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10511308 No.10511308 [Reply] [Original]

What are some genuinely reactionary, and by that I mean Monarchist, texts? I am thinking about authors similar to De Maistre and Spengler. Also, anyone who thinks Neo-Conservatism is in any way reactionary when in fact it is simply another point on the spectrum of the dystopia which is the Liberal worldview is free to pseudo-intellectualise themselves through an obfuscation of the facts in this thread.

>> No.10511313

Monarchism is dumb, dude.

>> No.10511318

In what sense?

>> No.10511326

In the sense that it is bad for our parasitic way of life and only helps the goyim.

>> No.10511332


>> No.10511337

it's too rigid, caste/feudal systems are for peopl

>> No.10511344

I would prefer a rigid feudal system to a system of utter chaos, which we currently have.

>> No.10511363

You can still have monarchy with a meritocratic bureaucracy.

>> No.10511386

You're talking about democracy

Taking the whole of history and analyzing it all, we can deduce that the best form of government is a republic, or a controlled aristocracy of sorts. Going too far in either direction either results in absolute miserable stagnation like today or just no statement for the people at all like the voiceless kingdoms of yesteryear.

Somewhere in between is a voice given to everyone that's supportive, proud, and real. Something based in reality, and beautifully woven with the color of personal will and spirit. Unfortunately, we are chained to these systems of control. Rousseau understood this.

In a way, politics is to approached in a self-loathing way. Like something that must be done for the good of humanity.

WE talk about these sorts of things because who knows, perceptions change the world, and we might be in the world near important perceptions.

>> No.10511404

The best form of government is that which existed before the French revolution, namely a monarchy. It was not influenced by the Liberal worldview, which is the cause of most problems within this system.

>> No.10511411

what is the most meritocratic system? because there's no way what with the retards and gays in charge today that democracy is putting the right people in positions of power

>> No.10511424

Unfortunately, that's just incorrect and retarded. It really is as simple as that.

Do you like slavery? Then I guess you'd like being a subject in a monarchy. The only things that subjects like to do in monarchies is not give a fuck about anyone and work and be told what to do. It was shitty, which is why people ran away from it when they could.

But they ran to fast to the other extreme. This thing we have right now. There are far too many politicians. Too many people talking, not enough doing. You can bet that is a result of this democratic system not having enough central power in the sovereign. If monarchy is absolute mind-numbing retardation, then democracy is absolute and utter awareness of an abyss of horror.

It makes sense though. Under the veil of monarchy you couldn't foresee the terrors that awaited you in an almost out of proportion government like today. The corporate will is way out the geometric ratio with the people and the sovereign like it should be. So now, we should logically take a few steps back from this, and retrench government. But not to the severity of monarchy, because that would be intellectual suicide.

>> No.10511452

The French revolution was done in favour of an urban bourgeoisie, not the people. The Liberal worldview favours an urban bourgeoisie, at the expense of the moral, intellectual and cultural fabric of the cosmos.

In the end, certain people need to work, and having a it be based on the family you are born in to makes it much simpler and makes everything flow in a much more smooth manner.

What political ideology are you referring to? Fascism? National Socialism?

>> No.10511460

Patriarcha, then read Locke's reaponse in First Treatise on Government

>> No.10511467

what the fuck is actually wrong with you?

>> No.10511468

Hypothetically speaking, the government that would best suit people in general. A republic, or a controlled aristocracy with good morals.

>> No.10511476

Are there any examples of this in history? If so, which?

>> No.10511495

Yes the government in Athens was really a controlled aristocracy, as you should know.

All the Greeks called it a democracy, but if you only got your political science knowledge from Greeks it would lead to you having the opinion that monarchies are the best government, hence what I'm seeing here.

>> No.10511500
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Check out SIEGE by James Mason, everyone else is a milquetoast liberal next to our good friend James Mason. You gotta get it in your head the modern world is too far gone for saving, we need to resort to extraordinary and superhuman measures to bring down the big brother ZOG machine system. I'm talking Manson-Spontex Hitlerism, unabashed praise of mass shooters and terrorists, that kind of thing. In another world, Charlie could have been an internationally acclaimed modern dance performer. but, alas, It could not be.


>> No.10511508

What about Spengler, though?

