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10716725 No.10716725 [Reply] [Original]

Why bother reading books approved by bland normie sheep when the true life insights are on the internet?

>> No.10716737

I dunno, maybe you can just like reading and other stuff? I don't get laid too but my life doesn't revolve entirely around that fact.

>> No.10716743

Basically all these studies deal with first impressions of course personality is going to be judged superficially.
I mean what the fuck do you expect, are people supposed to know your life story just looking at your tinder profile?

>> No.10716746

oh it's/r9k/ using genetic determinism to prevent themselves from ever improving their station in love again. what a shock.

>> No.10716792


what do I do?

>> No.10716795

See >>10716737

>> No.10716816

it extends beyond getting laid. apparently people have been judging me poorly my entire life, I will never experience love, and no one will ever have the balls to tell me that it's because I have the wrong genetics. everything I do will be lesser simply because I'm not attractive by any metric.

>> No.10716817

Read Houellebecq

>> No.10716820

Yeah thats true. Now what?

>> No.10716827

suicide I guess? why bother living life socially crippled, always having to try harder while likely being mocked behind my back? this casts a good deal of my life in a new way that makes a lot more sense.

>> No.10716830

Sounds like a plan, catch you on the flip side

>> No.10716843

Not him but not a reason to be so mean, thread was already off-topic anyway.

>> No.10716852

he's just being honest. doing me more of a favor than my family and friends ever did.

>> No.10716855
File: 32 KB, 344x487, Young-Bill-Gates.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>your entire future and happiness are decided by your looks

Agreed. Just look at the raw animal sexuality and soulful vitality of this face.

>> No.10716878


Become Sartre. Dude was a literal midget, standing at 5 feet with retard eyes, yet he managed to seduce all of France.

>> No.10716881

I'm probably barely above an iq of 120. I doubt I have anything of note to offer in any field.

>> No.10716883

shhhh! Let them wallow in their delusions in peace.

>> No.10716889

kek neither did Sartre

>> No.10716890


>> No.10716893

Yeah posting the extreme outlier sure disproved the trend alright.

>> No.10716921

We have a guy talking like he may as well kill himself if he's not handsome. Anyone can be an outlier

>> No.10716932

I think being ugly and not being handsome are two very different things.

>> No.10716938

Sure either way you could go outside and meet your dream qt tomorrow. Maybe its one in a billion chance of it ever happening but its a chance. There are no guarantees in this world

>> No.10716941

Wrong. No one gives a crap about your looks in tech/academic industry. Look at famous mathematicians, they all look like crap. Stop making dumb excuses and get over yourself. The only real thing that can stop you from achieving anything is serious health problems.

>> No.10716942

There are no guarantees but there are probabilities. I don't count on winning the lottery.

>> No.10716943

What the fuck do these r9k faggots even want? A hug? A certificate that proves them 'right', that getting laid really isn't equally easy for everyone?

I can think of many categories of people who suffer way more than some random 20 year old guy who can't get laid.

>> No.10716947

Famous mathematicians tend to be geniuses.

>> No.10716955

They're like Jews, they lobby together and talk about their love life likes its the Holocaust because they're cynically hoping to social engineer a climate of resentment toward the success they don't have. To lower the happiness of others for lack of willingness to elevate their own.
A disgusting self interested crew no better than the Chads they despise

>> No.10716967

>self interested
for me this is the key element. most angry elliot rodger types are just selfish cunts. they can't realize that they're actually narcissists.

>> No.10716977

What else should I care about?

>> No.10716978


>> No.10716988

other people? honestly, read 'how to win friends and influence people'. sounds gay, but if you're a disagreeable type (like me) it's a pretty useful read. some of it is pretty dopey, and its clearly written for a pretty slow audience but read it anyway.

>> No.10717027

the only people that give a fuck about me are my family because of genetics and the few remaining friends I have from high school who use me as an unpaid therapist. why would I live for other people when I have no personal satisfaction in life?

>> No.10717031

>A certificate that proves them 'right'
This basically. People keep telling each other looks don't matter, just be confident bro, etc. It's a rude awakening when you realize looks are basically the ONLY thing that matters. Not even height or frame matter, since they presuppose a handsome face. When a girl says she likes tall guys, she isn't thinking of a 6'6 skinny nerd covered in acne. Same when they tell you they like "confidence". They picture a tall, dark, handsome guy being confident, not the leader of the chess club.

