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10588893 No.10588893[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Is it true?

>> No.10588917

put a space in between normies and conservadumbs and move Big Red and similar kinds to that section.

>> No.10588923

No, libertarians have been empirically demonstrated to be the ideological community with the highest IQ

>> No.10588933

t. A libertariantard

>> No.10588936


>> No.10588955


>> No.10588956

Muh roads! We don’t need government to pay for the roads dude. I want to smoke pot while having gay sex with guns in a Walmart parking lot haha

>> No.10588978


>> No.10588987

>an-cap tax protest fedora manchildren are the only type of libertarians

>> No.10589004

prob because it's the smallest ideological community of the major three in burgerland

>> No.10589027

Name another type.

>> No.10589041

As a Marxist this seems about right to me. I don’t know if I would carve out a specific category for ‘theists’.
It makes sense to me that ‘jaded reacrionaries’ would be on the very highest because by their very exceptionalness they can’t fit into the normal communities of average people, and their stand out abilities mean they will drift to the top of institutions. The fundamental error they make is to invision that all rulers would be a smart and virtuous as themselves, and that political machination wouldn’t cause idiot incompetents to become Kings. They fail to remember that the enlightened despot is the exception, not the rule.

I also wouldn’t include that batch of reactionaries except for Spengler.

>> No.10589053 [DELETED] 
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>stormfags at the bottom

The ehtnonationalist stance can be reached independently, your conflating intellectual flavours of it with the visceral ones.
Calling them all "stormfags" is a crude generalization.

>> No.10589065
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>stormfags at the bottom

The ehtnonationalist stance can be reached independently, you're conflating intellectual flavours with visceral ones.
You know this is a crude generalization.

>> No.10589066
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>As a Marxist

>> No.10589079

mfw 140iq normie

>> No.10589080
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>as a Marxist

>> No.10589083

According to online iq tests I'm a faded reactionary.

>> No.10589095

Marxists can't do basic algebra.

>> No.10589098
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>As a Marxist

>> No.10589101
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go suck more zog cock

>> No.10589115

>Bernie Bros
>Higher IQ than conservadumbs
Have you actually talked to any of his followers? Some of the most juvenile conversations I've ever had in my entire life.

>> No.10589119

Even intelligent people can be infected by herd mentality.

>> No.10589128

t. marxist

>> No.10589132

Swap egoists and milquetoast liberals and you got yourself one accurate chart

>> No.10589136

lmao conservatives (contemporary) are def worse imho

bernouts are more likely to be college educated at least (which does correlate with iq)

>> No.10589146

Not realizing that Israel is a weaponizable example of the ethnostate.

>> No.10589148

chess is for normies?

>> No.10589157
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>> No.10589184

They're pretty awful but I have had much worse convos with conservatives

>> No.10589191

Egoists are fucking retards.

>> No.10589198

>bernouts are more likely to be college educated
In my experience the opposite seems to be more true, the people with degrees who do advocate for him are always drowning in student debt (an issue worth addressing but not with the "solutions" Bernie had).

>> No.10589227

90iq schizoid go.

>> No.10589230

lol i go to a school with need based financial aid and most people here still supported him. bernie was pretty popular among the young affluent and educated. hillary ironically did better among the working class.

>> No.10589242

What does the chess piece represent, chess players?

>> No.10589247

I identify mostly with the jaded reactionaries, but I don't think I'm as smart as any of them

>> No.10589248

I had to do an IQ test when applying for my job and I got a 135. I'm also very right winged.

>> No.10589271

Explains why you got sub-140

>> No.10589273

>conservatis are dum lol xDD
>fukin trumpsters! more like dumpsters lol!!

>> No.10589279

>bernie was pretty popular among the young affluent
the usual consumers of snake oil

>> No.10589283

Is that Aleister Crowley on the right? This chart is one big piece of bait lmao

>> No.10589292

Normies are literally pawns of the establishment.

