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/lit/ - Literature

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10685370 No.10685370 [Reply] [Original]

In the time honored tradition of this board, let's see if we can write an existentialist novel in the vein of books like The Stranger, Nausea, and Waiting for Godot. Depression, anxiety, meaninglessness, and chain smoking collide to create the most pretentiously introspective genre of literature. This time, in the vein of great works of art like The Legacy of Totalitarianism in a Tundra and Hypersphere, let's see /lit/'s collective attempt at the genre. Without god, anything is permitted, and nowhere is that more true than in this work. Write whatever you want, fill it with memes, injokes, and shitposting.

>> No.10685399

i dont respect niggers so no thanks

>> No.10685440

Keep this bump

>> No.10685487

It's going really well so far.

>> No.10685524

coming along

>> No.10685607
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Keep working lads

>> No.10685708

tapping out, best of luck

>> No.10685771

help lads

>> No.10685897

What's everyone's favorite passage so far? I'm partial to Le Boulder

>> No.10686061

le boulder is shaping up to be a masterpiece

>> No.10686067

this is turning out great so far, good job

>> No.10686406

bumping for attention, we need an editor to impose at least a semblance of an initial narriative

>> No.10686451

I'm fuckin trying senpai

>> No.10686544

For the record, OP, I think this is coming together surprisingly nice so far.

>> No.10686600

La Putain is excellent. Good work to the editors so far

>> No.10686811

Part one complete. We need more niggas in here

>> No.10686861

alright i think the opener, LA MAMAN is at least halfway decent now, would be nice if the quotes section was smaller.

>> No.10686870

>I've still got some bulles in the chamber, know what I mean?
>Oh good, we can kill ourselves
I laughed out loud unironically

>> No.10686888


If i knew anything about Existentialism, I'd try. But I don't, and I don't want to sabotage your work, lads
But good luck! I love these /lit colabs


>> No.10686915

You don't have to know anything, just shitpost and mention how life is meaningless and put in a couple "or was it yesterday?"s and you should be fine

>> No.10686944

lol, my access was denied after I wrote about faggots, was this intentional?

>> No.10686949

Who blocked access? You fucking rat kike.

>> No.10686951

Why do I need permission to enter now?

>> No.10686957

I just got denied access? Why OP?

>> No.10686959

Someone needs to just copy and paste the work we have into another google doc. Some fag blocked everyone else.

>> No.10686969

Can everyone get on it now?

>> No.10686974

We're good now, I think.

>> No.10686978

Dunno what happened desu

>> No.10686995

Someone might have changed the share settings on accident or on purpose. Likely on accident since they reverted it

>> No.10687072

Is le fagguet any good guys?

>> No.10687133


>> No.10687163

>the fucking carrot cake recipe in "Le Danois"
Was it kino?

>> No.10687166

"Analhate" was the best part

>> No.10687263

So is there any sort of discernible story so far?

>> No.10687275

Anon possesses a powerful Hegelian sex energy which many shadowy forces want to extract from him

>> No.10687525
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A masterpiece in progress.

>> No.10687557

>Existentialist novel
>with Hegelianism

>> No.10687565

>implying this novel will actually be existentialist beyond memes

>> No.10687621
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>tfw you unironically write at your best when you're doing collective shitposts with /lit/

>> No.10687626

We need to have a really big philosophical ending at around 120-130 pages in where anon lays out his existential theories

>> No.10687633

Agreed, this one doesn't need to go on much longer than 100 pages.

>> No.10687635
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I would write something but first i have to backtrack my thoughts to be able to coherently describe how i ended up with my way of thinking.

>> No.10687647

>starts with the main character waking up
Scrap it, start again

>> No.10687653

It's a metaphorical awakening

>> No.10687655

Jesus fucking Christ, reading it is like reading a fever dream. 10/0
Am I having one right now?

>> No.10687660

Yes but it needs to be titled synthesis and be a proper culmination of all the brilliant thought written before it. I think this would require someone to actually read the whole thing.

>> No.10687885

/lit/ Writes threads always capture the essence of a feverish dream better than any single man could do.
You know shits going down when a recipe for a goddamned cake shows up in the middle of your novel.

>> No.10687922
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>tfw the first poem I've ever written is for this shitfest
Thanks /lit/
When I get rich because of my poetry, I'll buy 4chan and permaban all /pol/acks just for you lads

also pls rate

>> No.10688044
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>Now is the winter of our discontent, or maybe yesterday was
It's good lads.

Le Danois is a masterpiece, pls don't edit.

>> No.10688045

Your poetry is actually reasonable okay for a shitpost but it doesn't stick to meter consistently.

