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10542312 No.10542312[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What are some good books about laymen turned cult leaders?

>> No.10542317

Jordan Peterson has actually gone mad haha

Such is the tale of Icarus

>> No.10542329


>> No.10542330

The War of the End of the World
Fra Dolcino parts of The Name of the Rose
Jan of Leiden parts of The Abyss by Yourcenar

>> No.10542336


that's an essay about some frauds in the hindu tradition. prasad varma (aka """maharishi""" mahesh yogi) is a good example of someone with little credentials in his own country coming to the west to prey on gullible idiots

>> No.10542360

yaaaaaaaaasssssss jordan slaaaaaayyy

>> No.10542376

The Jeroboam's Story

>> No.10542386

Really wanted to go to his London lecture as it's literally ten minutes away from where I live, but I could not justify paying concert ticket prices to watch a university professor speak for an hour. It's a bloody shame desu

>> No.10542392

>paying concert ticket prices
how have people not realized what a scam artist he is by now

>> No.10542406

I saw him trying to sell a rug for 2k the other day
It's just greedy desu, he already makes a shit ton off of his devotees, and I can't imagine professors (old ones) get paid pennies either

>> No.10542430

>I saw him trying to sell a rug for 2k the other day
i saw the thread for that the other day, but i never checked twitter to confirm if it was an actual post, or a joke or something. that's too incredible for me to believe, even if we're talking about peterson.

>> No.10542433


The Book of Dave. A taxi driver's rants turned into a religion.

>> No.10542445

To be fair, when he was first getting started the Patreon account seemed legitimate because there was a genuine risk that the contents of his videos would get him fired as a professor, so his livelihood was at risk. Now he's making an absolute shitload and he doesn't really need to. Wouldn't mind if it was just the average Joe, but I find it a bit hypocritical from someone whose main doctrine is the restoration of Christian ethics

>> No.10542469

lmao is there any statement of his where he's trying to legitimize his income or does he not even try to conceal this cash grab.

t. Peterson fanboy

>> No.10542480

a "nietzschean" christian that believes in christianity because of its moral framework

what did he mean by this?

>> No.10542516

>implying his job was ever in serious risk

You fell for it

>> No.10542527
File: 49 KB, 500x500, pepealexdelarge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He doesn't really talk about his income. The only time he talks about commerce is in reference to his products.

I agree with the other anon, JBP is overdoing it. 14 months ago or whatever he was in danger of losing his job for standing up to SJWs and insane censorship laws in Canada. That hasn't happened, and he could be hired anywhere now anyway. His obscene self-promotion and merchandising is p disgusting desu. He did give his shitty self-authoring program away for free for a few weeks at one point, with a pepe coupon actually.

t. never a fan but have enjoyed his lectures

>> No.10542549
File: 129 KB, 573x772, carpet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Clean your room to make space for this carpet, bucko. That'll be $2k, plus Patreon tip. Don't forget to buy my new book for more great advice like this.

>> No.10542573

I used that PEPE coupon back then :). I also payed for that big five thing and I strongly feel that it should have been free because it doesn't really offer much more than existing implementations of the big five.

how do you sign a carpet?

>> No.10542586

He's not really a Nietzschean at all, he accepts some of Nietzsche's thoughts on society but I'm pretty sure he explicitly rejects the idea of coming up with new values

>> No.10542617

>how do you sign a carpet?
On the underside I hope. It's honestly pretty stupid. I think it's a pretty nice rug design, and presumably anyone who would buy it would know the connection to him, and could maybe even bring him up as a fan if someone asks about the rug, but no one's going to care if you're like "yeah, and look, I paid him $2,000 and he signed it!"

>> No.10542656

I would love to buy some Maps of Meaning merch, but not a fucking 2k rug. Maybe a necklace or a coffee mug. What the fuck is Peterson doing?

>> No.10542894

>I would love to buy some Maps of Meaning merch

>> No.10542972

>14 months ago or whatever he was in danger of losing his job for standing up to SJWs and insane censorship laws in Canada
Peterson was never in any serious danger, he's a tenured professor and the Charter protected every stupid thing he says
Every move he made since day one was just engineered so he could become a celebrity and get people to give him more money than he could ever make in academia

>> No.10543001

He isn't a scam artist you mongoloid, he's just selling a good people want for market prices. A scam implies some level of dishonesty.

