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10417824 No.10417824 [Reply] [Original]

>has alcoholic content
Never forget that J.K. Rowling encourages the drinking of alcoholic beverages in children at the ripe old age of 13. What a role model!

>> No.10417830

>I was a sheltered child: the thread

>> No.10417833

Everyone in the uk and ireland starts drinking around that age desu

>> No.10417835


>> No.10417846
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>Why yes, of course drinking at 13 is normal for a tough street kid (who has worked his way up into academia however by virtue of his razor-sharp intellect) like me

>> No.10417900

Degenerates. You three need God.

>> No.10417910

perhaps the existence of the traditionally non-alcoholic beverage ginger beer has escaped your attention

of course there are alcoholic varieties but it is possible to add alcohol to pretty much anything. generally it improves it. which in the case of ginger beer is not difficult

>> No.10417919

can't wait for seppos to lose their 4chan privileges

>> No.10417926

>enjoying a cool refreshing beer is a sin

Get fucked nimrod

>> No.10417935

>enjoying a cool refreshing half bottle of vodka in an abandoned warehouse on your 13th birthday is a sin

Really now

>> No.10417938


>be american
>be addicted to amphetamine salts, taking it every day since 8 because I had a bit of trouble sitting still in school
>become severely depressed in teens because developing brain has been raped by daily administration of extremely potent psychostimulants
>get prescribed prozac and wellbutrin
>completely lose motivation
>get prescribed a stronger dose of adderall, regain motivation
>suddenly, inexplicably, suffering from anxiety
>get prescribed Xanax for panic attacks
>be barely human from brain being utterly deformed by constant drug use
>be more of a mix of drug effects than an actual person, constantly feeling simultaneously hazy, uncomfortably alert and dissociated
>get on a nazi anime image forum
>be morally outraged that anyone could depict young teens having a bit of alcohol in works of fiction

>> No.10417961

>getting so triggered over being Grimsby scum that you make this post
Sorry but I never suffered from meme ADHD. It's obvious that drinking alcohol at 13 killed off quite a lot of your brain cells.

>> No.10417973

>J.K. Rowling
>nazi uniform
So much wrong

>> No.10417992

Slit your throat and meet your maker.

>> No.10418015

Not anywhere as bad as almost every American young adult cartoon (think family guy, south park, futurama) shilling for drug use, especially weed, and also pretty much every other YA show making you feel bad at like fifteen if you've never kissed a girl and some movies entire premises being that the main character hates themselves for never having had sex when they're like 18. I wonder why there are so many nihilistic, drug using, promiscuous, and/or angry anti-social youths today... Feel bad for the r9k types who just don't know any better.

>> No.10418020

Suicide is a sin. I would not meet God by committing suicide. Silly heathen.

>> No.10418024

HP isn't YA though. It's children's fiction. It's in the same category as Dr. Seuss. It's meant to be read by elementary schoolers, children under 12.

>> No.10418026

>>enjoying a cool refreshing half bottle of vodka in an abandoned warehouse on your 13th birthday is a sin
No, that's just depressing.

>> No.10418097

Is that why the last four books are ~500 pages each?

Everything after PoA was crap.

>> No.10418199

Goblet of Fire and the Lotr series were literally part of the recreational reading program at my elementary school. It's a children's book series meant for beginner readers.

>> No.10418583

Not if you're a complete gayboy, it isn't.

>> No.10418595

But by letting Jesus die on the cross, God commited suicide.

>> No.10418623

People have drunk/started drinking at that young an age for a lot of human history in a lot of places. The knowledge that drinking can hurt brain cells is relatively new. Fucking wanker

>> No.10418627

no its really fucking sad if your in innocence was gone that early
yes and you used to marry your daughter off at 12 for survival reasons

>> No.10418632

>yes and you used to marry your daughter off at 12 for survival reasons
Holy fuck what an effeminate soyboy you are. You know that you're just so shocked at this because you're the effeminate sheltered product of this neutered new age? Fuck, who castrated you?

>> No.10418637

jews did voldemort

>> No.10418638

I had sex at 16, drank for the first time at 14, got high at 15, had been in multiple fights by 16, learned to operate fire arms at 7 years old, went out onto the ocean and large lakes without proper safety gear at 10, went camping at like 5 years old, went kayaking and white water rafting at ~12, went hiking in the woods and saw bears by myself at 14, stole lots of liquor and ran from police my entire late teens. You’re a fucking faggot.

>> No.10418651

I think you need to look up the definition of suicide.

>> No.10418662

>sex 16
>alcohol 14
>weed 15
Degenerate. Leave my thread and keep reading your shitty HP fanfics.

>> No.10418668

Jesus Christ. You're probably one of those retards that give teething babies Jack Daniels so they won't cry.

