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/lit/ - Literature

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10563194 No.10563194 [Reply] [Original]

There is no reason to actually read fiction right? If you read 1000 fiction books you come out with nothing. If you read 1000 nonfiction books you come out with everything you could want. If you want entertainment just watch movies.

>> No.10563199

Calm down, Noel Gallagher.

>> No.10563200

There's a time and place for entertainment.

Nonfiction like manuals or journals have their purpose. Fiction is imagination at play. There's value in that

>> No.10563203

I try to read fiction for enjoyment and I do get enjoyment. It's just "fuck I could of spent this week learning something instead of this".

>> No.10563209

>If you read 1000 nonfiction books
If you read 1000 nonfiction books then you've read more fiction than you thought

>> No.10563218

holocaust was a hoax

>> No.10563219

> not reading fiction during breaks from right brain work

I feel you though . It's too much effort to read modern fiction. Im afraid of being let down in the middle and having my time wasted by boring plots and dull prose.

>> No.10563234 [DELETED] 



>> No.10563238


>meaning this

>> No.10563250

but it increases your vocabulary size, which has real world applications and may even translate to profits.

>> No.10563284

Read a dictionary.

>> No.10563293

>he Googled "symptoms of autism in adults" once and thereby scrambles to validate his own autistic aversion to fiction

>> No.10563301

This argument is ignorant. People most definetly learn moral and life lessons through fiction. Ever heard of a fable op?

>> No.10563312

The only people who learn life lessons through fiction are kids and depressed people.

>> No.10563316

What about all the religious adults who learned not to be assholes because of a fiction book based upon morals?

>> No.10563318

What philsphy is encouraging this thread to be made every night? They never have interesting discussion or funny shitposting, even for /lit/ standards, just an OP proclaiming television rots your brain but watching Planet Earth on BBC is enlightening

>> No.10563319

Shit you're right. I forgot delusional people.

>> No.10563323


The Story of Icarus teaches a lot about human stubborness and curioisty.

>> No.10563324

reading is fun

>> No.10563332

The lesson transcends the fictional world it was told in.

>> No.10563333

So what do you read buddy? Biographies? Philosophy? How does learning a bunch of useless shit make you a better person?
Philosophy is basically fiction. Teaches you things of other people's thoughts, there is no true philosophy. Why bring this argument up at all if your so against fiction? Why not just learn from real life events because that's basically what your suggesting.

>> No.10563334

If you need a fictional book to teach you that killing people is bad as an adult you have problems.

>> No.10563338


>> No.10563339

Actually Rousseau argues directly the opposite of this in Emile.

That kids do NOT learn moral lessons through fiction, they lack the interpretive ability to do so. I know that when I was a kid I would not have been able to do this without being needlessly urged by my mentors. In particular, one might say that no one would have without being told to interpret it in a specific way.

>> No.10563340

You would be surprised. People are not always rational. They need to learn a lesson by identifying with a character and seeing the fictional mistake unfold. It passes on experience through stories. Its as old as telling a campfire tale.

>> No.10563349

>hurrdurr atheism meme

I hate when it gets to yuropoor aka satanic trash time

>> No.10563351

Chomsky > You

>> No.10563359

Chomsky > everyone on this board.
Your words hold no weight.

>> No.10563362

Chomsky > Dude who has read every work of fiction

>> No.10563364

Wasn't even memeing ya bud, just giving an example to the ignant op.

>> No.10563368

What are you even trying to say now? Flustered a bit?
Give me one Crystal clear example of why your side of the argument makes any more sense than mine. I'll wait.

>> No.10563378

If you only read every work of fiction in existence you will still be nothing compared to someone who is an expert in (most) nonfiction subjects.

>> No.10563383

Not him but I agree with this, yes.

>> No.10563388

And you want to talk about wasting time

>> No.10563392

You could probably find some nonfiction book that will you teach useful vocabulary for daily life/politics/writing that will be much more helpful and efficient than a bunch of fiction.

>> No.10563393

And yes I can agree to what your saying, even though what you are saying is completely illogical.

>> No.10563397

But can you also agree with the fact that some, and I'm not saying all fiction, (because let's be honest a lot of fiction there is barely anything too learn) can I'm fact teach you something worthy of the time spent reading it?

>> No.10563414

I do agree. It's just who wants to spend the time reading fiction to maybe find a book that eventually that speaks to you. If you are doing it for enjoyment great but most of the time you are getting only that. If you read the classics because you want to learn something or seem smart it's a waste of time.

>> No.10563419

Sometimes it is more useful to hide a lesson in a story, some lessons are better learned when it's not just blatantly told to you.