>> No.10511532

the replies in this thread are ridiculous
the absolute retardation of your typical "intellectual" is the best argument in favor of absolutism i can conceive of. strivers and visionaries must be kept as far from the reigns of power as possible.

>> No.10511548

Not that anon, but Spengler considered Athens under Themistocles and Pericles to have been the most perfect Greek phase.

On a personal level he preferred a traditionally Prussian style monarchy, but with a grand council and civil service that could adapt to modern conditions.

>> No.10511765

Dream Song 105 by John Berryman

As a kid I believed in democracy: I
'saw no alternative'—teaching at The Big Place I ah
put it in practice:
we'd time for one long novel: to a vote—
Gone with the Wind they voted: I crunched 'No'
and we sat down with War & Peace.

As a man I believed in democracy (nobody
ever learns anything): only one lazy day
my assistant, called James Dow,
& I were chatting, in a failure of meeting of minds,
and I said curious 'What are your real politics?'
'Oh, I'm a monarchist.'

Finishing his dissertation, in Political Science.
I resign. The universal contempt for Mr Nixon,
whom never I liked but who
alert & gutsy served us years under a dope,
since dynasty K swarmed in. Let's have a King
maybe, before a few mindless votes.

>> No.10511795

Slavery/freedom ratio never changes m8. If you're enslaved in one way you're freed in another b/c your libido flows to whatever opening it has available. You think you're more free now that you'd have been in 1350?

>> No.10511799

It's glorified chiefdomism. Family arbitrarily in a place of power, "Yeah, God put us here, also lol i get to fuck all the women in the castle hehehe xD"

>> No.10511810

>Slavery/freedom ratio never changes m8

Sigh. Look, I'm a creative thinker, but there are just some things that are wrong. We are less in a state of slavery than we were under monarchy. But it's hard to explain... although we are extremely free in a democracy.... we shouldn't be. Catch my drift?

Like we need a guiding hand from God. This is a perfect analogy for government. It needs a guiding hand from a strong sovereign. Not a spread out, giant government. The larger government becomes, the slower and more cumbersome it gets. This is why you have a huge government today that creates a stagnated standstill of bullshit. Because it's all a load of bullshit, and democracy, depending on how far you push it away from executive power, is just a lot of clandestine politic exchanges and chaotic negativity. Now if we were to retrench government and centralize it more, you would see higher functionality and greater strength.

>> No.10511816
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>Also, anyone who thinks Neo-Conservatism is in any way reactionary
Wow thanks for the big revelation bro. I couldn't have figured it out by the fact it has the word "neo" in it or anything.

Anyway, reactionary analysis is fine. Reactionary morality, maybe. Reactionary advocacy - silly. If you want a new monarchy you'll just have to wait until the next faggot Caesar comes around and establishes some horrible rule that lasts long enough for an aristocracy to form again. But it won't be the same as the old world. It will just be something new.

>> No.10511824
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Pic related. Also, Monarchy isn't a good form of government.

>> No.10511832
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>implying we don't literally live in a cultural marxist neofeudal dystopia run by jews and blue haired women

>> No.10511839 [DELETED] 

>unironically wanting to be enslaved and have a totalitarian master rule over you

More and more each day I want to become the next Stalin.
It's become clear that the average person doesn't want and doesn't deserve freedom, so why give it to them?

>> No.10511857
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>muh liberalism didn't exist before 1789

nigga have you heard of constitutional monarchy

>> No.10511858

Anything by Solzhenitsyn, who was a monarchist pleb

>> No.10511859

I don't think being a "reactionary" necessarily implies one wants monarchy, at least in the 20th c.-onward sense. Not many of the right wing futurists or Evola types wanted a return to monarchy or old Europe.

>> No.10511866
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>The French revolution was done in favour of an urban bourgeoisie, not the people.

why not skip the middleman and go striaght to direct popular rule? Vive La Commune! Gracchus Babeuf is my man.

>> No.10511867

so Tolstoy must be a monarchist pleb too by that standard?

>> No.10511874
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>> No.10511877

Tolstoy was a Christcuck anarchist freak though.

>> No.10511878

We need a cultural elite to complement our technocratic elite. Doesn't necessarily have to be monarchy, but we need a system that rewards people with power for being as close as possible to some sort of healthy, ideal archetype.

