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/lit/ - Literature

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10458324 No.10458324 [Reply] [Original]

>write something over the last few days
>little self-indulgent and needs pruning but overall happy with it
>particularly several moments of vivid description and insight
>start thinking of the publishing
>go to country's main literary journal site
>cursory look over the stories they're hosting in the most recent edition
>find them distasteful and amateur
>go back to look at my story
>i skim reread it and feel the exact same sensation
>mfw i realise my story is dogshit

>> No.10458330

read more difficult lit, learn to be a bastard towards others work and your own you naive cunt

>> No.10458343

"All my words come back to me in shades of mediocrity"

>> No.10458358

Hmm, annoying. OP post makes me sound like I'm writing really simple prose about being a mixed Iranian-Australian driving a motorcycle on a lonely coastal beach to "really think about my relationship with John" or some shit. Maybe it's on the same level. I think I also read texts completely differently depending on whether they're on paper or online, or even in a book compared with some shitty lit journal.

Proper self-criticism is made harder by neurosis. I just detect some noxious thing and want to avoid it. Too much and I become entirely repelled and demoralised. And I'm not just scared of my own incompetence at critiquing it, I'm scared of others' too - moreso because of the impact foreign opinion can have. Even if it's misguided the strength of someone's opinon can intoxicate you, which is disastrous. An editor would be a luxury. If only you could get God to judge your work.

>> No.10458365

"Except that sentence, that one was pretty good. Heh."

>> No.10458372
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>> No.10458673

"No one's heard a single word I've said
They don't sound as good outside my head"

>> No.10458679

Isn't this a good thing?

>> No.10458753

It is. But it hurts, and I want to vent the pain.