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/lit/ - Literature

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10473528 No.10473528 [Reply] [Original]

is 2018 the year?

>> No.10473708

Go back to /tv/
/GoT/ general to bitch about your never ending series with fellow bitter fantasy nerds. No one really cares here.

>> No.10473721
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is 2018 the year?

>> No.10473724

The year George dies, yes

>> No.10473734

/got/ is banned until they announce anything new for the show, so it goes on /lit/.

>> No.10473736

Go to /his/ or some other board for retards

>> No.10473748



Go on /tv/ until a release date. When a release is announced, we can shitpost hype on the /scifi/ general together.

>> No.10473870



>> No.10474036
File: 37 KB, 619x453, A09E427C-E5D4-428A-BDF9-D1EBFEC4B86F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s never going to happen is it? Tell me I didn’t waste my time and money on an almost finished story.

>> No.10474117
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TWOW is coming.

But don't even expect ADOS.

>> No.10474133

I gave up on it the moment I heard the TV show would surpass the story.

You should too.

>> No.10474259
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>> No.10474451

>reading a book series before all the books are done
>watching a tv series before all the seasons are done

some folks never learn

>> No.10474540

It's called ASOIAF, nigger.
try 5 years later, newfaggot

>> No.10474589

>/lit/ isn't allowed on /lit/ because its popular and has a /tv/ adaption

Y'all are some faggots

>> No.10474610
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I posted a thread about ASOIAF and janny's braincells got challenged and he deleted my thread

Mods are fucking retarded, this place is borderline approaching reddit status of "everything is ok as long as we like it".

4chan has always been filled with retarded neurologically defected contrarians, to the point literature would be deleted out of /lit/ just because it doesn't fit the contrarian meta/viewpoint.

>> No.10475139

This. And I hate George for instructing that after his death we can't see the story outlines.

>> No.10475206

fuck off reddit

>> No.10475602


>> No.10475751

yes, he confirmed he will release something this year, so either ASOIAF or a different novel.

>> No.10475847

I doubt it.

>> No.10475874

Did the janitor do that?

That's awesome.

>> No.10476617

t. redditor

>> No.10476682

Go look at /co/ to see what happens when you allow that kind of shit. Whenever you allow cross board media discussion on both boards, all it does it make both boards worse.

>> No.10477294

>discussing a book is crossboard media discussion
you are retarded beyond all imagination

>> No.10477312

The second it gets a tv or movie adaptation it absolutely is.

>> No.10477351

Reminder Bran has been eating the kids Craster offered to the Winter Gods who are really projections conjured by the Children.

>> No.10477635

what is it like to have next to no brain cells?

>> No.10477651

What's it like to have no eyes or memory and not being able to see what happens every single time something like this happens on any board?

>> No.10477961

Most books discussed un /lit have those. Do you just draw the line based on popularity?

>> No.10477968

we have already been generous enough to afford you have a fucking sci-fi and fantasy general for this drivel

please stop taking up unnecessary space on our board.

>> No.10478056

>this is a gritty fantasy story where anyone can die at any moment
>but also the Lord of light is actually really and can bring people back to life whenever he wants
This shit pissed me off so hard. Tell me it gets better.

>> No.10478061

It's taken this long because he wrote the last two books to conclude the series. Both are written and being edited now.
We are projecting a release for Winds of Winter around Summer 2018, and Winter 2018 - Spring 2019 for A Dream of Spring.

They are both massive books so the editing process is taking some time.

>> No.10478091

Except we don't know exactly what's bringing people back. We've even been straight up told that Melisandre is a major charlatan who just makes shit up when she looks into her flames, and that she carries an array of potions in her sleeves that allow her to manipulate flames and trick people into seeing things that aren't actually there. If that much is a lie, how much more of the religion is?

>> No.10478349

>stop taking space on my ded as fuck board
kill yourself faggot