasize again I'm not some right-winger who believes Republicans want to protect the Bill of Rights either. You are right in that they latch on to the Second Amendment while paying scant attention to others, that doesn't justify doing away with it though.

>> No.10736088

Yes, let's homeschool our good christian children so they aren't corrupted by the gay soy satanist cucks in society.
Can't let any outside influence interfere with our brainwashing.

>> No.10736194

You can tell it's some jealous eurofag whose country probably went through half a dozen dictatorships/absolutist governments in the last 200 years.

>> No.10736208

next time post in non-American timezone

>> No.10736271

They won't get shot for one.

>> No.10736298


These are biased by which type of parent is willing to home school. These are affluent individuals who care enough about education to take charge if it for their children. It's a cinch that they would perform better than average in public school too.

>> No.10736301

Thats a big think from me

>> No.10736315

the only thing more insufferable than my retarded countrymen is the self-hating ones who think they're better. He can move to Scandinavia to seek his utopia that doesn't exist.

>> No.10736317

>trusting any modern American politician with anything, let alone some of the founding basis of your country

>> No.10736332

>why are people not socially liberal in 2018!!!!
Right wingers seem like people who dont want their countries to turn into multicultural shitholes like BrAzil

>> No.10736345

As long as you feel special compared to those two groups

>> No.10736352

I'm European.

>> No.10736368

its a bait thread the right is just trying to see if this board is dumb enough to be baited multiple times in one hour which they are

>> No.10736370

there has never been a homeschool shooting

>> No.10736376

>the modern world does not facilitate anything outside of it's conventions
who cares? i don't need to be accepted, and I don't need to be coddled.

honestly though, going to a public high school was one of the best things i ever did, but going to college+ was a total waste

>> No.10736377

I don't. They're both retarded and so am I.

>> No.10736384
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>> No.10736385

Public American schools are still shockingly bad

>> No.10736395

So basically society is right because it is society? Could be true, but right about now it clearly isn't working out.

>> No.10736396

if you’re wealthy you go to private school or excellent near private school public school. all the homeschool kids i met were either spergs or were mixing public and home schooling throughout their life, were attractive, came from wealth and socialite parents so they didn’t suffer. ive yet to meet the latter type who was better educated because of their homeschooling. American schools are bad for working class, lower middle class, middle class and poor people. So, people the right wing hates fundamentally, which makes me giggle thinking about. Here’s my (You) 4u

>> No.10736402

>Name me a single example where the Bill of Rights were amended, I'll fucking wait.
the 10th Amendment was basically obliterated by the 14th + the incorporation doctrine
t. lawfag

>> No.10736413

This desu. Although this poster is using class as his metric because he's too afraid to admit the only people bringing down US test scores are niggers and spics, whites test higher (and actually get some of the best scores globally) regardless of class. So if you're white, and especially if you're white and wealthy, and live in the right zip code you should be fine.

>> No.10736425

>American schools are bad for working class, lower middle class, middle class and poor people. So, people the right wing hates fundamentally
Not him but er?

>> No.10736441

>The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.
ummm... no? The 14th doesn't change the fundamental principle of the 10th amendment it just redefines (constitutionally) what powers are delegated to the states.

>> No.10736444

white public schools in the any area that isn’t upper middleclass are abysmal and while you are correct that niggers and spics lower the scores, white americans are not scoring well compared to their asian and european counterparts at all. White iq has plummeted among the middle and working classes, and so educational attainment has too. White males performance is dropping at a free fall rate. This is among the majority of the pop, the upper middle class and the upper class still dominate the other races except for asians. But, the average white is less intelligent and suffering worse educational conditions. Claiming that white schools are well run is laughable, they’re not at all. I live in an upper middle income state with overwhelming majority whites and asians, the white schools anywhere outside the nicest districts are horrendous

>> No.10736445

no, it causes autism

>> No.10736453

Were you homeschooled?