>> No.10717040

>It's a rude awakening when you realize looks are basically the ONLY thing that matters.

Except they totally aren't. Its very telling how young and suburban these people are when they don't even talk about money and status
Shits complicated and it'd be great if we could have a D&D character sheet for our lives so we always know where we are and what we should do but its so much more complicated

>> No.10717054

I'll give you status. Money is closely interlinked but it's a very beta mating strategy. Provider, not lover. The thing is even if you have lots of money and get laid left and right, deep down you know they only like you for your money. It must be very depressing. Compare this to the handsome but poor construction worker. I'll guarantee you he has the happier life.

>> No.10717056

If you think Sartre was intelligent maybe you should stay a virgin (fucking men is also an option, just don't reproduce).

>> No.10717060

>The thing is even if you have lots of money and get laid left and right, deep down you know they only like you for your money. It must be very depressing

As difficult it may be to accept there's a long history of people who are only liked for their appearance feeling the exact same way. We all desire something more

>> No.10717067

I really don't get this /r9k/ gig. Me and most of my friends are butt ugly and everyone has AT LEAST one autistic interest. Everyone drinks, smokes and almost everyone is pretty average in intelligence, no one is particularly rich, blah blah blah but all of us always had gfs / hung out with girls

>> No.10717074

Probably ugly loser girls though, I unironically rather be a virgin

>> No.10717102

>why would I live for other people?
I didn't suggest this. you wrote "what else should I care about?' and I replied "other people". as in, 'you should care about other people'. from what I've read so far, you don't seem to care about anyone other than yourself. you don't appreciate your family, and you don't appreciate your friends.
> the few remaining friends I have from high school who use me as an unpaid therapist
consider this - your friends see you as someone who they can reliably talk to about difficult personal issues. whether they acknowledge it or not, they value you. here's the kicker - you don't recognize (and won't accept) this because you don't think they have anything worth providing to you. you think this because you see them as being below you. they can't provide you with a sense of value because they are inferior.

start caring about other people, get hobbies, pursue interests, achieve things, eat well and exercise.
pretty much just look at maslow's hierarchy of needs and compare it to what you do at present.

>ugly loser girls
this is an illustration of the shitty, self-centered attitude most elliot roger types have.

>> No.10717107

that's a lot of "objective" data (not really) but mine and most other people's actual experience contradict it. things like charisma matter quite a lot when it comes to dating and all other social interactions.

plenty of ugly and/or short and/or narrow and/or non-white people do well romantically (and otherwise socially) because they are charming and fun to be around.

it's important to realize that these claims are always made by men with low romantic success who are bitter/jaded by this fact and try to justify their learned helplessness by picking and choosing data to match their preconceived (and flawed) perception of reality. (unscientific)

go back to sluthate or at the very least /r9k/, incel

it's absurd to resign yourself to what you think is a miserable existence, nobody who's ever achieved anything has done so through complacency.

>> No.10717122

Would agree with this post but its reddit spaced so now I hate women and normies

>> No.10717133

Or go full on Elon and fuck bitches because ritches

>> No.10717139

>women like tall, strong, attractive men
>boo hoo how shallow!


>> No.10717143

I don't go on reddit. why are paragraphs "reddit"?

is going through a minimum amount of effort to provide cohesive points really considered "reddit"?

truthfully it just seems like a lazy ad-hominem.

>> No.10717151

>eat well
what's your idea of a healthy diet?

what's your idea of a healthy exercise routine?

>> No.10717154

Sentences spaced out into isolated lines is the opposite of paragraphs. This is a paragraph.

Sentences spaced out into isolated lines is the opposite of paragraphs.

This is not a paragraph.

>> No.10717160

is this what autism does to you?

>> No.10717165

i hadn't considered that I thought of them as below me, but that makes sense. I can't think of anyone lower than myself, but paradoxically I consider all praise to be from people who are either lying or easily impressed. I'm really fucked up.

