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10457188 No.10457188 [Reply] [Original]

>implying hes wrong

>> No.10457196
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> posts lord of the brainlets unironically

>> No.10457201
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>he sounds like he is about to cry
what a fag

>> No.10457205

>no argument
>clearly didnt even watch the whole video

>> No.10457213
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He's not wrong, he's just not right enough

>> No.10457220

>post modernist
How do you take this clown seriously?

>> No.10457244

>Im my own special brand of post modernism!

>> No.10457253

he sounds like this 100% of the time; even though I like him he's unbearable

>> No.10457255
File: 72 KB, 229x374, tumblr_n7lzh8L0Xs1rqpxlvo1_250.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> tfw you already gave Jordan Peterson money for his 'self-authoring suite' but cant admit you were a ripped-off retard so instead you have to proselytize on 4chan

fucking die parasite

>> No.10457270

If Foucault is a postmodernist so is Peterson

>> No.10457280

>still no argument
>still hasnt watched the video in all likelyhood

>> No.10457288

>your job is to ferret out one that actually helps you live properly
Hmm. If Jordan Peterson were more humble in both his critiques and his suggestions (and this is largely a matter of tone and rhetoric rather than content) he’d probably be a lot more respectable. He sounds like he’s trying to pass himself off as a prophet rather than as a human being - his ideas are revelation. If only he were less forcefully teleological, if only he bridged the divide from is to ought more carefully, I think his wariness of postmodernism from a kind of humanist utility perspective would be easier to take seriously. He could even be considered a minor writer in the tradition if he didn’t play his hostility up so much. But I think he’s emulating Nietzsche’s individuality and strong eclecticism a bit there and I can’t blame him for it.

>> No.10457293

Humility doesnt earn you those patreon bucks

>> No.10457335

>venerate your father
>Peterson is a replacement father figure for young men who were socialised on the internet
>He means venerate me
Makes you think

>> No.10457349

we need a /yootoober/ board

>> No.10457356

foucault is not a marxists postmodernist, if anything his historical analysis falls in line with something more like Spengler or Nietzsche

>> No.10457361

first archetype complex presented in Archetypes by Jung is literally the False Father

>> No.10457556
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>He sounds like he's trying to pass himself off as a prophet rather than a human being

>> No.10457563

WATCH THE VIDEO YOU'LL GET IT! It's not like he repeats the same point over and over again but with a different tone of voice

>> No.10457592

lmao not even op but your constant replies with no argument in sight is fucking pathetic

>> No.10457647

>everything that i dont like is not an argument

>> No.10457656

is this real?
is he serious?

>> No.10457657

fucking neoliberals

>> No.10457675

you realize Peterson has no original thoughts or insights besides pathetic platitudes like “clean your room” and that you’re an incredible feeb for taking anything he says seriously?

just read: Augustine, Dostoyevsky, Nietzsche and Jung ignoring everything Peterson says. The IQ stuff you can get from other sources, the cultural marxist research you can easily ferret out by studying Yockey, Spengler, N, Hitler etc who talked about it in far more concise, imaginative, honest terms. For fuck’s sake you mincing faggot, everyone is horrible towards Peterson fags because he takes geniuses and passing them through a shit filter, then pours the gruel down his acolytes throats.

>> No.10457693

He sounds like a self-help con man.

>> No.10457707

>“clean your room”

I tried this by the way. It just got messy again after a few days. Total waste of time

>> No.10457865

Well, yeah. The main thing distinguishing something as postmodern is the act or attitude of deconstruction.

>> No.10458097

Oh, it's real

>> No.10458553
File: 120 KB, 736x638, KingArthur.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Peterson is fine.

Here's just a guy with an opinion, like Socrates or any other thinker. Take it for what it's worth and move on. Only a weak man hold any other man's observations on a pedestal.

If a wise man listens to Peterson he will gain wisdom. If a fool listens to a Peterson he will gain folly. So it is with everything.

>> No.10459204

Peterson regurgitates and doesn't venture beyond Philosophy or Psychology 101, and his age affects his ability to understand postmodern society, but the way this board reacts to him is telling of how insecure people here are.

>> No.10459638
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>Self-authoring suite
>Giving your life story to Peterson's botnet

>> No.10459658

I'd say any old crap in a YouTube video if I got paid 60k a month for it

>> No.10459684

So this is the power of new sincerity.

>> No.10459733
File: 114 KB, 752x760, DOp7HMtWkAA5NQc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it to late to stop him

>> No.10459797

This nigga's on point
>has depression and is a physical wreck

>> No.10459801

>emulating N

>> No.10459881

>depicted in the same manner Christ is
>lol such an honor to have my visage next to nietzche's durrr

>> No.10460031
File: 29 KB, 594x307, DFwNJKkUAAAL_CL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Derrida got one short paragraph in Fashionable Nonsense. Updated edition could have a whole chapter on Peterson.

>> No.10460056

i like this

>> No.10460071

>If to do were as easy as to know what were good to do, chapels had been churches and poor men's cottages princes' palaces. It is a good divine that follows his own instructions: I can easier teach twenty what were good to be done, than be one of the twenty to follow mine own teaching.

>> No.10460094


he's wrong about mostly everything

>> No.10460202

>marxists postmodernist
this is an oxymoron

>> No.10460447

Peterson fag boys will never understand this

>> No.10460478

>le clean your room x-DDD
>Pls buy my book for a 100$ and private skype sessions

>> No.10460480

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