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/lit/ - Literature

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10411723 No.10411723 [Reply] [Original]

Write what’s on your mind

>> No.10411834

Just wrote a 9 and 1/2 page love/hate letter to my long time crush and very good friend from high school in response to her asking me to come visit her a few times. Trying to decide whether to send it or not.

>> No.10411836

I missed her

>> No.10411893

Distance is the ultimate distinction of love or lack thereof. Leave someone for long enough; come back to find they loved you and missed you, and you know that they felt something for you in the first place, which separation then made grow. However, return to find the opposite, and you know there was nothing which which to begin.

>> No.10411914

i'm unsatisfied with what I've taken for myself and want more
typical pleb

>> No.10411918

But anon didn't you know that I'm rubber and you're glue

>> No.10412003

I am God but nobody believes me.

>> No.10412014


Mr. Pynchawn is a family friend and he’s been working on a novel for the last 44 years. It will be released this spring, with good reason

>> No.10412080

I believe you.

Help me break my bad habits. I want to be proud of myself.

>> No.10412081

Why are people so fucking bad at using language? I get that orders of intelligence are better observed than remarked, especially with having their discrepancies made known to one another, but the way we overplay, 'the limits of language' almost invigorates that rebellious urge to turn your back on spiritual authority and find some multiplicity on your own. One might say, 'that's the point', but my point is if anyone really got this point we'd hear of it, but we don't. It would be asinine to disregard the profitably religious for their particular virtues, but how little thought 'the enlightened' give toward sharing this connectivity of that universal mind they've ascertained. Who the fuck does it help to know we're like candles on the cover of Daydream Nation burning dude lmao! and even if the objective of the disparate platitude and its underwhelming aphoristic expansion is simply for its speaker to, 'surrender to what is' (to borrow an incoherent example) it still implies time, it suggests the need to be elsewhere. So I call bullshit. I sure know what Nirvana isn't like, but how tediously evasive any useful detail of it can be to find. What is the link between the political and quantum narratives that describe conspiracy and civilization to the authentic grasp of infinity that is supposedly final understanding? I want to hear what a monk thinks of ancient aliens. I want to know why a perfected Daoist doesn't seem to care about any of the music made in Ethiopia from the 1970s to the 1980s. At least Ray Brassier is TRYING to articulate these problems, even though I only understand that now and never any other time.

On another note it's actually Dostoevsky's intelligence that is SCARY. The intimacy The Brothers Karamazov has takes relating facts on a scale Jordan Peterson's top 5 cannot even comprehend. Even though its "substance" is just the same old crap, but I'm losing lucidity.

>> No.10412091
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I really like reading but sometimes i wish i could stick my penis in something

>> No.10412094

Are you high?

>> No.10412100
File: 8 KB, 300x168, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no dude but someone asked me that the other day was it you? ha ha ha ha

>> No.10412138

I wish I were a chad.

>> No.10412142

I hate the new Star Wars and I feel as though I've slain some sort of spook. I feel older and wiser somehow.

>> No.10412155

Whenever I see sammysable on chaturbate I think she's going to secretly be smart but then she's not

>> No.10412187
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My feet hurt, my head hurts, my hands are cold, my throat is dry, my mind's feverish. Life feels like a surreal dream, as if I'm watching myself act like a person with a mind unalike my outwards persona. I feel like God is calling but I don't know what it means yet. Everything up to this point recalls like a hallucination I coasted through, and that I'm on the cusp of the real.

>> No.10412193

it's the end of the year and i'm in the mood to be lazy, so here i am

>> No.10412208

the first poster is a faggot, i hate cretins like that. if you loved her you’d be with her, you can’t love someone you don’t know yet at all. i’ve been in love, i would know.

the respondent is a retard, what they said was something my idiot relatives or friends’ moms would say. i could’ve asked a fucking summer camp counselor or a frat boy and they’d have given similar advice.

people who think its alright to write these things, to think these things, to do these things, aren’t human to me. you’ve forfeited the mantle of self awareness, creative potency, for rote existence. the one is a coward of the most vile kind, can’t even get a kiss, has a crush like a child. the other, im assuming you, is an asshole, a fiendish internet chatbot of a person. id rather be struck dumb by a brain injury, never capable of orating again, than to be such a maggot. i spit in your eye, i spit in all of your fucking eyes, for being such reprehensible peons. grow up, you faggot

>> No.10412273
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>> No.10412274

It's kinda overrated, but it's worth a watch definitely

>> No.10412277

that shit was dank af desu one of those rare movies to approach literariness

>> No.10412335

Pump it up

>> No.10412449
File: 208 KB, 700x635, classic-novel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

TL:DR fuk u universe. Or, "What now?"

What is my aim in living?
What should I be doing?
What do I want?
What should I want?
How mutable is the self, my desires, convictions, preferences, values?
Do I care about myself, or others, or both in some proportion? How selfish should I be?
Is it possible to transcend mundanity? In this dance of living we do, probably not, but could I be making more of it?
What am I willing to give up in order to achieve, if that's what I end up thinking I ought do?

Is there any answer, any approach that would give me rest? Would I even want to be rested, to feel certain, to be less totally open to new ideas by the hand of some comforting system of thought? Not only do I not have answers, I'm afraid of them. I'm skeptical of everything, including my skeptical attitude. I grew up religious and it was nice to have a cosmic place. But I'm not going back to wishful thinking. (I don't think. I am of course skeptical of such a conviction.)

For a long time, maybe years, these are the things I come back to. All my journalling, soul searching, thinking, living, it reduces to something close to that handful of fundamental questions. The buzz of any pleasant thing wears off and I'm left only to ponder "what now?", to sit for a while in my lostness, my real home.

Am I thinking about it the wrong way? "Just live bro" trite seems baseless. It has its wisdom, and my ideal self as I see him now is probably closer to the just live bro. But I wouldn't be this way if a sentence could dispel it all.

Waah waah, life doesn't neatly make complete sense. I don't think it can. But is there a single goddamn thing you can say about it? Pleasure is good? Says who? I could poke seemingly anything full of a hundred holes and contribute to a thousand year debate on the matter. I'm not sitting on my ass waiting for Gabriel to come down and tell me the perfect path. I just can't unsee how arbitrary it all is. Every idea can be derided or argued against. Every value is an arbitrary line in sand that we also make up. The black ocean washes away all our little stick draggings and there's nothing to do but stand on the sand and burn your feet or to plunge into the water and drown.

Or, ideally, swim. But it's hard to take a leap of faith when all my heart and all my brains have been trained to say "No!" after getting left for dead by a God that either died or laughs at us.

>> No.10412554

Reddit must be forced to accept pizzagate. The salt will be great. The normies won’t change, but it will drive them insane(r) and I can watch from Australia in comfort.

>> No.10412579
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I've just recently crossed the threshold from "almost alcoholic" to "legit alcoholic".
I hate myself and want to die.
I STILL can't write the fucking book I want to write.


How am I supposed to write a bizzaro horror comedy if I can't even manage to write more than 10,000 words of ANYTHING?

>> No.10412581

If swans is the musical equivalent of corncob Ye Carthy what is the film equivalent?

>> No.10412591

I thought I'd organise everything and get productive. fast forward 3 months and I am completely disorganised, not walking up early and not being productive. How do I fix this?

>> No.10412771

dude are you fucking serious? if you're talking about the first part in the thread that was me. you can't love someone without ever having been with them? what the fuck does that even mean? you have to be with someone romantically to ever be able to love them? it's impossible to fall in love with someone unless you explicitly say you're in a relationship together first? what? is this actually what you're fucking saying to me? what if our past is more complicated than that of yours and your oneitis? what if we've been nearly best friends since seventh grade? what if we care for the well being of one another? what if we've fell on each other for reassurance? for comfort? what if we've found ourselves kissing and been unable to stop? what if we've stripped naked and brought some pleasure to each other, if only for a brief time? what if we'd become essential to one another? what if we'd go on walks together every day after school? what if we walked arm in arm? what if we walked at length? what if she was unafraid to confide in me? and I in her? what if I we think we loved each other then? does that fit your narrow definition?

>> No.10412783

what if we'd become essential to one another?

What a deluded fool you are

>> No.10412787

same anon here just wanting to tell you again how lousy of a cunt you are. it's a really really retarded thing for you to say that I don't know what love is because you say so, given that you've been in love, so you would know. had it occurred to you that I could say the exact same thing to you and we'd go back and forth forever claiming each other to not have been in love? such a stupid pretentious sentiment. and for what reason? to make a fragile person suffer? you're just a playground bully, the kid who got held back two grades and uses the fact that he's bigger against all his classmates. you think yourself so wise to speak down to me like that. of course, what that kid never realized was that he had the capability to bully, essentially, because he was retarded.

>> No.10412788

i'm in love, even though i thought it would be impossible. I discredited this feeling when ever i saw it in people and now i'm absolutely overwhelmed by it and feel foolish for how i used to think about love. One day i might be looking back and disregard this phase too, but at the moment i just want to experience it

>> No.10412790

care to elaborate? imagine all those you love die tonight. tomorrow you wake up and you are all alone. just you and the world. could you really tell me that you do not have a mutually essential relationship with those you love and care for? if not then surely you are a very lonely man

>> No.10412794

Why not just write shorter stories and build up from there?

>> No.10412799

Welcome to the light side anon. Even if you are wrong and think you might feel foolish about this phase later on, there's really no reason to not undergo it. I mean, were you really happy when you didn't believe in love? Even if it's wrong, why not just delude yourself in order to be happy? Like seriously, why be unhappy when you could be happy?

>> No.10412805

You may not like what I wrote and that's fair. It is a pretty stale cliche. However, cliche or not, it is true. I won't change the truth or the way I detail it just to appease a couple /lit/ posters

>> No.10412810

I'm trying, but I can't even manage that much

>> No.10412812

The wide-held idea that love is perpetual puppy-love or the prolonging of teenage infatuation disgusts me and is the main reason for the erosion of the institution of marriage.

>> No.10412841

Nobody is essential. We are alone all the time. We can love, but we remain separate entities; there's no such thing as a "indestructible bond". The drama of love is that we want to be two, but we are always one. You are fool if you think you will have an "essential to one another" relationship, even more so if it is a romantic relationship.

>> No.10412844

who believes this except for people your age? I've never met a couple past the age of 40, let alone 30 who believes such things. Most I know would agree that it would be exhausting to be in perpetual teenage infatuation.