>> No.10688100

Der Bims is lit as fuck

>> No.10688120

>tfw people have praised both of my chapters
Gonna make it lads

>> No.10688230
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>Anon and his thirty-seven year old sister and consistent sexual partner were relaxing after their brief excursion to Malaysia on the advice of one Arthur S.C.H.O.P.E.N.H.A.U.E.R., a cyborg who had been given the consciousness of the most butthurt man in Kraut history. Schoppy had nearly paid with his “life” when his plan to steal the incestual tantric energy of Anon through anal rape had been foiled by the arrival of Hegel and Detective Gumshoe, both of whom sought the enormous power swelling within the twenty-something autist. Anon, not yet aware of his immense power but yet sensing something amiss about the situation, had quickly taken Schoppy’s generous gift of The Bhagavad Gita and returned home without even stopping to say thank you to the fully erect man-machine.

thank you, based nigger. this is great.

>> No.10688256

>the anon and gunshoe narrative
>the Hegel and Schopenhauer mininarrative
>the two chapters where it's a legitimate story about STEMlords
>the tapirbro narrative
Is this the great American novel?

>> No.10688269

This is actually really good so I'm scared of messing with it

>> No.10688299

Someone wanna put on Waiting For GF with me?

>> No.10688308

We should do it where Part 3 is more meme nonsense prose and Oart 4 is 20-30 pages of """philosophy""" or at least one of the characters (gumshoe, the tapir, anon) giving their point of view on philosophical and existential issues

>> No.10688336

someone powerrank the stories

>> No.10688399

Part 2 > Part 1 > what Part 3 is shaping up to be

>> No.10688402

Only if I get to be Pepe

>> No.10688437 [DELETED] 

top tier:
> opener, la maman
> interlude
> das nutten
mid tier
> la chute
> part 2
weak tier
> impromptu rap
> le boldeur

part 3 isnt developed enough for me to have an opinion on it

>> No.10688460

Very bad opinions, part 2 is kino

>> No.10688462

le boldeur is good.

>> No.10688463

-Asiatic black bear, Himalayan black bear, moon bear –Ursus thibetanus Asiatic black bears have long black fur with a distinct white patch on the chest that is often crescent-shaped. The fur around the shoulders and throat is particularly long, and their ears are relatively large. Asiatic black bears live in eastern Asia, including Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Cambodia, China, India, Islamic Republic of Iran, Japan, Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, Lao People’s Democratic Republic, Malaysia, Mongolia, Myanmar, Nepal, Pakistan, Russian Federation, Taiwan and Vietnam. Asiatic black bears are more carnivorous than their American counterparts, although only a small part of their diet is made up of meat. This includes small mammals, birds, fish, molluscs and carcasses. They also feed on grasses, fruits, berries, seeds, insects and honey. In autumn they fatten up for the winter by feeding on nuts. In northern climates they hibernate. In southern climates they do not hibernate.

>> No.10688468

ill start

>i was on 4chan again

>> No.10688686
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To the one who wrote La Quete, when is your annotated edition coming out, I don't get it

>> No.10689591

Thank you for appreciating my efforts to put main characters into this anon

>> No.10689605

main characters ?
I wrote a short story about an algorithm.

>> No.10689681

With our progenitors and the world behind us, we poopy never hold this life to be MALIGNANTLY USELESS. Almost nobody declares that an ancestral curse contaminates us in utero and pollutes our existence. Doctors do not weep in the delivery room, or not often. Niggery do not lower their heads and say, “Nigger stopwatch has started.” Nigger infant may cry, if things went right. But time poopy dry its eyes; time poopy take care of it.
Time poopy take care of everyone until there are none of us to take care of. Niggern all poopy be as it was before we put down roots where we do not belong. Niggerre poopy come a time for each of us—and then for all of us—when the future poopy be done with. Until then, mongoloidity poopy acclimate itself to every new horror that comes knocking, as it has done with benis ))) the very beginning. It poopy go on and on until it stops. And the horror poopy go on, with generations falling into the future like so many bodies into open graves. Nigger horror handed down to us poopy be handed down to others like a scandalous heirloom. Being alive: decades of waking up on time, then trudging through another round of moods, sensations, thoughts, cravings—and finally flopping into bed to sweat in the pitch of dead sleep or simmer in the phantasmagorias that molest our dreaming asses.
Why do so many of us bargain for a life sentence over the end of a rope or the muzzle of a gun? Do we not deserve to die? But we are not obsessed by such questions. To ask them is not in our interest, nor to answer them with hand on heart. In such spirit might we not bring an end to the conspiracy against the mongoloid race? This would seem to be the right course: the death of tragedy in the arms of nonexistence. Overpopulated worlds of the unborn would not have to suffer for our undoing what we have done so that we might go on as we have all these years. That said, nothing we know would have us take that step. What could be more unthinkable? We are only mongoloid beings. Ask anybody.

>> No.10689692

This is actually good compared to the shitstains that were HyperTundra

>> No.10689714

When it's finished if any Jew anon will get this self-published physically I'll give my money for it. Still needs some editing, but I'll be the first to say it's easier to write your own thing than to follow the nigh ridiculous guidelines laid out by the anon before you

>> No.10689722

Waiting for GF is fucking hilarious.

>> No.10689730

You can buy physical copies through Lulu.com of all the previous /lit/ books. I imagine this one will be no different.

>> No.10689732

Waiting for GF made me laugh physically, it's an actually good play minus all the sexual shit (because of all the sexual shit?)