>> No.10736476

>being so new that you can't even tell that 85% of the "American right-wing" posts are blatant shitposts

>> No.10736491

Don't be so modest

>> No.10736501

the only concession the supreme court has given to the states is that the federal government cannot commandeer state police power to enforce its laws. guess what? the feds will still send in the 101st airborne if they damn well please. the 14th effectively killed federalism, as if commerce clause overreach wasn't enough already.

>> No.10736511

Yeah, sure. And /pol/ack stormfags are only ironic xD

>> No.10736544

massive transfer of wealth, poor people are cannon fodder, fuck poor people teeshirt, poors have bad genes, poor people just want gibs, you’re poor because you’re low quality human, poor people here’s some high interest loans from a white bank owned by a registered republican who contributed to Trump’s campaign, tax cuts for rich people who shorted the housing market before it collapsed, hey go kill these people in Nam poorfag, hey uh we’re gonna tap your phone and um gentrify your city poorfag, hey poorfag listen we’re gonna frack in your county lol sorry about your water and soil, hey man pesticides are no big deal farming is good the democraps hate your right to work and farm, we’re reopening the coal mines so you poor lumpen whytes have some jobs, hey poor fag you kid can play with a pistol fuck democraps, poorfag listen if you go to jail you deserve to be beaten by police and then raped for stealing poptarts at the grocery, criminals should be used as slave labor, poor fag you’re lucky we don’t have the feudal system or ancient white slavery cause id rape your wife and beat the shit out of you for not working hard enough, hey poorfag your kid is ugly i don’t want him on the sportsball team, hey poor fags make your kids play concussion ball and then go to state uni and get a fake degree in engineering so they can make badly designed automobiles with no safety features of course its ok to drink while driving, you don’t need seatbelts hahahaha, poorfag asbestos is no big deal, listen poorfag those liberal faggots told you blowing dust and ash into the sky was bad, and that carbon or whatever isn’t what plants eat man, listen animals are fucking gay and plants are weak, if they die that’s just more land for cities and factories, alright poor fag we need you to stop asking for shorter hours because there is some slavs we have to blow up, go on now 100 hours in the munitions plant chop chop, haha the jews are slave labor doing jobs you don’t want to do, you wouldn’t want to do that would you poor fag? listen poor fag its the jews, ignore the aristos and industrialists we hang out with and the castles we live in and the history of peasant revolts predating jewry in our nation, its the jews, poorfag even tho pharma and defense, chemicals and agro are huwhyte industries its the jews and liberals who made you sick, poorfag you don’t support our military? what are you a faggot traitor? listen we had to go to war with Mexico and invade the phillipines it was our duty. poor fag those injuns are savages and that’s why we gave them small pox blankets, so 200 years later we could pretend they magically got sick from bad immune systems. listen poor fag you have cholera and sewage in your river because of regulations. poor fag why are you always asking for handouts? we get billions in handouts hut that’s because we create the job that underpays you and fills your backyard with pollution.

>> No.10736549

Norm MacDonald Culture of Critique Soyboy Cuck praise KEK! the white male is inherently superior you woman jew negro 56%

>> No.10736561

They will do it to anyone they rule over, not just poor people. And that just sounds like most American politics, 'right wing' doesn't seem to play into it. You get fucked all the same

>> No.10736567

>if you send your kid to school, you're then not allowed to teach them anything else at home
What the fuck are you on about?

>> No.10736573

Are you okay?

>> No.10736598

im on the beach watching the tide recede so yea im having a good time
you don’t understand rw politics or economic theory but that’s ok

>> No.10736602

for some people, yes. but if you're being home schooled because your parents are morons who believe every retarded conspiracy theory that comes across them, you're in for a really bad time.

>> No.10736613

>you don’t understand rw politics or economic theory but that’s ok
No, I most definitely do. I think you are mad, or at least have some kind of mental illness judging from the paragraph you produced.

>> No.10736621

Wtf is this hahahaha

>> No.10736754


No schools admit a random sample of students. If you asked them to conduct blind, randomized admissions, they would laugh at you.