>> No.10563430

Well I'm glad we can leave on some type of agreement, this is what I call a productive /lit/ talk. I respect your opinion, as it is as valid as mine. You have good night my man.

>> No.10563432


>> No.10563433

>implying both are opposed

Read Moby Dick

>> No.10563434
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>> No.10563435

Shut the fuck up and read the Greeks you illiterate faggot

>> No.10563436

Can you give an example of some lessons you have learned in fiction that have changed you as a person?

>> No.10563443

*proceeds too pick up the Greeks too read while systematically getting fucked in the ass* you too bud

>> No.10563444

i wish i said this

>> No.10563445

Atta boy :)

Lol have a good night though

>> No.10563447

dont let the bed bugs bite

>> No.10563449

Lmfao fuckin A mate, you too man

>> No.10563451

What is going on. There is like 4 people here replying to him.

>> No.10563456

The guy who said this >>10563449
Is the other main debater, me, idk bout the others they just wanna wish the man a happy night and good rest. What so wrong with that?

>> No.10563464

The Bible. A lot of people dedicate the end of every week to learning from it.

>> No.10563467

Why would you come to /lit/ and say this? Go to /his/ or /sci/ or something. Anyways you can get perspective from fiction, like listening to someone tell you a story about something that happened to them. Just because a fiction book didn't actually happen doesn't mean the author isn't pulling from his life.

>> No.10563472

We already talked about delusional people scroll up.

>> No.10563474

the value of fiction for me was this
Frenchfag here. In order to look good in daddy s society you re supposed to say you read and enjoy a certain number of classic fiction authors and know your wines. However at some point you read Bourdieu and realize that shitposting is the future of written cultures.

>> No.10563476


>> No.10563505

Nonfiction is merely peer-reviewed fiction. Discuss.

>> No.10563515
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would you fuck this?

>> No.10563523

Very much agree with this. You can learn different perspectives and get a lesson in empathy.

>> No.10563567

Most people actually think killing people is ok, and it probably is.

>> No.10563573
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>> No.10563574

>muh utility
is this why the arts are dying?

>> No.10563579

Equality made men utility, the new men made everything else into utility. Architecture is the most visible representation of this.
>There is no need for beauty t. pleb/merchant

>> No.10563584

Animal farm is fiction but still allows even children to understand that communism is a horrible idea because of the failings of humans.

Fiction is a vehicle to understand vague concepts that non fiction simply might describe in a shallow way.

>> No.10563587

>Animal farm is fiction but still allows even children to understand that communism is a horrible idea because of the failings of humans.

apparently not since that's not the point of the book at all lol

>> No.10563597


>> No.10563617


>> No.10563736

god you fucking redditors make me sick

>> No.10565175


lol omg it wasn't about communism and how it leads to cult of personality at all it was about mean pigs and a horse. lol omg /lit/

>> No.10565215

ya why not

>> No.10565221

Reminder that using 4chan is a bigger waste of time than reading fiction. You're no better than people who read fiction.

>> No.10565225

>be /lit/
>deride fiction readers
>read bible

>> No.10565227

>If you want entertainment just watch movies.
Imagine being this stupid

>> No.10565241
File: 542 KB, 1483x2000, 1516225249913.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Noam "The Gnome Stop Wearing Glasses" Chomsky

>> No.10565254


explain ? seems weirdly interesting

>> No.10565260

>watching movies is fine
>apparently, shitposting on 4chan is fine
>but reading fiction is a waste of time
I don't understand this logic.

>> No.10565261

Reading nonfiction can be potentially destructive while fiction can't. Would you like to have 1000 books worth of untrue garbage floating around in your head?

>> No.10565271

Film is arguably a more powerful art form than literature. Still far too early to tell

>> No.10565372

>fiction can't be destructive
a whole generation of germans an hero'd after reading werther

>> No.10565388

It's entertainment, it is what people want. The people that say entertainment is worthless are either slaves or trying to make them.(or depressed/mentally ill)

>> No.10565407

Do you feel this way about all art?
Do you feel all of human experience is adewuately depicted by cognitive psychology and neuroscience and brain scans?
Do you find Richard Dawkins et al's reductive scientism intellectually convincing?
If so then yes, you;re wasting your time reading. If not the 'point' is very self-evident.

>> No.10565421

The state of the American mind:(

>> No.10565830

not necessarily, reading /lit/ actually allows you to skip through many long and not worthy novels

>> No.10566075

They were going to kill themselves anyway.

