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/lit/ - Literature

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10426999 No.10426999 [Reply] [Original]

>A book is bad because the main character isn't (or characters aren't) "likeable"

Is this legitimate criticism or just normie claptrap?

[pic related]

>> No.10427010 [DELETED] 

Do you people say 'normies' unironically?

>is this legitimate
Depends on why they read, you thick cunt

>> No.10427017

Of course not. Hal incandenza is a fucking brat that should have been drwoned right after being born, but Infinite Jest is still a great book

Same about Ishmael and Moby Dick

>> No.10427025
File: 125 KB, 500x345, dfw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>us saying 'normies' ironically

>> No.10427362

That cover is sexy as hell. Where can I cop a hardcover copy of Catcher?

>> No.10427376
File: 35 KB, 300x360, 1478618471098.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>be in high school
>read Catcher in the Rye
>everybody hates it because "lol whiny kid"
>try to defend him and say he's admirable for caring for children's innocence
>everybody makes fun of me and makes jokes about me wanting to kill John Lennon

>> No.10427409

I looked around on AbeBooks, and it looks like that edition with an intact dust jacket would probably set you back a few hundred dollars.

>> No.10427414

First edition UK copy

>> No.10427435

John Lennon was a piece of shit and I’m glad he’s dead.

>> No.10427481

Its an awful criticism, and outs the reviewer as casual trash.

Saying a character isn't relatable or believable conveys a similar idea and won't make you sound as dumb (but playing that card against a classic is quite conceited).

Criticisms of this type almost always shed more light on the reviewer than the work in question. An inability to understand why someone might act a certain way suggests poor empathy or underdeveloped theory of mind.

Catcher in the Rye is a good example. If you find yourself unable to understand why Holden acts the way he does its probably because you are a self-absorbed brainlet; and not because a famous classic is actually bad and you are the first one to figure it out.

>> No.10427495

I was following until you said the word brainlet. Your comment is casual trash.

>> No.10427498

Depends if it is on purpose or not

>> No.10427828

But then why does Holden act the way he does?

>> No.10427856


>dead little brother
>gone big brother
>saw his friend suicide
>was molested

I genuinely think that people who think Holden's just "le whiny kid" never actually read the book. His anxiety about death and loss of innocence is so obvious.

>> No.10428182

Ishmael is /ourgoy/

>> No.10428201

How dare you. Imagine, if you will, that there's no heaven. It's easy if you try

>> No.10429027

Wow. That's fucking deep.

>> No.10429199

I liked it although the ending was pretty gay.

>> No.10429233

Well what do you think? Do you think morons from /lit/ can tell you the indisputable truth regarding this problem?

>> No.10429247

did you read the book or pay attention you fucking brainlet