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10572951 No.10572951 [Reply] [Original]

Should we allow shit like pic related to be published?
I don't think so. It's 2018 and we shouldn't give hateful people a platform to spout their vitriol

>> No.10574005

>niggers were muddying everything with their niggerhands and their niggernotions.

>> No.10574019

>There was the peace of no niggers
Take me to this magical place

>> No.10574029

Pretty good! I'd like to read more if the edginess could be dialed back.

>> No.10574057

I find it interesting. It challenges my thoughts about black people. I try not to be racist, but I feel disgust and maybe even some hatred every time I see a black person.

>> No.10574064

Unironically the Invisible Man of our time combined with Uncle Ruckus from the Boondocks.

>> No.10574071

Looks like the midwestern white trash NEETs are finally up for their daily browsing. #MAGA!

>> No.10574076

imagine finding this purile trash funny and then posting on a literature board

>> No.10574080

>but I feel disgust and maybe even some hatred every time I see a black person.
Then you need to do some self analysis there, figure out why that is and try to correct that shit about yourself. My general assumption about racists, not the over the top type like OP, but the more standard low key racists like yourself is that it stems from the natural human condition of distrusting things you are not use to. So I give people like you a break.
But for real, fuck racists. You mother fuckers are ruining the world.
Judging someone solely on the color of their skin is the sign of someone with poor critical thinking skills, and its a solid mark against your intelligence.

Stop that shit.

>> No.10574092


>> No.10574140

Whats funny, bitch? I'm being real as shit.

>> No.10574150

It's called northern New England. All the blacks here are well integrated into society.

>> No.10574152

I've never bothered to ask this before, but when you accuse someone else of "judging someone on their skin colour" are using it as a figure of speech or do you believe that the only significant thing that differentiates people in Group Orange from people in Group Blue, in isolation and without references, is that they have different colours?

>> No.10574153

I like it. It's fresh and tells a truth we all know.

>> No.10574154

It's really pretty. It tells a truth we all know as well. too bad some people just won't get it.
this guy ----> >>10574140

>> No.10574160

I just realized that I wanted to ask about the view on two groups of people, but in my attempt to distill my question I accidentally broke it down too much. I just wanted to know if that tripfag sees skin colour as the only significant yet insignificant difference between people.

>> No.10574172


>> No.10574176

kekekek communicates like a nigger to
Jokes aside you must understand how awful of a public image and popular culture black people embrace, I literally can't think of a more damaging cultural influence.
If it weren't for the occasional just fucking normal black person I don't know how anyone couldn't be racist, and the exception just proves the rule. I grew up for a couple years in Louisiana, only 30% black and jesus fucking christ, wanna talk about racial violence then I'm the fucking victim of it physically; not some vague media bias. I think the mistrust and disgust can be dialed back, but it's here to stay.

>> No.10574208

Figure of speech, bitch. When you judge someone at first glance, you are a stupid fuck who doesn't know how to think any deeper on things. Yeah there are cultural differences too, but difference doesn't mean you have to hate.

Being a bit standoffish I can forgive, I understand that, but when hate comes with it (that op was really hateful, I couldn't even read past half way into the second paragraph because it disgusts me so much) then you are a real piece of shit. You ain't smart and your hate ain't justified, bitch.

Alright, enlighten me. What about that op was profound or enlightening? Point out the line that makes you think the person writing it isn't just some hateful bitch with no real critical thinking skills?

>> No.10574213

Lol I remember this

>> No.10574229

Yeah, the media is fucked up and realized they could profit off that shit. Not like there are not trashy rednecks out there too.
>I grew up for a couple years in Louisiana, only 30% black and jesus fucking christ, wanna talk about racial violence then I'm the fucking victim of it physically; not some vague media bias.
Alright, so you pinpointed the root of your hate. Instead of blaming the individuals involved you cast a blanket of hate to protect yourself, which is the thing you need to understand and get over.
>I think the mistrust and disgust can be dialed back, but it's here to stay.
> but it's here to stay.
Then we are all fucking doomed. I'm an optimist, though, and I think one day we can get over the shit that divides us. It starts with individuals like you casting off their hate.

Everything you don't forgive becomes a weight, bitch, and that shit only drags you down.

For the record, I got jumped by a group of older kids when I was in highschool. I don't hate everyone who looks like them as a result and the fact that they were black isn't whats important. They were assholes and I hope they got over that shit and became decent human beings.

>> No.10574247

>Not like there are not trashy rednecks out there too.
That's a decent point, imagine if that was the media representation of white people in some country, that would be annoying.

>> No.10574252

Three thats in one sentence fuck

>> No.10574266

Censorship is always bad until feminism and leftist ideas are brought up, then we need to bring back book burnings

>> No.10574267

Exactly man, you get it. The media is fucked up like that for some reason.

>> No.10574275

Don't you have an errand to run for your wife's son?

>> No.10574284

Daily reminder that /lit/ is being raided by reddit to push their leftist politics.

Always remember to sage political threads because they do not actually care about literature. Their hobby is not reading books, their hobby is being moral busybodies.

