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/lit/ - Literature

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10357940 No.10357940 [Reply] [Original]

>He doesn't stop bitching about postmodernism
>He doesn't realize 4chan is the epitome of postmodernism

>> No.10357941 [DELETED] 

This is the ultimate thread for /lit/

>> No.10357948


shut up u cunt

>> No.10357958

>mfw i find out 4chan is the gulags of the internet

>> No.10357961


>postmodrenism is bad nd it destroy societe need to smash culturel marxism u r an traitor of ur own race D:<

>> No.10357966
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That makes too much sense 2bh

>> No.10357971
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>> No.10358003
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>i nominate myself to get crucified for your sins

>> No.10358014

Also every collab work /lit/(like the legacy of totalitarianism in a tundra) has produced is extremely postmodernist, the irony is incredible it is like /lit/ does it on purpose

>> No.10358020

>He doesn't stop bitching about God
>He doesn't realize atheism is the worship of the self

>> No.10358064
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How many here have actually listend to more than 10 of his lectures?

>> No.10358119

but 4chan has very clearly defined social norms
did you come here from reddit thinking it was a free-for-all?

>> No.10358146

kys shit for brains
I can just tell you are election cancer

>> No.10358159
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>> No.10358162

4chan is a cancer that should be destroyed and I come here every day

>> No.10358167

I will once he actually bothers to read Gödel.

>> No.10358703

How /lit/ is Islam?

>> No.10358723

that's it. i'm putting in a report about this.

>> No.10359781


>> No.10359936

why would I waste so much time on some random nobody psychologist who only got famous because of his mass appeal?

/lit/ was always postmodern, only since peterson has there been any real opposition to it here

>> No.10360407
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>the dubs meme is older than /lit/ itself

>> No.10360429
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>Anne Frank

>> No.10360442

instead of slaying the dragon

>> No.10360457
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It is correct.

>> No.10360981

p-pls stop deconstructing deconstruction,it isnt funny guys plz stop!!

>> No.10361039

I've probably listened to about 30 of the actual classroom lectures, and most of the videos and speeches from the last year. I get obsessed with people on YouTube to the point I have to watch everything by them. I don't know what to say.

FWIW I've probably heard like 60-80 episodes of Sam Harris' podcast so it's not just Peterson.

>> No.10361142

fuck that's hideous
sort yourself out (unironically)

>> No.10361153
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>m-muh postmodermisn

>> No.10361163

Kindof true desu. I mean most of us first came here because the moderation culture on other sites was too toxic.
Wait would that make 4chan internet Israel? Are we the internet's version of Jews?

>> No.10361179

Real life is better. If you want a healthy and happy life get off 4chan. I agree with you.

>> No.10361183

>most of us first came here because the moderation culture of other sites was too toxic
speak for yourself newfag

>> No.10361191

I like to watch Sargon of Akkad when I bake >:^/

>> No.10361196

Been here for years.

>> No.10361197

Maps Of Meaning or whatever is supposed to be really important, but that doesn't empower him to get to have anybody listen to or consider important his politics. Yes, I apply this rule indiscriminately: Chomsky is a fucking faggot cuck who ought to stick to linguistics and hopefully die soon. His theory is so bad even leftists worth a damn recognize it as such, even if they agree with him ideologically- same thing with the right and Peterson, which I think might fly over the head of the brainlet drumpftard-owners on this board: if someone on /pol/ or NRx twitter or w/ever praises Peterson, they may not even think of him highly intellectually. More likely, they're praising his metapolitics, and the fact that he's a person with a position of at least some power in academia (being a professor; don't deny this) willing to even have the political position he has, and the cultural residue that accumulates downstream from his actual actions as other, more well read- in anti-marxist economics or the right wing philosophy that exists out there or whatever- people are empowered to share their opinions and join the conversation within the Overton window.

>> No.10361202
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does that guy actually have anne frank tattooed on his cheek?

>> No.10361247
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its actually post-ironic

>> No.10361501

What's with all the hatred for postmodernism these days?
I was on a porn thread. Like, a really DEVIANT porn thread, and this one guy would just not stop bitchin' about postmodernism.
Am I not keeping up with the memes or something? The hate is everywhere.

>> No.10361519

/pol/ learned what postmodernism is from meme kermit pronouns guy. Actually, let me rephrase that. /pol/ learned that the word "postmodernism" existed, and they have added it to their repertoire.

>> No.10361525

Gotcha. Things make a little more sense now.

>> No.10361542

Earliest population of 4chan was all SA bans

>> No.10361566

> there's no objective source of truth or history
> except the Daily Show, of course

>> No.10361608

Unabashed newfag here. Anywhere I can read up on the history of the 'chan? This sorta stuff really interests me.

>> No.10361619
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this image

>> No.10361648

OP is a fag

>> No.10361892


>> No.10363157




>> No.10363795

True desu

>> No.10363816


>> No.10364989
File: 5 KB, 243x207, 00010101010111.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

came here to post this

>> No.10366077

>critiquing post-modernism is post-modernism
wow really makes one think

>> No.10366097

Thanks, I appreciate it.