>> No.10689738

>Niggerse glands are outside the control of thought. Nigger Hindus call them 'chakras'. Nigger glands are located in the exact same spots where they speculated the chakras are. Niggery are not in the psychic body -- there is no such thing as a psychic body or causal body -- they speculated, you see. Niggery must have experienced what we call the 'ductless glands'. A tremendous amount of money is bIn a second he began to gasp and sputter and his head reappeared on the surface; he started under again and the same thing happened. Nigger river wouldn’t have him.

who did this? did someone change every capitalised "The" into "Nigger"

>> No.10689746

nigger anon at it again

>> No.10689757

not only that...

>> No.10689760

They changed "from" too.

>> No.10689763

an "will"

>> No.10689768

Can someone revert this?

>> No.10689779

why is on erry page a 2 on the top right and how do I make a chapter

>> No.10689793
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>postmodern existentialism
>references only sartre

>> No.10689805

someone renumbered every single page to 2
>my sides

>> No.10689808

can't stand camus pretentious posturing, delete this thread NOW

>> No.10689918

thanks man, I wrote that first one

Les Boche is AMAZING. Great job to whoever wrote it.

>> No.10690011

Thanks senpai I wrote Le Danois
That's a real carrot cake recipe btw, make it if you're interested

>> No.10690108

Come on lads, I don't want to write the climactic battle of Anon and S.C.H.O.P.E.N.H.A.U.E.R. alone.

>> No.10690113

why dont you write it anticlimactic then

>> No.10690135

I've completely lost the plot anon, I'm just gonna write more stories about the tapir

>> No.10690158


Am I gonna get a fucking virus from this shit? Because I want to contribute but I'm a little pussy

>> No.10690168

It's just a google document breh. It's safe.

>> No.10690175

>am I going to get a virus from a Google doc

>> No.10690233
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>tfw the last paragraph of les boche

>> No.10690257

The most hilarious thing about this effort is that somehow people have ACTUALLY managed to fit existentialist ramblings and philosophizing into this utter fucking disaster. It truly was an existentialist novel.

>> No.10690473
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L'ANONIE is a masterpiece.

>> No.10690483

Indeed. And the beginning is also pretty sweet.

>> No.10690592


“Truly,” said Albert, “they were an Arab and I was the Sun in the Eye of the Stranger.”
“What an Blaq l’Angele” said the Frenchman, Mamadou, looking in the window.
“Truly Allah has blessed us with the swarthy BLACK TURK warrior-women!”
“Yes truly he has”, said Bloom Harold (a Jew) “He truly has, my BLACK friend.”
Bloom Harold had undergone extensive modification of his dermis, having scales of titanium and a eyes to rival Sartre, “le existenaliste uno qua Francias” as he would satirically call the hack, the hack of France.
“Sartre the Hacked” he’d say, munching on fried goy foreskin, “akin to the James the Bold”
“The Bold and the Brash!” said Mamadou.
Albert stepped in, throwing ‘L’nausae’ in the trash: “More like, belongs in the TRASH!”
Ha-ha, a collective onomatopoeic laugh echoed in the Mosque. “Truly” echoed from a gaping Jewish mouth-opening into the mosquely abyss.

They stepped outside the streets were wet like a womans vagina thought albert he said he fucked he had sex he is a model but his cigar is just a cigar hohoho. (experimental sentence -- akin to Joyce “cuck me yes Yes” James.)

>> No.10690594

Harold Bloom looked confusedly to Albert seeing a recorder.
“What’s that?”
“This? I am recording my thoughts, they may need me.”
“Need you?”
“Yes. You see, the word is nothing without an Idea of the Word itself. Me, being an philosopher, know that an Idea of the Word is something which I cannon’t SEE per-say so I record it, and then I don’t SEE it but HEAR it, making a true philosophy. It is like Berkeley : ESSE EST PERCPII, but only now it is VOCAT EST PERCEPII.”
“At last, I truly see” said Mamadou, a BLACK TURK.
“You mean, I truly HEAR?” said Bloom, beaming.
“What say you laddies we get an publy beer and Guiness world record aye?” said Albert Cah-moo, eine Kuh, with a, what’s that, Irish, Scots? Bloom thought. (experimental sentence -- akin to William “Shake-my-spear, sister” Faulkner.”)
Truly, Bloom was a Stranger in this world.