This has been a public service announcement. Because the mods don't do their job.

>> No.10574291

German here. Censorship is categorically wrong unless you're censoring bad people for the greater good.

>> No.10574316

Have you ever been to Africa? I was more frightened of being murdered by niggers than getting eaten by animals

>> No.10574332

Joesph Conrad plz

>> No.10574348

but you can judge if someone is a creep at first glance, women do this constantly. men judge if someone is untrustworthy by their dress and affiliations, physique and physiognomy. do you actually think that its just all “on the inside” even tho the inside is biological?

>> No.10574483

When you read something that has the word "nigger" every 5 words and think "Oh yeah, this guy makes a lot of sense" then I have a hard time believing you don't just make it all about skin color and racism. Yeah, you can make some judgements about someone based on their appearance, but that's not what you bitches in this thread are talking about.

Racist ass bitches.

The fuck is that suppose to mean, bitch?

>> No.10574654


Firstly, fuck off you attention whoring tripfag.

Secondly you are not responding to a single point the Anon made, you are instead repeating one of the many liberal mantras that you have always assumed to be wholly and indisputably correct without question. That being "Anyone who chooses to hate blacks hates them because of their skin color". Skin color alone does not a nigger make. Behavior is what makes a nigger, skin color is merely an indicator. We could live in a world where the only difference is that all blacks have and have always had perfectly white skin. People in this hypothetical world would still call them niggers because they would still behave like niggers.

But of course you're clearly the type not to attack the argument head on and try to directly refute it. No, you'll just carefully select a new logical fallacy to use and come back parroting another litany you've been conditioned to accept by your media overlords.

>> No.10574683

>"Anyone who chooses to hate blacks hates them because of their skin color"
No bitch, that's not what I'm doing. Learn to fucking read. I agreed that you can and should judge people on their character, but that is not what anon was doing. He was /saying/ that is what he was doing, but he was actually full of shit. As I explained.

Read my post again faggot, and work on your comprehension.

>Skin color alone does not a nigger make. Behavior is what makes a nigger, skin color is merely an indicator.
>We could live in a world where the only difference is that all blacks have and have always had perfectly white skin. People in this hypothetical world would still call them niggers because they would still behave like niggers.
Let me ask a serious question. When you were writing this did you feel like you were being smart? How about profound? Because you sound dumb as hell. I'm not saying there is no truth to it, but you are dumb as fuck for saying it anyway. Everyone knows that shit, you dumb bitch.

>No, you'll just carefully select a new logical fallacy to use and come back parroting another litany you've been conditioned to accept by your media overlords.
Point out where I did this, you dumb shit.
Oh and talking about media overlords, I talked about that too over here >>10574229
>Yeah, the media is fucked up and realized they could profit off that shit. Not like there are not trashy rednecks out there too.

Nice try, bitch. But the irony is everything you accused me of you actually did yourself. That is why you are a dumb bitch and your post gets my "this is shit" stamp.

Go travel the world and get some life experience, then come back when you actually have thoughts that are worth sharing. You're fucking worthless.

>> No.10574693

Profanity laced tirade with absolutely no substance, as expected

>> No.10574713

>No, you'll just carefully select a new logical fallacy to use
I didn't do that, that's exactly what you did. How dare you, you fucking hypocrite who can't even read.

>> No.10574715

Tons of substance. I tore that bitch a new ass hole, both profanely and intellectually. I was spot on.

>> No.10574738

>He was /saying/ that is what he was doing
You are the one who cannot read. Let me spell it out for you: people hate niggers for their behavior. Looking like a nigger is an incredibly strong indicator of being a nigger. If it looks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, it sure as fuck probably isn't an ostrich. Despite what you've been trained to believe, people aren't as unique as they think they are, people who look like X are likely to be Y. Judging someone on their looks is by far the most effective way to determine their personality and behavior. It's basic pattern recognition. Saying you shoudln't trust your own pattern recognition is foolish.
>Well, this negro man with baggy pants, a torn t-shirt, and black rotted teeth who speaks in some incomprehensible dialect of bastardized English may be a heroin addict, but who am I to judge? Perhaps I shouldn't assume he might stab me and take my money.
>Whoops, I was wrong! I am stabbed and my wallet is gone. At least I'm not a racist!

>Let me ask a serious question. blah blah blah nothing to do with the actual statement ad homoniem
Cute, kid. Like I said, new logical fallacy instead of refuting the argument or providing your own counter argument.

>ad homoniem
>tu quoque
>ad homoniem

Still not addressing the arguments. Typical leftist.

>> No.10574752

Name the logical fallacy I used. Go ahead. Do it. Here, I'll even throw you a bone, https://yourlogicalfallacyis.com/

>Waah you're a racist dummy
>haha sure told him I'm so smart

You reek of newfag.

>> No.10574758

you krauts will never understand humanism, will you? You seem so smart and advanced until you suddenly shit the bed when it comes to the rudiments of human freedom. The problem with the holocaust was that the wrong people were sacrificed for the common good, huh? This Teutonic barbarism has infested America and I’m so sick of it. Forget black people/Jews/whatever flavor of the month people want to pick on. The true noxious immigrant in the US are Germans, e.g: Trump and his despotic hunnery (I’m the boss, I’m the big man in charge!)