>> No.10366103

>tfw joined in that 2014 wave when all the celebrity nudes were leaked
Am I still a newfag? It was three years ago, I mean.

>> No.10366123

no u

>> No.10366133

They hated postmodernism way before kermit my man. They almost always has. But to them, postmodernism is amoral 'just b hedonist lmao' and is a jewish scheme.

>> No.10366143

>/lit/ was always postmodern, only since peterson has there been any real opposition to it here

precisely this, the people who made tundra are not the same people who cry about post-modernism - that has only started up in the year and does not reflect /lit/ as far as i'm concerned. ffs two of three books in the meme trilogy are the two most recognisably post-modern works ever made.

>> No.10366160

I consider Peterson like I would any public speaker that works to appeal to a large audience. Basic.

It's because of him that I heard of Carl Jung though. Reading Modern Man in Search of the Soul right now. I think his existence serve and overall good every if he does make roughly a million dollars a year for chanting "CLEAN YOUR ROOM"

>> No.10366169

That's the thing, normies clean their room and feel a tad bit better about themselves.

>> No.10366277

>He didn't first learn about the early history and culture of Anonymous from ED articles before posting
In recent years the site's gone from being politically incorrect for the sake of being politically incorrent to having a legit /pol/ bent to it, but it's still the classic source of information on early internet culture, especially the old /b/ during its golden years.
There are also similar wikis like
and Shii's wiki
Also, check out the old flash archive and old news posts:
There are also projects to document 4chan's history, like:
And here is a list of archives:

>> No.10366328

/lit/ doesn't criticise postmodernism, board migrants do

>> No.10366351
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same desu

>> No.10366683

They should, cleaning your room is a good thing. And Peterson recommends it because it's the easiest way to bring order to your immediate surroundings.

>> No.10366685

>he does and he still bitches

>> No.10366762

Start with the Greeks

>> No.10368042

>talking on the internet is postmodernism

>> No.10368071

Yes, and you always will be.

>> No.10368353
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I only started browsing in late 2010, and I still consider myself a newfag.

>> No.10368360


>> No.10368543

>tfw you will always be part of cancer wave
at least I'm not post Trump elections so I can say I saw the nail in the coffin

>> No.10368634
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>reddit spacing

>> No.10368669

Yeah, at least I saw /lit/ when it was "good"

>> No.10368865

I use to browse threads back when I was but a wee(b) lad. Left when people started posting illegal content on a daily, perhaps even hourly, basis. Didn't return for over a decade. Not sure how I would classify myself.

>> No.10368969

Jesus, I started browsing sometime during 2015. What does that make me?
Also, I'm phoneposting.

>> No.10370667

Please get out.

>> No.10370675

You are a retard.

We literally are living in post-modernism, so even people who hate it have to abide by it. Also going forward than post-modernism can only happen with post-modernism, that is the nature of post-modernism itself.

You are deeply confused if you think the core of /lit/ isn't the same pepe sprouters from the other boards, but just the well read ones.

>> No.10370683

p sure the people attacking postmodernism are just depressed, directionless white young men who got sucked into the kekistani cult or whatever and regret shitposting Trump into the White House because hey, identity politics actually works, and now the cat's out of the bag.

>> No.10371085

How do I escape Postmodern thought? It seems to lead to hyper awareness and extreme introversion.

>> No.10371094

>/lit/ was always postmodern, only since peterson has there been any real opposition to it here
except /lit/ was always a catholic board, yes, contaminated by post-modernism, but the catholic seed was always there since day 1

>> No.10371104

>same thing with the right and Peterson, which I think might fly over the head of the brainlet drumpftard-owners on this board: if someone on /pol/ or NRx twitter or w/ever praises Peterson, they may not even think of him highly intellectually.
/pol/ turned against memerson when they discovered he was against nazis, how they couldn't figure it out before, given that he had written a whole book about how he was against nazis, don't ask me

and /pol/ is good at creating agitation, but they don't have shit for an ideological basis beyond being different kinds of edgy, and they shift all the time all over the place, memerson was convenient for them for the anti-sjw stuff

>> No.10371123

before Kermit they used "cultural marxism" and the frankfurt school, that was a better fit for the /pol/ conspiracy theory stuff. not sure why the post-modernism label was so successful at substituting that, i guess memerson helped and also the explosion of identity politics didn't fit that well with the frankfurt school

>> No.10371129

4chan was always counter-culture, it's just recently that for some reason counter-culture started being right wing, i guess the right has been doing a better job at being gramscian than the left, or maybe the left just was too good at it and they became the new establishment, who knows

>> No.10371937


>> No.10371978

and interesting
but it's mostly /pol/ being busy everywhere, and full of newfags
it's mostly right wing on the surface because it's still offensive and fun
i kind of like it like that

