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File: 761 KB, 1000x1000, orthodoxstarterpack.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10278235 No.10278235[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

starter pack thread

>> No.10278244

i want the cookie sandwich

>> No.10278250

best way to get redpilled by orthodoxy in america?

>> No.10278552

Where the hell do you find enough of these people to even make stereotypes? I figure eastern europe would have legitimate orthodox dudes that aren't memesters going through this shit, I've never encountered an orthodox convert in my entire life

>> No.10278556

trad twitter

>> No.10278559

>tfw Soviet gf
>tfw she likes Navalny
>tfw she's an atheist

>> No.10278595


Search for an Orthodox church in your area, then go to services. I'd recommend going to a weekday Liturgy, or on Wednesday night, or Vespers on Saturday night first.

lol @
>I think BLESSED Augustine might be in heaven
every time

>> No.10278602
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>> No.10278604

Someone make a meme anglican one

>> No.10278609
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>> No.10278617
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>> No.10278627
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>> No.10278628

The topic sentence applies to me, but nothing else does except Zappa.

>> No.10278635
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Same, m-maybe we really are special?

>> No.10278645
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>> No.10278648

Absolutely horrifying

>> No.10278649
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>> No.10278652

Why would a nazi like Zappa

>> No.10278658
File: 275 KB, 602x531, the starter pack.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10278659

damn that dude is starving

>> No.10278661

>from an orthod country(yes, it is shit here)
>dated some religious girl for a while
>if anything she was the least dependant woman I ever met
>if I ever told her to go in the kitchen, even jokingly, I might have expected small pieces of furniture to start flying towards me

Women aren't chink cartoon girls anon.

>> No.10278663
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>> No.10278667

Ah but I love her so

>> No.10278669

who is the dude in the top middle

>> No.10278671
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>> No.10278673

>russia todat thrown in there
What the fuck

>> No.10278680

Don't act superior to me you fucking retard.

>> No.10278691

>reads freud
are there actually people like this

>> No.10278694

Fuck you man hitchhikers is legitimately good. Damnit why is everything I love dying?

>> No.10278696
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How about this one?

>> No.10278700
File: 18 KB, 353x334, b35.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hitchhikers is legitimately good

>> No.10278705

it is though
adams is /redpilled/ af

>> No.10278708
File: 25 KB, 480x460, 1507137602362.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10278709

>>10278602 1/23 (it's 4chan)
>>10278609 3/25
>>10278617 2/13
>>10278627 0/8
>>10278645 0/12
>>10278663 0/11
>>10278671 2/9
>>10278696 6/28
Try harder suckers

>> No.10278710

This one sucks. It's like you just put a bunch of random stuff on an image and called it a day.

>> No.10278713
File: 27 KB, 640x604, 35c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>adams is /redpilled/ af

>> No.10278716

this one's getting close

>> No.10278717
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>> No.10278724

Haha, I'm like that but I mostly listen to depressing country music like Merle Haggard and Hank Sr. while ruminating on how much of a failure I am to my parents. Really makes me wanna kill myself but then I remember hunting season's coming up and that at least I can put some meat on the table with my rifle, still though, I do long and wish for something greater. Someday i'm gonna either kill myself or move to some third world shithole.

>> No.10278726

>hasn't been in a relationship in 4 years
Three words too much

>> No.10278735

>listening to Merle and Hank sr
No van Zandt? Also
>not actually living the depressed outlaw life
Get drunk and get into fights. You got nothing to lose.

>> No.10278736

delet this

>> No.10278742

Oh shit.

>> No.10278747

Where did this meme that cramming a bunch of shit into an image makes it entertaining come from? Most of these could have been better if they cut down on half of the examples and just gave a few (potent) ones.

>> No.10278754

Oh if you wanted the full list of artists, there's quite a few, Van Zandt is certainly on it along with Hellbound Glory, Waylon, DAC, some Corb, Flatland Cavalry, Whitey Morgan, and a fair amount of others, honestly, I ain't gonna list em all here.
>get drunk
Already going down that path, as to getting into fights, quite honestly I don't really feel like having a concussion, and my mental faculties are actually one of the few things that I have that are intact and relatively useful. I have some family that had struggles with that shit and fuck is it just sad seeing them go without being dead. Anyway, cheers m8

>> No.10278760

fuck this is too much

>> No.10278765

This one is Twitter to blame for.

>> No.10278775

Thinking things like that are just dying now

How new are you?

>> No.10278788

>no man, I still haven't found a girl that actually understands me. they are quite dumb around here
this reads like it was written by a European

>> No.10278794

it's just kids that do this. netflix, tumblr, a choker, cats, divergent, someone meets all of that and I guarantee you they're a thirteen year old girl. and i can't laugh at children man. they're just having fun, you can't expect a kid to read Kierkegaard or something.

>> No.10278797

the fact that more than one of you fuckers relates to this bullshit gives me a stomachache

>> No.10278800

Well you've certainly carved a path.

>> No.10278801

Maybe I'm too much of a normie right now, but I don't feel like I resonate to these, and to be honest I think the normie lifestyle is better. I used to be an aspie like 80% of people here, so I know what I'm talking about.

Sure, when you live like a normie you are basically wasting your life in a hedonistic way, I don't think many people will trascend or find great meaning partying or socializing, but the same happens when you are a shut-in who reads everyday, watches anime and/or plays videogames. Whatever you do you are going to regret it and it's ultimately meaningless in the grand scheme of things, so why not have some fun while we are at it?
Also, meeting people is actually quite fun since you get to know a lot of new things, sure most are boring as fuck, but every now and then you meet a hidden gem.