>> No.10717187

i just wonder how someone took the time and effort to make this infographic instead of doing anything he enjoys or for his own betterment.

>> No.10717196

What will i find there?

>> No.10717210


>> No.10717221

I think he was preemptively making fun of incel types. specifically, the lengths they will go to in avoiding counter arguments.

this is actually a pretty easy question for me to answer.
healthy diet
>any diet that is varied and mostly comprised of whole (i.e. 'single ingredient') foods.
>sufficient (~40g daily) fiber intake, and sufficient vitamin and mineral consumption (see lpi for sensible rda's) as well as adequate omega 3 consumption.
>avoiding (added) sugars and also transfats, and keeping saturated fat and cholesterol at consumption under reasonable thresholds (I won't specify because this is a contentious issue, and they will inevitably vary from person to person. for example, someone with heart disease should aim to eat much less sat fat than someone without) basically 'reasonable thresholds' works out to 'if you eat meat, eat lean meats'.

exercise (I could go real specific, but I'll just outline the fundamentals)
>aerobic exercise ~3-4 times per week
>resistance training ~3 times per week
>maintain an active lifestyle (in other words, avoid spending long stretches of time sedentary, spend time outdoors, etc.)

>> No.10717234

I'm glad that you're receptive. What I wanted to get across most of all, was that you have family and friends who care about you.

The catch-22 of all the /r9k/ stuff, is that people don't care about you because you don't care about them. Also, women don't 'want' men who 'need' them. To succeed with other people, you need to care about them. To succeed romantically, you need to be alright without without romance.

>> No.10717239

>To succeed romantically, you need to be alright without without romance.

Or better, keep your bullshit to yourself

>> No.10717245

do you disagree with this?
>women don't 'want' men who 'need' them

>> No.10717247

I've been making progress in improving my life the past few days but that chart just hit all my insecurities. I have a long way to go it seems. Thanks, and I mean that sincerely.

>> No.10717253

cheers man. I really appreciate it. all the best

>> No.10717294

I think its more complicated but it is the right track.
Women do love passion and obsession like nothing else but it has to be presented in the right way. Too often guys are saying "please" when they should be saying "you must!"

>> No.10717313
File: 471 KB, 692x466, Everyone who has found true love may go home early today.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The irony of this bitter r9k outlook is that if you subscribe to it there's a 100% chance that it's going to detract from your personality in the long run. You're nuking the one aspect of yourself that might've been your top quality because other people in the world have it easier in some ways.

I know r9k probably hear this a lot and it's going to be said to them again and again from people in all walks of life until they finally understand it but you need to learn to love yourself before you'll ever be able to truly love someone else. If you can't get there then you're only wanting another person as a social acquisition and status marker, you don't want a real partnership in any adult sense. Keep bitching about "Chad" all you want. He isn't making you miserable. You are.

>> No.10717323
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>I think its more complicated
same. I just find I can think about ideas in a more productive way if I try and distill them into core principles (as best as I can).

this is exactly the sentiment I've been trying to express.

pic is something I saw on /fit/ a while back that has shaped my view of this topic

>> No.10717329

It's a pretty big logic leap from "men who look good tend to be more successful" to "if you don't look good you cannot be successful no matter how hard you try"

Besides, this mentality in which a person is valued according to his "success" or the opinion others / women have about him is absolute bullshit and also a very american thing

You can be a literal hermit who never has any contact with society and still be an excellent person, you can be despised and hated or ignored by everyone and still be an excellent person

To more directly address the image in the OP, the meaning of "be yourself" is not "be yourself and you'll be successful", it's "be yourself and you'll be happy because you'll stop trying to be successful"

Perfectly true

>> No.10717505
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>> No.10717551
File: 129 KB, 572x845, A3eygc_X.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are there more ugly people now than there were, say, 100 years ago? (Discounting shit like smallpox, polio, cretinism, etc. No infectious diseases or nutritional deficiencies, just strictly facial genetics.)

Have ugly people gotten uglier?

>> No.10717585

you gotta be legitimately retarded or 8 years old to believe in that crap, not to mention entirely fatherless.

fucks sake

>> No.10717589
File: 70 KB, 491x750, gainsbourg-bardot-bonnie-clyde.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Explain this.

