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/lit/ - Literature

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10722743 No.10722743[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>____ bodies in ____ spaces

>> No.10722888


>> No.10722889

square, triangular

>> No.10722905

delicate, delicate

>> No.10722923


>> No.10723061

hot, outer

>> No.10723063

weak, lonely

>> No.10723070

Black bodies in white spaces

>> No.10723073

Anonymous, empty

>> No.10723081

Black bodies in white orifices

>> No.10723098

Warped, narrow

>> No.10723103

Worn-out; the same old

>> No.10723292

Hot, just as nature intended

>> No.10723381
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Nameless, unremembered

>> No.10723535
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>towards a ___ of ___
>the Real

>> No.10723546

You could have put in the effort to use single words.
'Numb bodies in bland spaces'.

>> No.10723549

you forgot

>> No.10723550

any time i see these words i immediately mentally tap out, am i a reactionary?

>> No.10723555

diary, desu

>> No.10723574
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>hermeneutics of
>___ is an attempt to

>> No.10723586

Animate, inanimate

>> No.10723598

lol at (par)entheses. this is one of my biggest pet peeves

also those stupid attempts at alliteration of otherwise totally different words whose juxtaposition are supposed to be illuminating. i cant even think of an example. it always strikes me as such a cheap literary criticism trick that academics love to toss into their arguments. whats this called is this making sense

>> No.10723644
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>Black (capitalized)
>lived experience
>intersection of
>deployment of
>power structures
>dialogue with

>> No.10723651

Black Bodies by Ta-Nehisi Coates

>> No.10723661
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>> No.10723662

Decent Mountain Goats album desu

>> No.10723674


The Technopo(e)litics of Rupi Kaur: (de)Colonial AestheTics and Spatial Narrations in the DigiFemme Age

Abstract: Rupi Kaur, a trending poetess of Instagram, has recently gained critical acclaim online for her newly published poetry collection milk and honey which is a stunning depiction of trauma, survival, love, womanhood, and friendship. Identifying as a first-generation Canadian, Punjabi-Sikh, woman of color, Kaur works visually in her book and on Instagram to portray and subvert how space functions to produce the gendered, diasporic subject as a body that is “unhomed.” Through the complex interplay of illustrated imagery and verse, Kaur contests the violent spatial (and bordering) practices of nationalism by positioning her poems’ personae in new and different ways to occupy, produce, and claim space off and online—performances of celebration, reclamation, resistance, and ultimately, acts of (de)colonial self-love. Kaur’s art and cyberspatial narration adds an important dimension to considering the colonial project of space. Occupying space on Instagram, Kaur supplants the place where women have traditionally been relegated. It is exactly the embodied telling of Kaur’s artwork that she attributes to the importance of its public nature: the Instagram becomes the home—rehomed by her art—whereas the nation becomes the network. Through Kaur’s narratives shared online, Kaur connects to a cyberspatial sisterhood and demonstrates that healing through narrative is necessarily collective.

>> No.10723683

literal braindamage from reading this

>> No.10723695

jesus christ

>> No.10723707
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>the absolute state of my university

>> No.10723711
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>Fat studies

>> No.10723718

Human communication as a whole loses literally nothing if we make these words dissapear, they communicate nothing that exists out there, its just smoke.

>> No.10723719


>> No.10723727

This is repulsive.

>> No.10723736

This thread is a slap in the balls.

>> No.10723741

Any humanities grad students ITT care to state their opinion on the absolute trash that is peddled in those fields?

>> No.10723756

the humanities are mostly daycare centers for oversized children, nothing to do with academia really

>> No.10723760

When i entered psychology i xouldnt believe the retarded sbit they would spew, i coulsnt believe i was getting indebt for such nonsensical drivel. No rigurosity, just feels, feels and women talking bullshit.

