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10618701 No.10618701 [Reply] [Original]

Are all flood myths derived from a single, proto-story; or did they develop independently?

>> No.10618715

I'd imagine the Abrahamic flood could be the same as other regional mythologies, since it's in an area where large scale flooding is so rare and the spoken tradition is already known to have branched into sup-belief systems
Pacific island flood folk tales are almost all certainly derived from independent events

>> No.10618718


Same same but different.

>> No.10618726
File: 109 KB, 780x594, watermellums wolf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when it like, rains a lot, it like, floods
happens pretty often tbqh desu senpai
doesn't have much to do with sky-daddi

>> No.10618755


>> No.10618822

> no girl will ever have mythical flood for me

>> No.10618826

nice joke, reddit

>> No.10618842

> > no girl will ever have mythical flood for me
> girl
> mythical flood
What did he mean by this?

>> No.10618853


>> No.10618914

> mythical

>> No.10619134


>> No.10619154

A woman being anything but a complete whore?

>> No.10620255

uh.... ima have to guess they all developed from a single, actual flood!

>> No.10620381

Different. Civilization grew in great river valleys, every one of which would have experienced a great flood at some time or another. So any two civilized people who met would have a historical great flood story to share, and might reasonably wonder if it was the same flood.

>> No.10620392

Who is this Cunt Mobile?

>> No.10620427
File: 87 KB, 1080x809, 14723134_231540047259564_817893680193994752_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The flood happened

>> No.10621006

A flood did happen. 12,800 years ago a comet struck North America, melting polar ice caps instantly. This generates giant, world-wide floods which wiped out the majority of the global human population at the time. Human history is cyclical, not linear. We rise and fall and the flood stories are the echoes of the latest mass human extinction event.

>> No.10621062

Apparently atheism leaves you with two options: (1) Floods happen...?...global distribution of world-destroying flood myths, and (2) science-fiction based on little to no evidence.

>> No.10621076

apparently religious beliefs leave you with with one option: (1) take literal meaning word-for-word from the fables written in a 2000 year old book which no one even has proof ever originally existed in its proclaimed format

>> No.10621079

Who is this jism prism?

>> No.10621082


>> No.10621084

>Galaxy-brained atheist: global distribution of world-ending flood myths is not evidence that a world-wide flood occurred.

>> No.10621085

There are more religions than Christianity you cunt

>> No.10621091

Disbelief in a global flood is not atheism

>> No.10621095

At best it means you're a heterodox Christian.

>> No.10621099

Nonsense. Disbelief in the Christian god entirely is not atheism. Atheism is disbelief in all and any god.

>> No.10621106

There's only one God. You're either worshiping trees or demons.

>> No.10621112

Or, if you're one of those guys who "totally worships Thunor and Wotan", you're worshiping the memory of dead men.

>> No.10621131
File: 61 KB, 600x788, disregardfemales.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Global Flood is a metaphor
It is an allegory of the world travels experienced by a some individual gentleman
He traversed the globe, by some ancient and forgotten means, or perhaps he was a sultan and devoted his whole life's inherited fortunes to it
In any case, the global flood refers to the fact that no matter where this lad went, no matter what town, in what province, in what country, in what continent this upstanding chap laid foothold... he was drowning in pussy.

>> No.10621133

>Apparently atheism leaves you with two options
This has nothing to do with atheism.

>> No.10621146

>my fundamentally atheist beliefs have nothing to do with my atheism

>> No.10621156

That man... was Albert Einstein.

>> No.10621162

>>my fundamentally atheist beliefs
How is thinking a comet hit the Earth 12,800 years ago, causing global flooding, a fundamentally atheist belief?

>> No.10621169

broooo.... do not argue with the christfags..... it's a steeeeeeeeeep slope

>> No.10621177

I may or may not be a christfag myself. I'm not sure why I'm being called an atheist, or how that is an argument at all.