>> No.10717605

>ugly man with ugly woman

>> No.10717610

>not to mention entirely fatherless.

This has to be a major factor

>> No.10717622

>Anyone can be an outlier
That's literally an oxymoron.

>> No.10717636

"Can" being emphasized doofus

>> No.10717640

'ugliness' depends largely on subjective beauty standards. There is, of course, universals basics to our biology (mainly complimentary proportions and overall symmetry) but for the most part it depends on the beauty standard and personal preference. To see present-day differing standards, look at the standard of male beauty for the western world, and the standard of male beauty in South Korea. 100 years ago and further back, the typical person would have a much rougher lifestyle that would make them look old, worn, unhygienic, and probably fairly ugly by all beauty standards of today. Someone who spends 16yrs a day in the open sun, working hard, will not look good (old herders and farmers, doesn't apply so much today except to a small minority in certain countries). Yet someone who lives a purely sedentary lifestyle and eats absolute shit, will not be healthy or good-looking either. Prehistoric peoples would have looked damn-near disgusting to us, as they'd have a life exposed to the elements, with harsh work and no comforts/assistance of the modern world/technology/medicine.

>> No.10717648

Wow, I'm retarded. The answer is: no, 'facial genetics' is only the baser part to the final product of a face. And things don't change so fast in a few short centuries.

>> No.10717663

Rated from 7/10 to 9/10 on /fit/ and /soc/ by women (and faggots)
Jacked by normie standards, lifting for 3 years. Weight 109kg.
Have a low 7 figure inheritance.

Never had a problem getting women, love my current gf (8/10 in looks, 10/10 personality) and my life is on the right path.
Yet I'm riddled with insecurities and social anxiety. The grass is always greener on the other side.

>> No.10717665

move to an east asian country if you're white

>> No.10717681

>all of life is about getting laid

>> No.10717696

>not applicable to 99%
t. doofus

>> No.10717713

i agree with you. life without passion is bleak. But i think that friendship among men is something worth living for and facial features are not very important.

>> No.10717718

im quite handsome, white, etc. and my life is great, you need to sack up and not have your face rated by fit and soc you ugly faggot

>> No.10717725

you are simple minded. understand that desire, life and happiness is quite complicated

>> No.10717727

It was a long time ago and it was fun to do so.
Something about me made you feel insecure, that's why you responded so aggressively. It's okay. Open up.

>> No.10717750

a friend in missery

>> No.10717751

Another terrible thread. Crossboarders out!

>> No.10717758

OP here. My original question still stands.

Lmao at all this just world rationalising.

Whatever your opinion, do you seriously think you'll see discussion of this in some book written by an NYU lesbian 60 year old?

>> No.10717782

>Whatever your opinion, do you seriously think you'll see discussion of this in some book written by an NYU lesbian 60 year old?
No because most people aren't as warped, insecure, and neurotic as the average /r9k/ incel. Most people just live their lives and generally enjoy them.

>> No.10717834
File: 220 KB, 729x1200, c45-bardot_051small.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Brigitte Bardot

>> No.10717877

She has a rather harsh looking face. Probably really way worse without makeup

>> No.10717895
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>> No.10717986

me on the top left

>> No.10718002

>when the true life insights are on the internet?

The fact someone might actually think this depresses me.

>> No.10718057

She's better looking than any woman you could get.

>> No.10718069

Go outside someday.

>> No.10718075

I have the ambition to write a book about one of your (and in my worst times, my) people, the /r9k/ dropout loser, in the same vein as Notes From Underground. Perhaps it'll get published one day.

>> No.10718078

Objectively incorrect

>> No.10718086

That's a brilliant idea, good luck with it.
I'm thinking of something similar, about one of the other warped internet subcultures I've been personally involved with.

>> No.10718089

You have some high motherfucking standards my man
I'm a guy who also has fairly high standards but even I know that you'll N E V E R get laid with that attitude

>> No.10718102

Thanks man, it's really an idea I'm quite smitten with, but I'm gonna keep it in my back pocket until I can do it justice.

