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/lit/ - Literature

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10622646 No.10622646 [Reply] [Original]

>becomes a legend of 21st century literature and a giant in the history of literature
how does /lit/ deal with being this much assblasted on a daily basis? Why haven't you all committed group suicide yet? does the soylent help soothe your mental (and ass) wound?

>> No.10623111

>implying this is more than a fad
>implying this is literature
>implying it'll be remembered

>> No.10623125

go back to writing your trashy book instead of making fun of people on 4chan martin

>> No.10623242

>60 million copies sold as of 2015

>> No.10623247

Choose one

>> No.10623258
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>your post
>an argument
choose one

>> No.10623304

O man, you got me.

>> No.10623357

Good or bad writing aside, he will never be a legend if he doesn't finish the series, which he won;t

>> No.10623388


>> No.10623397

Why would I be assblasted? I like it.

>> No.10623404

soo.... when is his next book coming?

>> No.10623429

When he learns how to advance a plot

>> No.10623449

popular authors that aren't influential or critically acclaimed are always forgotten sooner or later

>> No.10623637

>how does /lit/ deal with being this much assblasted on a daily basis?
Because worse has happened and worse will come to pass. Rupi exists, for one example, and she's considered to be a poetic voice of anyone born after 85. That's worse than an old fart who writes slowly but puts a lot of thought into how he can subvert or use well-known cliches to his advantage, and bases his fantasy in historical fiction.

Hell, anon, Tao Lin is a thing. Infinite Jest was a thing. There are people who marry fucking cartoons, for fuck's sake. This ain't shit. I'm actually kind of happy for him, but a little sad since I've seen the video of him playing with bubbles. Seems like he has it all, but all he seems to want is to finish his legacy and be with a qt. Especially after working in Hollywood so long, on scripts no less, I can respect that.

>Why haven't you all committed group suicide yet?
Not all of us allow a place we visit for shits, giggles, and information to define us. I visited /b/ for a while with a girlfriend, but there's no fucking way I'm going to define myself as part of that cancer.

>does the soylent help soothe your mental (and ass) wound?
My mental scars are caused and soothed by introspection and taking a long and hard damn look at myself for a lot of the shit I do, think, and say.
>Never tried sticking soylent up my ass though, thanks for that idea.

>> No.10623838
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>Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, Game of Thrones
Why does so many popular book series is set in middle age setting?

>> No.10623985

>Harry Potter
>Middle ages

And it's popular because of the focus on adventure and discovery that it usually entails. Back then people didn't know everything and there was still mystery to the world

>> No.10624007

>becomes a legend of 21st century literature and a giant in the history of literature.

Hell no anon. Wt? Are you high?

>> No.10624789

Binge read them in 2013 anticipating the next book was releasing 2014. Enjoyed them but have long lost interest.

>> No.10624832

Which book is the one where Sunset found her squatting?

>> No.10624876

Not even that great in comparisons to other fantasy out there. My main gripe is they're very overrated.