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10627002 No.10627002 [Reply] [Original]

Has a book ever angered you, anon?

>> No.10627009

I got pretty pissed after reading Brave New World back in highschool. But I busted my anger nut before I could accomplish anything and got sent to a therapist

>> No.10627015

ready player one

>> No.10627022

I got mad at a character in a book who was a total meany to the main character

>> No.10627028

The Sun Also Rises ... fuck that spoiled cunt

>> No.10627035

i read Wilde's The Devoted Friend as a kid, still makes me mad just to think about it.

>> No.10627080

once read a local priest's (think he was evangelical?) book on Christian apologetics which he distributed amongst his congregation
evidently had no grasp on theology, totally ignorant of relevant philosophical views, used a tenuous version of the Cosmological argument,
and not once did he cite any church authority - the bibliography only contained sources taken from a magazine he published.

>> No.10627084

The typos had angered me more than the content itself.

>> No.10627133
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The Wise Man's Fear.
The first book was decent, and I think the fifteen years of revisions said to have happened prior to publication made it better. This book was atrocious. I've tried reading it twice and it just worsenned with the second attempt where I gota bit farther. Kvothe is now even more of a smug, tiresome asshole. The prose is mediocre or even worse with all the adverbs. The unreliable narrator is not an excuse, and, it shouldn't be used in a series. The probable reason as to why this second book is insufferable to the point of being insulting is because it's rushed and rambling, and somehow even more indulgent than the first... the first was at least tolerable enough to be enjoyable. Patrick is a one hit-wonder. I have zero hopes for Doors of Stone.

>> No.10627172

Night made me want to machine gun atheists and whiny Jews even though I'm not an anti-semite or a theist and Things Fall Apart made me want to nuke all Bantus and I still feel this way

>> No.10627221
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>being like this

>> No.10627903

The Collector
fuck that book

>> No.10627957

What about it angered you?

>> No.10627993

>Stupid bitch wife, stupid beta colleague

>> No.10628012

it's nonsensical, butchered version of Tempest
>hurr I persevere through all the torture yet it didn't matter in the end

>> No.10628053

The Bible

>> No.10628419

i second stoner

>> No.10628601


>> No.10628622

Das Kapital

>> No.10628634

Hemmingway actually wrote multiple endings for that book, theyre available

>> No.10628637

Mein kampf he builds you up and then you find out the entire time he was describing a dream he had

>> No.10628649
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i wasn't expecting it to get dark, i was just a kid >:(

>> No.10628794

The hunger games. I thought the movies were decent and entertaining. But the book showed me what a bitch katnis was, is that how women really think?

>> No.10628817

Gravity's Rainbow. I wanted to knock Pynchon the fuck out every minute I spent reading that book

>> No.10628874

Just started reading this book:
I haven't really got to the meat of it yet, but the entire introduction is a social justice lecture on "cultural appropriation" coming from a white non-Haitian who decided to become a voodoo priestess.

>> No.10628896
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I was forced to read this steaming, fly-circled abomination at University. I already knew enough about Miss Woolf to know this would be four hours wasted. It was, indeed, four hours I will never get back.


- Sleeping

- Wooing women

- Cooking food and eating it

- Reading any of the 200,000 books that need to be read that are better than Orlando that I will never get time to read

- Practicing my five-ball cascade (that's juggling not a salacious metaphor).

If only I could have got it in time, I would have sent off for one of those shirts with your own design printed on them.

I would have got one with this on the front:


and worn it to the appropriate seminar.

Jumping into that river was the most accurate piece of self-assessment I have ever seen from an artist. I wish you were still down there, and fish were using your eye-sockets as a communal latrine.

>> No.10628901

post it
you know what I mean

>> No.10628903

Life of Pi, had to read it for AP in high school, absolute pretentious drivel. I want to find the author and make him deepthroat my cock.

>> No.10628918

Hamlet was a fucking cunt. If I was Shakespeare's kid I would be ashamed that that was the play that got named after me.

