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10636250 No.10636250 [Reply] [Original]

Why the fuck did I major in philosophy I'm never going to find a job let alone raise a future family wtf am I doing

>> No.10636315

Because you're not as smart as you think you are.

>> No.10636326

Just take a conversion into another subjecr for Grad school you hysterical idiot.
t. Phil grad now studying Computer Science

>> No.10636337
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Please stop plagiarising my diary, it's highly private desu

>> No.10636345

Be a life coach or work for a think tank

>> No.10636351


>> No.10636355

>mfw I majored in Human Resources
I fully accept my pending life of quiet desperation and in fact I welcome it. I am but a simple pleb. I need but a simple home, with a stove and a bed and a chair for reading in.

I struggled for a long time to find something I was passionate about. Eventually I realised I'm passionate about stable employment and not being poor.


>> No.10636376

Nah it's more like you probably never would have been successful in any field because you're so lazy, at least you have a major that's seen as being useless to blame your joblessness on.

>> No.10636406

I can't understand why someone would take a degree just for money but then study something so mediocre as HR

>> No.10636412

I should clarify, to do all this and not be a woman

>> No.10636439

Could've asked yourself that question a couple of years ago when you were deciding what to study...

>> No.10636441

Because HR is a corporate degree. You don't work in an industry, you work in corporate. If the mining industry collapses, mining engineers have no job. If the mining industry collapses, the people who work in HR in mining companies can go work in HR in other companies in different industries.

Plus it's a highly employable degree fresh out of university. More employable than many professional degrees, in fact.

And if I do end up wanting to make big bucks then there's always the path towards being a senior HR manager, HR director, or HR consultant. They get six figure salaries comparable to any professional job.

And the work is easy.

>> No.10636515

Don't become cab driver.

I drive cab and all the stinky people who sit in my cab have violated the privacy of my car.

I feel like a stranger in my own car.

>> No.10636552

The thought of spending the rest of my life doing something as mindless and inconsequential as HR, where you contribute nothing to anything meaningful in the world as a whole, would unironically drive me to kill myself. Good luck though anon.

>> No.10636591

I majoren in something I love in hopes to be a lawyer, but getting the money for law school to begin with will be impossible

>> No.10636600

>>The thought of spending the rest of my life doing something as mindless and inconsequential as HR, where you contribute nothing to anything meaningful in the world as a whole, would unironically drive me to kill myself
So don't think about it. Duh.

I mean you already manage not to think about how utterly inconsequential your writing career has been so far and likely will be, so it can't be that hard.

Yeah, and I could pioneer management techniques that improve conditions for workers while also increasing productivity, meaning your shoes and cars and carpets and food just got cheaper. Every job is important and that's why people get paid to do them, and in every field of work there is the potential for innovation that changes people's lives. The differences between Taylorism and SHRM might not be as sexy as The Count of Monte Cristo but it's no less an important component of this modern world.

>> No.10636622

My writing career doesn't and never will exist, anon, so you can't shit on me for that. My line of work isn't even slightly related to literature.
>I could pioneer management techniques
And change the world with a powerpoint presentation of bland buzzwords energizing your office of 25 people?

>> No.10636623

I, too, am majoring in philosophy, and it's actually quite fun. Then again, I live in a socialist shithole where the state is obligated to take care of me for the rest of my days anyway, so I'm not really feeling any pressure.

>> No.10636641

>ellipses of weighty profundity

>> No.10636652

>And change the world with a powerpoint presentation of bland buzzwords energizing your office of 25 people?
"there's literally no difference between scientific management from the 1920s and modern management styles, and these differences (which don't exist) clearly have no impact on productivity and the quality of life of workers" - you.

How does it feel to be less intelligent than someone who works in HR?

>> No.10636661

PLEASE tell me your ethnicity.

>> No.10636674

I’m a very well paid software engineer and believe me it feels no different. it Sounded cool when I got the job, I’d be working in high finance and would be a full fledged software engineer on the spot at 21. And the pay is very good. But I feel like only a few steps removed from an HR person all day. And it’s more stressful since my boss and coworkers can’t decid upon and then remember what the fuck I’m working on which only makes me look like the stupid one. At least my boss is smart and personable, could’ve been worse.

