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10532630 No.10532630 [Reply] [Original]

Is Chabon legit or just Oprah-bait?

>> No.10532655

naw he cool

>> No.10532680

A little better than Oprah-tier but mostly worthless.

>> No.10532815


He's not Oprah bait.

He's a minor writer, which is both an accomplishment and a failure.

If you like the kind of thing he writes, he's legit. If not, he's tedious.

He just gets praised because he's crossed a certain threshold of technical ability and is doing something different from most of the marketplace while still being marketable because he is acessible.

Him being acessible doesn't make him bad or good, just different than say Blake Butler who is technically gifted but writing what basically amounts to cut-ups nobody but word people read.

>> No.10532839

i seem him every year at macdowell, complete faggot. i believe he is literally gay and his wife has said so in an interview

>> No.10532862
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Trying to read Kavalier and Clay. He can write well - clarity, emotion, description - but you could easily cut the book in half and lose so little.

>> No.10532864

>After the publication of The Mysteries of Pittsburgh, Chabon was mistakenly featured in a Newsweek article on up-and-coming gay writers (Pittsburgh's protagonist has liaisons with people of both sexes). The New York Times later reported that "in some ways, [Chabon] was happy" for the magazine's error


>> No.10532984
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Er, what ways?

>> No.10533111

he's a commercial writer

>> No.10534815

aggressively middle brow and therefore actually good. high brow is for brainlets with aspirations driven by insecurity. middle brow is for us big brained and know it types.

>> No.10536077

made me think

>> No.10536157

sales, idiot

>> No.10536174


Kavalier and Clay is unremarkable and bloated and it's the book that finally convinced me to ignore the Pulitzer Prize from now on. However Wonder Boys is a genuinely funny and well constructed novel. Not ground breaking at all, but entertaining.

>> No.10537274
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Am I the only one here annoyed by how so much of what he writes is so relentlessly Jewish?

>> No.10537326
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Best genre fiction writer of his generation, but I do really want him to write some more short stories. Werewolves in Their Youth was excellent.

>> No.10537464

I really liked all his stuff up to telegraph avenue and haven't read moon glow. Then I read the insulted Trump so I'm not going to read his stuff ever again

>> No.10537952

If you like him, you should read Moonglow, he just keeps honing his craft and distilling his themes and its pretty good.

>> No.10538274

>read book by jew called "yiddish policemen's union"
>complain about it being jewish

>> No.10538678

I meant in general. YPU is the maximum peak of Jewishness as his writing goes.

>> No.10538701

I actually liked The Mysteries Of Pittsburgh -- felt like the type of book that everyone wants to write when they're a teenager, and I can recommend it on that merit alone, especially to people on this board, who seem to fall hard for nostalgia and wistfulness. It has charm but it's nothing great, and it's not even good enough to make me want to read his other stuff (gave up on Wonderboys halfway through).

>> No.10540569
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Because he wants people to buy his books??

>> No.10540667

...write what you know, Anon.

>> No.10542291

oy vey

>> No.10543987 [SPOILER] 
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