>> No.10736765

ah good retort
exactly what it looks like

>> No.10736775


>> No.10736781

>well I went to public school and I'm still an awkward loser with no social life, so go fuck yourself with your anecdotal garbage.
Nigger... Seriously?

>> No.10736789

What are these numbers based off of?

>> No.10736793

I'm not suggesting they conduct better studies, I'm suggesting that the charts are bullshit, which is correct

>> No.10736794

Lol did babby just take his first statistics class?

>> No.10736858

I think the ideal scenario is one of those quaker schools where they adapt the curriculum to suit the individual student's needs. I had a college reading level in the third grade, so you aren't going to tell me public elementary wasn't a complete waste of my time.

Someday when I have children, I want to be sure I can dictate the curriculum. As soon as they can form written sentences I want them writing basic code. I want algebra to be taught as soon as they learn basic letters and numbers, to be coterminous with programming instruction as the topics share synergy. I would replace the majority of early English instruction with Greek, children should not have to be coddled in their native language, and if they do, then they are not worth the effort. Foreign language should be emphasized early, the old High School and College try are too little too late - rarely do they produce fluency. However one can take a native speaker with little classical training as a HS Freshman and drill them to standard, one cannot do so with a foreign language student starting at level 0.

>> No.10736869

>never expose your children to any amount of risk ever

>> No.10736870


Without knowing what sort of statistical controls they might have used to account for bias, your assumptions are meaningless as they are impertinent. Statistics is a ruthless field driven by peer review, your surface level accusations can't even dirty the sole of a statistician's foot.

>> No.10736872

>reintegration is nearly impossible if the fundamental points of development are absent
Not true, seems a lot of your assumptions are based on opinion rather than fact.

>> No.10736940

Well if you’re just a plain old autistic fuck up I don’t know how being home schooled would help you any.

>> No.10737017

>why don't we amend away with freedom of speech and assembly.
Anti-discrimination laws have already destroyed freedom of assembly and seriously damaged freedom of speech.

>> No.10737263

This board is 99 % leftists who hate people who resist government brainwashing

>> No.10737341

no, it's not

>> No.10737384

my best friend in college was home-schooled. He was from Mississippi and they stopped teaching him after age like 13 he just played in the woods all day with his brothers and hunter. He had to work much harder than most but passed all classes (Marine Transportation) and all his license exams first try. Also he was very popular and a really nice guy.

There is as much of a spectrum on home-schooling as there is traditional education. It really depends on the person.

>> No.10737387

Eh, it depends on how well the home environment is for home schoolers. As someone who's been homeschooled and gone to public school, they can both suck my dick.

>> No.10737404

this board is just insufferable. The ratio of insults to substantive posts is abysmal, it's worse than pol. The entire place reeks of bitter narcissism

>> No.10737479

Public school is below garbage tier in the states. I would say yes. Just fucking put your kids in the scouts or go to a local park if youre worried about them ending up as an autist or whatever

>> No.10737516

Yeah this board defintely has the biggest pricks overall on the website overall but thats part of the fun I suppose.

>> No.10737530

Holy shit I've never been burned so hard by a homeschooler before.

>> No.10737536

It's not that society is right so much as that making your child an outcast to society is wrong.

>> No.10737821

nowadays it's the left telling people to obey the media and the FBI, believe everything their teachers say, turn in their guns and trust the government and major corporations, strange times indeed.

>> No.10737831

I had an entire class on the holocaust for a whole semester back in high school.