America should’ve remained Anglo. No other people corrupts and denigrates democracy as much as the Germans do; you will NEVER understand it.

>> No.10574763

Okay see, you are accusing me of doing something that you are consistently doing yourself again. I'm done with this. I hope you well and I hope you cast off your hate one day, because that shit is weighing you down. On mass, its weighing the world down, and humanity.
I will reiterate what was my point all along, no cursing so you don't get all freaked out and go tunnel vision on me again. Maybe you will get it this time.
My issue isn't saying you can't judge someone based solely on appearance. You CAN do that. However, YOU are indeed basing it on race. The fact that you made such a nasty generalization about blacks there proves it. The OP had no substance. It had the word "nigger" every 5 words, and you try to pretend that's not hate driven? How can you? There was no intellectual quality to that, no social commentary. It was just hate. Racism and hate. (point out the part that did have some quality to it, please. Maybe I missed it?)
You should be ashamed of yourself, and not because "lol racism is bad" (as I'm sure you will boil my entire argument down to anyway), but because it shows a lack of critical thinking skills on your part.
There are tons of blacks who are wonderful people. Plenty who are shit. I can say the same about whites. Tons of trashy rednecks out there too. I don't know if you, for example, /look/ like a trashy redneck but you definitely /sound/ like one. Blinded by hate, but more importantly not intelligent enough to question that hate.
and I'm not a leftist, nor am I on the right. Anyone who subscribes to either side has fallen into their trap (that's right, THEM), which is another thing that divides us as humans. That is an argument for another day, however.
Uuuh, alright last word. Stop being hateful and start loving humanity. Make the world a better place and all that. Right now you are a worthless nonintellectual fuckhead, and I call you that because that's exactly what you are. You're blinded by hate and defending your side of an argument because you want to "win", rather than looking at things more critically and analyzing why you think the way you do. You really should start trying to do that, and I hope you do.
>ad homoniem
You did that so much more hardcore than I did.

>> No.10574769

>Name the logical fallacy I used. Go ahead. Do it.
>People in this hypothetical world would still call them niggers because they would still behave like niggers.
This is where you showed your hand.
There are tons of wonderful people of all different races, and people don’t act one specific way just because of their race.
You are a racist driven by hate, and I hope you one day strive to change that about yourself.

>> No.10574775

>skin color is merely an indicator.
Mainly this. You are admitting that anyone with that color\race has these negative character traits. That's wrong.

You are a racist, why are you denying the word racist when you are clearly so proud of everything the word entails anyway?

>> No.10574792

black people are like 10x more likely to be criminals, violent or uneducated
it's only rational someone should approach them with caution

>> No.10574804

We should censor works not because they are offensive, but because they are fucking trash
And thay wiring is some a grade garbage.

>> No.10574807

We don't call white niggers niggers, we call them rednecks.

>> No.10574828

Good God above you reek of newfag, and I'm ashamed of /lit/ for letting you post in such a state. Lurk before posting, and take of that ridiculous tripcode.

>Waah you're a racist dummy
>haha sure told him I'm so smart

You reek of newfag.

>> No.10574848

Got nothing to say so you are falling back on the newfag shit. Thanks for proving all my inferences about the level of your intelligence, bitch.
And this trips from 2012, bitch. You're the newfag for not knowing my name.

>> No.10574853

>hate speech
The way I like to see it, is that every human is born with a mutation, thus it mean they are all different. Some mutation will help that individu in his social or physical environnement and some wont, the one that sucessively pass down their genes with offspring have proven that their genes is worth surviving and living. The ones that are not suited dies out. The way human have breed wolf into becoming dogs shows that species can evolve drasticaly in a short period of time according by some exterior component. Same happened with humans but with different variant thus influenced by culture and environement. The africans have a lot of different sub-race (if you want call it like this) some are more tribal then others, some are more smart and some are more robust for work.
Now I will be talking in reference with life experience but in general they are not very agreable, they just evolved differently, they still have a survive-in-the-jungle mentality. Yes its true their is some that are not nigger-tier at all and are pretty productif and smart, but if you go in their country where they are a majority and this country is not economicaly and superflouisly inflated from tourism you will notice some differences from different other culture. Lets say that if you go in Kinshasa it will not look like Tokyo. Dont be so naive and open minded, acquire some experience with them and then judge if you would like to build a civilization with only them. I went in a country filled at 99.9% of them recently, and I can tell you that it wasnt really agreable but it was enlighten. Whenever I was with them I wanted to get the fuck out and have nothing to do with them.
What is it that makes them so different socially and intellectually ,showed by their scientificaly accomplishement, is it a question of culture or genetic luggage? If its the former, what influenced that culture to evolved into what it is when they are 100% homogenous?

>> No.10574897

Wow, upon closer inspection you seem to have a very long history of faggotory on this board. Fuck, this is better than being right. You aren't a newfag, you're an attention whore who can't actually fucking write worth a shit and your taste is abysmal.

