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File: 76 KB, 500x708, Cioran.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10531466 No.10531466 [Reply] [Original]

>In the gamut of creatures, only man inspires a sustained disgust. The repugnance which an animal begets is provisional; it never ripens in thought, whereas our kind obsesses our reflections, infiltrates the mechanism of our detachment from the world in order to confirm us in our system of refusal and non-adherence. After each conversation, whose refinement alone is enough to indicate the level of a civilization, why is it impossible not to regret the Sahara and not to envy the plants or the endless monologues of zoology?

>If with each word we win a victory over nothingness, it is only the better to endure its reign. We die in proportion to the words which we fling around us . . . Those who speak have no secrets. And we all speak. We betray ourselves, we exhibit our heart; executioner of the unspeakable, each of us labors to destroy all the mysteries, beginning with our own. And if we meet others, it is to degrade ourselves together in a race to the void, whether in the exchange of ideas, schemes, or confessions. Curiosity has provoked not only the first fall but the countless ones of every day of our lives.

>> No.10531472

where do i start with him

>> No.10531474

>Man should listen only to himself in the endless ecstasy of the intransmissible Word, should create words for his own silences and assents audible only to his regrets. But he is the chatterbox of the universe; he speaks in the name of others; his self loves the plural. And anyone who speaks in the name of others is always an impostor. Politicians, reformers, and all who rely on a collective pretext are cheats. There is only the artist whose lie is not a total one, for he invents only himself. Outside of the surrender to the incommunicable, the suspension amid our mute and unconsoled anxieties, life is merely a fracas on an unmapped terrain, and the universe a geometry stricken with epilepsy.

>> No.10531484

On the heights of despair

>> No.10531509

>should create words for his own silences and assents audible only to his regrets
>and the universe a geometry stricken with epilepsy.

geomilepsy (maybe drop the mi)

>> No.10532178

What’s up with his hair?

>> No.10532315

That, my friend, is the hair of a misanthrope.

>> No.10532437
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>> No.10532695

would you say that cioran is life affirming? if so, why?

>> No.10532853

I haven't read all of Cioran's works, but from what I know, he is not. He's not Camus or Kierkegaard type.

>> No.10532947

I've had a copy of The Trouble With Being Born for years and it's pretty much lousy with underlined passages. I like flipping through it, reading the underlined stuff, and wondering what in particular stood out to me at the time.

>The Aztecs were right to believe the gods must be appeased, to offer them human blood every day in order to keep the universe from sinking back into chaos.
>We long since ceased to believe in the gods, and we no longer offer them sacrifices. Yet the world is still here. No doubt. Only we no longer have the good luck to know why it does not collapse on the spot.

>> No.10532960

I find his essays better. The Trouble With Being Born isn't a work to be read on one sit. It's a book that you open at an random page to read one or two passages.

>> No.10533037

Yeah, that's what I like about it. I'll get around to his other stuff some day.

>> No.10533039

Literally why didn't he just kill himself?

>> No.10533065

He said in an interview that the very idea of suicide was the thing that kept him carry on. I think he meant that having the option of killing yourself at any moment makes life bearable. In the end he didn't commit suicide. He was busy with slandering the world with his aphorisms.

>> No.10533083

Isn't it incredible that he wrote On the heights of despair at the age of 23? Later, he reflected: “What I know at sixty, I knew as well at twenty. Forty years of a long, a superfluous, labor of verification.”

>> No.10533087
File: 930 KB, 1180x842, 170207_PLUS_ironGuardFascsim.png.CROP.promo-xlarge2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was Cioran the endgame of fascism?

>> No.10533492

What do you mean?

>> No.10533572

No. He was one of the types initially sympathetic to fascism because of his advanced cynicism about the bourgeois democratic schema (like Hamsun or Celine or W. Lewis or D. H. Lawrence). But Cioran was not at all a fascist avatar or some kind of creation of fascism. It is more that that fascism was a new force full of promise, shed of the false doctrines of the status quo. A great hammer. As Cioran learned, there was plenty to be cynical of in fascism too.

>> No.10533650

I used to like this guy but he's much too despairing, neurotic and navel-gazing for me now.