>> No.10737944

you pulled that out of your ass. Children are socialized between the ages of 2 and 6; in preschool essentially. Your parents failed you bud, it wasn't homeschooling

>> No.10737956

I like how Americans are so incredibly sensitive to opposite opinions. Six months ago everyone was complaining about much /pol/ now you see people complaining about muh leftishtsh instead

>> No.10738005

Homeschooled kids are brilliant. Most of the IMO participants/medalists were homeschooled

>> No.10738210

>Be American
>Be home"school"ed
>Get shot

>> No.10738212

>You better say what we tell you to say or you get your F's and can kiss your future goodbye

>> No.10738347

Ultimately the most important factor is whether your parents are involved in your education. You should be spending time with your kid at least every single week going over their assignments, helping them plan, and teaching them any of the concepts or ideas that they don’t understand, don’t leave that shit to the teacher to figure out because any kid who doesn’t get it right away is going to be left by the wayside.

>> No.10738406

>now you see people complaining about muh leftishtsh instead

The left is making a lot enemies. I’d imagine most /lit/izens started moving to the right once it started to become acceptable for people to tell you that what you write has no value because you’re male and white and that we should champion the undeserving just because they’re not white, not straight, not cisgender, not healthy, etc.

>> No.10738414

you underestimate how pathetic these guys are, they'll take that abuse for years

>> No.10738415

That makes a lot of sense to me. Thanks for the insight, anon.

>> No.10738491

This whole post will be completely wrong in a decade from now

>> No.10738696

i was homeschooled (by secular atheists) and they let me opt out of school work if i read books

joined late high school, #1 in district, valedictorian, placed state in competitive academic school groups, basically went to school for fun, completely unnecessary. breezed through college. i'm not a particularly gifted guy, just normal. all i did was read books. state school is cancer on your brain.

the social benefits from school are so-so. it isn't as if going to school automatically makes you blossom socially. this is self-apparent but pro-schoolers like to feign ignorance here. the homeschoolers that i know are some of the most socially outgoing people that i've ever met. my social skills blow past the majority of school students. social skills are developed in more ways than just being around other kids. homeschooling builds autonomy and trust in your own ability as an authority.

>> No.10738701

The only way to grow a thick skin is to endure hardship. Keeping your kids at home will not help them.

>> No.10738737

They will keep being left coz they actually read

>> No.10738738


>> No.10738776


i can't remember what my day to day was like since it was so long ago, but i was ultra competitive in swim club, tae kwon do, my parents stuck me in virtually any class they could find locally. bein trained as a junior lifeguard (wtf?). i've gotta be certified in all kinds of stuff. numerous 4h groups, joined groups for things like horseback riding. dog training. helped out at farms. so much time in zoos/museums. spent lots of time gardening. volunteered. there's actual homeschool groups where you go once a week to socialize and once a month for field trips: i met some life-mates there. i spent more time sitting around public pools playin' with all the kids my age than most people did actually socializing in school. went to summer camp every year

i can't even remember it all. there's so much stuff to do as a homeschooler if your parents are getting you out. the idea that school = hardship is utter delusion. if your parents keep you in a box, you're in a box. that will fuck you up even if you do go to school. most shit you earn is outside of school. if all you've learned was at school then you've learned nothing

>> No.10739129

>reading causes leftists to retain leftist ideology

You mean like the Harry Potter series?

>> No.10739133

The problem with homeschool is that doing homeschool well requires a huge amount of effort and investment that not everyone has access to

which is why, in principle, we come together as a society and fund places to do it

>> No.10739201

No it's beyond fucking retarded. I was home schooled for 3-4 years and it completely destroyed my social skills.

T.Haven't made a single friend in 10 years

>> No.10739308

maybe you're just a loser

>> No.10739312

yeah i was homeschool for like a year or two, i had to turn to drugs to make friends, it was bad

>> No.10739319

yeah, I am a loser because of homeschooling. Before that I was a normal kid with a healthy social life.
I knew a couple dealers but never indulged. Why do you say it was bad?

>> No.10739323

>[Board] faggots will never understand anything. The decent ones will continue to be hikikomori losers that die from malnutrition and the bad ones will eventually die out via suicide. The problem is a portion of the latter will choose to do so after some kind of rampage, but I suppose there's comfort in that they're incapable of breeding so they must die out as some point.

>> No.10739325

It kind of is, if it's genetics it's their fault, and if it's due to environment it's their fault.
Either way it's their fault.

