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/lit/ - Literature

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10677914 No.10677914 [Reply] [Original]

At every point in history there has been an intellectual capital of the world.

Obviously, in ancient times, this was Athens.

In the early 20th century, it was Vienna.

In the mid 20th century, it was Paris.

In the late 20th century, it was New York.

Where do you think the highest echelons of intellectual debates take place today?

>> No.10677927


>> No.10677928

For free? Unironically, /lit/. For pay/paper? Universities.

>> No.10677932

The internet. There is now nowhere in the real world with a thriving intellectual current.

>> No.10677933

>Where do you think the highest echelons of intellectual debates take place today?
Peterson threads

>> No.10677948

Girls like these are my fetish

>> No.10677949


>> No.10677950

they're called dirty-foot heifers, anon.

>> No.10677953

Same here my man. I consider myself an educated man with high-brow hobbies, but there's nothing I like more than slamming drunk slags on a Friday night.

>> No.10677967

>Implying I could ever score with a girl like this...
>Implying I don't just masturbate to pictures of these types of girls.

>> No.10677976

Bassano del Grappa

>> No.10677983

London, richest city on earth, majority are foreigners, has most intellectual debates. Very close to Oxford/Cambridge.

>> No.10677986

What about Rome? You know, the centre of the largest empire in human history at the time?

>> No.10677990

I would join salo, but my politics are too Marxist. They have a nice forum.

>> No.10677997

The Romans were barbarians. All the culture came from the East.

>> No.10678001

Baltimore, MD unironically. me + friends

>> No.10678006

JHU is at the forefront of many academic fields, and the state of the city provides an existential imperitive towards higher meaning

>> No.10678028

with a bridge like that bassano needs more engineers than intellectuals

>> No.10678031

>At every point in history there has been an intellectual capital of the world.
No there hasn't.

>> No.10678044

So... all the architecture, the advanced state of their Legion Army with uniformed armour and weaponry not to mention the ballistas, the philosophers, the social programs (including a sort of 'wheat welfare' which sadly ultimately helped to destroy the economy) and all the bridges that had been built throughout the empire along with bath houses including some in Londinium (modern day London), etc... but none of that provided any culture and instead was just barbarism compared to Greece?

>> No.10678048


>> No.10678051

unironically new york city

>> No.10678059

Yes they're barbarians, the Romans and Greeks are like Aristotles and Alexander.

>> No.10678096

It was also several hundreds of years later

>> No.10678109

Somewhere in canada
Or whereever JBP teaches.

>> No.10678112

Lucky for you they exist in droves

>> No.10678117

The Romans at least during the Republic hated philosophy they thought that the Greeks aimed at destroying their traditional values by introducing philosophy. At some point they banned it and exiled all the Greek philosophers who were living in Rome.

Cato the Elder was struck with horror, along with many other Romans of the graver stamp, at the licence of the Bacchanalian mysteries, which he attributed to the influence of Greek manners; and he vehemently urged the dismissal of the philosophers Carneades, Diogenes, and Critolaus, who had come as ambassadors from Athens, on account of what he believed was the dangerous nature of their ideas. Also he had a horror of physicians, who were chiefly Greeks.

There is not a single philosophical school arising from Italy, all Roman citizens who were philosophers followed one of the Greek philosophical schools, like Marcus Aurelius was a stoic, so was Seneca the Younger. And even during the Roman period most of the philosophers were Greeks and most of the philosophical works of the Roman period were written in Alexandria, Greece or Asia Minor.

>> No.10678128

Im not sure you know what an intellectual capital is.

>> No.10678135

People meme by saying the internet is the intellectual capital of the world, but there's some truth to it. In the past, intellectuals congregated in particular places in order to easily communicate with each other, and with the internet this need has been eradicated more or less.

The most interesting conversations are probably happening in groupchats right now.

But really, if I had to pick a particular place, I'd say it was still new york, if only because nowhere has contested its claim to intellectual capital, no matter how much this reputation has sagged in recent years


>> No.10678159


Not even memeing.