>> No.10589300

>right winged

You’re a worldbeater alright

>> No.10589302

>t. deluded faggot
The image is equating normies with pawns

>> No.10589345

cuz they act like fucking machines;
it's too idealistic intended for humans being rational, but we're far from it

>> No.10589365

that's spengler

>> No.10589376

Normies are the only true rebels left

>> No.10589408
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no and whoever made it wasted their time

>> No.10589671



>> No.10589686

Intelligence only predicts competence. Personality predicts behavior.

>> No.10589687

>Nearly all religious people are conservative
>Theists score near the highest, conservatives the lowests
>Marxists above Stormfags
>Normies above anyone
I'd say it's pretty retarded OP

>> No.10589690



>> No.10589691
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>As a Marxist

>> No.10589697
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>he thinks we have mods here

>> No.10590710

libertarian socialists
that chick who burned her obama tshirt

>> No.10590725
File: 259 KB, 1776x910, 1391063481419.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw traditionalist reactionary

>> No.10590735

Look at the pictures, "conservadumb" clearly does not refer to all conservatives.

>> No.10590741

An oxymoron?

>> No.10590743

National Socialists are barbarian offspring of romantic nihilism, an attempt at creating the future... which necessitates the destruction of both liberal democracy and monarchy and its society's vestigial feudalism. Some reactionary impulses underly the movement, but more as a matter of exploitation than of intellectual parity. There is very little that is traditional in Nazism... if anything it is the modern force of brute colonisation, industry, twin forces of rationality and irrationality blurred into a violent social magma... abortion-demon countryside... mass hominid slaughterhouse, bomb-rape of civilisation.

>> No.10590776
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SAGE AND REPORT. MODS ARE COMING. THEY WILL SAVE US. I know they're coming. I believe in them. They're heroes.


>> No.10590924

Shift everything down one and put esoteric hitlerism at the top

>> No.10590936

I seriously hope you don't consider Richard fucking Spencer the intellectual you want to hide behind

>> No.10590944

In all my years I've never seen a national socialist or any denomination thereof not look like absolute shit IRL
You can tell because your image can't even find real examples

>> No.10590954

Backed. Its crucial to keep NS and trad paganism strictly differentiated (the former loves to coopt the latter)

>> No.10590963

But what's above 150 ?
t. delusional about his IQ

>> No.10590980

>Libertarian socialists
Yeah. Them and the vegan meat eaters.

>> No.10590983

As if taking power away from democratically accountable governments and giving it to corporations in the name of freedom isn't the oxymoron.

>> No.10590989

Liberal socialists

>> No.10590998

Where do you draw the line between Egoists and neckbeard libertarians

>> No.10591000

Normies are unironically where everyone should be desu.

>> No.10591032

Principle vs practical

>> No.10591034


>> No.10591041


Are both of you in high school? Libertarian was always socialist.

>> No.10591446

Holds for my general experience, though I'd probably split theists into two sections — those that read commentarries in the bible (120+) and those that don't (90-). I'd also carve out a specific section for pundits/thought leaders that falls between marxists and theists, because being able to manipulate people into believing self-defeating ideologies (liberal, conservative, stormfaggotry) takes real fucking wit.
t. 139 reactionary.

>> No.10591482
File: 105 KB, 800x800, le ebin meme frog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>when you realize this chart was made by a clueless 18 year old art student who dwells at starbucks all day