>> No.10566764
File: 1.30 MB, 1440x1080, MOljUrQ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok OP, but if this thread is about nonfication then why did you post a pic of a scientist who engaged in fictional hypothesis that have been disproven?

>> No.10566794

>murder is self-evidently wrong
>just think about it
>its not cuz I grew up in a culture based on certain religious metaphysics

>> No.10566820


>> No.10566846

You were memeing, it was just a countermeme and the OP was so autistic he ran with it.

>> No.10566854

With film you can get better entertainment and escapism than the week it takes to read a novel. So watch one film and then keep reading nonfiction. No wasting time on fiction.

>> No.10566905

This was dirty habit I had from college years ago except the opposite. I didn't read anything that did not fortify my current work or studies and dropped fiction all together. I do not regret it but it really is hard to get back into fiction again.

>> No.10566921

high brow fiction is as intellectually stimulating and useful as any non fiction you massive faggot (inb4 I could read a thousand STEM textbooks hurdur)

>> No.10566931

There's nothing wrong with fiction. Genre fiction on the other hand is worthless.

>> No.10566938

Even as a baby I would reach for an animal encyclopedia over Dr Seuss for a bed time story. My mom just sat their and told me about animals in alphabetical order.
I'm still more or less the same.

>> No.10566952

Sci-Fi, Horror, Mystery and Westerns are the greatest genres of storytelling. Straight dramas and anything non-horror/mystery that takes place in the modern day is shit.

>> No.10566954

>its just entertainment
Neck yourself.

>> No.10566988

You do come out with something, feelings and memories of characters and moments your mind found interesting.

>> No.10567075
File: 15 KB, 220x267, Tolstoi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Autistic guys talking about effiency of non fiction

You basically killed art. Now I understand why we have a whole generation of social retards: lack of empathy. Through fiction you can see the thoughts of a guy, not through a mental masturbation but experiencing his relation with his environment. This explain why writers like Dostoievski or Tolstoi are great, they truly knew what is to live.

>> No.10567127

Tolstoy thought film was a better medium than literature for both conveying emotion and as an overall art form.

>> No.10567133

>nonfiction means science and manuals
philosophy is nonfiction and all the crap said above about "morals" can be learned by reading treatises on ethics

>> No.10567150

>all the crap said above about "morals" can be learned by reading treatises on ethics

Not really. You can read the theory about it, but you won't feel any real empathy. People aren't invested in "treatises on ethics". Fiction is better in this respect. That's why The Bible has been controlling the masses via fiction all these years.

>> No.10567153

People are, in fact, invested in "theory", "ethics" and all of that.

>> No.10567160

I think everyone can agree poetry is the worst form of writing.

>> No.10567161

An 8 yo invested in treatises? Alright.

>> No.10567166

Perhaps not in treatises, but in his parents simply and straightforwardly talking to him about what's right and wrong. No fiction is -necessarily- involved.

>> No.10567173
File: 34 KB, 515x616, conor mcgregor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fiction gives you the ability to better read between the lines. It makes you more empathic. It teaches you about life. It inspires the mind toward real life subject matter.

Works of fiction aren't just fake stories or simply entertainment. Most of them are lengthy fables or commentaries on real life.

>> No.10567182

Are 30 year olds still getting life lessons from fables?

>> No.10567186

I was implying that lessons on morality and ethics can be got from fiction. And yes, adults can improve their ethics; there's an entire field of study devoted to that subject.

>> No.10567193

are you retarded?

>> No.10567201

Maybe for fucked up people who do meth and shit but for normal sane people there is nothing to get from fiction.

>> No.10567231
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That's a great argument and one I had not considered. Thank you.

>> No.10567247
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Jesus, now I have to think of this fucking retarded sentiment every time Wonderwall comes on the radio?

Pretty close-minded, especially coming from an artist.

>> No.10567374

Fiction is more real than non-fiction.

>> No.10567469

All of these arguments imply that fiction is separate from the real world. This is incorrect. Fiction is born of the human mind--and the human mind being made of information, stimuli, and experience from the real world--is thus a reflection of the real world in varying extents.

A book could affirm the values of the society one lives in, or it could challenge them. A book could also venerate or condemn certain values, beliefs, or ideas by putting them in far-fetched situations. An example of this would be the veneration of heroism and selflessness common in the fantasy genre. The values are placed against the backdrop of a fantastic setting, and stand out all the more for it.

Fiction exerts an effect on all those who read it, precisely because, no matter how fantastical, it reflects and contains at least some material from the real world. Just as an example, a thousand studies about the benefits of being kind and giving to others will not be as convincing or far-reaching as the axiom "love thy neighbor as thy self" from the Bible.