It has come to the author's attention that most of these readers are Plebs cum agores (Plebeians from the Marketplace) and, in all his humbleness, he has decided to explain to the reader every reference and Wortspeil (german, Play-with-words, ie in “commoner”: PUN) in the Footnote No.29 --
The MISHEARD is an allusion to the previous conversation -- Camus talks about hearing instead of noticing, so the idea is that he can only mishear an apriori res extensa; it could be also said, that the MISHEARD is easily misunderstood as MISREAD (or -- a rebus -- HE MISREAD) making it a Wortspeil above understandable level, that is, there is an active (the one reading) and passive (the reading-in-itself) with regards to Kant. The ACTIVE is the MISREADING, the passive is the MISHEARING. The Text-in-itself (see: Derrida) is completly a passive subject and its realm is the mishearing one; paradoxically, not even being able to hear itself (Socrates had said that an open book is mute).
ALBERT SPAKE, say the first two words of the second sentence: it is clear, an allusion to the Nichilo-Existentialist first translation of Nietzsche’s ALSO SPRACH ZARATHUSTRA, where, in the English language, the AORIST timeform is only found in the Bible -- the mistranslation is ALSO SPAKE ZARATHUSTRA; S-P-A-K-E.
[Zwischenspiel vorbei]

>> No.10690619

Guys just joined, haven't read anything on existentialism. Can someone tell me why everyone's name in those viewing the document begins with Anonymous? You clits seriously made an account for this? And is the quote by God purposely empty?
kek'ing hard by the way

>> No.10690794

Google automatically names anonymous users you dunce. Contribute pls, I've almost wrapped up the Anon narrative

>> No.10690810

So how close are we to 'finishing' this?

>> No.10690816

Pretty close, in all honesty. Just needs one or two more sections of philosophical ramblings.

>> No.10690828

We need to finish the anon narrative and the tapir stranger narrative and then we need 20~ pages of obscurantist nonsensical philosophical ramblings and we should be good. <150 pages is the ideal here

>> No.10691064 [DELETED] 

lets aim for 120 pgs before editing

8.5x11 single spaced means making the pages smaller will make it a pretty good sized existentialist art book

>> No.10691091 [DELETED] 

actually make it 150-180

>> No.10691119

>She began to cross the street to me. My heart stopped. A car did not.

I love all of you.

>> No.10691155
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we need a cover design now

>> No.10691172
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>> No.10691191
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>> No.10691200

some of you guys are actually alright at writing

>> No.10691203

These are both excellent.

>> No.10691209

That should be the cover design

>> No.10691228
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>> No.10691234

i'm in love

>> No.10691237
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>> No.10691244
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>> No.10691245

What is the best chapter of each part?

>> No.10691249

All of it is shit.

>> No.10691252

Ecce! Senza Fine! is a masterpiece

>> No.10691257

Part 1: Der Bims or Le Discours
Part 2: Le Danois, L'anonie et Gumshoe, Les Boche
Part 3: Muspelheim, Il Paradiso, L'etranger

>> No.10691271


>> No.10691280

Order CAN emerge from chaos in small quantities

>> No.10691286

Cake recipes, tapirs, Schopenhauer as a robot, a play about GFs

>> No.10691290

Alright lads we need to just finish part 4 with some philosophy about existentialism and finish up these hanging threads and we should be good to submit this to Éditions Gallimard

>> No.10691304

This one. Gimme a sec.

>> No.10691308

Anyone have a Gallimard template? That's that aesthetic we need

>> No.10691338

I'm almost done tying up the Anon/Gumshoe story lads, I'll write some babble for part 4 soon

>> No.10691346
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not perfect but here

>> No.10691349
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>> No.10691356
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>> No.10691358

Cool, I'll finish the tapirbro the stranger saga here soon as well.

>> No.10691361

This is fucking perfect.
Only criticism is you forgot "Le tumulte des tapirs"

>> No.10691397

this is it man

>> No.10691398
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just because i love you

>> No.10691415

I know, fuck me right.

>> No.10691432

fucking amazing

>> No.10691434
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>> No.10691471

For those of you who have read the other books /lit/ has written. How does this compare to them?

>> No.10691475

Much better

>> No.10691477

I'm contributing, so it's obviously miles better.

>> No.10691490

Interesting! I wonder if /lit/ is ever going to write a "real" book.

>> No.10691494

It's like if Beckett and Pynchon had a deformed child.

>> No.10691510

the ending of la juif is pure kino 10/10

>> No.10691585

Who's the anon I had a talk about vore rn?

>> No.10691587

It was me. Thanks for the help anon.

>> No.10691589

no problem anon. :)

>> No.10691591

I added an extra story to La Maman.

>> No.10691606

Me desu.
I was the traps dude.

>> No.10691613

Working on a short vignette offline right now. Where should it go when it's ready?

>> No.10691620

is this what Pynchon is like?

>> No.10691624

It's better and worse than TIAT and Hypersphere in different ways. It doesn't have quite the degree of wild free faggorty the other two have but it's more compact and coherent.
Definitely better than TIAT sequels though.

>> No.10691625

There's not too much rhyme or reason to it.

>> No.10691642

Pretty much anywhere tbhfam except maybe the very beginning and the very end.

>> No.10691645

People are posting like ten straight pages of German and "Somalian" gobbledigook so I think you can add something you like

>> No.10691649

I was wondering if it was better as a real piece of literature. Not just a meme.

>> No.10691653

How do people like the idea of ending the prose story with the "LA CAPITULATION"?

>> No.10691658

>there is now a discussion about vore, spanning 3 millenniums

>> No.10691664

Huh, sorry, apparently there was a longer vore dialogue later.

>> No.10691667

Good work lads, should we call it?