>> No.10723773

its such a cop out but professors/publishers eat that shit up. i'd rather read a high schooler's essay than waste my time digesting buzzwords

im posting here because i am guilty of using a ton of these tactics. i had a shit education in high school and didnt know how to write, then i got transported into humanities academia and basically learned that this was the right way (which, practically speaking, it is in order to get you recognition). while i dont think one should (or even could) reduce a lot of academic writing to like basic syllogisms that make a literary criticism paper sound like a legal document, the bullshit that flies as pointed out ITT is fucking pathetic and unworthy of even a grain of attention. again i think it is a product of pseud imitation/rote learning without any thought put it into it. and of course your daily dose of identity pandering

>> No.10723822

it's strange because I genuinely enjoy reading Foucault, Deleuze and others, and I do understand why an opaque language is often appropriate in theory/criticism, but there are so many hack academics (particularly at Anglo universities) who abuse the tropes of the style and say absolutely nothing worthwhile

>> No.10723825

>Just want cozy office job
>Like programming, math
>Go to school for CS
>Any gen ed that isnt strictly a literature class eventually returns to wiritngs like ITT
please make it stop. I'm running out of literature classes to take

>> No.10723835


>The contemporary poet Rupi Kaur has recently gained critical acclaim for her newly published poetry collection milk and honey. Kaur portrays and attempts to subvert the diasporic subject. Through the interplay of illustration and verse, Kaur contests the practices of nationalism by positioning her poems’ personae in new and different ways to occupy, produce, and claim space off and online. Through Instagram, Kaur supplants the place where women have traditionally been relegated. The Instagram becomes the home, whereas the nation becomes the network. Through digital media, Kaur demonstrates that healing through narrative is necessarily collective.

tried to salvage what i could

>> No.10723842

realized how many "through"s there are, wtf

>> No.10723845

>>Any gen ed that isnt strictly a literature class eventually returns to wiritngs like ITT
what's gen ed?

>> No.10723850

what is claiming space?

>> No.10723865

me too, there are a ton of great thinkers/theorists that are written off for their opacity by the very same people who write in the style ITT. i think its a product of anglo universities teaching broad overviews and hamfisting cheap narratives into any field of knowledge. deleuze studied history of philosophy in college, and at most schools that's totally written off because they're all "old white men"

academics need to let the text or object of study speak for itself, and not be afraid to dive deep into something that might not conform to whatever grand delusion the institution propagates. why im into early CCRU stuff despite its overwhelming depth and difficulty

>> No.10723869

you're right, didnt catch that. you could ask that same question to almost every "argument" made in that abstract and probably never have it answered by the author beyond another reference to the same class of buzzwords

>> No.10723874

the other night I was speaking with a humanities student about philosophy -- turns out, that despite being invested in 'radical theory', she has never read and refuses to engage with Kant, Hegel, Heidegger because "they're racist as fuck"

>> No.10723875
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also relevant to this discussion --- this book immensely helped me break these shitty habits

>> No.10723878

dude that shit sucked so bad, totally irrelevant in the 21st century, it's like some shit my mom would have been into when she was in grad school

>> No.10723879

lol she will never make it past medium/twitter

>> No.10723881

Something that encourages STEMfags to get in just a tiny bit of human interaction before they graduate
Gen eds are just entry-level humanities courses students are required to take. Alot of Engineer types hate them. But I think they do some good.

>> No.10723884

Hegel and Heidegger are nonsense though. No different from the greentext in this thread

>> No.10723889

i got a lot out of it, despite its age. keep in mind the people reading your dissertation are probably older than your mom anyway. nonetheless, got any recs?

>> No.10723892
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>> No.10723916
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>I learned a lot from my teachers. ... This instruction was very hard and heavy, very demanding according to classical norms. I was trained in those very classical norms. And probably people who read me and think I am playing with or transgressing norms--which I do, of course--usually don’t know what I know: that all of this has not only been made possible by but is constantly in contact with very classical, rigorous, demanding discipline in writing. ... the fact that I am at some level true to this classical teaching is essential. ... When I take liberties, it’s always by measuring the distance from the standards I know or that I’ve rigorously been trained in.
>Deconstruction questions the thesis, theme, the positionality of everything. ... We have to study the models and the history of the models and then try not to subvert them for the sake of destroying them but to change the models and invent new ways of writing--not as a formal challenge, but for ethical, political reasons.
>I wouldn’t approve of simply throwing texts into disorder. First, deconstructing academic professional discourse doesn’t mean destroying the norms or pushing these norms to utter chaos. I’m not in favor of disorder.
>I started with the tradition. If you’re not trained in the tradition, then deconstruction means nothing. It’s simply nothing.