>> No.10678217

Berlin is a big tech center in Europe now. Along those lines I would say Silicon Valley or Seattle. That's where the hyper rich "decide your future" types live. Think bill gates, jeff bezos, and elon musk

>> No.10678478
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>a man of taste

>> No.10678497

thank you anon... you are a god

>> No.10678510

The internet blogosphere

>> No.10678534
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>> No.10678587

I know most of you pseuds have probably never even heard about the place, but mark my words. For the last few years some very interesting conversations have taken place, and will continue to take place, between the worlds leading intellectuals in Bergen, Norway which will shape the cultural and political world for the next century.
In a hundred years time historians will look upon what is happening in Bergen right now as just as, if not more, influential in the shaping of the coming decades than 68-movement was in the shaping of the latter part of the 20th century.

>> No.10678610

as soon as you niggers are out of oil your shit country will go downhill.

>> No.10678612

Tell me more

>> No.10678626


>> No.10678637

>Obviously, in ancient times, this was Athens.
laughing persians.png
laughing chinese.jpeg
laughing indians.gif

>> No.10678649

laughing bait.oldmeme

>> No.10678657

Were those capitals/significant cities recognized at the time of their prominence? I'm not talking Rome/London where they were just the biggest thing around and the 'centers of the world', but rather Vienna before WWI, where there were obviously other cities (like today), yet something significant was happening there.

>> No.10678658


>> No.10678664

>saving the persians in png and chinese in jpg

>> No.10678671

washington, london, bejng

>> No.10678704

This. The internet decentralises information first and foremost. Looking for an intellectual capital in one place is just anachronistic.

>> No.10678723

China has been the greatest civilisation in the world until 1820 or so. And around 2030 it's bound to be so again.

The whole phenomenon of the West is a quirky intermission in world history.

Eurocentrism is silly and unwarranted.

>> No.10678730

>tfw getting sexually harassed by british slags on holiday

feels great to be objectified.

>> No.10678733

I would specify it to certain websites, but I never saw it this way.

>> No.10678749

New York? When was New York ever the “intellectual capital” of anywhere? Postwar, I’d say it was artistic capital, but Paris held pretty tightly to the intellectual capital until the 80s at least, and after that I’d just say there is no capital.

Maybe Ljubljana?

>> No.10678793

>Maybe Ljubljana?

I dont get why people are mentioning Budapest, Ljubljana or Prague or any other eastern european city.
I live in a big EE city and am among those you would call intelectuals here (no, not hipsters, actually accomplished ppl within high levels of intellectual society - not politically yet tho) and no, there is simply no way anyone in EE is having any impact whatsoever in global scheme of things

You will have to look at Chinese cities, probably Washington (NY and LA are just hipsters, editors and random academics) maybe Boston and then, politically speaking, definitely Moscow.

Also probably Brusel or Berlin but Europeans are such a joke lately.
Dont mention random cities just because you feel like aesthethically it fits the definition in OPs question.

>> No.10678798
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>> No.10678803

t. head in the sand american

>> No.10678821

Do you seriously think one man makes an “intellectual hotspot”, I’m so fucking tired of you goddamn sycophants.

Toronto is an important intellectual centre, but not because some fucking psych prof started making YouTubes about how trans kids are destroying society.

If you look on Wikipedias list of important UofT psychologists Peterson doesn’t even make the list. And how many of you know of Endel Tulving, easily in the top 50 psychologists of all time, revolutionized how we understand memory and cognition.

>> No.10678824

good one.

>> No.10678829

how can you even say that

because of Zizek?

You are out of your mind and probably never been to Slovenia

>> No.10678838
File: 2.57 MB, 1679x1333, Eugène_Delacroix_-_La_Mort_de_Sardanapale.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ahhh anyone ever not visit /lit/ threads for weeks at a time and feel refreshed at the thought that while you plumb the depths and explore the heights of the loftiest and most profound human artistic endeavors you dumb homos are "still" here incessantly yammering with your useless memes and garbage mediocre tastes and ideas? Feels pretty good, man.

>> No.10678839


>> No.10678843

This. Today we read about the art fags in Paris. Tomorrow we'll read about the /litfags on 4chan.

>> No.10678866


Also Alenka Zupančič, Mladen Dolar, Renata Salecl and Samo Tomšič

>> No.10678876

Which ones?