>> No.10691674

I say we edit what we have, wait for that one anon to add his vignettes, and then we publish and send it to Lulu

End it there

>> No.10691676

Part Power Rankings:

1. Part 2
2. Part 1
3. Part 3
4. Part 5
5. Part 4

>> No.10691678

-Love in the time of the memes
-La luz extinguido
-The subtle art of mortorcicle maintenance

>> No.10691686

>"Somalian" gobbledigook
I literally translated that from somalian.

>> No.10691694

Just delete part 5 and severely edit part 4

>> No.10691698

What are the best parts of Part 4 and 5?

>> No.10691699

I don't know senpai, it's kind of hard to measure it up. To even call it a 'real work of literature' is a joke. I think we've exceeded such a label.

>> No.10691713

nothing good in 5, in 4 the fetish talk is good, la capitulation, la brador,

>> No.10691714

What needs to leave in Part 4, exactly?
>in Part 5
Err, some anon literally passed the DC through google and back. I edited in some memes, but it's still really bad.
The whole thing is really bad, I'd delete it.
>in part 4
I'm biased towards myself, since I originally wrote La lotta.
But i like the original Dialogue and parts of the Heidegger meme.

>> No.10691725

the Goblino, the translation of Goblino and la signiface de la pene

>> No.10691727

>the original Dialogue
La dialogue de les fetiches?

>> No.10691730

Am I insane, or does Part 1, 2 and 3 somehow have some kind of weird theme to them. Like each chapter seems connected and separate from the other parts.

>> No.10691731

That one.

>> No.10691733

IDK what anons are on about, I like Part 4
Joke has worn thin by Part 5 though, delet all that shit except maybe the analytical wankery

>> No.10691736

Holy fuck camus looks like mishima

>> No.10691737

La goblina is pretty fun at times.

>> No.10691744

Post your schema for L'anomie

>> No.10691745

What's so good about it?

>> No.10691757

How it was a random talk between some autists, we decided to keep it, no one remembered who wrote what so I just randomly attributed names and hoped they were somewhat consistent.
Objectively speaking tho, it makes more sense if you were there, so might as well take it out.

>> No.10691758

The OP should publish the parts 1-2-3 as the story, and an edited part 4 as commentary to the book.

>> No.10691771

only parts 1-3 are worthwhile

>> No.10691773

Delete part 5 except for the analytical wank like the Tractatus and the Machiavelli passage, no copypasta poetry please. It should end on GOD TLDR

>> No.10691779

They do.

>> No.10691780

>Machiavelli passage
ty anon, i added that

>> No.10691782

If you combine Parts 4 and 5 and then edit them heavily, it is salvageable

>> No.10691786

Keep the machiavelli passage, the fetish talk, and everything else related to fetishes and sex and shit?

>> No.10691788

It's about an idea, Part 1 is about dissent from traditional thinking, Part 2 is about faltering in belief, Part 3 is about the death of the idea

>> No.10691790


>> No.10691795

pretty much

>> No.10691799

Yes. I would say keep the Wittgenstein bit too, they can just be dumb addendums at the end.

>> No.10691800

and then part 4 is about sucumbinng to sex and violence

>> No.10691803

So far, the whole thing is not only interesting, but also hilarious

>> No.10691811

Part 5 is the delirious mentally ill results of degeneracy.

>> No.10691822
File: 172 KB, 630x768, napoleon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw /lit/ accidentally wrote an avant-garde neo-reactionary book

>> No.10691826

Merge part 4 and part 5, and have it end on some Camus quote or something stupid.

>> No.10691835

any room for more?

>> No.10691842

No, not really.

>> No.10691862

Favourite part?

>> No.10691866


>> No.10691870


>> No.10691873

we did it reddit!!

>> No.10691878

So is this getting revised or something?
I've gone back and better oriented some of my stuff.

>> No.10691886

I would revise it right now desu while the doc is still up

>> No.10691888
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>> No.10691891

Just added "LE CÉLESTE" to a random spot in part 2. lemme know if y'all think I should move it or whatever

>> No.10691905

nice trips

>> No.10691911

>someone follows my advice for the first time in my life
Nice digits.

>> No.10691918

Fits. Good job.

>> No.10691971

Ok i edited “LE PRINCES DE L’UNIVERS” to improve quality.

>> No.10691976

I think we should critique errything before pusblishing ?

>> No.10691981

SHOuld we

>> No.10691988


>> No.10692003

Why not ?
Is it so bad or do you think its unpractical to critique it?
Or ru u lazy

>> No.10692008

How would we even 'critique' it?

>> No.10692024

Someone just summarize each section here

>> No.10692040

ok youre right.

>> No.10692042

Expand Tractatus-Niggerus-Philosophicus and Supreme Gentleman

>> No.10692046


>> No.10692066

I hope none of you actually read the whole thing.

>> No.10692067

Needs a table of contents, after all.

>> No.10692072

Hey everyone, OP here, should I close the doc to edits and invite some people to edit now?

>> No.10692080

It does need an editing crew to finalize it

>> No.10692093

I think it's time for that, yeah.