>> No.10371981

Hi Angela Nagle

>> No.10372002

hey, i kind like her, haven't read the book but seen a few podcasts and lectures, but there doesn't seem to be much to her beyond a decent analysis of internet culture, which is decent enough for the current left, but i guess that is to be expected from an irish person that's not so infected by the rest of the anglo world and anglo style leftism

it's also fun to see the old fuck from Zero books in his podcast trying to meme and understand the internet, he is not terrible at it but still kind of cute seeing an old man trying his hand at it

>> No.10372013

It's true though

>> No.10372025

There are plenty of Anglo-American cosmopolitan style leftists in Ireland, and they hate Nagle, she's an American herself whoses also quite detached from usual Irish politics, she said she doesn't even like to comment on Northern Ireland

>> No.10372069

i mean yeah, the anglo world infects everything. i find it really funny specially when leftists in some shitty european country just copy/paste american racial dynamics into their country, when it makes no sense and doesn't fit at all the historical context of their country, but they just want to fit in and be cool like their anglo peers, just they just force it in instead of having to actually write some theory that makes sense

>> No.10372201

I still remember that 2 month period before rage comics were cancer, and I think Im technically a newfag


>> No.10372383

Postmodernism is a lot of things.
The literary styles(aesthetic wordplay, ad hominem, and layers of irony) of 4chan may be postmodern, but I doubt there's many people who actually reject the independent objective reality in favor of a socio-linguistic constructionist world view.

>> No.10372400

we all love postmodern literary and artistic styles but with the absence of identity and inherent cultural structures that come from it, our hierarchies are arguably more based on modernist constructions of facts and science

>> No.10372413

>conflating National Socialism with White Nationalism
Peterson is against white identitarianism.
He doesn't believe in-group preference is a real thing and promotes civic nationalism(Patriotism, Americanism) which is completely meaningless because if you label anyone who lives near you as your own, then there's no overarching set of values or genes that binds people together.
In-Group preference seems to be the single biggest political motivator for everyone except European Caucasians.
We can predict racial voter demographics at any socioeconomic level based on what will benefit their in group the most.

>> No.10372421
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>tfw here since 2005
I want my life back

>> No.10372447

>not using 4chan to better yourself
been here since 2008 and my life has improved significantly
>/fit/ and to a lesser extent /fa/ has made me look good
>/ck/ and /an/ have given me hobbies and passions that translated towards getting a gf
>/lit/ and /his/ made me able to carry on intellectual conversations and provided me with a grounded beginning to my ideological worldviews
>/b/ and /r9k/ have helped me understand how fucking weird and different people are, and that these people are still human like me

This website gives just as much as it takes. you just gotta know where to look. granted,
/d/ gave me a fucking furry inflation fetish

>> No.10372501

if anything the internet is the ultimate disproval of modernism, since literally any claim can be made or refuted by anyone using 'facts and science' to the point that debate has now become two sets of people firing off meaningless statistic-ridden gish gallops and utterly failing to change one anothers' minds in any meaningful sense (except for increasing their hatred of each other) in the process.

>> No.10372548

yeah you're right. If empirical fact was of any value on 4chan /pol/ wouldn't exist.

>> No.10372574

Nah, facts are still observably true.
It's the interpretation and the way by which navigate and use these facts that separate us.
Some facts are displayed in a dishonest way.
For example, my English teacher in high school drank every bit of neo-Marxist Kool-Aid she could. (Fucking coal burning roastie)
One day she stated that you have a higher chance of being raped by a white man than a black man in the US.
Sure, if you don't control for population sizes and utilize raw data, then White men commit more numerical rapes(because white men are a 5x larger pop. In the US), but the statement is incorrect. When you control for populations size, black men perpetrate several times more rape per capita than white men.
Her statement was an error of not comparing equal statistics. The people who taught her in University weren't ignorant either, they intentionally taught her to think that way.

It was indoctrination and it is this kind of dishonest interpretation that leads us to the underlying battle of modernity vs postmodernity.

She said something to the effect of "I cross to the other side of the street when I see a white man."
Knowing what I know now, I'd have pointed these logical errors out, but I accepted it for what it was at the time because she was the authority in the classroom.

>> No.10372583

Which empirical facts debunk /pol/'s core assertions?

(The National Socialist LARPing is not their main point, for some reason it persists though, the jew thing is probably at least partially ironic.)

>> No.10372593

/pol/ has long since passed the point of LARPing and ironic jew-hating. Legit nazis and anti-semites have outnumbered those there for teh lulz xd for years now

>> No.10372601

So long as we're not conflating white nationalism(which seems to be the only thing they can ever agree upon) with National Socialism,

>> No.10372608

I'm not going to construct a /pol/ straw-man for you to pick apart, since they're not a monolith and arguing with /pol/acks is mind-numbing.

I will say that general ideas about the empirical value of race as a biologically valuable metric are useless in any scientific way, and not because of some conspiracy to shut down wrongthinkers.
also the the incorrect assertion that variation between groups is more profound than the variation between individuals within those groups seems to be a common thread that has no basis in scientific fact.


>> No.10372647

You realise replacing part of somebody's name with meme is not an argument right

>> No.10372997

This is how Latinx has been propagated. Just terrible ideas all around thanks to North American campus culture