>> No.10567481

all art is quite useless

>> No.10567611

everyone knows this and it's irrelevant to the stances in this thread both for and against

>> No.10567618

its the truth and the only reason this argument is still going on

>> No.10567644

there is a difference between general fiction and mythology

>> No.10567656

Is there any sort of demand for a book about modern Afghan history and what's led it to become the quagmire it currently is?

I work with a very wide cast of Afghan natives from varied social classes who've lived through various periods in modern Afghanistan, from the Soviet Invasion up through to even a few years ago. Some have ties to current Afghan politicians even. I know that I could put together a huge set of first-hand accounts, but verifying the veracity of the information would be a difficult task.

I don't really have a political agenda with the book, actually the more I learn about the current situation and its causes I'm more torn on what a solution for western involvement there would even look like.

>> No.10567661

Actually, I do have extremely strong anti-islamic views which would definitely bleed into the writing.

>> No.10567711

>Chomsky isn't fiction

>> No.10567742

Plebs stink

>> No.10567756


>> No.10567762

This painting really makes me angry because it's limited eternity - everything is within sight but it's incomprehensible.

>> No.10567778


>> No.10567799

>Read a dictionary.
Different anon, here, but I have spent countless hours chaining from entry to entry in a dictionary. This can be especially revealing when you get to the cognates between English and Deutsch. The evolution of both languages is revealed and you see the purpose behind the evolution. Karl Schmidt wrote a book on this. If you have a decent grasp of both languages then you can often derive the meaning of an unknown word by either ignoring the spelling and listening to the pronunciation or the other way around.

>> No.10567826

just leave please

>> No.10567932


It's fun.

>If you want entertainment just watch movies.

Anon, anon, you tried to save yourself at the last moment, but you know this does not hold.
This is like having a particular kink: don't judge, and let people do what they like, as long as they don't harm others.

>> No.10568015

> Fiction gives you the ability to better read between the lines.
The skill of interpretation is valuable, however, most of the people who read fiction extensively, start seeing patterns and symbols where there are none. Thus, they miss the point entirely ... (which is purely entertainment).
If you talk about understanding hidden meaning and motives of people around you, evolutionary psychology does it better.
> It makes you more empathic.
Too much empathy makes you anxious and neurotic. Also, if we consider literature up to the 20th century, I argue that there is a very limited amount of behavioural universals you can learn from the writings. That is the case because culture is very important. For instance, Anna Karenina represents the idea that if you leave your husband you become a whore. And you would probably go down the drain in the 19th century Imperial Russia which is clearly not the case in the 21st century.
> It inspires the mind toward real life subject matter.
watch the news then
> Works of fiction aren't just fake stories or simply entertainment.
Yes they are , that's the definition of fiction.
> Most of them are lengthy fables or commentaries on real life.
What is the value of these comments?
Guys, everything written about human condition (if that's what you're interested in) before Darwin can be skipped.

>> No.10568102

you had reasonable points but can't be taken seriously after this

>> No.10568350

>The skill of interpretation is valuable, however
It is literally the only reason a good non-world-building author writes fiction. Mortimer J. Adler said that every single book was trying to say something. Every single one had a message it was trying to convey. Something it was trying to get across.

>> No.10568356
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>For instance, Anna Karenina represents the idea that if you leave your husband you become a whore.

>> No.10568359
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>The things you know best are: first, those you know intuitively; second, those you've learned from experience; third, those you've learned not from but through books and the ideas they've inspired in you; and finally, those you've learned in books and from your teachers.

>> No.10568574

>If you read 1000 fiction books you come out with nothing
I improve my dictionary.
>If you want entertainment just watch movies
I want to do things at my own pace. I can read at my own pace, while the movie is at a standard pace only.
Plus, it's art, fucktard. You could say the same thing about movies - why watch fiction movies when you can watch documentaries. Why listen to music when you can listen to nonfiction audiobooks or lectures.
This argument is literally retarded.
When you read 1000 nonfiction books and die at the end you gain nothing either way.

>> No.10568620


Fiction exists because authors had something important to say. There's a reason that Plato used the 'dialogue' format to express his ideas. There's a reason Seneca wrote plays. There's a reason modern philosophers published novels.

I'll give you a hint - that reason wasn't for entertainment. If all you can get out their works is entertainment, then it's you who are the problem, not the works.

>> No.10569179
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>evolutionary psychology does it better
This is /lit/ 2018

>> No.10569502

All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy

>> No.10569544

Imagine being this retarded