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/lit/ - Literature

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10705425 No.10705425 [Reply] [Original]

So far I've decided to track my reading and keep a 10,000 page goal going. I'm ahead of schedule but I've only considered books pictured in lits top 100.

How do I broaden my horizons, or should I?

>> No.10705441
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stop posting the fake chart.

>> No.10705637

I mean, it's mostly the selections from the canon that you'd expect introverted, disaffectated, young white males to read.

I doubt anyone here has read anywhere close to 100 books, though.

>> No.10706037

>no lolita
get fucked

>> No.10706052

>How do I broaden my horizons, or should I?
If it's non-fiction, you go "hmm, this [specific topic] I read about is pretty intriguing, I'll post a thread on /lit/ about it (remember to post an image of your relevant book along with it otherwise the mods will delete it) and ask for recommendations." Also, you can follow whatever other books your book references throughout the text and in the bibliography. Then you just throw whatever books you find interesting into your backlog and get back to them later.

You can do similar for fiction, just ask for recommendations based on the book or genre or whatever.

Also Goodreads has a recommendation system if you're tracking your books there. But they tend to recommend trash normie-tier books so I wouldn't bother.

>> No.10706060

Read some books from from a chart if you enjoy one in particular, read more from that author, his influences, and other authors from the same period. Alternatively read some lit crit and read whatever sounds interesting.

>> No.10706064


>finnegans wake

nobody on this board has read finnegan's wake

>> No.10706075

This is an issue that I have with lit recommendations. I want to read a few books that extroverted people would enjoy, like scar tissue or something similar, that would be utterly rejected here.

>> No.10706085

>that extroverted people would enjoy

>> No.10706092

*tips fedora and donates reddit gold*
Consider yourself upvoted friend

>> No.10707593


>> No.10707607
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>> No.10707618

I have

>> No.10707680

your chart is the fake one, nigger

>> No.10707914

What a stupid racist comment

>> No.10707915

anyone have a collection of these ebooks they want to upload?

>> No.10707927

wait, i just found this link in the archive:

It's all the books from this chart: >>10705441

>> No.10707945

>books that extroverted people would enjoy

>> No.10709451

Stop projecting.