>> No.10511880
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because that kind of proletariat doesn't exist anymore you faggot

>inb4 some 3rd-worldist national liberation movement, Marx and Engels never gave a fuck about shitskin parts of the world, I mean shit they even left Russia out of their capitalist world system. We have Lenin the most anti-Marxist Marxist to thank for "anti-imperialism"

>> No.10511885
File: 38 KB, 331x499, short history 20th century.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You might enjoy pic related anon.

>> No.10511907

the ideal archetype of the current rulers of this world is the purple haired mentally ill gender screechazzoid. total transvaluation of values. I don't consider myself a hateful person, but I totally HATE trans people LGBTQIAWTFFs and the rest of those cultural marxist PC freaks in the blue hair victim community. I literally feel murderous rage towards trannies, you know these people are mentally ill and won't even by satisfied even when leftoids give them free license to rape children in the open street or whatever it is these freaks want to do. Sometimes, I think these people relish victimhood and debasing civilisation for it's own sake... im literally FUMING right now. If you are 'trans' FUCKYOU! you sick genderqueer shreechazzoid child raping sick fuck

>> No.10511913

>won't even by satisfied even when leftoids give them free license to rape children in the open street or whatever it is these freaks want to do
beast mode

>> No.10511946
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We need a new Hitler. there's no other way, the world's far too fucked, these people the jews the trannies the liberals, they want to destroy you, they want to destroy you white man, only unreconstructed, unmitigated and unrelenting HITLERISM can save you from total annihilation by the politically correct dildo wielding hordes of POZ. You gotta learn to stop worring and love the Hitler.

>> No.10511953

Hitler is the reason the world is the way it is.

>> No.10511957

Hitler not going far ENOUGH is the reason the world is the way it is.

>> No.10511959

>some weird skittish sexual deviant and mass murderer will save anything

>> No.10511963

Yeah, that's why I said healthy. We need to empower people who most reflect the archetypes of individual greek gods and goddesses. I'm being very serious.

>> No.10511970

Zeus is a rapist and a wife-beater. Vulcan is a possessive cripple. Aphrodite is a vapid shitbag. Hera is a conniving shitbag.

This sounds like a degenerate's solution.

>> No.10511987

have you tried talking to a tranny or a communist? the bluehairs are incapable of rational argument because they are single mindendly focused on destroying you as a white man and destroying civilisation.

>> No.10512014

Recommending only 'monarchism proper' works misses much. As such I would recommend some 'merely' REACTIONARY works/people:

Nick Land (NRx Dark Lord, known for neocameralism, Techno-Commercialism, accelero-singularianism).

Mencius Moldbug (NRx Dark Lord, known for neocameralism, formalism, neo-royalism).

Hans-Hermann Hoppe (Dark AnCap, known for praxological defense of monarchy, neo-manorialism).

Julius Evola (High Mage of HRx, known for Hyperborean Aryanism, sacral racialism).

Imperial Energy (NRx Dark Disciple, known for STEEL-cameralism).

>> No.10512021

Stop. This is not moving forward with THAT. STOP


Ok? Okay. We can all move forward but not with this shit.

>> No.10512028

Imperial Energy should get more attention. Very good blog

>> No.10512033

the problem is the bluehairs won't let us move forward, these people don't want to move forward, they want to destroy us and rape our children

>> No.10512040

No. Just stop. That shit you posted is fucking retarded and dumb. Ok?

FUCK REACTIONARIES. You will not get anything going unless you form another movement away from all that stupid shit that already has momentum

>> No.10512059

To add on: I believe in God.

I believe that God is good. I believe that fossil fuels are bad.

Where is my political party

I believe that races and genders are different. I don't believe that these differences are negative.

Where is my political party?

I believe that intelligence is learned, and many are not as different as you believe them to be. Indeed Adam Smith was right when he said the differences in professions was LEARNED. And despite this, I believe that certain people are better than others, based on how good of a person and how well they punish evil.

Now WHERE is my political party for THAT?

The statements thus stand, you can see my stance on the political system as it is: it's flawed to make you take sides, when there is no need to take a side. You don't need to be invested in this political system, it is easily destroyed by logic. It will fade soon.