>> No.10678886

>delacroix fitting footservice into death scenes
good taste anon, back to reading the sticky

>> No.10679015

I'm from the eastern med

>> No.10679050

Where do you find videos like this?

>> No.10679079

Real life is obsolesced by the digital. /lit/ should just meet up in vr chatrooms using their favorite book/writer as their model. Then we can shit post with a face but still never "our" face

>> No.10679086
File: 131 KB, 530x530, Claire (3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>white but blacked
>dishonest with their hair
>not wearing proper shoes / walking in the dirt
>generic dress
>not vegan
>watch on the right wrist
>probably more than 25 years old and still being a "party girl"

>> No.10679142

is that a euphemism for balkans?

>> No.10679148

is claire vegan? :3

i always thought she was pure

>> No.10679216

no its just the middle east

>> No.10679234

mi diario desumente.

>> No.10679255

Sylicon Valley

>> No.10679534

The Internet is the greatest civilization in the Universe

>> No.10679748
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>> No.10680056
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>thinks nation-state identity will matter in a globalized future with mutant superhumans who can choose phenotypic features at will
lmaoing @ your myopic worldview

>> No.10680275

Has /lit/ produced a single noteworthy writer?

>> No.10680437

Is a single one of those blonds a real blond?
God I wish I were born a female today, I could just dye my hair blond.

>> No.10680464
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They're emblematic of everything terrible about modernity but I still feel you

>> No.10680484

>implying the Chinese won't remake themselves as six foot four Nordics

>> No.10680492

Is that an actual sample of Nick Land's writing? Is he that incoherent?

>> No.10680499
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>> No.10680645
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new york city

>> No.10680674

>(((In the late 20th century, it was New York.)))

>> No.10680684

Chez moi, when I start my monologues.

>> No.10680694

I remember when the Internet was purely western. It was glorious and most people are actually literate.

>> No.10680700

Wherever Dan Schneider lives in

>> No.10680773

would unironically be pretty neet, shame i don't have a VR set.

>> No.10680847

The Internet, and more specifically, on Skeptic YouTube channel comment sections. This is the place where only the most rational and enlightened Kekistani soliders are victorious in the battle of ideas against the authorotarian cultural marxist SJW liberals. PRAISE KEKISTAN! :-)

>> No.10680858

This exactly.

>> No.10681475

Not just Western but smart enough to use those shitty computers. You basically had no dumb people online for a while.

On the other hand it’s fun seeing the third world come online though.

>> No.10681496


>> No.10681916

Intellectual HQ has been and always will be... RRREEEEDDDDDITTTTTT!!!!!

>> No.10681938

Kill.your.self. you fucking retard

>> No.10681950

Oh look, a delusional westaboo.

>> No.10681958

> thinking New York was an intellectual capital
wtf OP

>> No.10681962

> thinking foreigners are capable of being intellectual

>> No.10681970

Silicon Valley obviously.

>> No.10681983

>flicks lights on and off

settle down now children

>> No.10682060



elon musk is probably shitposting behind a screen name somewhere, not fucking drinking overpriced coffee with some kids in scarves.

>> No.10682080

I begrudgingly have to say it's the internet. There's no real intellectual discussion taking place these days. Everyone is just engaged in institutionalist warfare with each other, so instead of trying to argue with other ideas, they try to get the guys they disagree with fired. If I had to name a place, it would probably be New York City or Washington D.C.
Rome had some really impressive people, and was certainly one of the most advanced cities on the planet. However, Rome copied a lot of its culture from Greece, so naturally Greece was able to maintain its existing culture, and develop even further. It's similar to in economics where it's easier for a poor country to advance because they can just copy technology from the rich ones; whereas a rich country needs to invest a lot into developing new ideas. Greece never really needed to "play catch-up," so it was able to maintain its incredible intellectual sphere. It was actually a very common practice for the Roman aristocracy to send their children to study Greek and Philosophy in Greece.

>> No.10682135


>> No.10682156


>> No.10682170

>implying Elon Musk is of any intellectual

trust me, I'm a basement dwelling neet with no accomplishments

>> No.10682186


Wow he's not on Kikepedia's list of approved good goys, the fucking horror.