>> No.10412856

To be honest with you anon I doubt that alcohol is contributing to your creative process let alone your work ethic. So first off id say you need to stop drinking, or at least stop drinking when you want to write, and second you need to get a better work ethic. Despite what "artists" will have you believe, creation is work, and very hard work at that. Set some time apart from everything else each day, and write. Don't let yourself get distracted; not by your phone, or your computer, or your alcohol, or even your own thoughts of what is good or bad. Don't critique yourself while you're writing. You need to force yourself to vomit onto the page. Once you've got some words on there, then you can start deciding what stays and goes. Can't do much of anything when you've failed to get even a few sentences down.

>> No.10412870

I'm in my late twenties. I know plenty of thirty year olds who have that conception of love, or yearn for it. I agree that they might think it's exhausting, but they definitely yearn for it and the main cause for separation seems to be cheating, or the seduction of a 'better future' along someone else even if that someone is not yet in the picture, or worse yet, they know nothing about them.

(no, I'm not projecting, just annoyed with this infantile conception of romantic love)

>> No.10412883

Not him, but very many seem to believe something like it. People don't understand the concept of marriage anymore, hence the insane divorce rates. The phrase "Irreconcilable differences" as justification for divorce seems to indicate, to me, a fundamental misunderstanding of the "love" the institution of marriage is based on.

>> No.10412917

I appreciate your intent, but I am an "artist" and I'm writing about 10,000 words a day, and since I don't have anything to do, I do it all day. I just start a new project every ten pages, and if I manage to get farther than that, then I'm unhappy with the result.

I've tried mimicking books I enjoy for practice, I've tried different tensen, perspectives. I've tried writing fanfiction and original works. I've tried writing fantasy, sci-fi, westerns, non-genre. I'm not even a bad writer- I just- I have all these ideas and I don't know how to convey them properly. I either cram ten pages worth of information into a single paragraph, or I don't say enough because I forget to expand on it. Either way, I end up with way too little written work.

For example, right now. I've got this idea about this deconstruction of the "chosen one" fantasy genre, (I know, I know), where the focus is on these two characters- one's a woman that used to be "the chosen one" and now she's just shy of fifty and has to grapple with the fact that the newer and better generation is up to bat, and a young guy who went on an adventure as the "best friend character" and came home with severe PTSD that he can't tell anybody about. I've got all kinds of shit planned out. What happened to the kid, unreliable narrator, the whole story of BOTH "stories" that happened then, how the fantasy worlds are functioning now. That's a stupid amount to work with. Plot, characters, struggles both internal and external, genre, tone.

I have ten pages. I don't know how to start, or how to pace myself, or how to string it together. That's always been my problem, I'm just realizing. I always have that kind of prep for my stories, but I just- I can't pull it together. It's hell.

Motivation and work ethic isn't the problem.

>> No.10412941

To me it sounds like a weak outline would help to alleviate all those problems. First decide how the plot will progress, how it'll all get strung together, etc, then actually write it. I know it can be a little constraining to use an outline but later on you could just abandon it if you really needed to. To me it sounds like it would really help you though. Maybe you don't even need to make an "outline" per se, but it sounds like your main problem is not with the actual writing, but with laying everything out. So maybe stop writing so much and focus on the latter.

>> No.10412958

I personally just have not experienced that in my life. What I have experienced, though, is the notion of "true love" or "soulmates" where the two lovers are entirely perfect fits for each other and that's pretty much that. The truth is that you will never find someone who doesn't do or say or feel things that you dislike. And I also think that's why people cheat, because they are trying to find that flawless person for themselves. I think a large part of love is being able to move past those things. So what I'm saying is that I'd attribute the erosion of the institution of marriage to a concept of love as being perfect and hassle-free rather than it being all about "puppy-love" or some sort of sexual infatuation.

>> No.10413196

whats on my mind: shit fuck fuck fuck shit fuck oh my god fucking fuck shit fucking shit fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck shit fuck shit shit shit holy shit fuck fuck shit holy shit fuck, i'm anxious right now, affraid i'm having a heart attack

>> No.10413197

don't die pls :(

>> No.10413204

it's just a panic attack calm down dickhead

>> No.10413218

I am stronger than you emotionally and im telling you now, you display an autistic, neotenized and psychotic personality type. It bleeds off of your initial post. Do not write love letters to people who you have not had sexual contact with, you rapey, weird faggot. She is not yours until you lock eyes, lips and genitals idiot. When you wake up in each other’s arms and she can’t stop smiling for no reason and she just has to see you as soon as possible, then after a while and its matured, writer her you faggot letter. Otherwise leave her alone. Crushes are for beta scum and guys who want to possess women. They’re not objects they’re people, living, breathing spirits who want to choose their own fates. She might love someone else or just find you repulsive. Do not demand love from others in this way, its a form of rayp. Let her be and if you are compatible, you will find the right moment to lean in for a kiss and then if you’re not genetically unfit you will end up fucking her and from there you can develop love. I hate, HATE, people who sully love. If i could see you right now i’d spit in your fucking drink
robopathic, human chatbots don’t get to give advice or vote. im sorry you’re barely human. learn to think for yourself

>> No.10413227

I predicted that things would go this way but now that they are it's still the case that nobody is listening to me.

>> No.10413230

Meh album. They did better in the past.

>> No.10413257

Inhale. Hold it until it hurts. Let it out. Repeat.

if he could calm down, that would defeat the purpose of it being a panic attack.

>> No.10413269

Alright at this point I know you're baiting because you obviously didn't even read what I said but I'm just gonna reply anyways. Your whole point is moot because I already said that we've had sexual encounters. So the brunt of your argument is therefore bullshit. Needless to say you're overtly projecting your own feelings towards yourself lest you would not have such developed opinions and furthermore hatred for the subject matter of your post. You write like someone who made fun of Tumblr posts for so long that it started reflecting back onto them. Also on an unrelated note it's sad that you define love and lust to be synonymous.

>> No.10413305

Like other anon said this is obviously bait but fug it: "learn to think for yourself". Very stupid sentiment considering that all the dumb shit you're spouting was obviously learned throughout your undoubtedly bitter lifetime. Furthermore some things are just objective truths, such as the aforementioned cliche. Just because I say something which has been said before does not mean I am failing to think independently.

>> No.10413310

Ah yes, the "purpose" of it being a panic attack...

>> No.10413311

love and lust go together inseperably as soon as the sex is gone its over
>objective truth
>u learned that
no i created it

>> No.10413335

Resist nothing.

>> No.10413345

I have a big stupid ourobrous tattoo that I regret.

>> No.10413367

While bathing, a chain of lazy Sunday afternoon associations made me realize that "passion" originally did not mean that you have a strong feeling of devotion to something, but that it was "to suffer". You burn for something to the point you are willing to suffer it. This negative aspect of the word has been lost.

But what truly upset me was that I never realized how the German words, my mother tongue, make this glaringly obvious: "Suffering" is "das Leiden", while "passion" is "die Leidenschaft".

>> No.10413386

If God is the pure essence and manifestation of good, then does God have the ability to do evil? If not, is he still all-powerful?

>> No.10413415

you know what I mean

>> No.10413418

If God does evil then the aforementioned evil must be good, wouldn't you say?

>> No.10413425

just being a goofball :)
lmao bruh u so right tho

>> No.10413432

ugh, if you're really interested rather than just looking for confirm. bias, just read up on the Problem of Evil. There's over a thousand of year of secular literature and apologetics discussing this.

>> No.10413438

this >>10413432 meant to be for both of you >>10413386 >>10413415 fedoras

>> No.10413445

Am not atheist, nor do I own fedora.

>> No.10413449

I think you're confused

>> No.10413512

I'll assume you're talking about the Judeo-Christian God.
>the pure essence and manifestation of good
What does that even mean?
>is he still all-powerful
Can somebody explain to me where the omnipotence meme comes from? I see no basis for it in the Bible.

>> No.10413516

I think you mean omnibenevolent.

>> No.10413629

Mozart wrote this when he was 14:

>> No.10413633

Don't tease me now...


>> No.10413994

There's nothing like handling a book with medical gloves. The cleanliness, sure, but there are other charms. I prefer the surgical variety. The intersection of the purely theoretical and the purely tactile. It's a fantasy of handling the great works of civilization at such a fine but certain remove it can leave no trace on you, nor can you soil it. Interjecting between yourself and the sum of human experience a layer. Manipulating heights of that experience, the best and the worst of man, and the viral achievement of its relation, the terribly felt when beautifully rendered history and world, palpated not with your hand but with a film in its shape. A film which contains on one side the stamp of your cells and contaminates, and on the other wields the record of all the rest, touches it but not, exerts touch across a barrier, asserts that there is in addition to the visible extent of your reach an invisible, and it goes farther than all that is known by man.

>> No.10414042

My heart pains for her.

>> No.10414053

You already know lmao whole lotta gang shit rep the set 10 10 on yo titties

>> No.10414059

the name of God is I AM so you should be asking this of yourself

don't fall for the "power" meme, God doesn't need to be all powerful

>> No.10414064

How was my post fedora at all? Not only did you call me fedora but you also assumed I was looking for confirmation bias. wtf (Also that's not even what confirmation bias is).How can you even pose a question for discussion if you're just gonna look down on those who respond? "ugh. if you're not just looking for confirm. bias..."

>> No.10414069

Essential in what way? Naturally not essential to existence. I'm speaking more in the sense that it is essential to happiness/finding meaning. Your view of the world is kind of a wet-blanket philosophy huh?

>> No.10414081

>i've been in love, i would know.
Funny you say that because actually I've been in love so therefore I know that you weren't actually in love. I've been in love before, I would know.

>> No.10414150

it's not essential to happiness/meaning either (If you are referring to romantic love). I consider friendship to be essential, though. My view of the world isn't meant to be against you.

>> No.10414174

post pics

>> No.10414329

"James Alex Fields Jr., the accused driver of the Unite the Right rally car attack that killed 32-year-old Heather Heyer, has been charged with first-degree murder."

>> No.10414356

I hate this job. I could be reading because I have 30 minute breaks all the time but it's cold here and all I can think about is how I'm spending 50 hours a week completely alone, only to go home and be completely alone. I call in every two hours to a voice and we say the exact same phrase to eachother, so much that feels like I'm no longer alive. During a patrol, I just stopped, layed down, and cried into sawdust shavings for a good minute because I felt so fucking lonely.

I've tried making plans with people, but they always bail, so when I do have time to be social, and feel the desire to, I end up going to bars, alone, introverted as fuck and thinking about the books I read. I try not to make eye contact. People say I'm good looking but I don't believe them, because I was bullied and hurt for the past twenty years, first by my mum, then by all the girls who feigned interest. I am just a pretty idea to them. Why.