>> No.10512063

We gotta study SIEGE by James Mason, Revolution is the only solution, we are *this* close to total ZOG rule being established, worst thing you can imagine? it's that and worse. everything is going down the drain at lightbeam speed thanks to the sjw community, we need to get down to it and make the Helter Skelter Skinhead army happen, the trannies are already armed and on the streets. The next american civil war will be a battle for survival, animal to animal, skinheads vs. bluehairs. the end is upon us, it's up to us to kill or perish clobbered by their dildos.

>> No.10512066


The only one in NRx aside from Land worth reading IMO.

>> No.10512070


And please calm down.

>> No.10512105
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>> No.10512131

>falling for babby's first psyop
Good luck out there. You'll need it.

>> No.10512151

SIEGE is the truth, in this sick world of pedo celebrities, jared kushner, WNs with asian wives and democratic socialists with madison avenue gigs,in this world of bullshit, the truth is with me, with James Mason, Charlie and no one else. The truth is an assault rifle at full blast and nothing else. everything else is illusion Salvo el poder, todo es ilusion. I'm America's Pol Pot, bringing back the 4th reich because FUCK YOU


>> No.10512165
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>jared kushner
oy vey

>> No.10512176

>there is truth
Shadows on the wall of your cave, pleb.

>> No.10512178

Well thanks for ruining this thread

>> No.10512198
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This might sound like a mindfuck to you normies, but what if Hitler was actually the Avatar, the reincarnation of God on this earth, or rather the destructive aspect of God. Hitler did not die, the Fuhrer slumbers in the halls of Shambhala deep inside the Hollow Earth, under the Himalayas, waiting for the right moment to arrive.
Hitler is God and Charles Manson is his Prophet. Unfortunately, Manson couldn't complete his task, so it's up to us to bring about Helter Skelter, that is the final War, the cleansing fire that will bring an end to the Kali Yuga. Accelerationist Hitlerism, my man. We gotta make Helter Skelter happen.It sounds insane, but I have seen it, I have seen the Black Sun after hours of meditation I glimpsed it. I was absorbed by the rotating unlight, I have embraced damnation. Only the reborn national socialist movement will be able to trigger the final conflagration: WWIII, Helter Skelter. Then and only then, at the hour of absolute chaos, will we witness the awakening of the Fuhrer, who never died, the Fuhrer Adolf Hitler, the Avatar, who slumbers under the Himalayas at the halls of Shambala. Sieg Heil! I call on you to surrender to the Black Sun, my brothers, so the world may end, and we might know peace. Sieg Heil! I I call on you my brothers, to do whatever needs to be done to bring forth the Final War. Sieg Heil!


>> No.10512199

Holy shit, people in here unironically support democracy. This is a joke.

Anyone intelligent person knows monarchy and by extension feudalism is a million times better than democracy. Democracy is government for the mediocre.

>> No.10512203

this is just sad

>> No.10512207

gay copy pasta

>> No.10512210

explain yourself, like even a little bit

>> No.10512242

Read Plato. He gets it right.
Democracy works best when voting is restricted to the highly educated (like white land-owning males in the early days of the US). But democracies always inevitably become more and more degenerate and liberal, opening up voting rights for uneducated members of society and causing tyranny of the majority. A civil war is needed to end that kind of tyranny, meanwhile under monarchy it's much easier to end tyranny (or it was in the past, this point is debatable in modern days). But basically, modern democracy is based on the idea that the dumbest person in the country has even a shred of a saying over how your life should go, when that is absolutely ridiculous. If anyone has a say over your life, it should be only the glorious, great, and wise. Ideally, under monarchy, it's easier to exalt great men, especially under feudalism where power is spread a bit more and a sort of darwinian power structure comes into play.

>> No.10512784

What about Moldbug?

>> No.10512809

Incredible post, I'll help you out when the time comes anon. Sieg hiel.

>> No.10512826

Read up on Erik Maria Ritter von Kuehnelt-Leddihn

>> No.10512850

>I mean shit they even left Russia out of their capitalist world system.

Because it wasn't capitalist, you doink. Why do you think Stalin had to rapidly emulate industrialisation that the capitalist countries already had?

>> No.10512853

The best system would be an aristocratic (measure not by birth or wealth but by intellect) council which would choose a leader among themselves. The people get no vote. Education is a meritocratic system where state funding is distributed to the best, most promising youths in hope of educating them for the next generation of council and rule.

Am I a fascist Greekboo high on Nietzschean power fantasies?