>> No.10739329

That's not how greentext works, bud. My post was "implied" by the stupid one before. Your post did not follow at all on the post it responded to. Just trying to help, you come across a little retarded.

>> No.10739357

>i was homeschooled for a year and it ruined my life!

you guys are helpless. you had a potential 20 years of public education and your life was ruined over 1 year?

>> No.10739395

i didn't say it ruined my life, public school ruined my life, homeschooling just deformed my social life

>> No.10739405

I also had a college reading level in third grade. Out of curiosity, what have you done with yourself since?

>> No.10739419

But those aren't true liberals!! Muh idpol

>> No.10739422
File: 32 KB, 400x400, twitter_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Le homeschooler here

I traded my friends, my relationship and high school drama for that sweet NEET lifestyle without most of the consequences. Ultimately, I believe I made a sacrifice in socialization for my sanity and higher grades, and I'm so fucking grateful.

I initially considered homeschooling as it really my only option for a decent education. I was attending a poor urban public school populated by majority black demographic. Coming from a rural white school, this was a fucking culture shock. I learned to adapt and sort of fit in, but I never felt like I belonged there. There were some white kids but they were dorky weaboos and I felt extremely embarrassed to be associated with them, and I was better off becoming a brotha.

Anyways, it was difficult for me to learn in a disruptive environment. I'm not the best student in the first place but it threw me off so much with the fucking yelling and constant discipline during class. The school tries to sell itself as college prep but lets in every dumb motherfucker who enrolls. The general attitude of not giving shit about learning sort of rubbed off on me as well.

I pushed through it for years and just dealt with it, but at a point I got tired of the same old bullshit. What put the nail in the coffin is when some ultra white-guilt liberal hippy English teacher got hired and started talking about shit like muh white privilege. It's so awkward being the only whie boi in class and your virtue signalling libtard teacher from the rez tries to act woke around the black kids.

Because I'm poor I couldn't afford private school, and the other public shitter was worse than where was I attending. That led me to do homeschooling. Like I said I sacrificed most of my social interactions by doing so, but I think there's plenty of time to build new relationships with people. Getting a job, going to the gym, and just being outside of the house as much as possible helps stave away the negative affects of isolation. Besides, Everyone in high school is fake as fuck and temporary anyways. I'm happy to have had my taste of it but I don't miss it much at all.

>> No.10739446

The idea that public schooling increases people's social skills is retarded. The vast majority of people have terrible social skills.

I don't see how sitting next to a bunch of other retards for seven hours a day is supposed to raise your social skills. Most people become friends with each other in school because their last names are close to each so they were seated next to each other lmao

>> No.10739448

It doesn't matter why people become friends, it matters that they do. Becoming friends with someone because you both named your pet rock Ernie is a quintessential part of the human experience and it is something you won't be able to experience by being homeschooled.

>> No.10739454


Damn, I guess know one had friends before they invented school

>> No.10739456


Damn, that one year of homeschooling really fucked up my spelling

>> No.10739471

I was homeschooled from 2nd grade until I was 14 and I think this is pretty accurate, give or take a few years. I'm glad I homeschooled when I was young and I'm glad I went to a normal (well, private) school when I was a teen.

>> No.10740379

>Leave the place with world renowned prep schools and send them somewhere where the most popular names in their schools aren't even native

>> No.10740407

Home school until middle school age, then send to private middle school (non-overnight), then send them to a boarding prep school, then a small liberal arts college, then a large research university. Best results coming through.

>> No.10740415

t. idiot

>> No.10740428

Who the fuck are you? This is some facebook mom tier bait. Go the fuck back to reedit, please, I beg you.

>> No.10740632

homeschooled until junior year here, I loved it and my only regret is that I had to enter the public school system to get a high school transcript for college. I had plenty of friends growing up, sounds like you're both a couple of autistic nerds looking to offload responsibility for your fuckups on to mommy and daddy.