>> No.10636675

where do you live and what do you plan to do?

>> No.10636697

t. java monkey

you could have exercised your brain daily by working on embedded systems in C and Assembly, but you chose the ignoble path.

>> No.10636720

some philosophy majors go into law

your degree and life in general is what you make of it


>> No.10636728

I did the same thing OP. I was a lazy pothead in college and I majored in history. If I could go back in time I would slap myself. I went to grad school for something completely different but at least I have a career now

>> No.10636730

how is that qualify as a shithole?

>> No.10636731

philosophy majors, weirdly, have one of the highest employment rates of any other major
based on a study i skimmed like 6 years ago

>> No.10636771

That's literally what I wanted to do, and what I'm by far best at. I fucking hate Java. I did internships in high school where I worked with assembly and throughout high school wrote tons of fun little projects in C and/or Assembly for small devices. It was the most fun I've had with computer science.

But I can't find any decent jobs that want that skill. After I get vested with my 401k to 75% next year, and once I've been there long enough to get to put a range of 3 years on there and get some references, I'm going to look into embedded systems jobs pronto. My resume is impressive for those kinds of jobs, and looks pitiful for Java, but for some reason the only people who wanted to hire me were all Java monkey companies that wanted to overpay me.

>> No.10636807

HR is a highly misunderstood area. I know people like to play it out as the typical middle management job and everyone who works as one is a hack and wants to kill himself or herself. There are hacks, as in any other other fucking area, but there people who legit make the organization a better place to work in.

>> No.10637188

>how is that qualify as a shithole?
Well, it's in Europe.

>where do you live and what do you plan to do?
Germany, and I have literally no plans for my future. Maybe I'll waste away in academia for a few more years, but I'm not actually smart enough for a proper career like that. I'll probably end up subsisting on state bux.

>> No.10637221

I am a philosophy major. Funny enough, I know a ton of math and logic through studying philosophy but everyone will just view me as a pie in the sky dreamer. Whatever though, hopefully I can write essays that people will enjoy reading.

>> No.10637255

There's this pamphlet at my university that tries to get people interested in getting a BA in philosophy. Under "Career prospects", it says, "Most people move on from a Bachelor's Degree in Philosophy to a *Master's Degree* in Philosophy".

That's all it says there.

>> No.10637280

>I know a ton of math
No you don't.

>> No.10637435

I regretted that statement as soon as I typed it.

>> No.10637453

but you're not a woman?

>> No.10637473
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>tfw PhD atmospheric science
>field full of attractive smart women
>most people can't into math so not much competition

>> No.10638229

I was just talking to a TA about my plans to teach English abroad. Apparently a friend of her husband that majored in Phaggotry made a pretty penny for himself in Japan and even got published.

>> No.10638244

>Yeah, and I could pioneer management techniques that improve conditions for workers while also increasing productivity, meaning your shoes and cars and carpets and food just got cheaper.

And no one will (rightfully) give a shit

>> No.10638271

>I know a ton of math

>> No.10638637

Use philosophy to get into coding or law

There, problem solved quit fucking bitching

>> No.10638645

>And no one will (rightfully) give a shit
This only shows that you're too retarded to grasp the importance of incremental, practical improvements, not that he's wrong.

>> No.10638653

No its more a case that such activity has no worthwhile affect on human life. So we get useless shit a little cheaper and can support a population of a few more niggers. It does nothing for why we live in the first place

>> No.10638655

It's not the end of the world, anon. Philosophy is a good major, especially if you studied logic or epistemology. There's a reason so many lawyers study it in undergrad.

If you don't want to become an academic, try and find a way to transfer the skills in critical thinking and written communication to some other career.

t. CS major

>> No.10638663

>It does nothing for why we live in the first place
There is no why you fucking tardlet.

>> No.10638668
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>this your brain on STEM

>> No.10638683

What are the jobs that aren't mindless and inconsequential?

>> No.10638688

Just enjoy it, it's not you'll able to find a job anyway.

>> No.10639812

>Why the fuck did I major in philosophy
This is a question philosophical training would allow you to answer, if you were competent at it whatsoever.