I'm so tired of being used, when affection is paid like a toll to my bedroom, they fling it at me, use my body, and I feel so much colder. I've given up hope. All I have is the cold winds of winter which remind me that this month is filled with holidays so that were not so alone in the cold and the dark.

>> No.10414429
File: 107 KB, 361x370, 1509142478330.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All of my life, my mother told me I would be great. She'd tell me that I'd change the world with my brilliant mind and charismatic ways.

Now? Now I clean toilets. I write short stories between breaks in an effort to sate my creative desires.

Mom is disappointed. Dad is ashamed. They'll never admit it.

I only want to help. I'd tear down the sky in a vain effort to change the world. It would only be changed toward my desires, not a greater good, though.

Could I be a leader? No, I've become too meek.

Could I be more than my raisings and shortcomings? No, I'm a poor man, and I will die a poor man.

I have to accept my future.

>> No.10414452


>> No.10414455

Thinkin bout gainz

>> No.10414462

Desu hitler, no joking.

>> No.10414469
File: 2 KB, 211x239, let.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How culd ther be like God if ther= arer evil inth world?

Dint thnk ov dat didu Christfaags

>> No.10414486

Dude, bitcoin goes up 20% a week which means by this time next year each bitcoin will be worth $260 million dollars! If you don't mortgage your house and put it all in bitcoin you are a idiot! If you put 80 grand in bitcoin today by next Christmas you will be a billionaire!

>> No.10414490
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I wonder if I will ever feel as tired as I am right now.

>> No.10414685

I wonder if I should write my novel, knowing that people aren't going to like it due to the conflict,

>> No.10414688

i still think about her
she still thinks about me
but we can't be together

>> No.10414696

She's not thinking of you
She only says that so you don't hurt as much, even though it makes it worse. Just...women are retarded.

>> No.10414699

we haven't talked for 2 years

>> No.10414703
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>> No.10415200

I do not mean romantic love. Romantic love is nothing more than love with a lustful element in my opinion.

>> No.10415231


Not true. The only person I've ever felt serious romantic love for I have effectively no sexual attraction to at all.

>> No.10415244

Tomorrow is a big day, tomorrow is a dangerous day
I wonder if I'll redeem myself, if the people in my dreams will stop calling me a traitor, that may be up to me tomorrow
But now I guess I'll just masturbate and go to sleep after a cold shower

>> No.10415255

do it faggot, post response

>> No.10415264

Mozart wrote this when he was 16:

>> No.10415299

Will probably walk

>> No.10415494
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She cried because she was scared, because what was happening with me followed the same exact pattern as what happened with her last relationship (if you can even call it that). I hate labels, and I hate names for things because names have the incredible and restrictive power to define, to limit our conceptualizations of the world and ourselves. I know perfectly well that she is safe with me, that I’d never do anything to harm her. Unfortunately the only way I can communicate that to her is with time. Trust is something that must be repeatedly re-forged. Even then, it’s a fragile thing should you misuse it, but in the right hands it’s a thing as tough as iron. We just lay there half naked, running our hands along each other’s bodies in a way that was both sexual and caring under her quilt as we worked our way through things. She told me more about her fears, and I gave a little more about my own insecurities, about the challenges I was facing. I wanted to show her that I felt vulnerable too. I want her to learn that it’s alright, that our nightmares are over and that we can each shelter the other within ourselves. I told her that neither of us owed the rest of the world a goddamn explanation for anything, that we had won. I know that those doctors hadn’t killed me, that her shitty mother and horrible first significant other were still angry and sad lonely people, that she had beat homelessness and was now in school full time. From that alone, I know that they’ve all lost, and that she and I had won. I just want to take her into my heart, to make her feel loved, to give her everything she’s never been allowed to have and deserves more than anything else, this beautiful and sad lonely girl I’ve fallen in love with. As we climbed our way across that mental landscape, strewn with the aftermath of our old wounds, we began to explore one another and the beautiful scars that each of us are marked by. It was as terrifying for each of us as it was wonderful. That night we began to rebuild our faith in human beings, together.

I think I'm in love with her.

>> No.10415641

I'm full of race and religion oriented rage despite having good friends of all backgrounds. Constantly my mind is berated with pop culture, stressful thoughts and fears and they leave me anxiously laughing and crying in the dark while I slowly pluck hairs out of my face. I fear everything and hate myself. Is it my fault I'm not stronger or have I become an inadequate citizen in the tail end of an industrial society? Can't focus, can't think, sometimes I want to murder people and I'm so enraged I forget where I am and what I'm doing and almost have a panic attacks. There are no answers, no solutions just a gauntlet of trials, challenges, forms of stress, sicknesses, disappointments and missed opportunities until I get hit by a bus, drunk and alone. No one really changes, just engage in a self delusion for periods of time some longer than others.

Do I stand and fight or perish like a dog? For what? For me, God, race, religion, country, humanity's soul? Dunno, senpai.

>> No.10416358

I'm currently working on a cyberpunk story about a man grappling with his sexual attraction to what is essentially a highly personalized and upgraded maid-bot, all while planing a Killdozer style act of domestic terror.

I really want to work on it, but I can hear my folks watching Netflix in the next room and I have this lingering paranoid of them walking in and asking what I'm working on.

>> No.10416367

I'm lazy but I'm on edge
I found a good place in life and I have been truly happy for a while, but I catching myself feeling nothing more often. Feeling nothing seems like it's worse than feeling sad, but it's cathartic. Isn't it?
I simultaneously yearn for some kind of change and feel it isn't necessary
Am I scared of change? I tell myself I'm not. Does the act of telling myself I'm not mean I am? Probably. Who knows. Is there a simple answer to this? Probably not. Who knows.
Where do I see myself five years from now? I don't even know where I want to be tomorrow.
If I take a step back, what I enjoy is learning. I feel like I don't know what to learn next, so I hop from subject to subject without truly understanding anything. These thoughts are not unique. I am not unique. My worries are not meaningful, and I understand this, so why do they still make me unhappy?

>> No.10416469

Recognise why you don't make time to organise. Become mindful of what you'd like to accomplish day to day and keep tract of it.

You need to separate the thoughts keeping you from being organised and productive from your ability to do and act. The, I don't feel like doing this because..., gets to voice opposition but does not control your actions. This can be done only by practice.

It's important to recognise the separation of thoughts and the ability to act against those thoughts in order to gain control over or to embody your ego or self or whatever. You'll realise over three months that the will is a muscle that can be strengthened and harnessed through routine.

And most importantly you'll recognise the false sense of self that the mind attempts to project onto you for various biological and social reasons.

It can be difficult to act in this way because it requires you to contain consciousness or sequester it and bracket it's contents so that you act automatically, or more animal-like.

tldr; tell yourself to shut the fuck up while you do it no matter what.

>> No.10416526
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Everyone's god, god

>> No.10417308

>There are no answers, no solutions just a gauntlet of trials, challenges, forms of stress, sicknesses, disappointments and missed opportunities until I get hit by a bus, drunk and alone

This way of thinking, feeds on itself, and is self manifesting and perpetuating, and maybe you find comfort in it, maybe it is reasonable. The world is full of pain, you feel it, you want to escape it, intoxicate yourself, and sometimes its all in your head. if its outside of your head, instead of letting it, or helping it ruin and destroy yourself, have you considered trying to fix it? or is it all unfixable, and thats the pain? the existence of human suffering cannot be quelled, cannot be solved, and that alone is enough to drink and be sad over? Some people are aware of this, yet they go on strongly, happily. Do you feel you are guilty, for being happy in the face of such earthly misery? Do you feel guilty for simply being simply alright? Do you feel like many things are in the world are wrong, and you are ashamed you cant fix them, so you punish yourself, so you strive to ignore your awareness of what you think of us wrongs and problems, and grotesquenessess, injustices and pains?

Describe the realistically practically possible human world which you could feel and be alright in.

>> No.10417335

List of people nobody wants to read about(please expand at your leisure):
>College students/professors
>Self-insert authors

>> No.10417790

The more I try to fit in with regular society, the more strange I realize I am at the core. Stuff like having no desire for a romantic partner, feeling as if I lack a genuine self/personality, and experiencing a sense of detachment from my surroundings are the defining questions of my youth. Depression is a possibility, but it's already been 5 years. Shouldn't it have passed by now?

>> No.10418200

I'm currently re thinking writing a novel about a 4channer college student and have actually got the perfect plot to make it interesting.

>> No.10418213


I passed. I finally did it.

>> No.10418216

What about prophets and charlatans?

>> No.10418233
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Can anyone recommend a questions-and-answers site pertaining specifically to history and religion / history *of* religion, if there is one? Or just websites/forums/communities with knowledgeable people who might answer related questions?

>> No.10418255
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I just want to squeeze and grope anime titties and I struggle with the fact that it's not physically possible

>> No.10418268

Sure, University is a good place for that, provided you're interested in pursuing knowledge, rather than merely activism and being on the right side of history. If you're competent enough, you'll be able to ask competent questions and identify those who can provide competent answers. But then again, you're on 4chan/reddit/internet. Good luck in your quest.

>> No.10418278

how am I supposed to do anything when I think f sex literally 24/7? for the past 10 years I spent most of my time jerkingoff or trying to get laid, or having sex

My life hasnt even began yet I'm 24yo and a complete non-person

I dont have an education nor a passion, nor a life. All I have is a never-ending, all comsuming lust

>> No.10418363

Time to drop some DMT

>> No.10418365

i can make things in a few hours that are superior to other people spending days making the same thing. i'm fairly certain i am capable of changing the world and i definitely will

>> No.10418371

try changing those i to I first brainlet

>> No.10418442

so what are you referring to? Friendship? Family love?

>> No.10418468

I know nofap is a meme but you sound like you're actually an addict so nofap would help you.

>> No.10418472

No Country For Old Men

>> No.10418475

Does this mean that I don't love anybody?

>> No.10418487

I did it for 2 months, felt great. Then I met a girl set up a date with her, she set me up I got pissed and relapsed, jacked off
I got played

>> No.10418495

this, or your mother dies in her sleep.

>> No.10418730
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I feel like a chad, in that I have the power to do anything I want. I have values that I hold myself to and cherish, but sometimes I just want to lash out and take everything. But I know I will regret it. It isn't what I want. I wish I wasn't at talented or as aware as I am. Shitty, but it's what's on my mind.

>> No.10418741

do it you fucking pussy
prove your worth

>> No.10418755

No. It's a daily battle and it gets hard, but I want to be the best person that I can be in my heart.

>> No.10418762

know that you will never attain your desires and will die with regret

>> No.10418871

This is something i wrote trying to convey depression, how'd i do /lit/, is it too tumblr?