Apparently servers are a bit fucked today so take a look at this shit.

>> No.10574903 [DELETED] 

You are the second person this week to try and throw that one at me. Now dig through the archives to find out how I responded, because I'm not doing it for you.

And I'm not an attention whore. I'm giving you bitches the gift of my presence. Be grateful.

Also, love how you have basically admitted you can't hold up in an argument with this newfag attention whore with terrible taste. What's that say about you?

I was being sarcastic there, of course. Everyone knows I'm the shit.

>> No.10574906

You are the second person this week to try and throw that one at me. Now dig through the archives to find out how I responded, because I'm not doing it for you.

And I'm not an attention whore. I'm giving you bitches the gift of my presence. Be grateful.

Also, love how you have basically admitted you can't hold up in an argument with this newfag attention whore with terrible taste. What's that say about you?

I was being sarcastic there, of course. Everyone knows I'm the shit.

Now go ahead and dig through the archives for ammo to use against me. *spoiler alert* I'm not going to give a fuck.

>> No.10574912

Humanism is intellectual suicide.

>> No.10574913

>I grew up for a couple years in Louisiana
I really don't think it's possible to have lived in Louisiana for any amount of time and not come away from it racist.

>> No.10574936

You are clearly incapable of seeing the world any other way than through the lens of your own unobjective emotional reactions. There's really no real point in arguing with you since you can't argue without piling on the logical fallacies. Also, there's no point in arguing over taste since that is by nature subjective and arguing about personal taste is neither here nor there.

>And I'm not an attention whore.
Since image posting is fucked, imagine I posted a ISHYGDDT face, because the tripcode and the false persona says otherwise. When I say attention whore, I mean one who desires notoriety on 4chan. Do you see anybody else posting with a tripcode? There's a reason for that. I think you know what the reason is. So if you don't desire notoriety, then why the trip?

>> No.10574947

>Should we allow shit like pic related to be published?
Yes. Most writing like this is people blowing off steam, not a literal call to action. Also, a rise in censorship will likely result in a rise in violent action as a repercussion. I know that some people don't understand this, but you do have the freedom to not read material you don't personally approve of.

>> No.10575136

>You are clearly incapable of seeing the world any other way than through the lens of your own unobjective emotional reactions.
There you go again, bitch. Hypocrite. There was nothing objective about your shit. It was just hateful. Nothing objective about the OP post, just hate. Hate is an emotion, right? So how is your shit not an emotional reaction?
For real, do you think you have said anything profound in all this? Because you haven't. Not one thing. Here was your argument.
"I'm not hateful towards color, I'm hateful towards appearance and personality. All blacks have the same negative appearance and personality so its okay to hate all of them, and I'm too stupid to realize generalizing an entire race in a negative light like that makes me racist."
You ARE a racist man, why are you opposed to the word? If it's out of shame then at least that's one positive because you SHOULD be ashamed of yourself. Not because racism is mean, because it shows a lack of critical thinking skills.

>Since image posting is fucked, imagine I posted a ISHYGDDT face, because the tripcode and the false persona says otherwise. When I say attention whore, I mean one who desires notoriety on 4chan. Do you see anybody else posting with a tripcode? There's a reason for that. I think you know what the reason is. So if you don't desire notoriety, then why the trip?
I know what it means, I'm saying that shit don't apply to me cause I'm so fresh.

>> No.10575140

>in general they are not very agreable
Lol yeah, no shit.

>> No.10575157

Yes we should. No censorship in art should be allowed

>> No.10575163


>> No.10575175

Rampant individualism isn't everything. Why should society have to tolerate your need for self-expression when it comes at the price of others' dignity and, potentially, well-being. It shouldn't. Needing to express something as vitriolic and dogmatic as what OP posted clearly is not conducive to establishing a stable and healthy society

>> No.10575658

Again, there you go with the mantra. Anyone who talks shit about niggers is a morally bankrupt evil individual and you definitely should never ever ever ever question that assumption ever. Anyone who questions the leftist gospel is a morally bankrupt evil individual. It's one of your favorite logical fallacies that you can't seem to understand. Petitio Principii, begging the question.

So you think the culture of 4chan doesn't apply to you because you're just soooo coool? Explain how that doesn't make you an attention whore. You want people to recognize you, you want people to know your name and associate an fake personality with your name, and you use a tripcode so no one can impersonate you. If none of these were true than you wouldn't be using a name, and those practices can only stem from a desire for notoriety. Ergo, you are an attention whore. At least be honest with yourself.

>> No.10575707

>when the nigger was freed the world became the nigger's slave

>> No.10575731

>there you go with the mantra. Anyone who talks shit about niggers is a morally bankrupt evil individual and you definitely should never ever ever ever question that assumption ever.
Again bitch, I'm not doing that lol. But YOU are morally bankrupt. You are consumed by hate and don't even realize it. You think your hate is intellectually based but you have completely failed to prove that in any way. I'm not generalizing people /like/ you I'm talking about you specifically.
>leftist gospel
Already explained I'm not leftist. Lol man, you just use the same arguments no matter who you are talking to and hope they stick. You are dumb for more reasons than just being a stupid ass racist. No brains, no ability to debate, no intelligent thoughts. You got nothing.