>> No.10692094

Errr Part 4.
La Significa del Pene. I actually remember the story behind this one, anon posted a Nietzsche meme, I shitposted about niggers, the Nietzsche part was retroactively edited out. Generally bad.
La lotta dell'uomo contro il texto. Anon writes about the absurd condition of trying to write about the absurd condition. Short.
Le Dialogue de los fetiches. Something about pregnancy and whatever.
Une Treatise. Random philosophy.
Un dialogo sobre la vore. Exactly what you'd think.
La Goblina. Heideggerian analysis of LA CREATURA. Nice, sometimes. "However, America is merely a construction of the interactions between CREATURAS. So consequently, Being-in-America finds its nucleus in the simple notion of Deleuzian differentiation: the CREATURA is a CREATURE solely because it isn’t anything else, not black, not white, not jewish, not even a chink, but sheer, undiluted difference that resolves itself through the mechanistic process of creating more and more difference."
La Salese. Jews and stuff.
La Capitulation. It's the Mersault priest scene, but with Tapir instead of Mersault.
CRISE EXISTENTIELLE DE JOHN GREEN. Life is like a bowl of cereal, you know, you never know how much cock it’s gotten before you eat it. And before you know it a fucking hurricane comes and you fall in love, but not fuck like the movies.
A Geometrical Progeression. Dunno.
L'Fin. Bad.
Niccolo. Good.
Tractacus. Good poem, based on Nael.
Symposium: No.
Someone else do parts 1, 2 and 3.

>> No.10692116

Close for edits. There's more than enough to work with.

>> No.10692130

1 2 and 3 are fine, except for the Discordia part.

>> No.10692177

Do it

>> No.10692191
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Part 2 is unironically good.

>> No.10692195

cant talk for everyone, but i am ok with it

>> No.10692215

Part 2:
Die Siegesparade: The assassination of Archduke Ferdinand takes a turn for the interesting.
Le Fagguet: It's about homosexuality, mostly.
L'Anonie et Gumshoe: Gumshoe and cyborg S.C.H.O.P.E.N.H.A.U.E.R. hunt down Anon.
L'Activiste: "Queer and Trembling." "Woman, all too Woman." Feminist parody. Funny.
Le Danois: Bugs teaches Soren "Soarin" Kierkegaard how to bake a cake.
Le Hyperstition Redux: Computer Science students discussing homework and tests and things- mostly.
Le -japanese text-: A few memes. Short.
Les Boche: War. War is hell. Or was it yesterday? I like this one.
Le Celeste: I wrote this one so I won't say if it's good or not. It's a dialogue between an edgelord and a Christian.
Man and His Return to Religion: A brief poem, of sorts.
Principia Discordia: Adam and Eve and the Illuminati and Bavaria
Un Poesie per un Perdu: Same as "Man and His Return to Religion," but with more poetry.
La Question: Literally just "Why do we like tapir so much? Guess we’re fuckin dumb."
La Promenade: Tapir talks with Bugs.

>> No.10692246

Good critique

>> No.10692265

Removed (almost) all the fluff from part 5 and merged it into part 4

>> No.10692269

I like your celeste, but i dont get it desu

>> No.10692270

Le Céleste was good enough, and it works pretty well following Les Boche

>> No.10692271

Looking through Le Celeste.
"If there were a god, it would be a god of chaos, coming from the mouth of the dragon and the beast and the false prophet, an unclean frog. "
Can I change coming to speaking?
"Surely there was nothing new, not today, not ever, under the sun."
Not here, under the sun.
“This is lunacy to me.”
This joke is cancer.

I like it desu. Appropriating Nietzsche is nice.

>> No.10692280

OP here, I'm at an event rn but as soon as I get back in 20~ minutes I'll close the doc and add some people who say they're interested in editing
Email tapirbro@gmail.com if you wanna have access.

>> No.10692288


My best existential grief/alcoholism chronicle I can muster. I owe a lot to /lit/. Good for an hour. You enjoy (or not or whatever)

>> No.10692297

just curious: what will be done in the editing ?
I have no time or skills otherwise id help.

>> No.10692302

I'm going through it anonymously just now


>> No.10692309

Just cleaning shit up and deleting stuff that is too dumb but not dumb enough to keep

>> No.10692346

1.No, don't change it, the conceit there is that the god is the frog god (Kek, haha funny meme), and the passage in Revelation being referenced is three unclean spirits like frogs proceeding from the mouths of the dragon, the beast, and the false prophet.
2. Not sure what you want to change in the second one exactly but it's not a big deal, probably.
3. Jimmy can't make a bad joke?
Thanks for the feedback in any case. Glad you liked it overall.
There's not much to get. Just pretentious sun/moon motifs, biblical allusions, and a Kierkegaard expy.