>> No.10682191

this. /thread

>> No.10682199

>>(((In the late 20th century, it was New York.)))
>(((In the early 20th century, it was Vienna.)))

>> No.10682209

If it did, they wouldn't admit it. The best future writer will know about /lit/, but will probably only have seen it once in a while

>> No.10682237

parris island sc

>> No.10682241


>> No.10682243

We need to make a 4chan colony in Latvia and let everyone hash it out there

>> No.10682656

some chinese city with >10,000,000 people that three decades ago didn't exist.

>> No.10682663


Can we please un-fag this thread?

3 > > 4 > 5 > 1 > 2 (cankles)

>> No.10682669

/b/ obviously, the peak of human achievement, high culture and repository of all knowledge.

>> No.10682681

I'd say the censorship and more than that - the self censorship really hamstring the meme potential of chinese bantz

>> No.10682687


I'm gonna throw in for Toronto too.

Here's why: "liberals" here are not just lefty drones (like california or new york) but actual classical liberals that like free markets, free speech, and fewer rules (drugs, etc). Many, many people like that here, hence JBP's popularity.

Toronto will TROUNCE Trudeau in next election now that we know what he is. Screencap this for truth.

>> No.10682714

2 is the most attractive even with her cankles. 1 is fat and the other three are slight variations of the same whore. also 3 has no chin and 5 smokes and seems to have worn socks with heels.

>> No.10682719

1 is titqueen, 4 has best physiognomy, 2 and 4 look like they fuck the best, 5 and 3 look like they're just awful

>> No.10682734


Trust me, I hear what's you're saying, and 2 was going to be higher on my list too, but look at those calves. How could you run your hands along those and feel sexually attracted? Even under her black stockings I can tell that 1 has better legs. 2 also has a big block head.

>> No.10682740

>5 smokes

You can remove that as a variable. Trust me, those bitches all smoke. Just so happens half of them are eating.

>> No.10682752

3 is by far the most gorgeous

>> No.10682760


Yeah, no kidding. That's an objective reality. Look at those legs, and her face is the only non-mong among them.

>> No.10682780
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The Internet, and even then it's mainly places like 4chin because it has 0 accountablitiy - therefore everything has to stand on its merits

Universities and the like are now centre of groupthink and censorship - how ironic

>> No.10684033



>> No.10684190



>> No.10684658

>largest empire in human history
t. 70 IQ

>> No.10684674

You're an idiot. We only know of Athen's because the history survived. For all we know there could have been even greater societies. Fuckin' skip forward and look at the Mayans. They were math geniuses. But the west didn't know about them so who cares, right?

>> No.10684677

>the intellectual capital of the ancient world was Athens
Of the ancient Western* world. Don't mean to be contrarian, just pointing out that there's another half of the world, ya know.

On the other side of the coin, you've got angry young men developing misanthropic disorders on anonymous forums. Fits perfectly.

>> No.10685499
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>> No.10685558

If we're talking about people who are fighting on the frontier of intellectual and philosophical thought, and who are the most connected nodes in the most powerful networks then Sillicon Valley.

If we're talking purely cultural trend setting in things like fashion music and even behaviour, then Berlin.

>> No.10685630


Not Toronto per se, but Etobicoke.

>> No.10686392


lol, Royal York and Lakeshore checking in

>> No.10686421

Since I've recently moved to Toronto I'm gonna go ahead and say Brampton or at least Rexdale

>> No.10688129

>On the other side of the coin, you've got angry young men developing misanthropic disorders on anonymous forums. Fits perfectly.
You're not wrong

>> No.10688303

>neo-China arrive from the future
about but what?

>> No.10688415

Seriously, we all know /lit/ is not harboring the Frontier of philosophic/artistic proliferry--so where is? In America I've heard Providence is a good, fairly cheap place that is burgeoning. Obviously Austin, Portland and Seattle are pretty well established art meccas at this point, not to mention Atlantis growing importance In culture. Anywhere I'm missing? New York City?