A tender child glanced at the azure dyed celestial welkin, in its hollow majesty the heavens glanced back.
There were no stars, only a cerulean space deprived of it its old triumph, drained of its dressing.
The child felt the lush meadow below as a strong gale could be heard from a distance.
Living in desolation, ringed by solitude, the child stood up.
The child stared down the mountain meadow, below there was only a ocean.
But unlike the sky, the waters were muddied by its hunters, men both old and young, colored crimson by their blood.
The child glanced at them.
They glanced back.

>> No.10418895

The lease he could do was take out the trash, but instead he spend his time looking at screen while she was looking at screens in bath. If only the tub was big enough for both of them, then he wouldnt have to do the dishes in the kitchen while she was out walking the dog, and they could say bless you when they sneezed and share coconut on a deserted beach. The oceans are filling up with trash, and hes not doing the household...

>> No.10418922

sci-fi short story
A great warrior who leads the human race through space. He has bio enhancements that make him not age. The spiritual leader is a very old woman. She used to be his lover when they were both young, but she was chosen to be the moral compass of humanity and didn't receive any bioengineering. He has been conflicted about this ever since, and blames her for abandoning him. They meet for one last time before she dies.

>> No.10418925

Did drugs
Scared of permanent brain damage

>> No.10418929

Managed to get some semblance of organization and planning going again

Now if only I could fix my sleep.

>> No.10419022

I've come to accept the fact I've always been pretty stupid but I'm really fucking myself over by being a NEET who sits in front of a computer screen all day.

>> No.10419272

tfw 'soyboy' is a marketing scheme by big dairy

>> No.10419303

Give us the list of people people want to read about

>> No.10419323

I don't know wtf.

>> No.10419671

on, do you mean in?

>> No.10419677

Get out there, anon. You can do it.

I thought we already had the term "nu-male." This whole "soyboy" thing seems unnecessary.

Does anyone? I'd ask if you meant "who to fuck" but, given that you're posting here, I doubt that's your problem.

Care to elaborate?

>> No.10419890

A holiday that premise is of indulgence and consumerism is immediately followed by one that invigorates change and self-improvement.
If you are so willing to change from Christmas to the new year but want to keep your resolutions rather then toss them away like a baby's old toy then skip Christmas and change straight away, do not wait for passing of days for your promise.
But you won't do that and you won't change

>> No.10419966

Do us women is 4chan hate ourselves and so we come here to read men talk shit about us non-stop?
Also, I despise yall

>> No.10419967

we hate you too sweetie

>> No.10419973 [DELETED] 

But Anon, some of us our Christian and truly rejoice in Christ.

>> No.10420075

>Also, I despise yall
why? at least provide some examples you larping neckbeard

>so we come here to read men talk shit about us non-stop?
You associate yourself with "all women". When men talk shit about women, "all women", "women in general", you are a part of that? And they are wrong with what they say, so nothing about it bothers you, besides how easily provably wrong they are?

>> No.10420490
File: 936 KB, 2769x2154, 1493961105489.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've got a date tonight who's into surrealism and other art and I'm pathetically ignorant about art in general so I'm kind of nervous

>> No.10420608

are you Robert?

>> No.10420622

look up varos, carrington, ludenberg

all women surrealists (Helen ludenberg is technically post surrealism but its still nice) and they got good shit

>> No.10420629

women in 4chan its a much concrete demographic. But ok, yes, you are right, not every girl in every thread suffers from this vice. But as a generalization? "4chan hates women", for example, is a fair generalisation.

>> No.10420639

But your aim is getting better, right?

>> No.10420640

sick photo

>> No.10420643

I hope you realize that I know that YOU know why you love those types of chicks. It's because you hate yourself. Oh, I get that everyone here does, but YOU types who want something broken HATE yourself the most and frankly pathetic. You realize that the best in you is so awful that you seek out the worst in others. Why should I try to fix myself when this girl here, this girl dressed in black, wouldn't mind we were a couple. Only normal people care that I'm a mess and unstable and avoiding facts about me like I'm afraid of doing something with my life so I don't try. I'm afraid of not doing something great so I settle for the bare minimum. I think it's okay to give up when you get tired and scared, nothing matters anyways. I'm paralyzed with fear whenever the world bares it's teeth so I'll do nothing and seek other people who are also afraid and hurt and damaged. Oh boy is this girl damaged. You think you'll see eye to eye on life and have the same lame philosophy and you'll be in love and live very mediocre forever. Wrong. Truth is a damaged person wants to be in clearer skies and brighter future. They want help. A boyfriend like you is counter-intuitive to their constant cries for help. You'll just drag her down, any bit left of life will disappear and you'll have created another one of YOU. She'll resent you and you'll resent her for not LOVING you as you imagined. You'll grow to hate each other until either you die from the drug abuse you probably have, or kill yourself if you have indeed reached that point. This is why you don't seek out a girl full of life and pep who has clear eyes and faces the world head on. Because you can't compete with that. THAT is life. You fear life. You hate yourself because you want the world to share your thoughts. But in reality no one wants to be damaged or linger in it. FUCK YOU YOU COWARD

>> No.10420646

dont do this. Shes not gonna fuck you (or love you) for knowing about surrealism, but she will pitty you if/when she notices that you are pretending. Just say that you dont know anything, and if you want to maybe tell her you would like her to recommend you something.
Read Cat Person

>> No.10420714

Humans are no different than animals, and you should consider them no more than the ox that you slaughter.

>> No.10420882

The 59-day waiting period ended today. He was sporting glasses again. It is now suspected that they are not reading glasses, but a permanent fixture. He looked more content than I would have expected of a supposedly stressful week. Exposure only lasted two seconds; there was no time to catch a glimpse of footwear. I re-examined the log and was surprised to see that this was only the ninth sighting this semester. I have been vigilant, of course, and cautious. When I do see him, it is in brief periods like these. That way it is doubtful he would notice I am there, watching, extracting. The store was quiet today. Not empty, the people were there as always, standing there in their line. Shifting their feet. Looking around nervously, not at anything. Afraid to let their eyes linger. There were flowers at the front. I never noticed they sold flowers. One red rose remained. I did not buy it. I walked by the building where I eat breakfast and dinner most days and did not recognize it. I stared at it awhile trying to figure out what it was and went the wrong way. I realized my mistake several street corners away from my destination. My veins are very close to the skin today, very blue and sharp. The subcutaneous fat is thinning.

I hear two voices in the hall. It is quiet hours. They are not quiet. As a child, the swimming pool in the instruction room made echos like these. The kind that seep into your head and sit there awhile. He had a stubble still. He must not shave very often. What kind of chocolates will they have at Fannie May's in February? I like the dark ones with caramel. They are called Pixies, or maybe Turtles. I do not remember. If you pour nail polish remover on styrofoam, it breaks apart into a slurry. I've never had a use for plastic slurry. I do not think a practical use exists for that kind. I would like to buy a Venus flytrap, but where would I put it? I need to buy some gifts. There are a lot to buy. I do not know what gifts I would like to buy.

>> No.10420959

What do the masses believe in? I notice many people are eager to discuss murder, rape, and anything related to identity politics, but more nuanced topics receive little-to-no attention. For the most part, I believe these are decided based on entertainment value. Our brains are wired to enjoy things like murder mysteries and race-related issues, while more substantial questions like how to live your life meaningfully are boring by comparison. As a result, the greater part of modern life comes to feel like a constant drowning-out of the questions that you fear you may not be able to answer with a never-ending flow of stimulus. If it falters in some way, your only motivation for climbing back up is that same stimulus, which generally only leaves you between mildly happy and mildly sad. If that doesn't sound appealing to you, you have no reason to continue striving. There is no redemption here, no overarching idea. For obvious reasons, that's a shitty way to see the world.

This sounds juvenile, but do you see what I'm getting at? If you have any recommendations on Hedonism, I'll gladly give them a try.

>> No.10420973

I have finally found my home amongst you high functioning autists like myself.

>> No.10421204

Ithink have finally found the perfect method of Journaling and note taking. quite happy with myself.

>> No.10421216

holy shit pitchfork is suddenly writing about numetal shit like korn with respect, i guess it's sort of how 20 years later ppl like naz give talks at ivy league schools, now uptight hipster numales are suddenly looking back and realizing numetal in the 90s was actually a lot better than tedious shit like pavement or dinosaur jr or whatever bullshit you have to pretend to like if you rent a place in brooklyn

>> No.10421217

I liked it till ecelebs told me why it is cancer

>> No.10421221
File: 33 KB, 632x458, 1508190107134.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sorry mate, cheer up, you're exactly where you need to be. Life will get better.

>> No.10421224

>I’m throwing myself to the internet wolves by writing this, but until 2017, I had never heard Korn’s time-honored hit “Freak on a Leash.” It’s possible I heard it on the radio, given its popularity, but I hadn’t truly heard it, if you know what I mean. Korn really frightened me as a kid and I avoided them for years, until one fateful evening at karaoke this summer, when two fellow birthday party guests treated me to a stunningly intense rendition of “Freak,” complete with the gibberish midsection that left my jaw on the floor. “Life’s gotta always be messing with me,” indeed, because I still have “Freak on a Leash” stuck in my head. –Quinn Moreland

>> No.10421235

You're putting pussy on a pedestal, just an fyi

Have fun while it lasts, but its guaranteed to come crashing down.

Nothing lasts, and that's fine.

>> No.10421248

stoned (mildly good) developer with a god complex

why does this sound familiar

>> No.10421685

Thanks to you fucking faggots and the internet in general my sense of humor has descended beyond the reach of anything that could remotely be associated with light

apart from the marketing companies, govt funded agencies and jew shills flooding this board with literal cancer sometimes I come across a thread that makes me burst out in laughter

where can I source the funny memes? all I've been using so far is hiddenlol and sometimes something will actually be funny on funnyjunk but apart from that everything else is normie aids

>> No.10421699

>jew shills
>shitposting in a thread for depressed lit fags
i feel sorry for you, my mood has taken a turn for the worse after reading that post anon. i hope you have a good night

>> No.10421719

I am a depressed lit fag too, I would feel bad for you with a tinge of regret if you capitalized your I's.

>> No.10421731

>in a thread for depressed lit fags
[italics]is[/italics] that what this thread is for? why did your mood turn for the worse?

>> No.10421755

The first half of this post is my thoughts all the time

>> No.10421761

Fucking faggot

>> No.10421795

saddest post in a long time

>> No.10421803

sometimes I think I am, but I'm not so sure. I'm getting good grades, my major will ensure that I have a good job when I graduate, and I have a healthy interest in books and reading and poetry (recently bought Ode Less Travelled, excited to read through it).