>> No.10591551

As the person who made the image (flattered to see it used as bait) I agree. For instance, Hitler and Hitler-followers are two absolutely different breeds of people. And, to take my image a little more seriously than I should: to be honest, I am not so sure about the relatively high position of the theists. Obviously, a straight plane of IQ makes more subtle differences in thought hard to quanitfy, but what I notice most about religious and mystic writers is their absolutely vivid insight into the human condition (see: Weil or Buber or Augustine). A man like Aquinas is a little more like a Marxist, a very impressive systematiser with a devoted attention to ethical and epistemological concerns.
Houellebecq is an artist of rich empathy and insight, but not a genius, and certainly not by frail political associations. Spengler and de Maistre are more like autistic hyperbreeds of mystic, moralist and systematiser, with something like the stubborn character of Schopenhauer in them. I think I put all those people there not to judge their intelligence but to associate a certain mindset with a certain knowing pessimism and intellectual frankness. But Evola, Spengler and de Maistre are... hm... more romantic icons than intellectual heavyweights. Vivid, forceful, encapsulating... but not rigorous ideas.
Solzhenitsyn is a man with mystic human insights, but can't readily be placed above the likes Adorno. Pope Benedict XVI (like Aquinas) is more appropriate, given his autistic German philosophical nature. Perhaps I should have used symbols and representations moreso than profiles in the right-hand side of the chart in the same way I did with the left. It embarrasses me to look at it a little. The general sentiment is something I agree with, but the specifics are all completely inaccurate. I made it for fun - obviously Stirner's picture represents a particular moral attitude and philosophical acuity rather than the real psychiatric intellect of the man himself - but these things strike deeper into our minds than we acknowledge. I do not want to perpetuate any discomfiting illusions. I do not want to embolden obstinance. I do not want to provoke unease and discomfort of the wrong kind.

>> No.10591659
File: 80 KB, 540x568, dear go.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it lines up with my IQ perfectly

>> No.10591677

>just asked my friend
>his iq is in the theist ranges
>he's literally a philosophical theist

>> No.10591680
File: 100 KB, 1350x811, ff73.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where does jordan peterson fall? I am guessing near Hank Schrader

>> No.10591685

I used to be a libertarian until I realized how fucking retarded everyone is and that they need a shepherd.

>> No.10591712

im guessing youre american

>> No.10591727

Swap stormfags and liberals and yeah

>> No.10591732

im nazbol, where do i fit?

>> No.10591744

>142 IQ
>jaded reactionary
proof of principle right here :^)

>> No.10591750

Too low to be on the graph

>> No.10591756

do not reply to me ever again, liberal faggot

>> No.10591791
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this post nigga hahahahaahahahahahaha

>> No.10591849
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>mfw third position traditionalist larping as emmanuel macron

>> No.10591893

I like to think so but probably not
t. Realist marxistfag

>> No.10591925


>> No.10592132


>> No.10592263
File: 55 KB, 189x189, Screenshot_38.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>As a Marxist

>> No.10592392

Which is probably true, since libertarianism only really works if you have people smart enough to make logical decisions.

If all people acted in their rational self interested shrinking the government to a minimum is probably very viable.

But if you have gangs of ~75 IQ people running around you better have a state to protect you.

>> No.10592496

Where Solzhenitzyn and Dostoyevsky meet

>> No.10592530

This. Fascism and especially National Socialism are merely expressions of he same modern nihilism

>> No.10593071

>>Nearly all religious people are conservative
>>Theists score near the highest, conservatives the lowests

That strikes me as pretty accurate, the smartest people "bend back" towards religion but their faith is radically different from your typical megachurch attendee. I also suspect something like this applies for conservatism, though some of it's leftists and liberals getting cocky from making redneck kids look silly in school and then floundering when they try the same approach against thoughtful conservatives and theists.

>> No.10593209
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>as a marxist

>> No.10593216
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>> No.10593309
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Intelligence is something that transcends category because sufficiently intelligent people can convince themselves of even the most ridiculous thing and make it sound convincing if they really wish to believe in it.

>> No.10593342

Rural redneck ancap fags

>> No.10593351
File: 93 KB, 885x560, william-lane-craig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah William Lane Craig proves that

>> No.10593364

>A measure of anything other than ability to recall past data and recognise patterns

This IQ meme needs to die. I genuinely can't think of a worse way to categorize human insight than using this joke of a metric. It in no way accounts for ability to empathise, see things from another's point of view, openness to having ideas challenged, etc.

>> No.10593479
File: 90 KB, 645x729, 46a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dada weg is smud
