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10436213 No.10436213 [Reply] [Original]

what is the most functional language?

"functional" as in
>no languages quirks
>consistent as fuck
>extremely precise while being terse

>> No.10436219


>> No.10436221

inb4 300 buttblasted anglo replies

>> No.10436224


>> No.10436225

Ancient Greek. If was Greek pm id force em like no tomorrow

>> No.10436227

is this bait

it probably is

>> No.10436233


>> No.10436235

no such thing


>> No.10436237


>> No.10436243

Why can English not be a contender? First off it doesn't worry about gender, which from my understanding is a completely arbitrary aspect of other languages that offers no descriptive value.

>> No.10436245

a small modification of arabic and in fact it'd fit OP's criteria

>> No.10436249


>> No.10436259

>t. gender is a social construct

>> No.10436262

>First off it doesn't worry about gender
Yes it does. We have male and female terms for things such as actor and actress and we have pronouns that make distinctions based on gender (him, her etc) which is something other languages don't do. So if you the idea of functional in the sense that OP means leads to languages without gender distinctions then there are other languages with less of it than English.

>> No.10436264

you're an idiot
gender is important
it adds an infinite amount of precision and information
as long as you only keep it for people and animals and add a well spelt indication for it (Like doctor, doctorette, or something like that, instead of ami and amie in french which is spelt the same and is pretty fucktarded and confusing, seriously fuck french, fuck it in the ass)
>Why can English not be a contender?
too many multi meaning words?
consistency? especially with verbs?
full of fucking quirks?

>> No.10436266

>gender and sex is the same thing

>> No.10436269

>which is something other languages don't do
are you a monolingual nigger by any chance?

>> No.10436274


>> No.10436276

spanish probably

>> No.10436283

I mainly use sign language for comunication, very functional you speak "louder" by putting your hands more away from you torso and your larynx won't feel soar after having a argument.

>> No.10436289

this, my favorite sign language words is slapping my wife until she's knocked unconscious

>> No.10436306

That hurts the hands so I normaly use my belt for that.

>> No.10436312

>no language quirks

Languages are naturally full of irregular forms and quirks because of the human element of speaking and listening. The laziness of the human mouth, the formation of dialects, etc. ensure that no language will ever be perfectly methodical and consistent. The closest you could probably get is a constructed language that was intentionally made with the idea of being consistent, simple, and logical.

That said, the Nordic languages are pretty simple and consistent because their verbs do not conjugate based on person and number. Still, there are other aspects that make them susceptible to the same human variables as other languages.

>> No.10436316

>Nordic easy

>> No.10436317

Finnish. As a native I may be a bit biased, though.

>> No.10436335

>hurr natural gender and grammatical gender are the same thing

>> No.10436340


>> No.10436350
File: 172 KB, 613x636, Screenshot_2017-12-22-19-29-57-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Diderot said the same thing about French

>> No.10436354
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>more consistency = more functionality

>> No.10436355

You don't have to use purple prose, pleb.

>> No.10436357

French is one of the shittiest and obtuse languages in existance and also very unwelcome to coining new words. English and German got it beat by a mile, while Russian was always superior to it.


>> No.10436363

What? He didn't say that. Right there he says that French is the language of the learned (sage) while other languages are good for the plebs (peuple).

>> No.10436396

Every language is pretty much equally functional. People complain about genders because they're dumb *nglos who aren't used to them and to the possibilities that they offer. The tricky thing about languages is that you can't view them objectively, your thinking is necessarily shaped by one of them, so you get this sort of dumb arguments about genders and similar stuff.

>> No.10436403


>> No.10436405

That''s not functional. The most functional language would be the one that serves the most functions, where layering meanings would surpass even the range given by intonation.

>> No.10436407
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Magyar would fall into the same class. Granted the two languages are miles apart, but the logical structures built into them are similar.

No Gender
Vowel Harmony
Stress on the first syllable
Flexible word order depending on stress

>> No.10436409

>no languages quirks
>consistent as fuck
>extremely precise while being terse

Literally all languages can be like this, you just need to stop being retarded.

>> No.10436444

Nice. Finno-ugric languages seem to have it figured out.

>> No.10436463

It's quite weird to see someone post American art for once.

>> No.10436477

this is why I love /lit/

>> No.10436485


>> No.10436493


>> No.10436494

Korean was designed to be easy to learn so the peasants could pick it up quickly. appreciate looking at it from a wetern perspective makes it seem obtuse.

>> No.10436511

>Korean was designed

natural languages aren't designed. you're thinking of the script, which is irrelevant to OP's dumb question.

>> No.10436543

How did they come up with such a master language that long ago? I feel like such an useless waste of oxygen whenever I think of all the accomplishments the ancients had 2000 years ago

>> No.10436556

You're aware of why that is, correct? Middle Ages scribes got paid by the number of characters, so they made French as complicated as possible.