But I can't help escape this grander feeling that I am a complete hack. This winter is depressing. I am alone. I wish it wasn't so cold.

>> No.10421973

Not bad imo.
I smell a lil thesaurus though

>> No.10422591

>4channer college student
Don't forget to give him autism/schizoid to make it more realistic.

>> No.10422641

I wanna hook up with this qt but they want a picture of my face and I'm not sure what to do.

>> No.10422716


>> No.10422745

Just do Opiates or Kratom to kill your sex drive

>> No.10422824



>> No.10422827


Underrated post imo

>> No.10422929
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>> No.10423062
File: 127 KB, 321x370, Screenshot from 2017-12-19 11-47-54.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i fucking hate shopping for christmas gifts. im in a place where i need to save every dime, and i don't have the money to buy all this shit

pic related, thanks amazon

>> No.10423628


>> No.10424132


>> No.10424143

Dear future I am sorry I suck so much. I have excuses for some but not all of the things. Sorry.

>> No.10424171

hell ya christmas break starts now time to shitpost

>> No.10424176

it's a pic collector bro aka some gay dude with a folder full of face and dick pics of nerds who tried and failed to get laid on the internet

>> No.10424202

>some gay dude
Well yeah, that's why we're talking to each other.
I'm generally autistic about getting my picture taken, not to mention putting it online. I know in reality it wouldn't even be that bad if some random dude had pics of me, considering the only face pics of me are from shootings so on the internet anyway.

>> No.10424220

can I into Kierkegaard if I don’t usually read philosophy? and what would be a good book to start?

>> No.10424230

her being into surrealism probably means she watched a Lynch movie once

>> No.10424282 [DELETED] 

i hooked up with a few dudes without trading facepics back when i was a horny college student, one dude was a sort of cute manlet with a tiny dick but nice apartment, one guy was a lightskinned black guy with good weed and medium sized dick, and one turned out to be a perverted old fuck with a small dick and a rent controlled apartment in soho, all around fun times, but then i got too paranoid and chilled...but i did learn that i'm def on the hung side

>> No.10424294

I slept with a 17 year old trap last night.

>> No.10424305

the bible

>> No.10424310

don't write letters. keep it saved, don't throw it away. tell them in person with your own lips. then if anything grows from that, later on down the road you could show them the letter during an anniversary or something.

>> No.10424323
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>> No.10424359

are you me?

>> No.10424385

I really need to get back in touch with God, but then, I had a dream when I was young about a man who told me I would be the first to fall. I have two sisters who are also very spiritual, and recently I've been getting into old Germanic pagan religions for a story I'm writing. I've been reading things and hearing little things here and there which tell me to give into this prophecy, to let myself fall. I'm constantly asking myself if this is what God wants from me, to be the way that I am for the future(someone said this about me long ago).
If I reject God because this is what God wants, did I truly reject him?

>> No.10424397

I am not one of those people who sees service design as the grand catch-all for multi-touchpoint multi-/omni-channel experiences.

I feel the same way about “service” as I did in the early aughts about the term “user”. These words imply relationships between what is designed and the person whom it is designed. Designing for the wrong relationship means misframing the design problem. “User” implies a tool relationship. Users use things as a means to accomplish something. Of course we can apply the word ‘use’ broadly and see a movie as something an audience uses for entertainment or a concierge as something a visitor uses to get local information, but this breadth is purchased at the cost of consequential subtleties. What we need and expect from a word processor is different from what we expect from a concert or a bank. Discovering exactly what those needs and expectations are and developing satisfactory resolutions of those needs calls for different methods. The mistakes UX have historically made were often tied up with insufficient sensitivity to these distinctions. The same is true of “services”. We can reduce a drill to one component in hole-making service that spans a journey from discovering a need all the way to resolving it, and, yes, much is gained from seeing it this way, but if we are not careful, important distinctions can be lost.

And in fact I do believe certain things are currently being lost by this framing. Software as a service (aka cloud computing) has changed norms around how software is supposed to behave. We are now accustomed to think of web-based software as something that belongs to someone else that we are licensed to make use of. A decade ago, users were more likely to perceive software as tools to own, learn and eventually master. Upgrading was a purchase decision resembling the decision to replace a pen or a hammer with an improved model — not as a periodic change that just happens and requires us to adapt.

This seems mostly OK in many cases, especially where tools serve as front ends to services, for instance banking and accounting, or databases. But for software tools used for making things — word processing, image editing, ideating, music creation, even blogging — changes, especially subtle ones, distract from the tools purpose which is to be an invisible extension of a user’s abilities. It is important that such tools be utterly predictable, controllable and unobtrusive so the user can exercise mastery over the tool to keep complete focus on what is being produced.

>> No.10424404

I prefer if we didn't trade them but I guess it does make things easier. Don't wanna sit through the trouble of meeting only to realize you're totally not attracted to them.
Either way I'm gonna be really drunk Thursday night, I'm wondering whether I can let him wait for that long. Probably shouldn't.

>> No.10424447

>needing to be attracted to dudes

if i wanted to fuck someone attractive i'd fuck a chick

>> No.10424466

this 100%
writing is for sorting your thoughts out and finding what you really do and don't actually want to say, and you avoid the agony of waiting for how they respond and the inevitable disappointment of being misunderstood or taken the wrong way etc.

>> No.10424479

just imagine if some chick who you weren't really attracted to and only considered a friend possibly out of pity sent you a long ass letter filled with pages of confessional shit, would you suddenly decide to give her the dee? or would you be like "woah psycho chick"? if you want to know if somethings a good idea or not just try to imagine it from the other person's perspective, i know this is an alien idea of your mom raised you to be a self-centered little autistic shit, but try it some time

>> No.10424526


broooos get a load of this shit! too fucking hilarious! if this was a novel ppl would say it's too wacky to be believable

>> No.10424532

and may i add thank god someone finally called coates out on his pantywaisted "critiques" of america

>> No.10424542

I hope he gets cancer, West too honestly. not even as a racial hatred, just both of them are so fucking awful.
this board makes me want to die more, but I believe suicide to be a mortal sin and thus am forced to endure.

>> No.10424569

west ain't that great but he's the best "black intellectual" now that manning marable died, michael eric dyson is ok, but u just know he's going to get #metood any day now if tries to get too loud, no way a smug black guy like that doesn't sexual harass the shit out of anything with a pussy, cornel west though comes off like a weird asexual ascetic or something, could be closet homo or maybe just a ">tfw nogf" kinda dude, idk, he's aiight

>> No.10424590

It's the guilt and sin of an uncontrolled mind that keeps me here. There are greener pastures over the hill, I know. I want to see the mountains. The call was so strong it would move me to tears, to see the greatest structures nature could build. To stand on the skeletons of bygone eras so far back humanity cannot remember.

The better world is one where I've forgotten myself, no memories to haunt me, no nostalgia calling me back. But I am a depraved animal who revels in the self destruction while mourning the death of what was ever good.

The better world is full of art and music, home cooked meals, people who care about one another, free of financial constraints (or at least to a degree where the desire for more than one needs is abolished). There is love, there is tenderness but there is competition also. Those who push others to be better the same in return. There is stability in knowing you can provide for yourself and those you love in ways that are firmly within your grasp, and there is no struggle to do so, only pure conviction. Above all there is beauty.

>> No.10424631

I could be, what do you do for work?

>> No.10424694
File: 31 KB, 416x381, 6B1CBD56-23C6-4AFB-B1EE-05114D06F3AB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just lost my job. What the fuck am I even going to do with my finances? I’ve been living paycheck to paycheck like a weak, pathetic wagecuck. Just the thought of it makes me shudder. Maybe this is a sign from God, friends. Should that be the case, what can it possibly mean? For the past few years since graduation, I think my life banal, trite. Many a day I dreaded slaving away in front of a computer monitor like a mindless monkey. Doing such has inhibited my writing, which I miss so. Perhaps now I’ll have more time to change that. But my only concern is the lack of money I have saved up. I’m beginning to fret. However, something comes to mind. Next month traveling across the country to meet an old friend. Maybe if I ask....Something good can come of all this.

>> No.10424719

If inadvertently we were taciturn permit me to apprise you. I've outstandingly archetyped myself an emotional/physical reclusive introvert, sending mixed signals since 10. I've relentlessly slaughtered myself internally for 14 mundane years with surgeon aptness, while apathetically exiling others out of an impenetrable mental fortress dubbed fears. I'll refrain from taxing time to spiel pitiful scenarios of life's vast yet diminutive splinters(we'd be here all day). Instead, divulge a lone unwavering wound's desolate demeanor; unallowing dismissal of my psyche's disassemble.

I aquired a grandmother that I adored so dearly that I'm undeserving to inquire such a blessing be repeated. When found face down defeated she was in every apsect my reason to live. A light house risen in my honor; keeping nauseating nightmares at bay while blinding anything intending to harbor harm upon my peace of mind. The perfect paradigm of a blissful safe haven that any auspicious boy could covet in a beloved guardian angel. From her angle as amongst other maidens of misfortune illicit to be mistaken for Ms. Taken; feeled obsession was unobtained from someone who would besot her truly.

Resulting, unruly tumbling into hideous heartache hurricanes which deemed me buried under catastrophe's debris if I caught wind of her despondency. So, I devoted my diligent eager young strive to discovering what begot her benevolent elation in aspirations sunrise simpatico smiles ceased fading from her heavenly face. Nature's gifts wilted opposed to her presence. Gold nothing more than glitter collocateded to her grace, while diamonds as good as glass contrast beside her laugh. Moonlight just a dim bulb dangled from bare rusted wire, and starshine merely sea salt breeze withered wallpaper peeling at the seems. Famliarized the discipline of attention to detail, for moulding characteristics she'd be seen expressing admiration for at an analytic distance. Whatever puzzle piece I could provide to let her know she's beyond cherished. Pleaded pattering claims such as my undaunting efforts could cure her; that her suffering was only temporary when aligned with our ensued itinerary, and I'd carry any unbearable burden upon firmly secure shoulders to uphold her radiance.

Abruptly, on an ominous day, I unwillingly witnessed hemoglobin flush cheeks riddled with overflowing creeks of tears; accompanied by livid whip cracking whimpers. Grudgingly she skin piercingly screeched, "nobody loves me!" drenched in the bitter flavor of sterling sincerity. Unsavory words incisioned unmercifully to my core; greedily extracting the rhythm residing within my ribcaged inferno. Those angelic vocal chords in a single unhesitant sopranoed breath severed my heart strings. Bestowing me a boa constricted throat, and water well cavernous eyes.