>> No.10418805

You are a massive virgin incel if you didn't drink something at that age.

>> No.10418969

>being a virgin is an insult
>not drinking alcohol extremely premature is an insult
Absolutely degenerate.

>> No.10418980


It's a textbook example of suicide by cop.

>> No.10418990


Absolutely incel.

>> No.10419012
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>muh degenerates

>> No.10419024

Are we being invaded by /pol/ out of their sheer boredom or because this board contains reasonable thought sometimes?

>> No.10419029

You poor sheltered soul

>> No.10419042
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>it's a Yank post
Get tae fuck

>> No.10419049

/pol/ resents academia, thinks they have to defend the western canon, and /lit/ is full of marxists andb lah blah blah

>> No.10419076

South Park is pretty anti-weed. There's a scene where Randy explains to Stan that if you smoke all the time you become a boring person with no skills, and stoners are generally portrayed as silly losers.

>> No.10419133

It's the fulfillment of a prophecy. He did not commit suicide nor did God. He was killed. He did not die of his own hand. He fulfilled the prophecy. It was sacrifice but not suicide. Silly atheist. You probably also spout that God is a "black woman", which is false. God is neither man nor woman. Nor is he defined by race.

>> No.10419591 [DELETED] 

In the UK, you can drink at 18, if I'm not mistaken.

Consider this then, in the US, where the drinking age is 21, the average 16-18 year old begins experimenting with this drink, with most children aged 14-15 having at least tried an alcoholic beverage already. This age gap, between 16 and 21, is 5 years, as is the gap between 13 and 18 year olds in the UK.

There's nothing special about that OP. It's just kids doing what they've always done - emulate the older kids and try to be grown up. That JK Rowling understands this adolescent fantasizing simply implies she is in touch with her audience and their desire to feel like adults. Notice, however (if I remember correctly), that the children drink in a controlled and monitored environment. In which case, it would be legal even in the US (i.e., a minor can have a drink under the supervision of their legal guardian).

Now I'm not advocating teens getting drunk, but I am saying, "Lighten up, OP."

>> No.10419608

Wizards have higher resistance to injury. It stands to reason that the adverse effects of alcohol would at least be mitigated by them.

>> No.10419609

you guys aren’t funny, the falseflagging with minimal effort isn’t fucking funny. i get that absurdism is SUPER COOL to you idiots but its not funny at all.

>> No.10419680

I'm serious though. It's extremely degenerate. I get that you think everyone is a California liberal, but there are people of different opinions in the world

>> No.10419752

Maybe this anger you're directing at that anon for pointing out the degeneracy of underage sex/drinking and imbibing illegal drugs is a source of your own guilt over the degeneracy that is your life. It's not too late anon. God is waiting with open arms.

>> No.10419907
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>> No.10419918

Being part of the /pol/ clique wont change the fact that you're just a smug version of a robot from /r9k/

>> No.10419940

All sins are forgiven by way of Jesus. You would still be saved.

>> No.10419955

You think
You think the life of a wizard is for pussies?

>> No.10420101

I didn't realize obeying reasonable laws was frowned upon. Sorry if I'm an upstanding citizen. Who knew that was bad and a "/pol/" quality?

>> No.10420216

>enjoying a shot of tequila after behading a narco from a rival cartel on your 13th birthday is a sin now
Come on, son.

>> No.10420227

Alcohol doesn't kill brain cells

>> No.10421889


What good is this to anyone?

>> No.10421897

why did you have to rescue this shitty thread from the last page

>> No.10422056

Kids will only see and laugh at towelie though

>> No.10422088


I need a ginger beer. I mean a proper alcoholic one. Never have tried.

>> No.10422213

Because it's relevant that JK's shitty fiction is morally corrupting our youth.

>> No.10422428

Calling people degenerates because they know how to have fun and fuck around and you don't is /pol/ behaviour, pathetic honestly, I'd kill myself if I was in your situation.

>> No.10422440

I know multiple people with this exact drug cocktail. Big pharma is terrible.

>> No.10422831

Children in factories used to drink beer, beer was very different back in the day though, it was 1 or 2% alcohol content, basically juice.

>> No.10422837

OP appears to have a problem with juice as well

>> No.10422861

butterbeer isn't alcoholic you daft turds

>> No.10422938

That's because your life is hollow and your only solace is forgetting how shit your life is with the aid of drugs and alcohol.

>> No.10422942

HP is set in the 1990's. Your point is irrelevant and I highly doubt it as Guinness uses to have a much stronger alcohol content than it does today.

>> No.10422946

Yes it is. Google it nerd.

>> No.10423253
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>enjoying a cool refreshing half bottle of vodka in an abandoned warehouse on your 13th birthday