>> No.10436562


Belts leave marks though. I prefer the old phone book or garden hose trick. Caint get arrested if there's no evidence.

>> No.10436584


>> No.10436586

Accents and apostrophes aren't characters

>> No.10436598

Languages simplify and become less beautiful over time. There isnt a single aspect of latin that isn't present in other indo-european languages from the same era.

>> No.10436669

>extremely precise while being terse
This seems a little contradictory. Precision requires complexity because you are explicitly trading nuance for exact definition. In doing so you will inevitably get something that's terse.

>no languages quirks
Literally every language has quirks. Read a book.

>consistent as fuck
I hear binary/Assembly/other low-level computer languages are very consistent, save for the occasional bad bit from radiation. Human-readable languages, however, are anything but consistent.

>> No.10436735

Spanish. Perfectly phonetic. Genders done right, plurals done right, conjugations done right, word order done right, alphabet done right.

>> No.10436870


>> No.10436873

Overall: Ithkuil, no question.
Only natural: Some agglutinative language probably, there are many so it's hard to decide on the best, without a proper and labourious study. But the structure that all employ, is the best for your criteria.

Also, in regards to language, everyone is extremely bias and retarded. They'll just suggest languages they know of, or like already. So unless you take a "scientific" approach, discussion is irritating and fruitless (See this retard: >>10436735)

>> No.10437248

What a fucking joke. Latin is THE MOST complicated language ever spoken. There are exceptions to rules and exceptions to exceptions not just with syntax but grammar as well

>> No.10437316

You clearly have no acquaintance with Ancient Greek or Sanskrit.

>> No.10437322

>language quirks

What does that even mean? Are you perhaps retarded?

>> No.10437328
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>wants language to be precise and terse

>> No.10437341

no you fucking weeb

>> No.10437350
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>> No.10437361

>Far får får får? Nej, får får lam.
Other than that, nordic languages are kind of straight forward.

>> No.10437362

no such thing. but by far the fastest large language is mandaring for both speaking and reading. about 20% faster than english for both

spanish is one of the sloest langs on the planet. no

>> No.10437365

All asian languages have a fuck ton of double meanings, so no, not at all.

>> No.10437371

Would it matter if the content+context is shorter than every other languages content?

>> No.10437373

ching chong ding dong i want to torture the falun gong

>> No.10437374


>> No.10437379

I mean it depends on OP's value table, but it would certaintly help.

>> No.10437390

syntactical compleity necessarily increases as the number of potential meanings increases. unless you'd prefer to speak click languages that have the umbers 1, 2 and "many" maybe you should reconsider

>> No.10437393

You think you're so funny, huh? >haha bullying this kid!
Step off. Step off from this website. >wahhh is teh babby gonna cwy? wahh!
Go outside right this instance and get a freaking job or something. It's soooo funny making fun of a language? Well, well you could be outside playing in the rain puddles, but no. DID YOU HEAR ME?

>> No.10437413


>> No.10437423
File: 16 KB, 300x301, 300px-Doublesguy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chinese Japanese dirty knees look at these

>> No.10437435

You're like a child...

>> No.10437439

>We have male and female terms for things such as actor and actress
>this is the same as randomly labeling every inanimate object male or female

>> No.10437440

What the fuck, of course not.

>> No.10437446

I disagree and anyone that says a certain word order is narrower to truth is making a mad pseud point that hides its patriotism. Wondering how many anons could read it even

>> No.10437453

Nice argument. I'll frame that one on the ol' fridge.

>> No.10437482

Does it still work? What's the power usage? Is it roomy? Why don't you buy a new one?

>> No.10437489

All you'd have to do is develop a system where the letters of words are arranged in a certain way to make a "character" and you would shorten English by a factor of 5.

>> No.10437619


>> No.10437623


>> No.10437629
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>you have to spell your name or surname

sure, very functional

>> No.10437633


>> No.10437750


That's about as far from OP's criteria as possible.

>> No.10437786


>> No.10437801

>9342 cases

>> No.10437819

If you ask for the grammatical vs lexicographic character, it's ancient Greek according to Saussure.

>> No.10437822

Only correct answer in this thread

Esperanto was literally invented to fulfill OP's criteria

>> No.10437826

you're right but still its definitely not latin

>> No.10437841


Masterful, delightful, exquisite.

>> No.10437848

Good luck finding the 5 people who speak it. And it's not like it was made by an Iain M Banks supercomputer, designed to make the ultimate language. It was made by an idealistic; which I can respect, but if you're idealistic and don't put out for your promises then you can fuck off.