>> No.10723919
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>because "they're racist as fuck"

>> No.10723921

sounds good to me, too bad many of the humanities have been memefied

>> No.10723967

also wanted to say, for those of you currently working on a degree, have you experienced the complete shit show when in a seminar and a reference to trump is made? its like everyone leaves their brain to eyeroll and repeat whatever truism they saw on twitter moments and the discussion comes to a full stop so they can congratulate each other on their insightful take. i have a hunch it is the same people doing "de(colon)ial fat studies"

damn well said, but i have actual personal reasons for avoiding Derrida like the plague

>> No.10723980

haven't read him desu, sounds too playfully french to be interesting to me but i've read good second hand things about the guy

>> No.10724067
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It's the queers AKA the alternative lifestyle community they are invariably the most dogmatic righteous and ideological lemmings around. They pretty much fit all the checklist items for a cult.

>> No.10724089

>art as cultural resistance

>> No.10724098

nigger, dead nigger storage

>> No.10724109

wheres the mutt thread?

>> No.10724119

do you unironically enjoy this album?
i find there are like 3 good songs on it

>> No.10724191

It's not that great of an album but it has a couple of really good songs, definitely front loaded but very enjoyable

>> No.10724207
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>tfw slowly becoming virulently homophobic

Btw Read the book SIEGE by James Mason

>> No.10724336

virgin, cyber

>> No.10725069

is this a joke

>> No.10725211

fecal, toilet

>> No.10725223

Hide, empty

>> No.10725234

let the, hit the floor

>> No.10725255

luminescent, hallowed

>> No.10725917
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>The proof has been left as an exercise for the reader.

>> No.10725984


unironically fuck this earth

>> No.10725999

>anal y autism

>> No.10726008

>out there
Fuck off, Platonist.

>> No.10726014

Psychology is STEM you fucking autist.

>> No.10726025

t. didn't read neechee
muh anal autism just talk about trains not trans pls

>> No.10726045

>space and place

>> No.10726078

LMAO no it isn't. Social Science is not included in STEM.

>> No.10726080

>ree phenomenology triggers me im stuck in kantian nonsense

>> No.10726085

Yes it is, sperglord. Find a whip.

>> No.10726098

are you trying to defend horrid writing like the kaur paper linked above? i've read neechee and all the big french names, and respect certainl Anglo scholars reliant on the translated prose style (Rosalind Krauss comes to mind), but so much of what is peddled in the humanities under that style is trash

>> No.10726118

and everything in your precious STEM is trash, you illiterate autist.

>> No.10726135

t. buttblasted complit major who thinks parenthesizing prefixes of nouns is a radical (dis)placing of neoliberal order

>> No.10726149

Project harder, maggot. I'm a motherfucker coming for you.

>> No.10726209
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>this passes for academic research, but being a fascist is a no-no
Time to burn it all down.

>> No.10726232

Siege isn't redpill literature, it's full-blown natsoc.

>> No.10726242

Like "see-through stone" or "solid space"? I do a lot of alliteration that's mostly unintentional like say "chameleon cloak" or something, but I feel like that makes sense.

>> No.10726251

>also those stupid attempts at alliteration of otherwise totally different words whose juxtaposition are supposed to be illuminating. i cant even think of an example.
"Social Science"

>> No.10726268

>read SIEGE
>converts to Islam and shoots up school
how about not being a fucking worthless piece of shit, you fucking idiots make normal ironic nazis look terrible

>> No.10726278

I hate how immigration is just a journey of suffering from one shithole to a different (racist) shithole.

>> No.10726313

I'm convinced that all of humanities academia is just creative writing now. Nobody is interested in truth or scholarship, they're interested in imaginary jargon, fantasy, and worldbuilding.

