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File: 54 KB, 522x454, little-goblin-man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10626340 No.10626340 [Reply] [Original]

When are we going to bow down to our literary overlord, the ugly male?
pic related.

>> No.10626379

Ugly dudes are based. Especially when they're successful and charismatic and intelligent and witty and chick magnets. Pretty boys are lesser men. Chadlets can't even compete.

>> No.10626419

I think 'lets and 'cels should be put on an axes of failure rather than treated as interchangable, there are distinguishing features. Facecels have deformed, dysfunctional faces with improper symmetry. Wristcels have literally too small of bone mass to properly slap or choke women in bed and thus suffer romantically. I think this is more in-depth than you're letting on, but pic related is no 'let and he can't be facecel because his ugliness is attractive to women

>> No.10626462
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>Wristcels have literally too small of bone mass to properly slap or choke women in bed and thus suffer romantically
There are plenty of scrawny dudes who are chick magnets. It's a disadvantage, not a sexual death sentence. These disadvantages are what make ugly dudes based, and chadlets seem effeminate in comparison.

>> No.10626553
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Is he the human embodiment of JUST?

>> No.10626578

it seems self-imposed, like he has ascended above our petty concerns about looks and instead focuses on being a french gremlin.
A modern Francis of Assisi

>> No.10626589

yes this is all true, these are valid points. We are missing the core of what I said here, I don't think cels and lets are interchangeable. You wouldn't say jawcel, you'd saw jawlet, but you would say facecel to someone who was a jawlet and a canthalcel instead of canthallet because it doesn't make sense to say let; let is for a lack of some kind of biomass; cel is more of description of aesthetics, ugliness, a spiritual state of untouchability that is evidenced by some dysmorphic feature. Does that make sense? You have a gymcel, but you wouldn't say gymlet, tho a manlet is usually a gymcel they are are again not the same. And tho our dear lord of melancholy is a facecel by most standards it would be improper to say he is an incel since he does get pussy much more in fact than most of us, and much higher quality too. I'm advocating for precision not disputing that your thesis is correct or not. It is, chads will never compete with the charismatic uglies, they can't, biologically or spiritually.

>> No.10626590

i can understand women going with ugly men. but how can a man settle with an ugly woman? that’s beyond my comprehension

>> No.10626635

Because company is preferable to loneliness

>> No.10626636

i thought "cel" just meant celibate, i don't see how it applies to people who aren't actually celibate

>> No.10626641

yeah, i think he just has a really strong case of idgaf

>> No.10626663

cel is someone whose celibacy is due to a trait, lets are people who are deficient in something, Chadlet makes no sense it Chadcel would make sense since it suggest they have a trait, Chad personality, which is bad and undesirable. They're not physically deficient, a let is someone whose physical features are unimpressive and undersized in some way, a brainlet literally has a smaller brain and mind. A facecel's face is so ugly they can't get laid or make friends, a jawlet has a small jaw and might be worse off from it and is probably cuckable but is not necessarily a cel. A cel is indeed someone who is worse off than a let in most cases. Chadcel is a Chad who can't get laid because his Chad nature is undesirable to women, and in this vacuum Saint Houellebecqu is just the preferred type, Chad's don't lack mass or an amount of something, they are the wrong thing, they are in a state of pure ugliness, one which cannot be rectified with surgeries or lifting or adding matter onto themselves. They are simply undesirable, there are many incels like this, who are unfixable and will always be undesirable. I'd like to distinguish between essence and appearance

>> No.10626704

Do ugly writers produce more interesting literature than handsome ones?

>> No.10626716

is his dick big? actually a crucial point.

>> No.10626719

Not for me

Anesthetics are one of my muses

>> No.10626723

How does know if they are ugly?

>> No.10626726

I hope you find contentment in your life.

>> No.10626749

but is the love real? like the raging desire the fuck the life out of her

>> No.10626759

they’re the only ones writing

>> No.10627156
File: 395 KB, 1000x667, Clement in ireland.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yeah, he lost his beloved friend and all shred of hope.Give him a break nigger.

>pic related

>> No.10628127

L'empereur is still chugging along despite losing Clément. He'll be alright in the end.

>> No.10628181
File: 322 KB, 1080x1064, Houellekecq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

le big brench baguette