>So you think the culture of 4chan doesn't apply to you because you're just soooo coool?
It's hard to understand this when you have never been as cool as me, but yes. This is indeed the case.

At least this guy is a little more reflective, so I give him a pass. You get no pass bitch. Nothing you have written so far is worth reading. Meanwhile my shit is profound and insightful and defends my positions. You just "huuuur leftist" because you got nothing else.

>> No.10575733

oops, forgot my trip. That's important.

>> No.10575735

>those incorrect uses of "niggardly"

>> No.10575743

This but unironically

>> No.10575757

This might be the stupidest thing I've read on /lit/

t. black who lives in New England.

>> No.10575775
File: 417 KB, 999x925, Beja man - Sudan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Africa is a country now

really made me thnk

>> No.10575786

Again, leading into a new fallacy, appeal to emotion. "It hurts my/other's feelings" is not an argument. It's an opinion. It's flagrant bias. but you clearly don't understand that.

You know what, I'll throw you a bone. It's the "learn the fuck how to argue" starter pack
>implying you will actually understand how and why you should follow them

>I'm not leftist.
You argue like one, you cry "waaah racis" like one, you sure have the bloated arrogance of one, and you seem to parrot their opinions like one. As I said yesterday, looks like a duck, quacks like a duck, probably isn't an ostrich.

>It's hard to understand this when you have never been as cool as me
I've met people who do the same things you do here, but in real life. People who adopt such "cool" and "uncaring" personas with a fuck society attitude (society being in this case the culture of 4chan) are usually deeply insecure about their real personalities so they hide behind a fake one. I know, I used to be like that. But I've since grown up when I left the house.

>> No.10575827

>"It hurts my/other's feelings" is not an argument.
When did I say that? Are you even talking to me? Alright I'm done, you weren't worth it in the first place but you are even dumber than I originally thought. You ain't reading my shit at all. That, or your comprehension really is that bad.

> cry "waaah racis"
Not doing that at all. Explaining to you why /you/ specifically and /your/ defenses for your racism make you dumb. I'd love a deep thought out discussion on race and culture, where you could even defend some of your hateful notions with logic (real logic, not these generic pocket arguments you keep throwing at me) You are clearly incapable of that, though.

>implying you will actually understand how and why you should follow them

>Implying I'm going to look through that shit in the first place when the person recommending it is a proven mental midget.

>But I've since grown up when I left the house.
I bet your parents are so proud of you.

Later, faggot.

>> No.10575832
File: 102 KB, 1500x957, Black Panther Party.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Racists are literally getting BTFO ITT

I absolutely love it.

>> No.10575903

Calling something racist implies it involves hurt feelings by someone somewhere, because the concept of racism being such a stigmatized thing revolves around feelings, not necessarily yours but rather the people who have stigmatized it. Indeed, if feelings didn't not enter the mix then racism would neither be considered inherently good nor bad by anyone. Therefore crying racist is an appeal to emotion.

You clearly do not understand logic. You throw the word around like I do but you do not understand the very concept and inner workings of logic on my level. I have been logical this whole time, I've been explaining to you the best that I can as to why you are wrong and citing the standard of logical fallacies that have been accepted by professional and unprofessional debaters for centuries. Use the link.

>Implying I'm going to look through that shit in the first place when the person recommending it is a proven mental midget.
Again Ad Hominem. You would know you were using it if you read the link, but since you can't be assed I will do you the service of explaining it to you in person.

>Ad hominem attacks can take the form of overtly attacking somebody, or more subtly casting doubt on their character or personal attributes as a way to discredit their argument. The result of an ad hom attack can be to undermine someone's case without actually having to engage with it.

>Example: After Sally presents an eloquent and compelling case for a more equitable taxation system, Sam asks the audience whether we should believe anything from a woman who isn't married, was once arrested, and smells a bit weird.

You used a fucking textbook example.
>I'm not going to read this thing that proves you right because I don't like you

>> No.10575915

Also you still haven't proven that you're not an attention whore.

>> No.10575919



Jesus christ go back to r/cumtown you fucking fag

>> No.10575921

Imagine being this guy

>> No.10575955

How does it feel knowing that your race never developed a successful civilization or culture?
You would literally still be living in mud huts in africa, naked if it werent for "white racists"

>> No.10576003

> >Africa is a country now
Who are you quoting?
When did he say that?

>> No.10576016

I already broke it down multiple times. Not doing it again. My arguments were solid, bitch. You on the other hand, didn't say shit.

I naturally prove it with every post I make, bitch.

>> No.10576035

>I'm right objectively because I'm right in my opinion
Circular logic. Your arguments were as solid as bird shit. You are clearly incapable of not being a faggot.

>> No.10576056

And who gets to determine what constitutes as vitriol deserving of censorship.

>> No.10576890
File: 3.86 MB, 1276x3200, 1510413510177.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ITT: a tripfag getting triggered over a meme
wew lad

Seriously, regardless of your opinion on the subject matter, you can't deny that this is a work of literary art in the making, assuming it ever gets published. I would unironically pay good money to gets my hands on a copy.