>> No.10726323

you have something here. like write a novel but try and get it published in a scientific journal

>> No.10726343

Columbia has always been Semitic. it's not a very recent phenomenon. Why do you think Pynchon sent his kid there?

>> No.10727317

young, safe

>> No.10727353

>tfw no amphetamine addiction studies
>tfw no heroin activism
>tfw no PhD in compulsive masturbation

>> No.10727367



>> No.10727378

I remember the first time I saw this, I was convinced it had to be a joke. Oh, the naivety.

>> No.10727402

QT Finnish, utter joy as they contort themselves about my extra-penile

>> No.10727449

Jewish, Palestinian occupier

>> No.10727461

>the Instagram

>> No.10727483

I legitimately confused how people like this make a living. Do most of these types live off their parents or do they stumble into some sort of non-profit?

>> No.10727486

this, I'm starting to feel oppressed..

>> No.10727503

An interrogation of Hyper-murder and its relation to late capitalist space: intersection, infection, transaction

>> No.10727690
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>> No.10727965


>> No.10728336
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>queer theory
>critical _____ studies

>> No.10728365

This thread reminded me of this lovely Deleuze related journal while dicking around on the internet one day:


On a series of queer becomings:
Selected Becomings-invertebrate 2003-2005
>I tie my feet to a rock on Penarth beach and stand for half an hour until the tide reaches my knees. I then crouch in the water and attempt to masturbate. Modesty and the effect of cold water prevents me from doing this for long so I get out of the water and retreat underneath the cliff-face, where I masturbate and ejaculate into an empty 35mm film canister. Back in the water, I re-attach myself to a rock and release the semen into the sea.
>For two hours I trail a mucous trail with my tongue over the interior surface of a greenhouse, wearing only a jockstrap and a camouflage-print gymsack. Inside the gymsack is a large water bottle containing a mixture of my own urine, faeces, vomit and semen. The greenhouse is shared with a number of other lives snails collected from the wild in Cardiff Bay, themselves moving and existing independently of, but alongside, me on the glass.


The Force that Through the Wall Drives the Penis:
The Becomings and Desiring-Machines of Glory Hole Sex
>While it may seem appropriate to think of a penis protruding from a hole in a wall as an organ without a body, it is this very act that reconstitutes the molar body behind the wall as a Body without Organs. Glory hole sex establishes a series of becoming-molecular, becoming-woman, and finally becoming-imperceptible.
>Many of the individuals I spoke with referred to glory hole sex as "pure sex" because only the penis itself was present and not the full body of a male subject. "I only have a physical relationship with men and only with their cocks" one informant told me. Likewise, another said; "It's the male cock that turns me on, not their bodies. So I'm bi for cock."

Top academia

>> No.10728739

real, euclidian topological.

>> No.10728750

Only tards lul at their own post.

>> No.10728887

cramped, damp

>> No.10728894

dayum nigga we gotta throw the whole planet away

>> No.10728907

idk why but queer theorists really love their synonyms. you can't go a paragraph without some bullshit like 'the nascent, burgeoning, as-yet-unaccomplished motivation'

just fucking say what you want to say

>> No.10728922

nah m8 what's probably the most fucked up thing about all this is that these are the people who get into toptier PhD programs and get massive stipends and go on to have lustrous academic careers. these are the 'winners' of academia nowadays

>> No.10728934

Lovecraftian, Kafkaesque

>> No.10729518
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Honest question to all the 'queers', 'transgenders' and other victimized members of the LGBT marginalized cultural Marxism community: how young is too young to start r*ping them? I mean "queering their gender binaries"

>> No.10729584

most of them have nothing to say

>> No.10729751

absolutely based

>> No.10729760

>>10728934 < vice-versa

>> No.10729901

ahaha french philosophy is a joke

>> No.10730459

Heads and

>> No.10730798
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I think you're on the wrong board

>> No.10731917

don't confuse (((Anglo))) academia wankery for French philosophy

>> No.10732072
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>generalise this result

let x = 17
let y = 17
let z = 289

x*y = z, where x, y and z are any real numbers


>> No.10732294

The product of two primes is a semiprime?
The product of two equal integers is a square?
The product of two integers is an integer?
I don't understand what generalizing this would look like.