>> No.10533732
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Oh, well, its a good thing you grew up and decided to have white children to help save the master race. :^)

>> No.10533735
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t. alienated faggot

>> No.10533746

antinatalism isn't partisan. Normies mock it because they just want an excuse to keep doing the bullshit things they do.

>> No.10534143

>It is enough for me to hear someone talk sincerely about ideals, about the future, about philosophy, to hear him say “we” with a certain inflection of assurance, to hear him invoke “others” and regard himself as their interpreter—-for me to consider him my enemy. I see in him a tyrant manqué an approximate executioner, quite as detestable as the first-rate tyrants, the first-rate executioners Every faith practices some form of terror, all the more dreadful when the “pure” are its agents. We mistrust the swindler, the trickster, the con man; yet to them we can impute none of history’s great convulsions; believing in nothing, it is not they who rummage in your hearts, or your ulterior motives; they leave you to your apathy, to your despair or to your uselessness; to them humanity owes the few moments of prosperity it has known: it is they who save the peoples whom fanatics torture and “idealists” destroy. Doctrineless, they have only whims and interests, accommodating vices a thousand times more endurable than the ravages provoked by principled despotism; for all of life’s evils come from a “conception of life.” An accomplished politician should search out the ancient sophists and take lessons in oratory—and in corruption. . . .

>> No.10534696

People dismiss 20 year Olds as edgy if they've grown to nihilistic as though it's always some kind of stage you grow out of and join the rest of the sheep. Schopenhauer wrote "world as will" in his 20s also.

>> No.10534868

Cioran on normies:
>The enthusiastic zeal and mad passion I put into becoming a brilliant individual, the demonic charm I adopted to gain an aura in the future, and the energy I spent on an organic, glamorous, inner rebirth, all proved weaker than the beastly brutality and irrationality of this world, which poured into me all its reserves of negativity and poison. Life is impossible at high temperatures. That's why I have reached the conclusion that anguished people, whose inner dynamism is so intense that it reaches paroxysm, and who cannot accept normal temperatures, are doomed to 1 fall. The destruction of those who live unusual lives is an aspect of life's demonism, but it is also an aspect of its insufficiency, which explains why life is the privilege of mediocre people. Only mediocrities live at life's normal temperature; the others are consumed at temperatures at which life cannot endure, at which they can barely breathe, already one foot beyond life.

>> No.10535407


And the people who believe in it believe in it for about the same reason(s).

>> No.10535428

Maybe I am wrong, but isn't all the loathing, despair, and other depressing themes in themselves a kind of morbid self-obsession? I have seen the lowest of life(people in slums and such), but how they struggle and survive is marvelous to me. And here I am, pitying them and wallowing and whining.

>> No.10535450

Yes its a logically robust ideology, that ought to be the case. If there are separate reasons that various people adhere to a particular philosophy then it can't be all that significant, can it? Antinatalism has one principle and its so simple even a child can get it (but not dissimulating adults who can no longer smell their own shit).

>> No.10535462

on one hand he sounds like a masturbating sadboi pseud, on the other hand I identify with that completely. fugg

>> No.10535469
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>one time I saw a guy with sores all over his body from shooting heroin but it made me smile when I saw how happy the heroin made him

basically what you're saying.

>> No.10535484

I'm pretty sure he just really fucking enjoyed being the worlds greatest pessimist on a deep level.

>> No.10535494
File: 670 KB, 497x678, ringer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>becoming less idealistic is a good thing

>> No.10535499

are you okay sam hyde

>> No.10535542
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I've never seen antinatalism refuted on a logical basis. There are a lot of silly characterizations, which accurate or not ought to be irrelevant. A lot of rhetorical fallacies but never an actual cogent argument.

>> No.10535608

This. He knew that facism winning would just turn the world into mundane bullshit with even more safety-nets.

>> No.10535759
File: 45 KB, 601x508, 21-35-09-2f7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw Cioran never worked in his life and rejected all literary prizes but one exception and Simone Boué, his lifelong partner still supported him financially.
>tfw you will never have a waifu that you can depend on to concentrate on writing

>> No.10537240
File: 412 KB, 1418x664, 1515629221236.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10537372

not at all lmao

>> No.10537451

that's retarded. You can say that its compassionate or any number of things but its the absolute opposite of life-affirming.