>> No.10576895

>you krauts will never understand humanism, will you? --- The problem with the holocaust was that the wrong people were sacrificed for the common good, huh?
Yeah, that was the joke.

>> No.10576983
File: 170 KB, 640x480, niggers_in_berlin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man, I can really sympathise with this. Just knowing that every day, every single day thousands upon thousands of niggers are flowing out of africa, reaching formerly pure places totally corrupting them. Soon, no spot on earth will be left decent.
What are the most NQ-aware books and thinkers?

>> No.10577305


Also yes.

>> No.10577868
File: 128 KB, 1214x649, blackdyessplatter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10577887
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>> No.10579113

Lincoln lover

>> No.10579790

you're right, it's a slippery slope. A very dangerous and slippery slope. However, slippery slope arguments can be applied pretty easily to any hypothetical. For instance, who gets to decide what 'art' is? At what point does "expression" cross over into the realm of "action", and therefore constitute something that is to be deterred, but is not expression?

I maintain that the notion of "anything goes", that the individual's right to self-expression should be the cornerstone upon which a SOCIETY is built, is not something to be desired.

>> No.10579809
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>> No.10580188
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Anything should be allowed to be written, because any amount of censorship is too much. It is why people choose to ignore or block criticism, or censor it if you prefer the term.
Not to say all opinions are harmless, but in the instance of OP's copypasta being published I think the public backlash after it is read would be penance enough for the author. It isn't the government's job to become a nanny state by defining what bad words we can and can't write.

Remember: there is no rule or law against insulting Battling Bilson's woman, but there is certainly the fine of one broken nose and some quality time nursing a concussion for doing so.

>> No.10580237

I share a similar experience except I'm half Arab. Honestly annoys me when I see people rail against white people nonstop, a lot of people are shitty racists and I dealt with plenty of Arabs thinking I wasn't Arab enough and plenty of whites thinking I wasnt white enough. Shitty people are just shitty people.

>> No.10580292

Who are the ones allowing it? He was allowed to write all that, publishers are allowed to say they don't want to publish that. Amazon doesn't have to sell a product like that, it's bad for business.

Is it censorship that no one is willing to publish my 80-word fan fiction?

>> No.10580972

the state allows it
society allows it

>> No.10581015

>But for real, fuck racists. You mother fuckers are ruining the world.

Everyone is inherently racist you idiot. It's literally in our biology. Didn't you read about the racist white babies? That being said, I would agree that overt racism is unacceptable and low-class.

>> No.10581331

What the fuck Snage?! I didn't expect this from you.

>> No.10581354

>For the record, I got jumped by a group of older kids when I was in highschool. I don't hate everyone who looks like them as a result and the fact that they were black isn't whats important.
loled hard

>> No.10581368

We shouldn't allow it to be published because it's an affront to literature. Seriously, it reads like a middle schooler who just learned a new cuss and wants to be edgy. I cringed reading it.

>> No.10582052

>Have you ever been to Africa?
>speaking of it like its a country.

>> No.10582065

that sudden "I was lost in the coolnes of a midnight devoid of darkies" is an absolute GOAT line in literature

>> No.10582080

What a handsome gentleman!

>> No.10582122

I really enjoyed the OP text, partly because I can't stand niggers. Ethiopians, Botswanians and Ghanaians I've met (if those are the right words) have been lovely, but Nigerians, South Africans, Somalis and worst of all the amerimutt nigger, are some of the most obnoxious, unproductive, vulgar, savage, violent, irrational, resentful, violent and unpredictable "people" I've ever met. And now they spread across the world, looting stores, leeching welfare off of other peoples, contributing nothing, existing on the mercy of their neighbors until they've sucked them dry like ticks, at which point they'll move on to a new host, loot and rampage it, until the world lies in ashes. How I, too, yearn for that midnight devoid of darkness.

>> No.10583107


>> No.10583361

Censorship should never be a thing, the government should never breathe down the necks of its people and shank them once they step outside the line. The ability to reject "wrong" thoughts should be in the hands of the people, as they make the nation and theirs is the culture, theirs is the morality. To suppose that mere exposition to controversial thoughts can change one's mind is to presume that people are easily swayed and unstable in their beliefs, which is insane to believe, as not only history has shown us to the contrary, but it also implies that any sufficiently popular person or medium can ruin countries, solely because what they show is not liked by people. However, if it is supposed people are stable in their beliefs and require effort to change their mind, what is the point of censorship? If people can acknowledge the controversial material and judge it on ethical grounds on its merit entirely by themselves, what is the point of an expensive government bureaucrats telling people something they can do on their own? Redundancy in such case is certainly not needed, as there will always be more people and opinions than there can be state judges.
Censorship can be instated on the basis of people being fallible and weak, but if so, why is the government not tackling such an urgent issue? What has changed such a change that the nation is but a shadow of its self, that people have to be protected from themselves?
In turn, if people are capable of rational thought and are not quick to turn insane from a mean thought, the censorship is redundant and a liability, as it obstructs natural discourse and just as well might be used in ill will to prevent ideas from being discussed and acknowledged, to stunt people's ability to reason and decide.

