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/lit/ - Literature

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10557232 No.10557232 [Reply] [Original]

Anon, this is George RR Martin. He is working very hard to finish hus next book, “The Winds of Winter,” for his highly praised series “A Song of Ice and Fire”

Say something nice to him

>> No.10557242
File: 79 KB, 468x480, GRRM will surely deliver.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10557244

good luck medieval man

>> No.10557247

whatchu got hidden under that beard nigga

>> No.10557271

Fuck him

>> No.10557289

Kek what a fat trash bucket

>> No.10557299

how can we know if jon snow will be a good king if we've never seen his stool examined

>> No.10557332

>He is working very hard to finish hus next book, “The Winds of Winter,”

Evidence of this?

>> No.10557353
File: 57 KB, 720x397, 7889ADB8-0AFC-4DC1-A670-A1BA6798B06E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The worst thing that could ever happen to this series was HBO getting their grubby (((hands))) on it.

Now that the fandom has been thoroughly invaded by normie soy boys, with their cringe theories and fan art, I’m sure George doesn’t want to even finish the damn series anymore.

Seriously I hate my normie friends who have picked up the show. None of them bother to read the books, and they love the show because “le nobody is safe, anyone could die XDDDD.”

This is such a misunderstanding of the books, George hasn’t really killed off ANY main characters. Ned was a red hearin protagonist, and Robb didn’t even have a damn POV chapter in the books!

Yet the normies continue watching the show, calling for bloodshed when it serves to literary purpose. It’s a glorified fantasy hungner games to them. They don’t understand the story.

My co workes at the office unironically run a “Death pool” making bets on who they think will die.


The series has never been about unnecessary death, it all serves a purpose. George has taken great influence from Tokien. No one should be surprised when most of the plot is resolved in “The Winds of Winter” while “A Dream of Spring” will detail the aftermath of the havoc the shook Westeros.

I for one, can on wait for the Lord of The Rings tier ending A Song of Ice And Fire will have and then ensuing ass blasting by the fandom when their pen tier theories turn out to be overthought. It will truly be “A Feast for Normies”

>> No.10557358

Sunset found her squatting


>> No.10557359


>> No.10557386
File: 4 KB, 225x225, check.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>many grammatical erros
>thinly veiled /pol/ agenda

Is this new pasta I smell /lit/?

>> No.10557414

>tfw never watched the show or even read the books.

Feels actually pretty good.
Being naturally aloof to the external world is an epphing blessing in disguise.

>> No.10557423


>> No.10557457
File: 469 KB, 1240x1748, 1368858676150.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im not sure I agree 100% with you on that anon, but with the series I do, emphatically so. Its like sunk cost fallacy, I just want it to hurry up and be over so I can have my closure. Its not particularly good anymore outside a few baity plot point (will Jon and Dany live? etc etc)

Its real bad

>> No.10557803


>not having the will to drop something when it's objectively shit
lmaoing @ your existence AND your afterlife

>> No.10557834

The CIA really appreciates all you've done for them, George.

>> No.10558468
File: 338 KB, 602x339, victarion.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some of the dialogue and character concepts he comes up with are entertaining, plus his/his fans' cripplingly autistic attention detail is admirable. Pic related.

>> No.10558535
File: 74 KB, 500x775, GURM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I lost interest for the next book

>> No.10558594

>red hearin protagonist

Frog hero that doesnt listen to any of that blue pill bull malarky

>> No.10558597

>most of the plot is resolved in “The Winds of Winter” while “A Dream of Spring” will detail the aftermath of the havoc the shook Westeros
I would like this actually

>> No.10558746

its nice that you think the middle ages were all sex and conspiracy

>> No.10558761

I would like this too but only because he'll probably die before A Dream Of Spring and I want my closure.

>> No.10558908

>None of them bother to read the books
These books are trash, so the fact you're complaining about that makes you worse than normies who at least don't bother thinking about that. No surprise here since you're a pseud and I can see through your disquise, redditfag