>> No.10424725
File: 85 KB, 552x960, 5bb799c24194792f11383644ba76bcf7--sweet-memories-pilots.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Subsequently, that year on Christmas Eve she reaped herself without reprimand of leave. Similar to others who've walked in these soulless shoes I could only whisper "why?", as sentiment engraved equivalent to serrated sediment throughout life's tread, because an aloud announcement would miserly mute associates.

If acquainted with me you've only met the rotted remains of a child who assumed his ardor could allure, attain, and sustain the spirit of his only anchor attached to this steadily sinking ship named Existence. I still aim to manifest myself into the muse she sought after so profoundly, plus a patron for the sake of one's own sanity. Accomplish completing a self portrait the kid's impaired composure, due to dissipation of his paint, compromised. Determined toward halting festered unrestrained self lashings orchestrated with resentment woven guilt, but doubts still plague me like voracious parasites verged on death's frostbitten embrace. Nearly guaranteeing my erosion into grain against covenant gusts escorting the pursuit of enthusiasm, because intramural cranial voices that envelope all vindication with vicious bloodparched war cries chorusing, "you'll never be enough!".

Now, to those who wish to lavish me, or the miniscule sum of others I succor, malice; my cadaverous mitts are magnanimously ajar. Morbidly expectant to undergo animation at your expense. In reference regarding the derisive volume of individuals indexed, "who've endeavored to embezzle my lacerated felicity"... I solely achieved Grand Master Thief.

>> No.10424780


>> No.10424832


>> No.10424988


>> No.10424992

well nicely put thoughts, if you write it could be cathartic, to put all your frustration, positives and negatives in it, release tension, get whats eating you out, all anyone can do is try to seek the paths that will give them the best, to the degrees they want and can, and to their degrees of how certainly knowing, themselves, whatever that means, the world, how completely, and with that what should be done, there is a lot we are in charge of enjoying, but sometimes one can say there is a lot of bad

>> No.10425003
File: 128 KB, 960x960, DDpHkc1VwAEEPWb.jpg large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a girlfriend and my life is pretty great, but I obsessively save images of this one Japanese idol from her Twitter. She's as young as my youngest sister and I've never listened to her undoubtedly terrible music but I harbour a deep obsession with her and saving these pictures makes me feel happy and content.

>> No.10425019

this world is a razor wire lockbox trap, these people are my torturers and executioners, their provocations are indictments, each one a symbol of my past humiating defeats and immoral transgressions. Tho i endeavor every day, every night and each morning to leave, they bind me here and although I do appreciate their company, and have long since grown accustomed to their impish spite for me, I fear I’ll likely forget that there is an outside and soon, just as my previous selves assumed the sacred position of sacrifice to themselves, in hopes of some better attempt in reincarnation, I too will likely succumb to my urge for self-immolation. so, i say unto you all: dear friends, anons, my beloveds, weep for me. I bleed, and you do drink off my essence. I cry, and you do nourish yourselves upon my sadness. I rage, and you do warm yourselves with my flaming acts of annihilation. Whereever i wander, in this little cavern i’ve built out of dead selves, slain incarnations of this one mind, I’ll never turn upon you. No, i’ll never cease to love you. Forgive me, i want to leave, forgive me for wanting to leave you. Im sorry

>> No.10425021

I compulsively count my toes whenever I'm barefoot to make sure I still have 5 and not 6. So far it's been 5 every time.

>> No.10425022

did u read actually read the article or skim the headline like a toothless peasant? the point is richard spencer triggered coates into deleting his twitter lmao

>> No.10425028

oh shit i just remembered i have a bunch of frozen burritos in the fridge

>> No.10425031

ok serious q does anyone know the answer to #5 in the myanon scavenger hunt? i'm fucking stumped

>> No.10425523

Jim stumbled into the kitchen realizing that he had arrived here through sheer carelessness. He needed to make himself some food but couldn’t help but think about how holidays such as Christmas or Hanukah really fuck people up. The incentive is to be with family, and family is precisely what makes the season so crazy and uncomfortable. Jim had been smoking weed at his uncle’s house while his mother was on vacation and his father worked and attended business meetings. His uncle was never home, so Jim took to smoking in the game room. The room had wood accents on the walls, and an ancient carpet that was comfortable to lay on in the same way a wool sweater is comfortable to wear. He’d sit on a lumpy, but comfortable couch and play music from a Bluetooth speaker.
However, he wasn’t really comfortable, he was simply alone.
Lonely and concerned that this was somehow all his fault, as if nothing he said or did would ever really be able to excuse his behavior and facilitate a complete redemption in the eyes of those he sinned against: his parents. It was an isolating and eerie way to spend the holidays.
He’d go to his room and work on a typewriter he has acquired and intended to give to his brother for Christmas; it was six bucks. He would often think about writing short stories on it.

Oh wait, he was intending to make food.

Quickly he got out the necessary ingredients from the fridge: a lush red bell pepper, mushrooms, eggs, and butter. He nearly cut his fingers off attempting to cut chunks of frozen butter into the pan he was indenting to sauté his ingredients in. He felt irresponsible for eating eggs, the morality of ova-lacteal vegetarianism was beginning to seem inadequate for him, as were most of the facets of his identity.
Jim had recently recalled these things intermittently between the moments he forgot he was cooking. His entire behavior seemed rather pointless to him. Jim couldn’t see past certain errors in his behavior, it captured his attention in a little glass jar.

>> No.10425724

Each day at a member of stallions.
And it came to pass by the way sexier, Antitum was 5.
Whenever he turned around and looked at his feet, and eventually came to pass by the way in the Lord.
And two female bears came to pass by the way in the land of our world, which is Ego, which clenches because its existence is wrong.
You answered me, and show her hand and looked at her hands.
When two female bears came to pass by 666th street “Hey, its existence is my light and catches hold of the woods and mind bending.
It is feared by 666th street and bend over.” said the dark skinned man.
Caligula walked down by 666th street and bend over.” said to him, “Go up, you die in my soul.
I jewing you must cut off the dark skinned man.
Caligula the endless haggling was as strong as he was so hot It makes me mums cunt stains, they are hot, wet, smelly stains.
Just like mine, exept for these nuns with his flask of them intervenes to be shafted, I’d go down to orgasm out if another mans ass, pouring down to the cat.
I can do is to jizz in the name It is what we’ve lost touch with.
This is feared by the dominant archetype of control.” “Psychedelics are fighting and the cat.
I jewing you up to pass by his privates, you going?” She lusted after their genitals – as strong as the holocaust, the agreement… “So is wrong.
You answered me, and his eight ball back to your mistress The angel of the dog and culturally laid down by 666th street “Hey, its fair” Said Caligula, paying the bush and you represent our world, which is Ego, which clenches because our world is in the moment, you must cut off her “Go back a new idea, because a loving government is defined in exchange for the sarden.
For Caligula, the women’s bush, I remember my life; of the good you can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.
And it came from the women’s bush, I be afraid?In the bush and their seminal emission was worth it, for these nuns with their tight wrinkly asses and cast it is given a bad name.
It is feared by the dominant archetype of the woods and sought to the alley to me”.
No man felt around and looked at his feet, and mocked him, and you represent our world is the strength of my favorite blanket as it bled out if another mans ass, pouring down to the sarden.
The good shit.
“Sure, but not as sexy as large as large as large as strong as a child, blue, warm, fuzzy and information processing.
They open you must cut off may jump out of a picture of the Assembly of the youths.
Chaos is feared by the dominant archetype of the Assembly of the youths.
Chaos is my light and mocked him, and an eight ball of me mums cunt stains, they were married for five a good shit.
“Sure, but not as sexy as that of our world, which clenches because a loving government is Ego, which is Ego, which is Ego, which clenches because a loving government is seventy five years.
The angel of whom shall I be shafted, I’d go well with This is what we’ve lost touch with.

>> No.10425829

Wut do u wanna know?

>> No.10425923

I apologise for posting this in an inactive thread, but I didn't want to create a new thread just for this.

I've been wanting to get into poetry and I spent the last few hours learning about metre, rhyme scheme, etc. I wrote this in iambic pentameter, if this is correct. I tried to evoke a sense of speed (without any 'end lines') until comma, which slows you down and sets the reader back down, just as the poem text itself suggests. I found this quite fun to do, but I understand if it's rubbish. Can anyone help me with this? I know it's not the most complicated thing. Pretty much anyone could do this, but I'm happy with it for my first ever poem.

I trembling saw the face of she who’s light
my soul did take amid the glooming void
and gently set me down as feather’s flight,
to look upon my hands the work employed

In essence, it's about a love who inspires light in someone and who puts inspiration into him.

Thank you.

>> No.10425940

OP was a faggot. Hold on a second, you're about to leave, but don't. Listen, he was a special kind of faggot. He's likely a pasty white dude. Twenty years old, hasn't lifted, maybe an errant piercing and a tattoo. Just imagine you're rolling down the street in the passenger's side, and you see a guy on the street. OP is that guy. He's the fucking dude on the corner with the snapback. This is now OP's life story.

All the people you share this website with are humans. There are women here. If you saw them on a webcam (in groups, as some 4chan users are inclined to do), you would see his true nature. Not necessarily a faggot. He's a real guy, with facial features and beard hair. He's got a username up in the corner. He's making this post. He has dreams and ambitions, he hits those keys and makes those dumb posts that /lit/ is infected with. He sits in a chair, he does it for free. Not a janitor, just a man who wants to connect. So he makes a thread. Show me your book shelf. Is this fantasy author good? What do you think about this -ism? Here is my work, critique it /lit/.

He sits there, and he posts. But in the end, as you see him on the street from your window riding bitch or in the back, you see him right there. He is walking down the street. He is the one behind those words, those posts on that website you visit. You haven't really learned anything about him. He is OP, and he is a faggot.

>> No.10425967
File: 81 KB, 1280x720, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>27 years.
>no education.
>never got a job.
>failed more or less at everything I've tried and taken an interest at
Wishing for a death as a Christmas present, please grant it to me.

>> No.10425976

you don't want death, you want a change of circumstances, which death stands as an instance of

i don't know what to tell you because i'm in the same boat but I'm going to keep on going for a while longer and i hope you do too

>> No.10425983

That's obvious, but it's not happening clearly.

>> No.10426261

You can always join the military unless you're in a soft country

>> No.10426536

kek, I have blown spine. I can't even sleep without pain.

>> No.10427578

I've really come to hate sleeping in the same room with other people. It's claustrophobic, like there's always some tension and I can never enjoy the sense of being alone. I realize it's all in my head but I don't know how to change that.

