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/lit/ - Literature

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10411157 No.10411157[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Hey /lit/ters! Anyone wanna explain what Dr Peterson means by Carl Jung's the shadow? Gonna be doing a presentation on the big guy this week.

>> No.10411174

>Hey /lit/ters!
Could tourists please stop making threads about this guy here. We always have at least one up. Post in that one.

>> No.10411175

>h-hey f-fellow literati can you please h-help me with my homework?
no, fuck off.

>> No.10411178

the inherent fear of being cucked by a BBC

>> No.10411187

>the big guy
I really hope you meant Jung

>> No.10411208

A dark area where light from a light source is blocked by an opaque object

>> No.10411212
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No i don't know much about jung, wanna read him though! Was gonna do a presentation on jordan's philosophy and show to my university this sunday so wanted to brush up on his ideas
if youve got any adivce throw it at me

>> No.10411229

>if youve got any adivce throw it at me
Stop making bad threads on a slow board.

>> No.10411239
File: 19 KB, 275x350, DrPeterson.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is my board as much as anyone elses, ive been here ages and know the culture, Jung is literature and peterson discusses literature so hes completely relevant stop being mean

>> No.10411248

>wahh stop being mean
This is a homework thread. You've just admitted as much. Don't try to play coy like I'm unfairly assailing you.

>> No.10411255
File: 70 KB, 750x900, Goodluckwiththatquote.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All im looking for is an explanation dumbass, homework is irrelevant

>> No.10411264

>homework is irrelevant
This doesn't magically stop being a homework thread simply because you say it isn't.

>> No.10411278
File: 129 KB, 800x534, psychologist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if /lit/s so smart it should be able to help me understand jung

no go clean your room neckbeard!

>> No.10411284

No one should help you do anything. If you weren't such a woeful brainlet you'd set about learning this for yourself instead of making lame threads on /lit/ where you post corny reddit pictures and demand to have things explicated to you because you only pretend to give a fuck behind the faux revolutionary facade.

>> No.10411296

Why the the fuck would you want to understand what Jordan (at most) happenstantially means by the shadow as opposed to understanding what JUNG meant by it? It makes you sound like a tosser.

The shadow are the elements of the psyche that one rejects, which come out to play in ways that you do not generally see.

>> No.10411306
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Because I think jordan is a more relevant speaker and able to refine jungs ideas and make them modern so everyone can understand them, intellectually speaking

>> No.10411314

The shadow is your inner antagonist.

>> No.10411315

>intellectually speaking

Form your own opinions on Jung, pleb.

>> No.10411323
File: 14 KB, 284x335, petey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

peterson is pretty much a modern day jung so i don't know it's that neccesary

>> No.10411340

There are five other Peterson threads on the catalogue right now. Don't you mongoloids have anything better to do? Seriously, is your life so bereft of independent thought that this is literally all you can think to post?

>> No.10411343

Take his dick a little further inside you.

>> No.10411347
File: 850 KB, 1667x2500, petey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

theres a reason hes popular bucko, he speaks truth to power now piss off

>> No.10411355

This was a ruseman thread, wasn't it? There's no way you are this fucking memekid. Unless you're 15 and you lied about giving a talk to your uni about Peterson and it's actually your highschool class that you're giving the talk to.

>> No.10411356


the shadow refers to evil minorities such as jews or trans people, which you must defeat in order to preserve White European Christianity. You gotta know how to read Peterson to understand his true redpill, esoteric message that he's gotta keep ambiguous so mossad won't murk him for thoughtcrimes

>> No.10411357

He appeals to reactionary thinkers that haven't read enough to recognise an original thought from populist garbage.

He's Neil de Grasse Tyson for the pol-plebes.

>> No.10411361

I'm sincere I dont color my language, unlike most assholes here - and i appreciate a professor thats down to earth and knows his shit, and yes its being presented tommorow afternoon so im kinda shittin my pants her e

>> No.10411366
File: 72 KB, 1000x750, petersonphilosopher.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot image

>> No.10411375

Do your own fucking homework, kiddo.

>> No.10411400
File: 19 KB, 480x360, petey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i am and im just looking for additional knowledge/assistance

>> No.10411414

>i'm kinda shittin my pants here
>peterson is pretty much a modern day Jung
I think the reason why you're shitting your pants is because you're fucking retarded.
But seriously though, just read Jung if you're actually interested in understanding him. If not, then why ask?

>> No.10411417

Because he's here to promote his selected cult of personality.

>> No.10411482

He clearly doesn't refine them for you if you don't even know what the concept means. Seriously, I like peterson but if you want to understand the shadow read some Jung.

>> No.10411561

Pretty sure The Shadow is the deepest darkest place inside yourself that you in your current state would dread to reach, but Jordan's point is that you must confront this Shadow in order to reach "heaven".

He thinks of the Shadow as the bottom of one self's morality, such as your ability to murder and rape etc.

This is stretching it even further: According to Peterson you can't be a virtuous mouse. Meaning if you're completely oblivious to your own capacity for great evil you're not virtuous in your lack of evil action, since you literally can't bear to fathom it anyway, and you're innocent by default, not by choice.
Therefore only in confronting your inner Shadow you can reach true moral virtue, since you're aware of your capacity for evil but you choose to avoid it.

Hope i didn't get things mixed up with Jordan's lectures on Nietzsche here, he covers similar themes. It feels like i butchered this, but whatever. If i'm wrong i'm wrong.

>> No.10411565

This. Saw a bunch of threads today slamming pop-sci garbage, but this guy seems to get a pass.