>> No.10621194

>global flooding
Atheist STEMfags stealing our ideas since forever. I can't believe they shit on The Bible and support global warming at the same time. We're the ones who knew this time would come since forever. God left us instructions to build an ark if he ever started to purge the earth from sin again. You better buy Ark before it's too late. It'll be $100 before you know it. See you on the moon you fucking heretics.

>> No.10621216

This post got more incoherent the more I read. Please continue.

>> No.10621217

ITT jumping through hoops to convince yourselves God didn't make and effect a global mass extinction event himself

Why. Why are you so unbelieving.

>> No.10621224


independently for the most part. one thing to keep in mind is that all societies were built along rivers or ponds or other fresh bodies of water. without fresh water humans die, and they didnt have sewage systems like we did, so they had to be within wlaking distance to get water daily.

so if this town is your entire world, and it happens to flood (which happened fairly frequently) it ssure would seem like the whole world flooded.

as for the less independent, they just heard stories of the 'great flood' from other places and just rearranged the characters.

>> No.10621227
File: 132 KB, 315x348, cohles.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stop post here God, and fucking do something man, DO SOMETHING
i'm on my last fuckin' leg here man

>> No.10621245

Finally someone who's not blinded by today's liberalism. The market is so unpredictable that it's becoming obvious that the new crash is imminent. Ark is a profound new cryptocurrency which will change our lives. The wallet isn't 100gb, transactions are fast, hodling it gets you more money and the triangles spoke to me in my sleep. Whenever I see triangles I know that it'll moon. STEMfags hate my perfect triangle theory. Btw, did you know that the triangle can represent The Holy Trinity? Crazy, I know. Anyway, I'll go ride the crypto waves with my Arks while these heretics stay poor and continue living in hell just like God intended.

>> No.10621247
File: 84 KB, 770x415, YDBField.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10621253

History as revealed by God tells us that the flood was caused by rain and the opening of "the fountains of the deep" over 40 days and 40 nights. (Gn7:4,11-12; Gn8:2) The floodwaters persisted for 150 days before decreasing. Soon after, they "dried up from off the earth". (Gn8:13) None of this is consistent with the sci-fi comet. The 12,800-year-ago comet is ridiculous on its face, as we know that the Earth is ~6500 years old.

>> No.10621261

>did you know that the triangle can represent The Holy Trinity?
This is a good point.
>Anyway, I'll go ride the crypto waves with my Arks while these heretics stay poor and continue living in hell just like God intended.
Good luck anon. I pray one day I can understand as much as you.

>> No.10621263

If you deny revelation from God, you're at best a heterodox Christian.

>> No.10621268

>The 12,800-year-ago comet is ridiculous on its face, as we know that the Earth is ~6500 years old.
You're right. You have changed my mind.

>> No.10621281


>> No.10621298

I don't expect to change atheists's minds.

>> No.10621301

>galaxy-brained atheist: global distribution of virgin birth myths is not evidence that virgin births occur

>> No.10621302

I forgot about this ooze flooze. Used to drool over her in the old days

>> No.10621306

Well you just did. Thanks.

>> No.10621308

Zeitgest: The Movie in 2018--- lol.

>> No.10621323

The next step is to find your nearest Orthodox church. If you're on the introverted side, I recommend checking out a weekday service or vespers on Saturday first.

>> No.10621327

I apologise if you were being genuine. I responded as if you were being sarcastic.

>> No.10621330

Yes there is one God, but he isn't Christian. Christians worship a Jewish demon.

>> No.10621338

You're an atheist. Stop pretending.

>> No.10621344

no one can be an atheist, its built in, they're all lying, even if God isn't real I swear it

>> No.10621418

How were you introduced to the Orthodox church? Sounds very interesting but I don't know much about it.

>> No.10621442

Please explain who/ what God is to you please.