>> No.10718109

I'm a short ugly dude. I'm authoritarian and have a genius iq. I dated two 11s. Sure I live in France and intelligence is seen as cooler than most countries but i'm also a neet with no money. Stop feeling sorry for yourselves.

>> No.10718110

>standards affect your ability to get laid

Well spookd my man

>> No.10718135
File: 156 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Big ass glasses
>Bowl haircut + some mullet
>Skinny as fuck.
There's nothing ugly about his genetics, everything that makes him "Ugly" is changeable, and people can see that from a mile away. He's not ugly, he's "Hollywood Ugly", the kind of ugly where they just threw some conventionally ugly items on a handsome/pretty person and calls them ugly (See pic related). Pretty much everyone can tell they're not ugly. Lets look what happens when we take the conventionally ugly stuff away

>Great jawline
>Hunter's eyes
>Symmetrical face
>Regular sized head
There's nothing genetically bad about him, at all.

>> No.10718144

They kinda do
If you're ugly and spiteful and aren't willing to dip into the uglies and the spitefuls you're gonna have a rough time of it

>> No.10718147

You speak as if you can't call someone ugly and have sex with them anyway

>> No.10718165

Unless you look like a literal monster getting laid isn't some olympic feat. You just have to make an effort to meet women and look generally presentable. Practice your social skills. Go out constantly and talk to prole.

If you're a 4/10 skinny guy you might never be a turbochad who fucks 5 girls a year but you can still get a reasonably cute girlfriend who loves you for who you are. You just have to ask her out before another guy can.

>> No.10718167

Would still bang Katherine Litwack no matter what.

She is all woman.

>> No.10718192

>You just have to ask her out before another guy can.

Or cuck someone

>> No.10718204


>in your worst

So your genetics changed?


But I'm not a drop out.

Low IQ normie detected

>> No.10718280

>call someone ugly and have sex with them anyway
Literally my main pick-up method.

>> No.10718361

>But I'm not a drop out.
You are a drop out. You've dropped out of society and can't fulfil your most basic function as a man and a human being: form relationships, breed, and love.

>> No.10718393
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>> No.10718400

>Women asking for a face pic in a dating site
Oh how superficial they are. I've been truly red pilled now.

>> No.10718422

>I'm a loser by choice!

>> No.10718446

>measuring success in sex
This site is 18+. Please, leave.

>> No.10718458

>the things I'm not good at do not quantify success!

>> No.10718482

LARPing as Schopenhauer is way more underage-tier.

>> No.10718498

>you're just jealous you can't afford it h8r!!!1

>> No.10718506

I can't imagine how ugly and fucked up someone has to be to levitate Schopenhauer into a figure of admiration and inspiration.

>> No.10718536

Well, he is widely considered to be one of the most prolific and influential thinkers in the history of humanity, so probably as ugly as your average human, you retarded pseud.

>> No.10718555

kek what, Schopenhauer is barely even a C-lister in the canon

>> No.10718573

Schopenhauer is only remembered because Nietzsche utterly raped him

>> No.10718638
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>> No.10718671

Its true, other than Nietzsche what philosophers were influenced by Schopenhauer?

>> No.10719125

>taking a loser that couldn't get a gf and lived with his mother seriously
His whole outlook on life is the projection of a bitter loser.

>> No.10719138
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>> No.10719197


Bill Gates was not a nerd. He was actually a player, and standing 6 ft 2 and coming from a wasp-af family, you can completely understand how he chad-ed his way into hardcore business, which is a cutthroat path.

This guy went to my school and joined a final club (The Fox), and I can tell you right now that if you're not chad, you never made it into a final club.

>> No.10719215
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>> No.10719230

Gates just got extremely lucky at the right moment in time. A man who tripped his way into success if there ever was one.
lel yeah right

>> No.10719255

holleubeq is such a phony, getting laid has nothing to do with looks

>> No.10719268 [DELETED] 


5'11" being generous

>> No.10719275
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5'11" being generous

>> No.10719282
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>> No.10719294

>guy posts penn-jillette reaction pics
>thinks the reason girls want nothing to do with him is his looks

maybe if u guy a new fedora girls will finally notice what a nice guy u are!

>> No.10719296

why would you even respond?