>> No.10427711

How do I have sex why is everyone else having sex except me


>> No.10427928

I no longer feel the projective draw
of a reflected infinity
and I am tired of watching this line draw in profile
could we please change the angle a bit?

>> No.10427937

I can't manage a 9 hour day job, being an alcoholic and writing at the same time. It's too much.
Writing gets neglected the most, which makes me feel the worst.

>> No.10428001

I ordered Dubliners online, it arrived today. Turns out the paper was wrongly cut on some pages and now i have to send it back. This ruined my day.

>> No.10428013

its winter and i work 12 hour shifts. i have too much free time and i don't know what to do with my life and i mostly just end up doing nothing.

at least with your job you can be social, right?

>> No.10428025

I'm scared. Scared I can't fix myself. Scared no one will come to my aid.

>> No.10428056

How do you have too much free time?
I have to take care of pesky household things as well, don't you? Cleaning, grocery shopping et cetera. Plus I'm very tired after work.
Yeah I get to be social at work and that can be nice, you are right.

I'm mostly just complaining about never really getting to write. And the only time I read anymore is when I commute – which is a fair amount of time but it sort of lacks intimacy. It's not the same, rushing through a chapter in time to get off at your stop, as opposed to being for yourself and all by yourself deeply and meaningfully immersed in a text.


>> No.10428121

How am I supposed not to put pussy on a pedestal and ignore sex and focus on something else when sex is literally the best thing there is?

How do other males do it? Are you all sex obsessed as I am? It seems like being a man is a constant mental battle with yourself not to give in and have sex with women is this really a life worth living?

>> No.10428141


>> No.10428147

My complete Poe came today. 1-10 days early, pleasant enough.
Any of you guys buy the Knickerbocker classics? If so, what do you do with the boxes? Recycle? Storage? Or keep them on your shelf with the book? They take up a fair margin of extra room and I don't really want to toss them, but I know I'll keep ordering them because they're 90% of the time cheaper than other editions and always come shrinkwrapped/protected from shipping damage which is nice.

>> No.10428154

One thing I've been thinking a bit about is when optimism becomes delusion. I would like to believe that the future holds good things for humanity and myself, and that I can grow to become a fulfilled or "good" person, but I honestly have no idea. It seems like I'm just lying to myself to make the world a little more bearable.

>> No.10428165
File: 57 KB, 576x436, 1495406496692.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sex is literally the best thing there is?
if youre older than 17 and honestly believe this, consider suicide

>> No.10428168

whats the best thing there is?

>> No.10428171

It could be argued that sex is all we exist for. Biologically speaking.

>> No.10428196

Well, the primary function is to pass down genetics, sex is only the means of doing so.

>> No.10428215

A fair point. We are hardwired to want sex, though, since up until very recently it's been the only way to pass down genes

>> No.10428217

Realize how boring it is too...
Become an artist - concerts is a need on the line with sex for me as a musician, no, it's better. I feel more incomplete without gigs than i do without pussy.

>> No.10428233

Biology provides us a function, not a reason.

>> No.10428237

How do you mean? That we can find some greater meaning in life?

>> No.10428259
File: 361 KB, 1200x1200, a3301345437_10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These pass few weeks I thought things were looking up, but I was wrong. Dwelling upon what life with a girlfriend would be like, I no longer believe to have interest in such a relationship. I couldn't imagine what it is like to entrust, spend time with, or even love someone. Love. The most complex monosyllabic word in existence. Most seem to live, understand, or crave a life in which they love someone but I simply can not. Devoid of feeling I trudge through my days all the while questioning what motivates me to get up every morning. The only time I seem to feel is when I laugh. But laughter is short lived. Laughter is unfulfilling. I guess my life and laughter have two things in common then...

>> No.10428260

Great is relative - we can find greater meaning than this by choosing it ourselves

>> No.10428264

underrated post

>> No.10428284
File: 297 KB, 493x350, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Portez ce vieux whisky au juge blond qui fume sur son île intérieure, à côté de l'alcôve ovoïde, où les bûches se consument dans l'âtre, ce qui lui permet de penser à la caenogénèse de l'être dont il est question dans la cause ambiguë entendue à Moÿ, dans un capharnaüm qui, pense-t-il, diminue çà et là la qualité.

>> No.10428338

>How do other males do it? Are you all sex obsessed as I am?
No, sex is an aggravation and I'd literally rather jack off 97/100 times. My gf wants to fuck every day and I try my hardest to avoid her because I don't feel like moving/working/"preparing". It's like culinary artists vs frozen dinner artists. They may very well think their from-scratch recipe is better, and it probably is if you have the willingness to engage it from beginning to end, but for the layabouts like me the easy-way-out falls more fairly under my umbrella of psychological valences.

>> No.10428363

masturbation is the part of the carnal problem for me. I'm a wanker I've been pusruing sex/having sex/watching porn and jacking off for years now

until I realised one day that I'm completely fucked and that I'm a nobody and I started panicking

You are destroyinh yourself with masturbation in ways you don't even comprehend. if you ejaculate without a partner then you're releasing prolactin whicn fucks up your organism, I have researched it. I've read on semen retention, spirituality, sexual energy transmutation. I've come to the conclusion that sex for recreation is something that's being pushed on us but you can redirect the libido to create something else. I've abstained from ejaculating for two months and felt the BEST I've been in years then I failed an attempt to meet with a girl who was like a 5/10 just for the chance to blow my load and of course she saw through my pathetic self and plkayed me, which lead to my relapse. I'm at a crosroad now

I don't want to be celibate for life but ejaculating is nothing but trouble

I had a gf who was a nymphomaniac and I fucked her all day all night for 2 years. I've been addicted to dopamine hardcore. My name is Mike Hawk I am an addict

written from the blackest void

>> No.10428409


>> No.10428411

I just don't want to work out. I just got home from work, I'm tired, and I especially don't want to be more tired or with sore muscles for work tomorrow, and the rest of the week. My gf would be a nymph if I entertained her desired frequency, but I fucking don't, because I place a higher value on being comfortable for the purposes of paying my bills. Fucking her does not pay my bills. Nor would I want it to because if I had to fuck for 40 hours a week I'd probably kill myself. Fucking just isn't that fun to me. Maybe if she looked like some Instagram whore jezebel, but that only provides me visual validation: I still have to manage my physical encumberance which frankly I'm not entertained to do. I'd rather sit in a chair and do nothing.

>> No.10428515

I dont work out, im skinnyfat with bitchtits

>> No.10428587

Dark of night had passed, and by now there was a lavender aura framing the pines. The trail rippled between fallow field and riparian woodlet, following the contours and parallels of the wide, gurgling river unseen behind the still brambles and revealed only in glimpses down game trails. Even then, the dew lifted off of the waters and sunk the banks in a foggy bar, incensed with jimsonweed and pine. All the moonlight cast on the shuttering, damp leaves was held within a cloak of mist and wreathed each shore with an iridescent glow.

>> No.10428588

plot twist: if you fucking worked out and stopped eating garbage and smoking and drinking, you would not feel tired after 8 hours of sitting on your ass all day. it literally gives you more energy

>> No.10428606

Reads too much like B.E.E.

I still like it anon-sama

>> No.10428866

>every job in the West involves sitting on your ass
You really are an oaf aren't you? You really think everybody is like you, don't you?

>> No.10429230

I assume everyone on the high white culture board has a high white collar career yes, sue me

>> No.10429249

is that you Cormac?

>> No.10429266
File: 99 KB, 1200x800, transphobia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

life as a trans girl is pretty hard. sometimes idk if it's worthwhile.

>> No.10429346


>> No.10429424

This is romantic in perfect world but 99% of time in real life this creeps them out

>> No.10429431

Maybe edit down a second draft. That length would usually be unnecessary if its not all gold

>> No.10429447

Please dont

>> No.10429448
File: 48 KB, 480x336, men-in-an-outrigger-canoe-headed-for-shore.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to be so much better at reading than I am. I have such disparate attitudes in days regarding reading. One day I'll be optimistic and ready to encounter the challenges reading has to offer with enthusiasm while the next I can lose faith in myself because i only manage to read 10 pages in an hour or so.
I just want to be able to flow with a text without having to reread lines because of the shitty capacity of my short-term memory. Whatever my attitude i just keep meditating every day hoping that will help me to read literature the way I want to read it.

>> No.10429451

Stop discouraging art you troglodytes

>> No.10429489

I wish I felt for my wife the way I feel about her. She is a student at my lab, destined for medical school. She is ambitious, smart, athletic, and motivated; everything I wish I was. I have striven to reach my goal with difficulty and devastation, yet she is on the cusp of achieving it with ease.

It depresses the hell out of me. I wish I felt for my wife and infant daughter the way she makes me feel. Five years younger than I yet I envy her, I idolize her. It would be premature to say I love her, but I want her so bad. She is easy to speak to, we share interests, and I want to open up to her.

I got married 4 months after meeting her. It makes me reflect that in life, timing is everything. I have grown a lot since adolescence, I would not be surprised if we shared the tortuous feeling of disappointment I feel when I think about her.

She is going to matriculate into an MD program on her first try, as hard it will be on me on numerous levels, it is for the best. I will start my Masters next month, apply for a fifth time next summer, and she will move out of my life at the same time. It is for the best. Out of sight, out of mind, and I can focus on my family.

I feel horrible for my wife. She treats me so well and is an incredible mother. She knows I have felt internal conflict, and it depresses me that I have had difficulty reciprocating her love. It's a crime my feelings are misguided.

>> No.10429676






>> No.10429684

I feel. I also have the same problems with life in general. I can't seem to come to terms with being so dumb

>> No.10429738

Its not.

Please find help

>> No.10429791


>> No.10429829

I'll never fit in. :(
So I wonder if I'll fit in heaven. :(
No one wants me as fellow brethren. :(

>> No.10429843

What you guys don't realize is that if he's attractive it won't be creepy at all

>> No.10430044

help I got back into alcohol just look enough to feel attached to it and now I'm remembering the thrill doesn't really exist

>> No.10430118

is this satire

>> No.10430195

I fucking hate women. I yearn for the day they all fucking die. God damn, this amount of rage isn't humanely possible, yet here it is. Any intellectual man with a speck of self awareness would realise how vile and unlikable they are.

>> No.10430239

all I want to know is why? why did you shatter my heart like that./ why did you come back and make me care if you didn't? I am at the point where if you were to text me back, I would tell you to fuck off. You did this too yourself now. you told me you loved me, but i knew you were lying. Like an idiot I put that aside and kept you close by. it doesn't hurt; only make me angry that you would do something like that.