>> No.10692390

Looks like he editing is almost finished, I've made all the heading the same, merged 4 & 5, and removed the crap

>> No.10692399

It's really really nice as a story.
The thing about 'Theistic' Satanism is that it doesn't actually reverse what christianity is, it just restructures it around new moral codes. When people call, say Crowley a satanist it makes perfect sense, because he genuinely attempts to invert the structure that guides christianity, so if the NT imposes no Law yet still demands, Crowley declares that there IS a law, and it demands nothing.
All of this roundabout text should point at where I'm coming from: your opposition to the christian plays the role of the Satanist as straight as it can be played. And it's beautiful.

>> No.10692405
File: 129 KB, 600x300, tfwnopublisher.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw I wrote more for this than I did on my own projects in the last two months

>> No.10692422

Did we seriously just write and edit a book in 24 hours?

>> No.10692431

Do we keep the maxims and interludes bit before the end?

>> No.10692440

Funny, I didn't mean for Jimmy to be a Satanist, just an edgelord. But they may be the same thing, after all.

>> No.10692461

Makes me want to do it more often, honestly. It's fun to collaborate, and this one generated some interesting content.

>> No.10692469

"but beneath the earth.”

what is meant by that ? hell ?

>> No.10692478


>> No.10692482

Anon, 'I am a christian' is a statement dependent on the structure of christianity. When a person says 'I am a satanist' you can be absolutely sure he's retarded,

>> No.10692543

Are people still editing? I have some work to do so I can wait until it's finished then close the doc and fix the formatting and then export it as a pdf and maybe send it to Lulu for publishing?

>> No.10692549

Literally this century's best example of accelerationism

>> No.10692563

I think I remember TIAT: miami vice got finished in like 15 hours.

>> No.10692568

guys we have to kill our darlings

who is for killing or at least considerably improving the impromptu rap in LA MAMAN

>> No.10692571

I'd recommend keeping it up for an hour or two.

>> No.10692578

Someone cut out large chunks of it :( understandable I guess, but I was just combining a bunch of randomly selected stuff from books together

>> No.10692608

>-japanese text-
Translates to 'superman' btw.

>> No.10692626

Okay, who' wants pay for someone to do an audio book?

>> No.10692642

Which publishers do we send this to?

>> No.10692647

Send it to LULU lad.

>> No.10692670

New Directions maybe, they have shit like Queneau and Walser

>> No.10692686

We should send a copy to Cliff and Sadler.

>> No.10692693


there need to be less meta-references and hacky gimmickry like giant fonts and 4chan callouts

it needs to be more "book" and less "look what i can do with google docs'

also pls bring the page size down to like 9x6

>> No.10692705

I'm definitely gonna cut down on the memery that's going on in the formatting once I close the doc to everyone in a couple hours.

>> No.10692735

I second this. Let's try to make it more of a existentalist parody/satire book. It would be nice if it actually could be read and appreciated by people outside of 4chan and lit.

>> No.10692740

Some of the font's actually part of the joke though.

>> No.10692746

Yes, I think it would be great if we took extra lengths to ensure that this is the most "book-like" 4chan book yet
>tfw 40 years from now these little experiments have progressed to the point of /lit/ writing something worthy of the canon

>> No.10692755

>Is a Literature board
>Never tries to write Literature

>> No.10692762

This is objectively literature
Parts of this are very well written and interesting
If Pynchon or some PoMo wrote this academia would suck its cock

>> No.10692763

I love knowing that memes are a valid and interesting cultural expression desu

>> No.10692791

I agree.

>> No.10692819

>40 years from now
You underestimate 4chan's autism anon. We will be as important as Chaucer or Shakespeare by the end of the year.

Makes me wonder, what if we did this sort of project where blatant vandalism and shitposting was banned, only serious contributions were allowed. Within a week I bet we could throw something actually decent together.

>> No.10692839

Be careful not to rob it of any soul by trying to make it appeal to a wider audience, who probably will like it even less because of its neutering, or wouldn't read it anyway.

>> No.10692843

someone do part 3

>> No.10692844

I've been toying with having /lit/ try to write intentionally nonsensical post-modern philosophy ala Derrida, maybe I'll give it a try and organize it so I can have some anons delete the obvious shitposting and leave only the """"""good"""""" shit

>> No.10692875

Itd be cool. We could start a thread about every chapter with serious discussion, and a thread about the overall narrative. We would then have specialized anons for every chapter or theme/ narrative. Everything would start with a decision, namely what is the main theme oif the book, what will it be about and whats the plot like ?

Then, we give anons big creative freedom, but since everybody can work on it and critique it, the quality would improve and people would learn from each other.

>> No.10692895

desu such a project probably requires its participants- and I'm sorry I have to say this- join a discord or similar

>> No.10692905

We can rest easy in the knowledge that L'anomie was better than TLOTIAT and Hypersphere tho

>> No.10692917

We should start with some kind of short 20-40 pages long philosophical treatise. And move on to longer and more complicated works after that.