>> No.10513056

reactionary and monarchist are not synonymous.

>> No.10513087

How are they not? The extant system is defined by its Liberal worldview, which is an overturning of the worldview and system of genuine Christendom.

Genuine Christendom, in an attempt to sustain itself necessarily opposes political reform.

If Christendom is not the reactionary synonym, then what is? National Socialism, true, was anti-Liberal, but maintained a completely new system under which Social Darwinist theories informed a worldview that placed race above the pre-existing social order. Neo-Conservatism is, as has already been said, simply another point on the spectrum which is the Liberal dystopia. The same can be said for Libertarianism and Civic Nationalism.

>> No.10513102

to be reactionary is to support historic social truths, both political and religious. This may or may not be monarchy, but I'd argue that one can be a reactionary republican. (not in the French Revolutionary sense but the classical sense.)

>> No.10513118

You're basically Gentile.

>> No.10513125
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this fag

>> No.10513137

Okay, I might be brainlet. What do you mean?

>> No.10513138

>good of humanity


>> No.10513143

Why does there need to be doing?

>> No.10513150

Well since the state that be won’t murder me for loving another man, and being public about it, ya I’d say I’m more free.

>> No.10513156

>if I blame third parties for my own failures that means I’m not a failure.

>> No.10513157

What are you talking about?? We have to do things, this is a free country.

Stirnerfags gtfo of political discussions

Hoppefags gtfo of political discussions

>> No.10513159

>popular rule


>> No.10513162

But see this is exactly what we're talking about. We need more direction so we don't have fuckups like you walking around.

Basically, a religious aristocracy, made up of intellectual AS WELL AS moral greats (ergo having great character and being fundamentally good) as two different people have said, is the best system.

The people saying monarchies are just fucking retarded. They don't understand that monarchies actually were bad and took some countries thousands of years to unhook themselves from.

>> No.10513164

If anyone has a say in your life it’s you and you alone.

>> No.10513171

Unfortunately, I believe most of the political philosophers in this thread disagree with you.

I believe, unlike the monarchists who are definitely borderline retarded, that you do have a big say in your government. It's just that we shouldn't be ruled AT ALL by popular vote in the slightest, and government should be significantly less.

>> No.10513173

>fuck up

Lemme guess, you see a man holding another mans hand, and you froth at the mouth moaning “muh degeneracy” don’t you?

>> No.10513177

It is a sign of decadence, yes. Look to the Roman empire, please.

>> No.10513179

It being a free country, doesn’t mean we have to do anything.

>> No.10513185

It’s a literal non problem made up by people insecure in their own sexuality.

>> No.10513192

>literally have sexual encounters with women on a daily basis
>insecure with my own sexuality

Hey I masturbated with a woman last night I guess I'm insecure with my sexuality everyone!


>> No.10513198


>> No.10513199

>projection of lies
It’s okay Anon, you can tell me how a man feels too the touch, I know ;)

>> No.10513206

Once again, a literal non problem. Also straight people get HIV too sweety ;)

>> No.10513214

I mean Giovanni Gentile.
>Education is a meritocratic system where state funding is distributed to the best, most promising youths in hope of educating them for the next generation of council and rule.
This is basically how he organized the school reform during fascist Italy.

>> No.10513221

Thanks for clearing that up. I've heard that fascist and national socialists had a quite meritocratic stance when it comes to education. I haven't really researched it to be honest, but I think nat. socialists were kinda proud that you can go from poor farmers soon to the highest positions in the Reich. At least on paper.

>> No.10513223


>> No.10513228

I’m not seeing a refutation ;)

>> No.10513234


>> No.10513246

Liechtenstein is kinda cool.

>> No.10513390

Sorry but democracy hands out political power to the lower common denominator, political power affects everyone and gives them a say in your life, even if that say is just one of millions contributing through a voting system.

Basically, I'm just arguing for a form of elitism where better people have political power and it's distributed amongst them. At the head of that you might find a king, but even kings divide up power.

>> No.10513442

I've heard good things about Charles Maurras, but haven't read him yet.