>> No.10621479
File: 28 KB, 337x517, omfgg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ITT : I realize the /lit/ being religious is not just a meme
incredibly disturbing tbqh desu senpai senpai

>> No.10621500

>implying anything written in this thread not exclusively about floods is at all sincere
Lurk more.

>> No.10621512

Floods are created by earthquakes that happen deep withing the ocean. Does this mean that God lives in the oceans or that he lives inside of the earth?

>> No.10621522

>Floods are created by earthquakes that happen deep withing the ocean.

>> No.10621528

I guess that makes sense. But what about minor floods? Maybe Jesus is in the oceans or in the ground

>> No.10621536

>But what about minor floods?
Always possible.
>Maybe Jesus is in the oceans or in the ground
You should try to find him.

>> No.10621538

I've already found him in my heart <3

>> No.10621539

>Poseidon is the one true god.

>> No.10621692

Religions other than Abrahamic =/= Atheism

>> No.10621776

>be 2004
>be 8 years old
>discover 4chan
>look for relevant boards
>see /lit/
>realize bible is reading

this is the only creation story you should believe

>> No.10621789

who let the bible belters in guys?

>> No.10621818

It originated from the Sumerian flood narrative which the Jews took from them.

Any other answer is incorrect.

There was no global flood.

This thread is full of braindead fucking 70 iq morons with shit for brains. I'd like to round them up in and give them a zyklon shower.

How did no one manage to get the correct answer and instead spouted retard bullshit they pulled from their ass?

If you don't know the answer don't make a post.

/lit/ is full of retards, I think I'm the only triple digit iq on this board.

>> No.10622137

They developed independently in the wake of, you know, the great flood.

>> No.10622150

I like the idea that the great flood myths derive from stories of the ice age ending, but I doubt that has any basis in fact.

>> No.10622364

When people talk about religion they aren't being sarcastic retard.

Is this how bad the state of scientific dogma has gotten?

>> No.10622392

Not all of them, no. There are Chinese flood myths, Polynesian flood myths, etc. which obviously aren't related to the Biblical flood myth. But considering the geographic proximity and other religious connections, it's probably connected to the Mesopotamian flood myths. It didn't copy them, it was just a related tradition.

>> No.10622401

I hear a possible theory that the flood myth originates from when the straights of Bosporus opened and the Black Sea, which before that was a plain, flooded, which would have looked like God flooding Earth to the local populations, who then spread the news to others, and the various myths were created.

>> No.10622496

People live near water, cataclysmic floods are inevitable

>> No.10622508

If you look at the coast lines from the last major ice age, you'll see how much land was lost and why flood myths exist.

>> No.10622530

Independently. All these theories for connected origins of myths almost never take to account for cultures isolated to the rest of the world, like in Mesoamerica

>> No.10622578

More like atheism makes people retarded. Symbolism is lost to them, they will actually try to pull up historical events and claim that myths literally refer to them.

>> No.10622605

>Does this mean that God lives in the oceans or that he lives inside of the earth?
Praise Unicron

>> No.10622610

>they will actually try to pull up historical events and claim that myths literally refer to them.
But that's exactly what religious people do as well.

>> No.10622630



>> No.10622642

No doubt. But that makes atheists no better than them. Not a thing to strive for.

>> No.10622675

that's fundamentalism, not authentic belief. the whole point of fundamentalism is that it basically surrenders to modernity and enlightenment but tires to carve a niche for religion by arguing for the literal, scientific truth of religious concepts. both the fundamentalist and the atheist are hostile to anything that's not strictly literal, they only disagree about the specifics.

>> No.10622747

Ew, is this what working for one of those SF tech companies looks like?

>> No.10622902

>which obviously aren't related to the Biblical flood myth.
this is where you are wrong. Polar Ice caps (leftover from the previous ice age) instantly melting from comet impact would cause floods world wide.

>> No.10622917

>All these theories for connected origins of myths almost never take to account for cultures isolated to the rest of the world, like in Mesoamerica