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/lit/ - Literature

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10351112 No.10351112 [Reply] [Original]

Is he right, though?

>> No.10351170

no, and he sounds like an artistically inert virtue signalling fuckwit

>> No.10351221

Literal fucking who?

>> No.10351232

I think they are to a degree. meaningful, well-written optimism is transcendent, but a happy ass-pull is annoying

>> No.10351234

No, dystopia came as a backlash from sci-fi utopia books like the works of H.G. Wells.
Write comfy utopia novels if you want a hopeful message; dystopia is for bitter ends.

Or better yet just write what you think is best, it will yield better results than some idiot's twitter advice.

>> No.10351267

Yeah he sounds like he pees sitting down

>> No.10351273

>revolutionary victory
this is never good

>> No.10351283

Optimism is cowardice, why read if you just want your values confirmed?

>> No.10351287

Dystopic fiction with a hopeful message is like tragedy with a happy ending.

>> No.10351290

No. He’s a pussy little bitch.

>> No.10351296

This. Revolution always ends in tragedy and oppression, which usually starts another revolution.

>> No.10351297

Probably the main problem of people writing dystopian fiction is that they're writing complete, not so much the dark tone or anything.

>> No.10351350

though what?

>> No.10351364
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No. Pessimism is great.

>> No.10351369

>virtue signalling
fuckin rekt his ass m8

>> No.10351380
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>dystopic fiction

Instantly in the bin

>> No.10351398

Lenin and Stalin turned a backwards 3rd world agrarian, feudal society into the world's first space faring society in the span of 44 years.

P.S. the kulaks deserved it

>> No.10351411

>we wuz rocket scientists
Slavniggers stealing German engineered rocket tech isn't impressive

>> No.10351421

>teleological progress fallacy

>> No.10351429

too bad it was still a shithole

>> No.10351501

It depends on what it does with its message.

Hope is not optimism, as hope stands on need rather than desire.

>> No.10353096

this is a nerf slam.

>> No.10353100

Not much point in sending a stray dog to space if you can't feed your population tho

>> No.10353119

People like to read themselves as a bad secondary character because it relieves them of any responsibility while still allowing them to experience the escapism the sought from the book in the first place. As a relatable secondary bad character the reader can bolster their 'you have to be bad to survive in this world' opinion.

>> No.10353128

>hope is scarce, write your tomorrows
what a faggot
muh radical
disingenuous poseur

>> No.10353130

>P.S. the kulaks deserved it
i hate this meme started by edgy pampered college students. i dont know why it bothers me more than /pol/'s edgy holohoax shit. there's just something snide and cruel about it. anti-semitism is resentful, active hatred... this is like, some kind of sinister cruelty

>> No.10353134

>hope is scarce
Imagine being such an autistic faggot that you have to gain hope through others and fictional stories. I've never read a Dystopia before, but isn't a message of hope always inserted in most them?

>> No.10353138

it's pure malice, a very disturbing thing

>> No.10353140

If I were Stalin you'd be the first person sent to gulag

>> No.10353245
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> Russian Empire had weak economy, guys! It's totally not a rebound after First World War and Civil War!

>> No.10353254
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Also, only naive souls don't realize that under “military communism” provision quotas come beforehand, and then a suitable number of people is dispossessed. Ditto for purges.

>> No.10353291

>he still doesn't realize that US handed this to the Soviets

>> No.10353313

By “this”, you've sure meant Albert Kahn, who built half a thousand factories across the whole Soviet Union.

>> No.10353356

> instead of reflecting on timeless issues of human condition, make sure readers can satisfy themselves with some kind of stupid hopeful message

While there are a deep two-way connections between recurrent ideas of pop literature and past, present, and future being of the public, he sounds like his opinion that “Russian writers are too depressive” is still intact.

>> No.10353367

would have been kind of funny if his avatar was mugi

instead he's just an absolute retard that thinks he knows shit about writing because he played 3 VNs

>> No.10353379

don't worry, i'm sure he's all caught up on the youtube summary of crime and punishment