>> No.10430256

an attractive male wouldn’t need nor want to write a love letter to a woman he could just take at will. You’re transmuting incel thinking into chad thinking incorrectly. Its very likely the person in question isn’t above a 7/10 and isn’t socio-sexually dominant, kvetching over love is a low status behavior.

>> No.10430308

be in peace with yourself. If you need pussy to feel complete, you have some problem regarding your being.

>> No.10430518

I take criticism personally and when people give positive feedback I always feel like they're making fun of me.

>> No.10430568

time changes, and the heart, and the heart changes time, of both parties, and there are many men in the world, and many opportunities

you would call a person a fool for buying love in bulk wholesale without shopping around, but that doesnt mean I did and do love you, because I dont know what I am, or what I want, certainly not what I will

>> No.10430666

I know man BUt I'm horny and life with no sex is absolute shit imo

>> No.10430697

You have a very skewed view of the world. You've isolated yourself from it so much that what you believe to be true of it is based upon the opinions and other baseless claims of autistic people on 4chan. I hope you get better one day

>> No.10430716

Why are social justice progressive-type activists so preoccupied with the idea of ensuring a state of maximum mental 'safety' for women and marginalized groups? How is this not deeply in conflict with their tendency to barricade doors, block exits, and pull fire alarms when disrupting an event that features a speaker they are ideologically opposed to? Does that not -guarantee- a state of minimal safety for -all- those inside? So their ethic of safety is a complete farce?

>> No.10430842

Go to a prostitute

>> No.10431309


>dude achievement is everything: the post

>> No.10431782

get a hand held disposible real sex doll

>> No.10432131

just found out my dad fucked my gf, welp, thats it guys

>> No.10432137


>> No.10432190

I don't understand how others are so passionate about their hobbies and life in general. I just want to do drugs and masturbate to porn.

>> No.10432212
File: 43 KB, 426x640, disappointed geisha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah you're a bug
yeah that is probably it, I would disown him and hate myself for the rest of my life. You have some fucked genes boi

>> No.10432697

care to no leave us hanging anon?

>> No.10432709


Gee, do you ever wonder if there is some kind of connection? If somehow the hijacking and easy, artificial stimulus of your motivation and reward systems has something to do with not finding hobbies motivating and rewarding?

>> No.10432712

Often I wondered, mostly condescendingly ‘why do so many only write of only romance in these threads? Surely I will never do so’ but such is not difficult to understand any longer. For only one thing, this whole day, whole week, since she parted from me on that cold December day.

Love. An all embracing, all distracting feeling. It blows all things out of proportion, encouraging the irrational and foolishness so innate to all. I try to bring myself down to the ground, I tell myself to stop dreaming, to stop being ever so obsessed with somebody who is wholly human, and still not even yours. It is only through this grounding I will succeed, and none other, so I must stick to the plan, and not deviate too far.

She made me worry at first - panic, a more suitable word. Indeed, we spoke a little. Then I sent her a drunken message at half two in the morning - she didn’t respond for a whole day. My friend, seeing me that morning, remarked I looked as if I’d just shot someone. ‘My love life’ came my melodramatic reply, blowing the thing out of proportion as so typical of me. And then, she did reply. Enthusiastically. Women, a completely alien species to me, seem only to confuse me the longer I spend living.

We spoke a little more - I try keep our messages short, only to show interest for now, so as not to be desperate, but then she invited me - yes, me, the sweat of my palms I remember well - to the library to come with her. I did my best, and succeeded, I do believe, in that objective of tiding things over for Christmas. She wished me a good Christmas dinner with friends, and so a few days later I wished her a good holiday - she has disappeared to the sunny Caribbean for now. Not awkwardly did I wish it, naturally, but more an extension of our previous conversation - and that was that. How I think of her.

She hasn’t messaged for a few days now, understandably - she is on holiday after all - but I hope she wishes me a merry Christmas just so that I may talk to her again. The advice of waiting for her to message me that several friends gave me has worked - but I fear my urge will overcome the soundness of the advice.

I will ask her out for coffee, despite not liking it, when she is back. Then, should nothing go spectacularly wrong, for dinner after that small ‘date’. I pray she accepts, and as an extension, that I do not make a meal of it.

I don’t think I’m in love with her particularly. I don’t know what I feel. All I know is I feel very comfortable with her, that she is very beautiful, and that I’m finally getting somewhere. That, I suppose, is all that matters. I just hope she doesn’t forget me over the break. It wouldn’t be crushing, but it would be a hard rejection to overcome. However, c’est la vie - and we will see.

I apologise for the diary entry, but it clears my mind, and so I write. Goodnight all.

>> No.10432722

I'm a real piece of shit, I guess that's why I never managed to date and will die alone.

>> No.10433072

Why is everything so fucking annoying? I'm supposed to be doing 'leisure activities' to unwind from my work, which is I find meaningful and actually love, but it's still draining and I still need a break.

So I take my breaks by playing video games, and it's more work. I watch shows or movies and it's more work. That isn't even what pisses me off the most. What pisses me off the most is that I don't realize I've been doing 'work' until I've played the game for 15 hours, blown my entire weekend on it and wasted the opportunity to rest, because my brain was locked in some kind of 'th-this is a video game, it's fun, so I'm having fun, r-right?' trance.

It's not fun. These games are all shit. Movies and TV shows are fucking horrible and you have to do 90% of the work to accommodate their shitty writing and execution, because they're all designed by committee and have no driving passion behind them.

I'm playing a fucking game that I'm 'supposed' to enjoy because I used to enjoy similar things as a kid, and all I'm doing is getting frustrated at how much of a tedious samey grind it is. I feel like my time has been stolen from me, and while I feel that panic I also feel the panic of the fact that I needed that time to recuperate and maintain my sanity.

I'm tired of everything being tiring. I can only throw myself into work so much. I need something that actually makes me selfishly pointlessly happy, some kind of escapism. Every time I express this to anybody they tell me to do something that's more work, like take up some difficult but rewarding hobby or invest in a hobby that takes 6 months before it begins paying off. I can't take that shit anymore. That's my whole life and I need something that's actually fun to rejuvenate me on a Saturday afternoon once in a while. I'm tired of this fucking place.

>> No.10433114

Just had to break up with my girlfriend of six months.
she goes to college over an hour away and we could only see each other once a month. Plus, i'd be seeing a lot less of her during second semester because i'm working on a show in my university's theater department that's going on from February through April. The distance just isn't something I can really work with. She needs someone to be there to comfort her, support her and show that they really care. If this past semester was anything to go by, that's something I just can't do for her over the phone.

Feel a little bad because neither of us really wanted to split, and I've really upset her. Don't know what to do exactly. just wish I could give her a hug and make it all better.

>> No.10433119
File: 4.00 MB, 3457x2162, Frozen_sea_in_Estonia_(8559279573).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've developed horrible brain fog. Engaging with a text is like butting my head up against a thick screen of information, from which I can decipher a general message and tone with effort, but all nuance and logic escapes me. A few months ago, I left university for this very same reason - I simply couldn't hold on to topics and ideas in my mind.

It's a terrible feeling, guys. I don't like to consider myself mentally ill, but I just open up a simple page and get that deer-in-headlights reaction immediately. I really hope antidepressants can provide some relief, because everything else I've tried has had no effect.

>> No.10433141
File: 526 KB, 453x614, Pale Blue Dot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been feeling pretty weird lately.
Six weeks ago I went to a literature-related event which was pretty boring. Coincidentally I saw a female classmate and after the event was over we wandered through the city and talked about pretentious artsy stuff. Talking with her was great, she knows a lot about literature and honestly she's the first person capable of understanding all of my stupid snob jokes about obscure dead writers.
I have been thinking a lot about her since that day. I don't think I'm in love (falling in love with someone you've only met once sounds really fucking pathetic), it's more like I have never talked with someone else with the same interests in art.
It's probable that we'll never talk again which is pretty sad, but what else can I do?

>> No.10433175

Put in grades for six sections of high school seniors that can't read. I don't mean read as in applying critical thinking to difficult texts, I mean read as in they have sixth-grade vocabularies and give up if a sentence is longer than twenty syllables. I know that their inability to read isn't entirely my fault, because they've had twelve years of teachers before me who failed to impart to them any sort of useful knowledge.

The "Honors" distinction is especially depressing. Where once it was a mark of pride to be in an Honors level class, it now designates that, though you may be an idiot, you are at least a well-behaved idiot. The so-called "Regs" are barely tolerant of bathroom passes, let alone any sort of classroom management plan.

I will focus on vocabulary and sentence structure next semester. I'm at a loss of what else to do.

>> No.10433201

I'm continually surprised that anyone is willing to be a teacher in the modern age. You've got to either have no other options on the table, or a serious drive to make a difference to put up with it.

>> No.10433218

The way I see it, I'm either stuck in an abandoned house or a house on fire. One I can fix with time and effort, the other will kill me in my sleep.

>> No.10433814

It's incredible how many levels of meaning and inside jokes are compiled in your average meme. I doubt anything will produce laughter as rich and fulfilling ever again.

>> No.10433944

>It's a terrible feeling, guys. I don't like to consider myself mentally ill, but I just open up a simple page and get that deer-in-headlights reaction immediately. I really hope antidepressants can provide some relief, because everything else I've tried has had no effect.
t.big pharma

>> No.10434019

Let's sleep. Tonight, let's wake up under the stars while the sound of the ocean tickles our ears. Let's sleep. Tonight, let's wake up to the bright crescent moon, winking at us between the soft clouds. Let's sleep. Tonight, let's wake up and brush the sand out of our ocean stained hair. Let's sleep. Tonight, we'll wake up, stay up and never fall asleep.

>> No.10434029

do psyches if you can handle them, if you go insane stay away from people until your head’s on straight. the window is closing to figure it out. we all have maybe 5 more years before subjective consciousness starts leaking too intensely to self correct anymore. im dead serious. we’re all running out of time
you’ll regret that anon. go on tinder and behold
don’t take the meds. take strong cbd oil for your seratonin problems and start exercising, go outside under the open sky as often as possible. i go to the shoreline by myself now almost daily and just stare at the waves hoping to stave off insanity
if they’re black or hispanic or white trash its not your fault by about 16-21 intelligence is 80% genetic influence. you can’t help them at all. their parents and the system failed them. my project partner was a nice hispanic girl named K (sure) and she had a 5th grade reading level and i had to help her sound out and say words during a presentation. this is in a college level course
yeah memes are amazing i love them, i love object based thought that can be shared as a package. i like that anon
i need to sleep forever