>> No.10628929


I read the first half of Life Of Pi at my sister's house the other day. (I often read books at other people's houses.)
All books can be divided up into two categories:

a) books you steal and take home to finish reading

b) books you don't bother to steal and take home to finish reading

Within these categories are further subcategories:

a1) you keep the book
a2) you return the book

b1) you finish the book the next time you visit relative in question (or another relative with that book)
b2) you don't ever bother to finish the book

Currently, for me, Life Of Pi is hovering somewhere about b-1½

>> No.10629336

Cryptonomicon upset me for some reason that I don't remember. I thought it was a pretty good book though.

>> No.10629353


>> No.10629357

>read game of thrones
>Enjoy it for a while
>Bran is pretty cool I guess
>Start to really enjoy his story
>Slowly start to get concerned when he starts really using his powers
>Time travel
>Figuring out how the story ends is easy now
>Burn all the books

Anyone who uses time travel in their story should have their children raped and murdered before their eyes.

>> No.10629358

Yes, A Confederacy Of Dunces angered me deeply. It was so shit tier and poorly written I had to drop it halfway through. It also caused a violent torrent of jealousy and resentment in the writer in me.

>> No.10629372

after finishing the Dune series I wanted more so naturally I picked up his sons book and wow, just wow it was so bland and aggravating, completely style-less and tone deaf just awful fan fiction, really

>> No.10629425

The Icemark Chronicles were absolutely abysmal.
None of the main characters were likable, especially the MC stronk Feemail Karakter who got whatever she wanted by bullying all of her allies and the unrealistic incompetence of the antagonists.

Total waste of time. Only reason I read the whole series was because I had the faintest of hopes that the main character would get killed at some point, but she never did.

>> No.10629488
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anything by mary roach and her condescending bitchy attempts to be funny

>> No.10629561
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GR is great, don't be such a fuddydud

>> No.10629584
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But anon, a guy turns into a girl, it excites my penis

>> No.10630817

underrated post

>> No.10630834
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>Kafka for Pseuds

>> No.10630844
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>> No.10630845

I had to read this book called The Feed and back at the time I read it, I was very enamored with technology and thought its message was very Luddite and stupid.
Nowadays, as I contemplate living away from society in a log cabin with minimal amenities, I chuckle quietly as I remember that the book's right.
But back then, I was screeching autistically because the ending 'wasn't fucking fair'

>> No.10632475

Earthly Powers, Infinite Jest.

>> No.10632487

Fuck Life of Pi. If I remembered it, I would have included it in my previous post

>> No.10632510

Not any one book in particular, but the constant stream of muh plight books I read for my English Major. Volumes upon volumes of poetry on how much it chugs dick being a gay Indian or some shit, then spending an hour and a half in class "discussing" it absolutely destroyed my love of reading.

>> No.10632574

Robinson Crusoe, the plot seemed like it belonged in a children's book yet I was reading it for a college class. If i remember correctly, every little thing goes Robinson's way. There was no suspense or drama for a book about being stranded on an island. It makes me think that Candide had to be written in response to that bland ass book

>> No.10632596
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Les Chants de Maldoror or The tales of a Spic Edgelord. Some bits were actually cool, but I had read so much about the book for so many years and I couldn't find a copy anywhere, that I developed the notion it would be an ever better À Rebours written by an actual nobleman. When I finally bought it I felt disappointed.

Also pic related, which I'm pretty sure nobody on this board has ever read. It's just rape and anal abuse, hideous namecalling and rape. The only book I ever considered burning.

Also Murakami. I swear if I read about some other faggot with no personality and no opinions, who just likes jazz, whiskey and enjoys running, I will cut my wrists.

>> No.10632613

I tried reading Lolita when I was younger. It angered me. It was hard to deal with the beauty of the prose and the ugliness of the content. I ended up giving up.

A few years later I tried it again and absolutely loved the book. I guess I just lacked the maturity the first time round.

>> No.10632671

Native Son, what a shit-tier character with a communist spiel tacked on to the end.

>> No.10632705
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The Mars Trilogy by Kim Stanley Robinson because he talked about red fucking rocks, deserts, and mountains too fucking much.

Good reads besides that.

>> No.10632733

I agree on Night, but, except for the last page, I really liked Things Fall Apart. I liked the narrative style and its account of daily tribal life as if its eccentricities were the most logical things in the world.