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10727640 No.10727640 [Reply] [Original]

Is this the future of poetry and literature in general? A new age of ultra simplism and minimalism?

>> No.10727710

Yes. Distillation has been an on going pattern for years. Our humor is summed up into single picture memes, our poetry is no longer than two sentences, and our music contains 3-4 notes.

This is the world we live in now. Get used to it.

>> No.10727718

yeah, any kind of sophisticated poetry is racist and sexist because only white men can do it

>> No.10727720

The Brainlet Society

>> No.10727724

I know this is just a meme but I predict the Rupi backlash will go mainstream soon

>> No.10727728

>Rupi backlash

>> No.10727741

Memes are very very PC, humor got distilled into something like saying omg bacon, or the ground is lava, humor used to talk about sensible stuff while liberating tension, but the nu-humor just occludes any controversial debate with darth vader references, 80s references and all in all a sea of irrelevancy and consumism used as a pivot for bonding, making finally a fragile bond, because the memer knows it all has no value, no root, no meaning attached.

>> No.10727807

Oh christ stop being such a prissy faggot. Nowadays a meme is basically just any kind of joke where the internet is the primary place it's being shared. Obviously the qualities can vary but it's not indicative of the downfall of western intellectual thought or whatever the fuck you're trying to portray it as. If anything memes are far better now than the demotivationals, rage comics and 'i can haz cheesburger' shit from the aughts.

>> No.10727822

>do you know how often flowers confuse me for home?

yes, a total of zero (0) times.

>> No.10727823

Meaning that more people will start believing that her poems are bad and she's a shallow writer

>> No.10727860

you're right, they forced highschoolers in Australia to analyse feminist, rupi-tier quadroon "poetry" in the final English exam last year and the whole year level of kids got censored and harassed on kikebook after making monkey typewriter memes about the half abo thot who wrote the abomination
young normalfags know what's up, though of course the extent of their own literacy is mainstream internet culture

>> No.10727872

this isn't minimalism. it's platitudes, regurgitated opinions, and shitty drawings with random linebreaks. it only qualifies as poetry because retards on instagram classify it as such. it's sickening.

>> No.10727875

Rupi backlash =/= making fun of "quadroons" on "kikebook." Her poems aren't bad because of her identity. Rupi's poetry is shit when considered on its own merits, and that's all you need.

>> No.10727887

i like this one

>> No.10727912

no, I disagree. Rupi Kaur's poems are disgusting because not only are they shit, she writes about her obnoxious identity.
>muh brown vagina empowers me against the white patriarchy
is why they are so irksome, I could forgive the shitty poems if they were simply shit and not so antagonistic and obnoxious

>> No.10727914

But in particular, the social engineers are hell-bent on getting people to respect their terrible poetry, in all reality precisely because of their 'identity'.

>> No.10727936

Right, so how she writes about her identity is bad and cringey. That doesn't mean that another Indian girl couldn't come along and write something thoughtful and beautiful, possibly unrelated to her identity at all.
Besides, it's possible to write about race and gender that aren't so obnoxious, moralizing, and trite. Toni Morrison is an example of someone who tackles these issues in a nuanced and aesthetic way.

>> No.10727949

alright, I missed the mark again
it's obnoxious because of the blatant politicisation and ideology saturating every surface of the works, which is what compels the consumer machine to promote this shit poetry and why it will even end up in schools

>> No.10727952

So an appropriate backlash wouldn't just dive further into the identity politics pit, which is what would happen if you dismissed her poetry on the basis of her identity (which would also imply that other poetry is good because the authors are the "right" identity). The response should be an acknowledgement that identity does not confer quality.

>> No.10727997

But that is precisely the response which is disallowed by the PC elite. It is no longer acceptable to ignore or minimalize or marginalize or otherwise -ize somebody's identity (unless they're a white male!)

Now, you might say, this is just paranoia, or this is reactionary, but you'd be quite wrong. You can just read the things the leftist intelligentsia write. They're quite explicit about this. They consider 'whiteness' as an identity to be uniquely illegitimate, while endorsing identitarianism for all other groups

>> No.10728005

The left shows us a very important lesson, one that all should follow: Do not become a slave to history.

>> No.10728050

Tbh I don't think a Rupi backlash will be that deep. People will just start to notice that this particular empress has no clothes and her star will begin to fall. I do agree with you that a lot of people on the left/academia endorse identitarianism and tribalism, which I deeply disagree with. But there are still people out there who are willing to stick their necks out and go against the grain. I do think that there will be a shift someday away from identitarianism, but it won't happen if people try to deny the reality of these identities entirely. There will have to be an acknowledgement that various categories/identities are real but they're not the only important things about a person or their work.

