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File: 45 KB, 512x512, Jordan_Peterson2[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10614191 No.10614191[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

This is the kind of drivel people love to eat right up.

"It's better to have a problem, than no problem at all."

"Being is better than non-being because being is a problem."

"Responsibility gives life meaning"

"Taking 4 days off every three months will help you to get more work done."

"Have a kid to distract you from existential questions."

"Desire the good and you can help solve the world's problems. Then maybe we wouldn't have so many problems to worry about."

Trying to convince people to spend their lives making other people happy instead of themselves.

This guy's full of it. I'm glad they didn't force me to sit through sermons like this when I was trying to study academics.

Not only do I think he's wrong, I think he's setting up a recipe for unhappiness and depression. Telling people there's a deeper meaning, there's a secret to life you can unlock, there's a correct answer to how you ought to live your life, all contributes to making people chronically miserable over their lifetimes.

What it does is make someone who's content, living a good life, enjoying their retirement, or their job they enjoy, or raising their family they love, and forces them to stop being happy and question, "Is this enough? Am I doing this right? Could I be living better?" It instill guilt in people for just enjoying themselves.

And I really take exception to his confidence. Ok, if you want to share your best guess for how to live well, great, let's talk about it. But to act like you've got it all figured out just seems like an incredible lack of humility to me and makes it hard for me to respect the way he comes to conclusions.

His entire view is pretty corporate/worker-bee friendly. People who followed his advice would make great employees, willing to work harder, for less, designing their lives around their economic output rather than their own pleasure. And it's pretty mainstream stuff in popular psychology today; that meaning or purpose is the foundation of happiness. I think that's just pointing people in the complete opposite direction though. Happiness is come to much more easily by understanding there is no meaning and no need for it.

>> No.10614194
File: 109 KB, 540x960, sortyourselfout.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10614211

Do you know what we really really need?
Yet another Peterson thread, you /leftypol/ subhuman

>> No.10614246

yes please it's amazing i love it please can we also get some mlp and tranny threads

>> No.10614256

>ywn be a depressed jungian psychologist scamming the hell out of gullible morons who grew up without a father figure
Why even live, lads?

>> No.10614264

>Happiness is come to much more easily by understanding there is no meaning and no need for it.
What does that even mean? Do you think that everything is random, that there isn't any kind of order, that things don't have a function?

>> No.10614290
File: 37 KB, 800x450, brainlettttt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"It's better to have a problem, than no problem at all."
That's straight out of Nietzsche.

>> No.10614295

I like this guy. He finally got me over the threshold to start reading books, hecause of the things he referenced. Now I finally have a hobby to tear me away from the monotonous, sterile drek of videogames and I've been acquiring new perspectives with which to analyze my actions. Life has never been better.

Oh sorry, what were you saying OP?

>> No.10614327

His endlessly talks about how happiness is not the ultimate purpose of life.

>> No.10614349

Don't you fucking mooks have anything better to do with your time than post incessantly about this faggot? You're even worse than those reddittors that can't shut the fuck up about John Oliver. There are five fucking Peterson threads in the catalogue right now. Do you think getting drawn in by a cult of personality makes you an intellectual?

>> No.10614383

Peterson may be a plebbit, but you are subhuman trash

>> No.10614390

citation needed

>> No.10614439

You know, there were a few threads a while ago about how "unmanly" Peterson was for crying in a video, and how he was such a "bitch" and a "pussy" and all that. But frankly, I just felt envious that he could be moved by a book or an idea enough to cry. I feel emotionally stunted.

>> No.10614451

>There are five fucking Peterson threads in the catalogue right now.

How many of them are Peterson hate threads?

>> No.10614495


>> No.10614944

I don't think making the world happy is at odds with making yourself unless you're a really confused human

>> No.10615220

Where is this fascination coming from?
Listened to 5 minutes of his speech. Corporate agenda and logical holes were evident.

>> No.10615231

>logical holes
Go to reddit, bro. We don't fall for MUH LOGIC meme over here.

>> No.10615248

You don't use logic? Tell me more.

>> No.10615256

This but unironically, I'm interested in the idea that logic can be rejected

>> No.10615576

I agree with you.

People shouldn't look to someone who has depression in order to improve themselves. They should look to healthy people. It only makes sense.

>> No.10615600

This. I learned karate by watching Steven Seagal, not Michael Cera.

>> No.10615625

logic is a social construct

>> No.10615639

you fucked this up so hard I hate you so much for how bad this came out, I agree with the thesis, he's a fucking retard and his followers are sad people who live to please their superiors, but for fuck's sake you stupid ape