>> No.10411582

>ive been here ages and know the culture,
Don't believe you for a second

>> No.10411601 [DELETED] 
File: 121 KB, 515x513, 1503672166153.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We need to move all Peterson threads /his/ immediately

>> No.10411612
File: 121 KB, 515x513, 1503672166153.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We need to move all Peterson threads to /his/ immediately

>> No.10411684

/his/ here, fuck off

>> No.10411694

/lit/ here, Peterson stays he's comfy as fuck.

>> No.10411709
File: 8 KB, 194x260, images (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/lit/ here
Not with that opinion, to be ignorant of the quality drop surrounding Peterson posting is to be a part of it

>> No.10411724

people like you kill boards with your selfish entitled attitude
fuck off


>> No.10411727
File: 54 KB, 319x475, 1172822.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this. Peterson's talks are full of references to esoteric NS thought. Dude's hiding his power level. BTW Jung's last interview was with Miguel Serrano, an Esoteric Hitlerist and National Socialism from Chile.



>> No.10411748

its entitled to discredit the Dr and want him removed from the board, Peterson knows shit and discusses literature philosophy and psychology which are sorely needed, hes accesible rich and multifaceted. take a hike bucko. clean your fucking room.
Nice pic sis, get some taste, Peterson posting isnt a thing, hes tapped into the culture, his popularity on one of the most intelligent board is a result of that

>> No.10411750
File: 107 KB, 1200x630, petersonangry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot pic

>> No.10411756


>> No.10411764
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>> No.10411779
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What is the point?

>> No.10411783

You're a pseud and the worst is you're not self aware. I'd tell you to lurk more but I know you'll just post another 50 peterson threads like all the newfags that have infested this board

>> No.10411812
File: 5 KB, 318x159, download (3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Peterson knows shit and discusses literature philosophy and psychology
He's a complete pseud who doesn't understand post-modernism, has stereotypical undergrad taste in literature and philosophy, and is a Jungian psychoanalyst who is probably hardly welcome in psychology circles. He just rehashes Jung, Campbell and Nietzsche combined with basic psychoanalyst intuition. This is obvious to anyone familiar with these fields, that's how and why Petersonfags stick out

>> No.10411866

he hasn't read the authors and philosophers he talks about carefully or thoroughly. I don't believe he's read most of Nietzsche's corpus of thought. I don't believe he has a deep understanding of Jung. Peterson's writing, his diction, vocabulary and choice of topics indicates a lower IQ than the people he prattles on about. Every lecture of his I've watched on YT felt like a waste of my time I could have spent studying those authors/philosophers myself. If you compare just one passage from Jung to a passage from Maps of Meaning or his other works and articles its laughable how much more thoughtful and intelligent Jung was. If you compare Nietzsche or Dostoyevsky's works with Peterson's, its like they're a different species. I wouldnt' let him teach my kids anything beyond grade school, and even then I'd probably not want them listening to him speak for longer than 50 minutes. He's the definition of a grasping midwit, pseud, opportunist. He's significantly more intelligent than most crypto-reactionaries but that's only because that entire sub-set of political philosophy is bankrupt of all value and meaning. He's the worst kind of follow-the-guru hack, I can't imagine why his fans would behave the way they do if he wasn't conning people and teaching others to be roving authorities on his behalf. There's basically nothing to learn from him at all, everyone who I've encountered that really likes him has a huge hole in their knowledge and seems to in general be a terrible original thinker. You, much like your teacher, write like a lesser intellect, there's no sign of abstract thinking going on at all in your posts. You reek of a middling IQ and a lack of curiosity. If you like him, graduate to the people he rips off, abandon him and formulate your own hokey crypto-reactionary milquetoast ideology to peddle to other uninteresting people. I don't disagree with many things he says, but not disagreeing with someone whose basically just repeating known truths doesn't mean I need to show him respect.
Yes, and both of them aren't particularly high level thinkers. If you yourself weren't stupid, it would be very clear that this is the case. Again, every intelligent person I've spoken to who is right leaning, that has heard of JBP, thinks he's a hack pseud, parrot.

>> No.10412019

Hang yourself

>> No.10412053

Solid but I disagree on Peterson's articulation, I think he can be well spoken at times which is how he is able to peddle his work. He doesn't have a place in any circle involving actual study and isn't even a good secondary source for the people he claims to have read his whole life. His success lies in the natural appeal Nietzsche and Jung have, they are usually the first thinkers you'll be drawn to in your late teens.

>> No.10412196
File: 29 KB, 594x307, DFwNJKkUAAAL_CL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You need to fuck off to /x/, ASAP.

>> No.10412252

>He doesn't have a place in any circle involving actual study
Are you fucking kidding me? Go check his google scholar profile.

>> No.10412282


>> No.10412296

We're on a literature board discussing philosophy, Peterson did most of his work in alcohol dependency and psych traits, his credentials are further proof that he doesn't have any buisness attacking post-modern philosophy

>> No.10412308

>his credentials are further proof that he doesn't have any business attacking post-modern philosophy
wow been a while since i've seen some genuine unironic autism on this site

>> No.10412351

There's something about this board that really attracts sophomoric pedants. It's like redd*t except without the forced bonhomie.

>> No.10412417

Were not discussing philosophy, we're discussing psychology (remember how Jung was a psychiatrist dealing with and writing about mental illnesses, the psychology of belief, and theories of personality, much like, oh I don't know, JORDAN FUCKING PETERSON). Jesus christ get your head out your ass and just be willing to back away from your bullshit statements even a little.

>> No.10412567

the shadow is a negative space shaped by the areas of the conscious mind not illuminated by the light of self-awareness

be glad i told you, because my definition is even better than jung's

>> No.10412594

Don't know much about this man, but enjoying the fact that he triggers people so much.

You do realise you can just ignore threads, right?