In short, if you can run around your city posting racist quotes and images everywhere and instead of mass lynchings you get a fine, then no, censorship isn't needed.

>> No.10583492
File: 1.72 MB, 320x240, african culture.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

africans have such a great culture

>> No.10583564 [DELETED] 

damn it looks like he was still alive until the guy stomped on his neck... imagine how horrible life must have been in a Paleolithic tribe in prehistoric times, no wonder the neanderthals left for europe

>> No.10583591
File: 348 KB, 649x645, parasite.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When are they going to give Peter Sotos the Newbery Medal?

>> No.10583693

Trusting a nigger is like playing Russian roulette. Not worth the risk.

>> No.10583704

>is retarded
what a shock

>> No.10583719

Bullshit. I'm spot on. Haters never trying to give me credit but we all know whats up.

>> No.10583734

Every post you make is a testament to your own stupidity

>> No.10583772

Now, surely not /every/ post.

Na bitch, anyone who's paying attention knows whats up. I'm the best thing that ever happened to this stupidass board. Now stop getting off topic faggot.

Yeah, censorship is bad even if it's on hateful motherfuckers that need to die. Censoring their free speech just makes it harder to spot who they are. The majority of the world knows whats up and them racist fuckheads are a minority that everyone looks down on. They're pathetic.

>> No.10583778

pretty much this.

>> No.10583817

if this is supposed to be ironic, you might want to consider that irony isn't meant to make you look like a braindead jackass

if this and the shitshow that is the rest of your posts in this thread aren't ironic, you need to realize that your life is an irreconcilable embarrassment

either way, you should have stopped posting long ago and never used that retarded tripcode to begin with

>> No.10583827
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>> No.10584326

read this >>10583817 at least three times

>> No.10584811

I judge everyone by their outward expression of themselves. If you look like a hoodlum, you're probably a hoodlum. You can call me racist but white trash and Lebanese trash and Somali trash all get avoided equally. You talk about good black people, but the good (or at least not degenerate) black people are easily observable, again by their outward expression of themselves. Thing is, for someone like you trained in observing people's behavior in relation to or accordance of skin color, may go on calling any white person segregating themselves from thug culture as an inherently racially biased act of discrimination, when it's not. I can get along fine with any black man that I work with, as long as they are working. Yet if I indict them for their laziness or lack of work ethic, your racial lense classifies it as racism. It's such a binary method of observing human interactions and it's frankly appauling in it's myopic simplicity. Of course I think a lot of what you are saying and the way you are conducting yourself on this board is a facade of attention whoring, you may very well not be as binary in your assessment of people in personal relations where things are more nuanced as what I'm ascribing you to be in this thread, but this form of discrimination is hardly as offensive as you build it up to be. You seem to be conflating aggressive or violent racism with all racism in general, whereas I view passive/casual racism to just be the only remaining catharsis for people in a rapidly shifting demography, and I don't think it can be at all held in league with the violent racism that in my observable experience has been widely overcome (although not to say absolute because my experience is limited). But when all of the drug and gang violence is attributable to Somali gangs in my city, I feel I can hardly be held in contempt for saying (not acting out) that "this is not okay and I want them (hoodlums, low-lives, degenerates) to leave, and we were better off without them".

>> No.10585353

>may go on calling any white person segregating themselves from thug culture as an inherently racially biased act of discrimination, when it's not. I can get along fine with any black man that I work with, as long as they are working. Yet if I indict them for their laziness or lack of work ethic, your racial lense classifies it as racism.
Na bitch, that's totally cool man. You got me all wrong.

It's hatred for your fellow man that I have a problem with. Hates a lot different than what your talking about. Like OP post for example was pure hate and that sets me off, then bitches trying to defend it and act like there is something wrong with me. Fuck that shit. If someones a hateful bigot I'll call them out on that shit every time.
Same thing with either dumbass left wingers or right wingers, for example. Fucking anyone who doesn't have half a brain and find stupid ass shit to divide themselves from their fellow man. Put them selves on a stupidass team just so they can hate the other guys. They need to be called out on that shit because that's the shit that's tearing this world up.

How come the people trying to hate on me are always the dumbest motherfuckers on the board? For real, it never fails.
Lol you think your bitchass post actually says some shit. It don't say shit man, you dumb as hell.

>> No.10585354

Take me back :(

>> No.10585371

Can someone explain to me why people like this think they belong on this board?

>> No.10585389

>belong on this board
Lol bitch, this isn't some exclusive club. This is public domain bitch, and I belong here more than your dumbass who makes a stupid fucking post like that. For real, it'd be nice to be hated on by someone who actually has a brain but that never fucking happens. hmmmmm I wonder why that is?

Oh yeah, because only stupid pieces of shit have a problem with me. Everyone else who actually knows whats up is so down with it.

>> No.10585415

>censoring pretend make believe


>> No.10585433

It's literally social commentary disguised as edginess.