>> No.10728334

I'm writing an environmentalist epic poem. It is divided in three sections. The first one describes the river that crosses the city I live in before the city was there. The landscape was lush and mermaids played in the river's water. Destruction comes in the second section, as the city emerges. The mermaids die off.
But do they? The third section is a tale of restoration. I find the last mermaid alive and we procreate, gifting the world with an entire generation (we have lots of sex and fish can pop out babies pretty fast) of half-mermaids. They teach the civilization how to live in harmony with Nature and they clean up the river.

>> No.10728369
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>> No.10728374

what if the 'backlash' was just a huge production of poems in Rupi's style just to show how vulgar they really are?

>> No.10728389

What's up with the all lowercase trend? And lack of punctuation? Is it just a fad?

>> No.10728418
File: 53 KB, 587x259, Screen Shot 2018-02-20 at 12.13.15 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's done purely for instagram aesthetics. There's no deeper meaning.

>“This guy is the best,” she says, noticing an edition of Kafka’s complete stories; she’s referring to Peter Mendelsund, the book’s designer. “The dream is to have him design my next book.” His work, she points out, translates well across media — to different sizes, to posters, to digital.

>> No.10728419

What the fuck. How did I not hear about this? Which state?
My money is on NSW

>> No.10728474

>which state?
Typical amerifag.

>> No.10728682

funny stuff

>> No.10728729

Yeah. Yeah.

There is more and more content and the same time, although because of this it seems that you have less time. This makes readings easier and/or shorter (why do you think twitter was successful?) and causes publishers to publish shorter books and/oor with a pauperish content but disguised with font sizes.

>> No.10728767
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everything is the inspirational chain email
your mother forwarded you
from her bible study group
or motivational text on instagram

>> No.10728830

Australians are even trashier than I thought

>> No.10728850

shut up cunt

>> No.10728905

You could take old poems, simplicize them into ideas over few words, and have better and more rich results than kaur has.

>> No.10728947

it is a blessing
to be the color of milk
do you know how often
teeth thank me for calcium

>> No.10728950

this land is
waste land
but then
thunder comes

>> No.10728952

> posts another pepe meme

>> No.10728957

yeah i get people want to be woke but what if i want to go back to bed like wtf i gotta wake up ever day i hate it

>> No.10728982


>> No.10728993

idont have a single frog in my computer.

>> No.10728997
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>> No.10729017

Is this real or satire? It's the most narcissistic thing I've ever read

>> No.10729031

thing is. shes talking about her disgusting hairy ass. hair = flowers in feminist neospeak. its all in code, its all delusions of grandeur and crypto gender fascism.

>> No.10729041

why am i so
im like

- rupi kaur

>> No.10729045

It's a blessing
To be the color of shit
Do you know how often
I don't use the toilet

>> No.10729052

why are women allowed to be dumb and still prosper? its unfair.

>> No.10729059

idk if you're memeing me right now, I thought a similar thing because it reminded me of a another doodle she did where trees grow up a woman's leg to represent hair. So she's saying she's proud of being Indian because she's hairy

>> No.10729060

it is a blessing
to be the coulour of light
do you know how often
lessers confuse me for god

>> No.10729064

I cannot spell, at least I am not brown

>> No.10729069

its the kind of subject so ridiculous you need to constantly check is people are making up evidence or not. i think the hair = flower metaphor is proper. theres probably tons more, but im not deconstructing that shit.

>> No.10729089

Isn’t that the point? She's saying how it sucks to be brown, having your skin shit colored doesn’t help for anything

>> No.10729099
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underrated cheeky post

>> No.10729456
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I feel you anon, her poems have always bothered me and I think its because they're more about a visual art than they are verbal or actually poetic.

They feel rough, course, and unfinished to say with the syllables, sound notes, and etc.

They're always accompanied by a picture too, usually something vaguely minimalist that sort of captures the overall simplistic notes of the poem.

For example in the poem above, the second line the word "often" phonetically is so abrupt with the -ten- portion, just throws the entire liquid phonetics use of the poem off.

Its like shes whispering the entire time then she just slaps you in the face then goes back to whispering. And for what dramatic effect; the underlying of the fact she occurrence she speaks of happens a lot?

Like why not just use "much" instead. The -ch- blends way better with the previous -th- from "earth" and then you have this concurrent whisper mote following throughout.

Like I get it, aesthetics wise its beautiful, but surely we can do better than just visually appealing.

>> No.10729609

that's what the poem was saying

>> No.10729613

Poetry hasn't had a future outside of music for a long time.

>> No.10729624

well yeah
>don't you know how OFTEN i am subjected to the racism, the sexism, the HATE? woe is me