>> No.10719299
File: 235 KB, 823x1920, manlets.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stay in the light. do not give in to fear or hatred.

>> No.10719304

what does bill gates have to do with getting laid anyways? he married one of this employees, he's lucky she didn't #metoo his bitch ass for half his loot

>> No.10719328

i will always remember the time i was in manhattan at some music store buying some bullshit that i couldn't find on a torrent, and there was this hot asian chick outside, so i natured checked out her ass and tits, but carefully so she wouldn't notice, and then her man(let) walks up and puts his arm around her and stares into my eyes i guess trying to be intimidating...he was a white guy with giant steroid arms that look like they didn't fit his body, white bodybuilder manlet clinging to his asian gf for dear life probably scared of being cucked anytime she is out of his site, i've basically failed at life, but i still feel embarrassed for that guy, what a sad man

>> No.10719347
File: 30 KB, 634x397, article-0-12B8EA88000005DC-28_634x397.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But it is anon, I was a /fit/ fag, stopped excersizing, gained weight, loss my hair. and voila all the women were gone.
My personality did not changed much, neither my wealth or my enviroment (same city, same job same places to hang out) what changed was my body, either intentionally on my own doing or through genetics.
Looks do matter, they really do. If you are like me who was relatively doing okay but later on became a hideous beast you would personally experience that fact.
It is what it is, I'm not bitter after all some things, like my weight, are under my controll. But still even though I'm not bitter now I do understand why old women who lost their beauty became so angry and depressed.

Looks do matter, here's another jillete

>> No.10719360

so you're one of those losers who was chad in high school and now is a fucking loser, the reason u look like shit is because u have a slothful personality, it's a reflection of who u are and girls can smell "washed up high school jock" or whatever from a mile away

>> No.10719396

I was never a chad, I'm below average height. Have bush eyebrows but I was fit, I had a nice full head hair etc. I fared okay, I had girlfriends, I had women who were interested in me. I was a quiet intorvert then and I'm a quiet introvert now again my personality has not changed that much between 23 to 28.
I'm not saying the deal is sealed and balding fat manlets will never get laid. My argument is that looks do matter a lot and you will have a hard time with women if you are ugly/fat/balding/short, more of those look traits you have, less likely the women will be interested in you.

I don't know much about you but If I may assume I think you never had a "downfall" in looks department like I had. Maybe that's why you don't understand it, maybe you are still in your prime 18-19 and therefore can't emphatize.
I do wish that you never have to emphatize at all though, may you be a muscular 6'3 man with full hair even at the age of 90.

>> No.10719400

do u realize 28 is considered basically prime age for boxers and mma fighters? if you're a fat fuck that's your own fault

>> No.10719405

Not that poster but seriously no matter how much hair you lose if your sex life gets worse instead of better over time you've simply failed as a man

>> No.10719409

>in your prime

Lmao, if you're a girl maybe

>> No.10719413

>Manlets of light

>> No.10719417
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Pic related

>> No.10719432
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When did I said it wasn't my own fault? I admitted some of them were due to my fault, I never state that I won't have a better chance if I loose weight. Hell I'm arguing for looks do matter so I ofcourse would fare better If I lost weight.
But other stuff are genetic, like my short height, which was quite a distadvantage (not you will remain a virgin distadvantage but still) even when I was good looking. Moreover I'm quite bald at a young age which is also detrimental.
Regarding my prime. I can confidently say it was between 18-20. I was even beginning to struggle a little even when I was not fat but as bald as fuck at the age of 24, picture related.
Look maybe you were pimply fat beasts at 18 and you had a great sex life at 25, 26, or 35. I'm sure a 6'2 chad would have more options at 30 when he has more experience, more money etc. Great, good for you. For me my prime was in a different time.

Anyways, looks do matter, and if you personally experienced a decline, whether due to your fault or not, you would agree with me. that was my point. Sorry I made it a personal blog post.