>> No.10688428
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>greatest civilization in the world until 1820
>didn't know earth was round until the 1700's

>> No.10688441

location means nothing, speed has collapsed all boundaries, homogenize simulated realities inside of concrete matrices have destroyed culture

there is simply no center of genius anymore at all, for civilization it would be San Fran, Silicon Valley, Hong Kong, NY, London, Paris but they don't produce great art just more tools top shred the human over soul

>> No.10688461

Which ones?

>> No.10688476

>intellectual capital
>marketplace of ideas
>personal brand

We think when we have entered dreams at night, that finally we are free for a moment from the chains of ideology, and yet still we are fully immersed in ideology then as well.

>> No.10688482

Providence is hell

>> No.10688487

But environment matters. If one is surrounded by fellowly serious inquierers, instead of just explaining patricia to plebs, then they will have the opportunity to maximize their abilities.

>> No.10688499

As someone decidedly not in a cultural center, this is very true

>> No.10688500

How so? I currently live in California, and have romanticized the shit out of it. I want to be near New York City, but I don't think I could handle living there

>> No.10688508


>> No.10688515

As much as people on here hate on California, it counts for these purposes. There's a lot going on in places like LA. I used to live there and I miss it.

>> No.10688530

I like LA, but it's expensive af man. I'm getting priced out. I Need to find a cozy community of artists/writers whom I can create alongside, and with--to some degree. I currently only have one writing friend and he's a recluse, so I'm just left thirsting, hence: /lit/

>> No.10689362

>In the late 20th century, it was New York.

Are you serious?

>> No.10689373


>> No.10689474


>> No.10689480

shut up it's a beautiful bridge

>> No.10689496
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>> No.10689541


that means you don't deserve anything better

>> No.10689544

I don't want anything better

>> No.10689553

I want to be deeply unhappy with a fuck rag every night whilst other girls who are more compatible are shocked that I am in a relationship with a chav

>> No.10689562


>> No.10689578

Unironically read most of The Book of Disquiet sitting in a bench right there in Heron Quays.

>> No.10689580

Paki filled shithole swarming with pseuds

>> No.10689607
File: 931 KB, 1200x801, canary wharf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the docklands can be a pretty chill area especially on weekends

>> No.10689623

Wherever I happen to be standing at the time is that time's intellectual capital of the world.

>> No.10690132

Switzerland (Lausanne, Geneva Area)

>> No.10690470
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>highest echelons of intellectual debates

>> No.10690474

Well said

>> No.10690553

and thats where contrapoints! lives!

>> No.10690585
File: 141 KB, 680x1024, sardinetoastingredents-680x1024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

562 anon here, I too am a recluse getting priced out. I live with the last of my family and they are dying. When I'm not doing hard labor to get by I'm reading at Dennys or Farmer Boys all night so I can bus home in the morning after band practice in dtla. Overall i probably never want to leave though, I've never been anywhere with more cultural variations and opportunities in US.

>> No.10690604

>At every point in history there has been an intellectual capital of the world.
This is wrong and the rest of your post proves that.

>> No.10690610

Nice try qingziao

>> No.10691032
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>> No.10691038
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Berkeley is a nightmare for /lit/izens

>> No.10691053
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which on is /lit/?

>> No.10691077

Where is


>> No.10691089

The neon hoodie is textbook /lit/: fat, bad fashion and larping as christian. I lived there for over a year and the daily protests are far more annoying than the pleasure I got from cops dealing with them.

>> No.10691309

Etobicoke, for sure.

>> No.10691374


yeah, Berkeley (and all of Bay Area) is a dump

>> No.10692018

Edinburgh, Melbourne, Iowa City, Dublin, Reykjavik, Norwich, Krakow, Heidelberg, Dunedin, Granada, Prague, Baghdad, Barcelona, Ljubljana, Lviv, Monetevideo, Nottingham, Obidos, Tartu, Ulyanovsk, Bucheon, Durban, Lillehammer, Manchester, Milano, Quebec City, Seattle or Utrecht.

>> No.10692900
File: 128 KB, 960x480, The three graces.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just make sure you wear your acid-proof mask my friend! I'd rather be by the three graces

>> No.10692907

Have you ever been to Manchester?