>> No.10585711

It's funny how you're triggered by the OP pic, but you equally obnoxiously overuse an insult with sexist connotations.
Are you black? You're definitely somewhat autistic.

>> No.10586242

obvious wigger tbqh, probably upper middle class mommy's boy who grew up listening to A$AP Rocky and Eminem and thinks he could probably take you in a fight despite never having thrown a punch in his life before.

>> No.10586358

Where would someone publish/sell a 10k word torture porn/rape story? I recently got into writing the worst kind of shit like that but few places seem to want to publish it.

>> No.10586418

>few places seem to want to publish it.
Because of things like censorship

>> No.10586857

Bitch ain't sexist. Well, maybe to some people but I don't mean it that way. Know what? You're right I should probably stop using that... just give me some time to think of a replacement, bitch.
>Are you black? You're definitely somewhat autistic.
Nope and nope.

How the fuck am I a wigger? Get the fuck out. I'm native american. COME AT ME!

>thinks he could probably take you in a fight
I never said that. You're the one bringing real world violence into this so by saying that you're being a hypocrite. You're some lame ass internet tough guy and trying to put that shit off on me. I don't do that shit.
(I probably could though)

And I'm not triggered, bitch. Yall are trigger by me because I call hateful racists out for being unintelligent pieces of shit. It's either because you give into your caveman fear of the unknown, generalize because you are too stupid to blame individuals so you get all "huurrrr they look the same so they must be the same", or if its because you want to feel like you are better than someone over something as pointless and arbitrary as race.

Pick your poison, whatever the reason for your racism is it still makes you a stupidass bitch nigger cunt faggot. BITCH!

>> No.10586870

>people are unironically saying that the greatest piece of literature to come in the past 20 years should be censored

censors are the truest niggers

>> No.10586872

10k? Dude, you need to write more than that to get it published anywhere.
"Hurrr derp, I wrote 10k words and thats it. Please invest in me."

Get up to like a few hundred thousand words worth of material and I'm sure you'll find some weirdass porn site to take your shit.

>> No.10586876


>> No.10586891

10k would be the perfect length for a tentacle rape story to be published in a magazine, on the internet or in publication. you keep running your nigger mouth with your nigger lies and its time to realize the fact of the nigger. They don't need to be niggardly and stretch the nigger out to the length of War and Niggers.

>> No.10586900
File: 2 KB, 125x123, 1510468087502s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not to mentin a tripfag that is so new he wasnt around the 3 weeks ago when this image came out

>> No.10586955

>Whats funny, bitch?
>I'm being real as shit.
>Figure of speech, bitch.
>I couldn't even read past half way into the second paragraph because it disgusts me so much
>You ain't smart and your hate ain't justified, bitch
>just some hateful bitch
>Everything you don't forgive becomes a weight, bitch,
>Racist ass bitches.
>The fuck is that suppose to mean, bitch?
>No bitch
>you sound dumb as hell
>Everyone knows that shit, you dumb bitch.
>Nice try, bitch
>That is why you are a dumb bitch
>I tore that bitch a new ass hole
>Thanks for proving all my inferences about the level of your intelligence, bitch
>And this trips from 2012, bitch
>I'm giving you bitches the gift of my presence
>There you go again, bitch
>I'm saying that shit don't apply to me cause I'm so fresh.
>You get no pass bitch
>Meanwhile my shit is profound and insightful
>Later, faggot.
>My arguments were solid, bitch
>I naturally prove it with every post I make, bitch.
>Na bitch
>you think your bitchass post actually says some shit
>It don't say shit man
>you dumb as hell
>Lol bitch
>This is public domain bitch

what did he mean by this?

>> No.10587006

That was fucking stupid.

since 2012, bitch.

Figure it out.

>> No.10587035
File: 129 KB, 749x902, hellodummy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Should we allow shit like pic related to be published? I don't think so.

Then can you please explain to me why you clicked on the big button that says "Start A New Thread" and published the excerpt? You big dummy OP?

>> No.10587071

It's so inconceivable to me that anyone would ever take the OP text (which is just a fucking joke, and certainly not a subtle or clever one) seriously that I'm honestly incredibly confused by this thread

>> No.10587103

I'll admit, I may have gone a little overboard. But really I very calming started talking about racism then these assholes trying to defend the shit out of themselves started giving me a hard time so I had to light them up and call them out.

That's what happened.

>> No.10587141

welcome to 4chan the site where nothing is censored unless its blatantly illegal, how have you not figured this out in your approximately five and a half years time tripfagging

>> No.10587151

Know what else isn't censored? ME bitch.
Fuck off.

>> No.10587154

im glad youre getting something out of this discourse

>> No.10587160
File: 125 KB, 1375x749, 1472756357870.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I was glad to be alone again in my room, where no nigger had ever been.
This man clearly has never been to a construction site.

>> No.10587260
File: 2.64 MB, 1600x1200, 2379408ef30f4bd49e12c0702b05367af22382cc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's pretty fucked up shit but I still don't think that anyone should be censored
However no sane publisher would publish shit like this, therefore most of these types of books won't get a large audience anyway