>> No.10513443
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>braindead liberal normies think monarchy is just despotism, smarter ones might ascribe some feudalistic traits to it
>braindead reactionary LARPers want monarchy to be just despotism, unironically want to instate feudalism, a system that is incompatible with the latest productive innovations
>the only other dominant monarchist current is the cucked kind where the king is supposed to be a gonflable doll that smiles all day and looks all pretty and gets impached by referendum if he makes spicy twitter shitposts like the Duke of Wales is going to

Hurts to live

>> No.10513455

I’d rather have neither, but if it’s going to be a choice I’d rather have the lowest common denominator than some ponce elitist.

>> No.10513744


>> No.10513755

this is more or less the conclusion ive reached, only i dont evoke hitler himself. only through "hitlerism" can man truly be free.

>> No.10513764

>Implying Monarchs aren't the biggest parasites on Earth

Fuck off back to whatever new world shithole you emerged from with your romanticized view of Monarchy

>> No.10513774
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I am the glorious one, restorer of sanity and good governance. Submit to me, that it may go well with you!

try this, ameripleb:

>> No.10514167

the gay lifestyle is actively promotd by all major corporations. Most gays and trannies arte just doing it out of political correctness and virtue signalling, they don't even enjoy getting fucked in the ass, it's all about the social brownie points and the self righteous thrill of victimhood

>> No.10514372


>> No.10515138


>> No.10515225

>two consenting adults of the same sex loving each other

How’s this a fuck up again?

>> No.10515316

Fucking leave and never come back

>> No.10515553
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Reactionary here, you're a tard if you believed the le Drumpf is a neocon meme.

>slaughtering foreign barbarians
>purging corrupt bureaucrats and a self-serving aristocracy
>reasserting dominance over satellites and dependencies
>championing the cause of the latter-day yeomanry and the traditions and faith of his people and country
>ends justify means
>founding a dynasty

In the context of a decaying 21st century Republic, Trump is the closest thing to a Julius Caesar we have yet seen, or are likely to see.

>> No.10515572


>> No.10515589
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Mental illness should be treated, not encouraged and fostered in impressionable children.

>> No.10515646

>measure not by birth or wealth but by intellect

And how do you determine that? A racist sexist quiz designed by this panel of fucking white and asian male "geniuses"?

>> No.10515663

>two consenting adults of the same sex committing suicide

>two consenting adults who just so happen to be siblings loving each other

How's this a fuck up again?

>> No.10515682

The difference is that Julius Caesar was a populist on a mission and not a guy who just believed everything Cicero and pals told him

>> No.10515714

It would be a non problem without the Jews pushing it to kids in school and normalizing perversions.
>holding another man’s hand
Funny you chose that example. How about fisting, bug chasing, drug abuse, child raping and other destructive behaviours?

>> No.10515718

No they don’t, unless they have sex with niggers and faggots who cross over into the normal world

>> No.10515724

Your status of shill is showing

>> No.10515729

Fuck off faggot shill

>> No.10516900

Embarrassing. Trump as a politica phenomena is a lot richer than being simply a Bush-tier devil and is actually fascinating to read as some sort of ultimate American avatar, but the sycophancy is irredeemable. He's objectively retarded. He's ineffective. He's no Napoleon.

>> No.10517211

Democracy is also dumb. The majority of people are dumb so why give power to a bunch of dumb fucks who fall for political lies? Politicians don't give a shit about their country, only about themselves. The most recent case now was Brexit.

>> No.10517261

>same sex relationship
>mental illness

Your thinking social conservatism.

>> No.10517265

Non equatable

>> No.10517269

Nothing you list is singular to people only interested in the same sex.


Ah yes, your a brainlet

>> No.10517272

So much wrong, and so neatly packed too.

>> No.10517302

or do heroin like white people do and die off, thank god

>> No.10517313

Burke's Reflections on the Revolution in France

>> No.10517665

Ok so when your children are born, leave them in the middle of a forest so that they alone can have a say in their life. Make no attempt to teach them or impart any knowledge you've built up in your life. Definitely don't send them to school. Now, finally, no-one has any say in anyone else's life! How does this utopia look to you?

>> No.10517678

Balzac was a Royalist. His novels are an excellent autopsy on post revolutionary French society with it's rapacious elite bankers (the Norcingon Family are essentially portraits of the Rothschilds)

>> No.10517679
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>> No.10517690

>not wanting one voice, or many voices in control of you means leaving kids in the woods

Hey if it means leaving you in the woods alone to die then it ain’t half bad : ^ )