>> No.10692933

theres a pretty obvious distinction between off-the-wall creativity and virtue signalling to other anons that you know memes

scrolling thru it right now I see:
> overuse of nigger "we wuz" "sheeit" etc. tired, worn out
> xavier renegade angel references
> everything devolving into "depraved" masturbation or gay/anal scat sex
> mother (male), boipucci, mongoloid, things like this
> "le" and other meme words from 2008 everywhere
> overuse of the boulder trope
> literal greentexts
> jew memes as if it is edgy original or funny

it's too unsophisticated/stupid/tryhard right now. theres good things buried in there but it's covered in superficial lowest-hanging-fruit middle school garbage. not enough existentialism, too much physical "comedy"

i think it would be really cool if the coherent parts could be threaded together somehow but that would take a lot of work and anything is going to be constantly be overwritten by the unthinking masses

>> No.10692937

Soon senpai
Let's get L'anomie out onto a PDF and onto LULU before we jump the gun

>> No.10692943

>"le" and other meme words from 2008 everywhere
is this bait?

>> No.10692946

Don't know how you'd get this board to agree on one philosophy though, we have Trotskyists, Libertarians, White Nationalists - hell there are probably Libertarian National Trotskyists somewhere on here.

>> No.10692949

Would work well with a heavily aphoristic style, like Nietzsche or that numbnut Goonan
You have to forgive the "le" because half the conceit of the work is the French.

>> No.10692952

Sadly that's part of the condition of writing with 4chan. Give it your go to change some of it but I warn you that a lot of people do enjoy the memeing (I myself propagated the tapir throughout the novella)

>> No.10692953

why a philosophical treatise and about what/how to do that ?

>> No.10692967

Okay faggot, what is the best chapter in your esteemed opinion?

>> No.10693002

Okay how about a book where different philosophical groups (Trads, WNs, Marxists, Libs, etc) have their own few chapters and basically set out a brief history and explanation of their respective ideologies? Wrap it all up into one book and let normies read it and decide who they like best

>> No.10693021

sounds like low-tier.


what we need is the foundation of a completely new philosophy, with so precise definitions and arguing that people will die reading it.

It will be the groundwork for an ULTIMATE philosophy

>> No.10693028

i get that "le" is used because it's supposed to be french like all the famous french existentialist philosophers

i guess the memes are ok if they are a vehicle towards anything existential but none of that is happening.

only the most superficial frays of existentialism are being copied, there aren't any themes, just regurgitation of tropes

the best parts are the standalone passages


i haven't read it all. i like le celeste,

there's good stuff in there it's just buried in the dirt

>> No.10693071

If Gallimardanon is still around could you mock up a back cover?

>> No.10693087
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>> No.10693107
File: 154 KB, 1024x729, larger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

someone please make a Penguin-style cover with Goya's Still Life with Golden Breams, also with the quotes on the back cover

>> No.10693117

Can't we use a collaborative drawing program to allow all the anons to draw the cover together?

>> No.10693121

this is a thing mostly for /lit/izens to read anyways.

>> No.10693122

Would be better to take an image, split it into squares, have each participant draw a square, and recombine them.

>> No.10693129

what stand alone passages are good? I don't have time to wade through trash

>> No.10693131

I just think the Gallimard minimal aesthetic fits with all the existentialist french memery going on in this book

>> No.10693132

this looks like a tinder profile

>> No.10693154

Brainlet here, can someone do an existentialist analysis of Tinder and hookup culture?

Wouldn't it be along the lines of people seeing no meaning in life due to the lack of a purpose or God to serve, so they descend into hedonism?

>> No.10693160

nah its more like they want sex

>> No.10693240

Summary of part one, aka the greatest part?

>> No.10693243

Part 2 >>>>>>> Part 1

>> No.10693265

Is the editorial effort already underway? Just noticed somebody replaced Jimmy in Le Celeste with Gumshoe.

>> No.10693284

Alright laddies, I'm closing the document and will begin excising the blatant shitposting.
Also, I still need a back cover for the novel, if anyone would like to supply a back cover and a spine that'd be great.

>> No.10693332

Why are some parts (der bims, etc) such shit?

>> No.10693344

Tapir Bro I swear I saw you just making a new page by hitting enter a bunch of times instead of using a page break. Don't do that.

>> No.10693345
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someone with Baskerville and Futura please edit in the correct fonts

>> No.10693366


making a back cover brb

>> No.10693367

Yikes man am I a retard?

>> No.10693386

You're a superstar, OP ;)

>> No.10693392

No, but it's good to futureproof in case you change the font size or page size later!

>> No.10693404

lowkey anyone know where I can host the PDF?

>> No.10693414

Because it was all written by random autists on an open document.
Google Drive is best.

>> No.10693423

Can you put it in a Google Drive and share the link?

>> No.10693440
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>> No.10693454

I'm about to export the whole thing as a PDF to the drive, and if you could get me a back cover, I could send it to LULU so if for whatever reason an anon wants to get a physical copy of this he can

>> No.10693459


>> No.10693467

So what's the plan, OP? When could a 'finished' product possibly be done?

>> No.10693480

Can someone write a back cover blurb for me, otherwise I will find some posts in here describing it and google translate into french

>> No.10693489



>> No.10694322

Wow, this is so thick with references to other boards and memes from years ago. I feel like my entire time on 4chan was studying enough to be able to interpret and analyze these works.