Quit being jealous and try selling your own version of rehashed philosophies.

>> No.10543019

no, it is dishonesty. You cannot be a true intellectual and bourgoise at the same time. Creativity requires nobility of thought, and nobility is incompatible with being a rug merchant. He needs to stick to academia, or if that isn't possible for political reasons, find a way to create his own institution.

>> No.10543039

*le happy merchant face*

>> No.10543041
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Well, at least this means he's probably about to be finished as a meme on /lit/. These meme philosophers always manage to fall apart right as they reach the peak of their popularity.

>> No.10543113

>Now he's making an absolute shitload and he doesn't really need to.

I have a feeling he's always been a millionaire even before this, made done videos before youtube existed, he's published a pop psych book, and before that he consulting for Fortune 500 companies and universities on psychometrics

>> No.10543120

Why does he want all the money?
Does he hire assassins to murder his former enemies, what's the deal?

>> No.10543123

This isn't the peak, this is just the beginning. Peterson is founding a new religion to rival Islam

>> No.10543125

>Does he hire assassins to murder his former enemies

does anyone have a screencap/link to where he was talking about creating an AI to witchhunt liberal professors?

>> No.10543132

Its not about the money. Its about the power

>> No.10543137

He's done private sessions for high flying execs. Theres a reason he never critiques capitalism

>> No.10543147

money is the trashiest form of power though

>> No.10543149

Yeah but you use it to raise your standing in other areas. How do you think L Ron Hubbard got big?

>> No.10543181

What do you think is the next step in Peterson's master plan?

>> No.10543188

He needs to open a camp.
Offer an "intense growth course" for his followers to detox from liberal culture and come to understand their true animas.

>> No.10543200
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what's worse is that if you've actually read Jung, you know exactly what tricks Peterson is using

one of the first archetypes mentioned in Archetypes and the Collective Unconcious is THE THERAPIST FALSELY IDENTIFIED AS FATHER/GOD

>> No.10543205

This guy turned his fame into a money printer really quick.

>> No.10543222

This never would have happened if /pol/ just looked up postmodernism in the dictionary like we told them too. They don't understand an unreliable narrator, being used to /pol/.

>> No.10543256

fugg, this will absolutely happen.

>> No.10543274

>liberal professors
Marxist professors

>> No.10543285
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>You cannot be a true intellectual and bourgoise at the same time
Fucking Marxists.

>> No.10543314

>or if that isn't possible for political reasons, find a way to create his own institution.
That's literally what he is planing to do. Peterson wants to create an online university for humanities that's free of SJW shit, which explains his jewish money grabbing schemes.

>> No.10543348

Peterson could walk up to any conservative/libertarian thinktank and get funding for that instantly (which he /will/ do), this extra shit is just banking money

>> No.10543358


>> No.10543374
File: 5 KB, 228x221, hx4Prda.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You cannot be a true intellectual and bourgoise at the same time.

>> No.10543384

But then he would be beholden to them. If you had the charisma to raise that money on your own, why would you sell your independence to some ideology driven think-tank? Peterson is a centrist first and foremost and believes that society can't work unless you balance out liberalism and conservatism, aka order and chaos.

>> No.10543389

>But then he would be beholden to them

he's already doing their work for them, I bet you anything at least one of those organizations is going to donate to his movement

>> No.10543390

>he's already doing their work for them

>> No.10543393

That was the only decent idea he's ever had. Would have gladly donated to that cause.

>> No.10543400

>liberal professors
SJWs are not fucking liberals.

>> No.10543402

>anti liberal propaganda
>pro capitalist propaganda
>sociological/psychological justification for both of the above

>> No.10543406

Hell, this never would have happened if /pol/ had fucking started with the Greeks.

>> No.10543411

>take this personality test!

>> No.10543415

Peterson is neither of those things

>> No.10543420

Peterson is a liberal individualist centrist with hardcore traditionalist flavoring.

If Peterson is not an intellectual, neither is anyone on this board.

>> No.10543426

Dianetics is pretty good. Just keep in mind that it is all shit before you read it.

>> No.10543427

>If Peterson is not an intellectual, neither is anyone on this board.

That's a trade I'm willing to make

>> No.10543429

If any of you guys are JP's Patreon subs you should ask about this for his next Q&A.