>> No.10437881


>> No.10437950


>> No.10437952
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>> No.10437982


>> No.10437985
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>> No.10437999


>> No.10438023
File: 53 KB, 480x729, bed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i mean it still has a few annoyances like silent h and b=v (and s=z=c if you speak southamerican spanish) that you have to memorize to learn how to write words, but yeah otherwise it's nice and it has only 5 vowel sounds instead of having 19 like meme english

still english it's easy to learn, i'm not sure spanish verbs are going to be easy to most people, we have like 4+ different meme past forms and we use all of them often in normal conversation

>> No.10438029
File: 177 KB, 865x966, We+get+quite+swole+from+all+the+hate+_13fb0e71c55e14d91791e4da2077f98c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

finnish pronunciation of words is pretty fun, language seems useless otherwise but i'd learn it just to have fun speaking it

>> No.10438033

>no language quirks
>meme writing

>> No.10438036
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>> No.10438040

>spanish is one of the sloest langs on the planet. no
just speak faster then

>> No.10438041

German would have been great if not for the genders.
>4 cases
>4 tenses
>simple and rigid sentence structure

90% of studying German is the fucking das, den, die, dem, denen, dessen, deren shit.

>> No.10438046

i like reading german, too bad it sounds like garbage

>> No.10438057

I'm learning German right now, and I honestly don't mind that it sounds shit. It's not like you would ever want to speak with Germans anyway.

>> No.10438058

It sounds fine, but unless you're a native, it's impossible not to misgender the nouns.

>> No.10438266
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>> No.10438297

It can sound great you dummkopf

>> No.10438302

>simple and rigid sentence structure

To be fair, this is true for everyday language, but not really for literature

>> No.10438306

i guess it can sound decent and human if you include austrian, but i wouldn't say great

>> No.10438310


>estimated 2 million speakers

>> No.10438316

that's nothing

>> No.10438319


>> No.10438324

it's a little more than 5

>> No.10438369


>> No.10438421

English is retarded . 'You will have a new teacher' -unless you have additional info you will never know if it's a man or woman until you see them (hopefully). And fucking why are there genders for *some* words like actor and actress ? But I guess this generlessness suits the feminazis and SJW fucktards quite well.

>> No.10438437

Animates which have a biological gender have gender in English; those without, do not.

It's quite simple.

>> No.10438443

Ithkuil is the tersest constructed language I've ever seen, and Sanskrit of the natural languages.

>> No.10438681

>implying the fuck know how many cases matter at all

>> No.10439160

Aramaic or ancient hebrew

>> No.10439293

>What is the most functional language
Unless they're all somehow equal, fuck off.
Also my answer is mathematic notation.

>> No.10439307

Your retarded

>> No.10439322


>> No.10439358

>a language

we're gonna have to fuck off together, homie blue

>> No.10439405

will you fucking chinks gtfo? You shit up every thread, I can't stand you people

>> No.10440621

Ok so at first he talks about cycles, which is somewhat unrelated to my question. And I suppose what I should get from the second part is that latin is like that due to having time to develop? Having been used from BC up until the Middle Ages. That's what I got from "The reason is that the development of any manifestation necessarily implies a gradually increasing distance from the principle from which it proceeds."

>> No.10440830

finally someone mentions a conlang

>> No.10440908


These, and maybe Lojban are the actual answers here. Natural languages are messy. Esperanto is actually learnable and spoken by loads of people around the world. The other two, maybe not.

>> No.10441083

Hindi, you fucking chutiyas

>> No.10441903

Turkish unironically.
>şimdiki yıl
>not speaking an agglutinative language

>> No.10442704

apsolutely not.

>> No.10442843

Not OP, but here are my two cents:

Latin is incredibly economic and condensed because words refer to very specific concepts and they don’t suffer the burden of accumulated meaning that ultimately restricts the usage. You can see this by looking at how prefixes function in the language. Here’s an example:

Latin verb: suppono, supponere
Prefix of sub- (under) + pono, ponere (to place, to put, etc.)
Romans would have understood this as fundamentally meaning “to put under.” We get our English “to suppose” directly from this Latin word. In Latin, it can mean “to suppose” as well—because when you “suppose” something logically, you’re more or less “putting it under” the rest of your argument and building upon it. Except English speakers don’t intuitively think about a “supposition” in that way — it’s more or less divorced from its root at this point in that sense. If you want to express the idea of “building an argument,” you literally have to spell it out with some such phrase. Whereas the Latin “suppono” still captures something of that fundamental logical act when you use it in that context AS WELL AS serving in a multitude of other capacities. So you could say that Latin verbs are more syntactically expressive of the concepts they mean, whereas English words are far enough removed from their linguistic origin that they’ve become more or less arbitrary symbols for the intended meaning.

>> No.10442914

Spanish is by far the most simple language I've ever learned. There are barely any irregular verbs, everything is pronounced exactly as written, there are NO declensions, the gender is generally clear from the stem, only a handful of verb tenses. I became a fluent reader in Spanish in 6 months of moderate study, then got my ass reamed by Attic Greek, which I still can't read in after a year of study.

>> No.10442959


>> No.10443157

yes a language that no ones speaks is the most functional
>Actually reported