>> No.10719440

Why the fuck is this thread still up 12 hours later, does /lit/ even have mods anymore
Fuck all of you endlessly whiny /r9k/ faggots, stay on your containment board or jump off a building

>> No.10719442

You deserve all the misfortune you get because you don't even try to compensate for your position. Lose your weight, develop talents or art. A wretched mediocrity
Christ fuck you for even wasting our time with your banal tale

>> No.10719446

>does /lit/ even have mods anymore

/lit/ hasn't had mods in months. Gookmoot is a fucking retard

>> No.10719447
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at least he isn't a sissy faggot who can't help but self insert as the girl

>> No.10719449

Dude what makes you think I'm complaining? Do you think I don't know if I lose weight my chances would increase? I'm not asking for advice here, I'm saying look matter thats it.
>develop talents or art.
No excuse for losing weight but for these, there is no time for them when you are doing phd in basketweaving, maybe later.

>> No.10719456

I have a nice face and I still rarely get laid because I'm autismal and can't act like a normal confident guy in social interactions.

Like yeah I'm sure on average a 9/10 tall Chad probably gets laid a lot more than your average chump, but these infographics are always clearly made by incel virgins trying desperately to justify why they can't get laid.

>> No.10719583

I made it
I enjoy making people feel bad. The funniest thing is that they feel bad worth something which is sooo obvious, basically they scream "w-why are women like us?"

>> No.10719588

There's a trend, but personality has an enormous impact that is harder to quantify. For example, if those papers had a good joke in them, I'd bet they'd do better than the attractive individuals or at parity.
As an attractive dude with a high body count, the majority of the battle is respect, extraversion, an obsession with eliminating fear, and a ridiculously high work ethic with a desire to learn to match. Those qualities will get you laid way more than being an 8. Income has an impact too. A solid $200k a year will make you way more appealing than an attractive shmuck -easily gotten with a degree in CS and any desire to work. Additionally, optimism has an ENORMOUS impact on life quality and the perspective others have on your life quality. Also, the people that automatically filter by attractiveness rarely make it to enormously high positions of power -people fraught in biases rarely do, and if they do it's because of disfunction and it's instable-, so you have to move around more to find people that believe in you.

>> No.10719593


>> No.10719597

>I'm saying looks matter thats it.

Have some self awareness, nobody writes this much for such a trite platitude

>> No.10719617

Oh of course, problem is i'm too busy right now with graduating, but still ocassionaly writing for fun or on here, reflecting both good and the bad feels good.

>> No.10719643

>I enjoy making people feel bad.
So you're a snivelling sociopathic dweeb that only feels truly alive when hurting others?

>> No.10719679
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These are really nice bits of wisdom.

>> No.10719827

Non-response. Loving doesn't exist (and isn't even possible)

>> No.10719830

how come no one ever talks about any other kinds of dysphoria besides gender? people always tell me i'm hot, good looking, etc. but i just feel like idk maybe like a fat neckbeard i guess

wait, do you think if i went to a pro-tranny shrink they would say i should grow out a shaggy beard and get a fedora? that's what they tell dudes who feel like chicks right? get some fake tits and hormones...but for some reason i don't think this is a good solution, i'd rather just be able to be conscious of myself as good looking rather than grow a potbelly, a big ass beard, and get a bunch of jorts, know what i mean?

>> No.10719851

>presented with scientific evidence
"I just don't like it"

>> No.10719973

I had one of my threads deleted earlier with a ban. Wasn't even too bad or edgy.

>> No.10719982

>Loving doesn't exist
I'm sorry that you feel this way.
Do you have autism?

>> No.10720005

Most philosophers project their dispositions onto their philosophy (Kierkegaard's philosophy is obviously a result of mental illness, as an example) and that's okay, but Schopenhauer is quite literally My Twisted World if Elliot Rodger could write really well

>> No.10720035

Well okay there's data but like what the fuck do you want to do, live in spite and hatred until you die? Life is about transcendance, either religious or artistic or interpersonal, it's about becoming more than you used to be. You can't just say "I lost" and then live the rest of your life out in anger and spite and nothingness. Well, you could, but I'd laugh at you and call you a faggot. Because that's what you are if you do that: you're a faggot.

>> No.10720054

It does and it is by far the most magical feeling I've ever had.

>> No.10720143

It does exist. It's just extremely fucking rare.

kernels of wisdom like this are the reason i still come to this nu-r9k shit-swamp of a board.

>> No.10720150
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Desperate burrow of a loveless autist