>> No.10732526

What exactly is queer theory about?

>> No.10732792

>lived experience
literally just a synonym for anecdote

>> No.10732797

just kill me now

>> No.10732812

>"It's the male cock that turns me on, not their bodies. So I'm bi for cock."
Yeah thats how it is. I can relate to this.

>> No.10732936

authoethnography (i.e. blogposting) is unironically considered a legitimate research method in many of the fields in question

>> No.10732985

what's "deial fat studies"?

>> No.10733566

the joke was parenthesizing "colon".
by the way, I'm glad that Derridean parentheses gimmick is so widespread as it's a quick way for me to determine if an academic piece in question is worth reading --- if half of the prefixes are parenthesized, it's most certainly not

>> No.10733604

It literally reads like it was written by an AI with data from millenial college student dissertations

>> No.10733786

> narrative medicine
> healing futurities
> fat activism

lol I thought only NYU produced these clown degrees

>> No.10733791

more like de(colo)nial fat studies

>> No.10733793

>fat studies

>Yup its fat!

>> No.10733885

Fucking WHITE MALES are against my de(colon)izing fat(((studies))) so im gonna go nuts on 4chin lollll

>> No.10733895

Well at least he used his accademic "career" to make a nice copypasta

>> No.10734035
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>> No.10734990

>fat studies
>they don't actually study fat people and how to improve their lives
makes you think

>> No.10735035

>the absolute state of fat studies

>> No.10735039


>The opposite of fat time is not thin time, but no time. No time is capitalist and lean in character. Unlike no time under capitalism, which shrinks, compresses, and staves off time, fat time offers more. The tempo of fat temporality may be understood as swift and big because of its immediacy and dimensionality—it moves toward many places at once. It is an anticapitalist production of time akin to collective self-care—it recuperates and increases time by producing it now and later. Fat time makes fatness more knowable. It satisfies and celebrates time, space, and who and what exists within it.

based fat studies scholars resisting neoliberal capitalist hegemony by navigating their bodies in fat time through fat spaces

>> No.10735072

>fat time
>Fat bodies, like normative bodies, are made meaningful in relation to normative notions of time. Fat bodies, however, fail to “keep up” with normative tempos
oh my kek

>> No.10735100

>Queer historiographers have been influenced by Walter Benjamin’s critiques of linear time in which he suggests that time is not straight or necessarily forward moving but may instead be made of folds and wrinkles, a favorable metaphor given common features of the fat body that exuberate a physical renunciation of linearity.

such a disgraceful reading and invocation of benjamin. academics like this need to understand that not all metaphors work. its just intellectually dishonest at this point. "folds in time" is incomparable to the fucking folds in a fat person's body, its like the author didnt even take a minute to actually look into what Benjamin wanted to say

>> No.10735111

Why? Becuz u have autism?

>> No.10735118

ww3 when?

>> No.10735121

>wah why arent you showing off how le white and le logical u are

>> No.10735131

cloned, office

>> No.10735151

Because in almost all cases those authors are hacks without anything worthwhile to say, and so they resort to cheap gimmicks (which, by the way, derive from translated French writing) that make their writing seem "clever".

>> No.10735159

ah you're that same buttblasted anon from earlier. I'm interested in hearing your defense of someone masturbating into the ocean as a serious intellectual inquiry. I actually do respect Deleuze's philosophy before you raise le ignorant STEM strawman

>> No.10735178

>he doesn't perform the higly spiritual and symbolic act of mating with the source of all life on a daily basis
never gonna make it

>> No.10736637

t. illiterate autodidact
>muh serious white man le science truth
Not the point.

>> No.10736662

t. goytoy who is tens of thousands in debt for a humanities degree and remains illiterate

>> No.10736668

Project harder. Find a rope.

>> No.10736729

you're an insecure pseud

>> No.10736764

>muh masturbating like a sponge and eating dirt before getting pozzed
kys retard