Cheer up guys, if I got out of the hole you will too.

>> No.10278802


>> No.10278809

stop this

>> No.10278830

>and to be honest I think the normie lifestyle is better
Of course it is. Why would so many people be "normies" if they weren't getting enjoyment out of it? Being a normie is the optimal way of living your life in terms of pure happiness and joy. I'm sure most of the people on here would love to be normies, that is not the issue. The issue isn't their refusal to be normies but their inability to transition into a normie lifestyle or philosophy. That is why so many famous writers and philosophers reside on the very edges of society, whether due to sexual perversions, physical ailments or abrasive philosophical beliefs. If these people were admitted into society from a young age and allowed to join the herd then they, for the most part, wouldn't look back. Who would want to sit in a dank, musty room all day, forcing yourself to write instead of going out and fucking? Be grateful anon, for you are blessed.

>> No.10278835
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>> No.10278840

Like 2/20.

>> No.10278844

Not him but I only ever come here to shitpost or find that one rare post that recommends me something I never would have heard about. I mostly dwell on spee and that's by far the most normie board. There's a lot of people like me here I suppose, but we hide our inner normalcy to fit in, because we can, unlike the aspies.

>> No.10278846

goddamn im so annoyed by this guy
though i can see his appeal

>> No.10278852
File: 582 KB, 1576x796, starter pack^n.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10278854

>things I don't like

>> No.10278860

Damn.. this one really hit close to home

>> No.10278896

I think you have the wrong idea. You can have your own ideas and live them with a good deal of integrity, but at the same time you need to know how and when to adapt depending on the crowd.

For example, I'm anti-representative democracy (no, I'm not alt-right) and quite outspoken about it in front of friends and professors. That starts discussions and changes the look some people have on me, but at the same time I don't base my personality on that or make myself a mono-thematic person, sometimes I debate about it and sometimes I just shut up if I see that there's nothing to gain from it. I really don't try to base my personality on anything specific, but I keep my "arsenal" of ideas loaded at all times, I read what I can and I think about the world with the knowledge I pick up from it, but at the same time I don't close myself to learning about what's the trendy stuff, how to dance, approach to people, etc...

The issue with most people here (on 4chan to be honest) is that they devout their time to something too specific and build their lifes around that, instead of trying to experience the world from all the viewpoints that one can reach. Yes, being an aspie that dedicates himself to one thing only will make you a genius, my favourite philosophers were just like that, but at the same time I don't want to be like them, because it seems boring and dull.

Maybe not everyone can be extremely social, but so many people here close themselves to learn how to be decent at it. It's not that complex.

>> No.10278923

Be honest, you're talking about one specific guy that you know irl. Correct?

>> No.10278925
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>> No.10278933

>tap water
kek, just eat toothpaste

>> No.10278939

> you know for a board about books you really can’t read

>> No.10278943

I think what you said can definitely aid an individual in becoming a more interesting and overall 'better' person but it isn't the defining trait of being a spergy robot.

I think what truly chains people to social isolation isn't simply their lack of interest in multiple things or even their inability to experience things from multiple perspectives. I see 'normal' people who fit that description all the time, very boring and uninteresting people who live active and healthy social lives. I believe that it is much more important to be an adequate communicator than it is to be a good or interesting person. Those things help of course but they do not define an individual's social success or failure.

If one has the ability to communicate with others then it is very difficult to fail at forming social bonds. The majority of robots on here do no really hold any insane beliefs or act like maniacs. Many of them are very open people and pursue different hobbies. Their sole issue is that they are unable to communicate their thoughts and feelings to others. Whether that's due to social anxiety or some other cause idk, but those are the issues that truly lay at the heart of the matter. Not their personality, looks or beliefs.

Although I do agree with you that people should try all those things and be much more open to improving themselves. Many have lost all faith in themselves before they even hit 20 and unfortunately, they just keep digging themselves in deeper and deeper year by year. It's sad to see and it is quite difficult to climb your way out of such a rut.

>> No.10278944

You don't have to drink lots of water, you should just drink water instead of unhealthy things like soft drinks.

>> No.10278945

I'm doing none of these except water

>> No.10278947

how do i learn to dance?
pls reply

>> No.10278948

yes you have to drink lots of water shut the fuck up

>> No.10278950

or toothpaste
hell, just drink straight up poison

>> No.10278953

not really. I weighed 200 lbs at 5'3 when I only drank 5 liters of water a day. When I upped it to 7 liters a day I lost around 50 lbs and grew to my current height of 5'6.25. There is definitely something to this.

>> No.10278958

When I started drinking more water I turned into a puddle

>> No.10278959

Out of touch.

>> No.10278961

>being American
Kek, sad destiny

>> No.10278971

>Drink lots of water
>Have to piss all the time

>> No.10278974

only good one in the whole thread.

>> No.10278989

how do you know it's tap, he could've poured bottled water in a glass?

>> No.10278993

Nazis love alternative pop-culture. Most actual Nazis I have met love stuff like Naked Lunch and Tom of Finland.
I once knew a Nazi who bought Children's movies and loaded over them with snuff films from Documenting Reality before leaving them in the discount boxes of thrift stores.

>> No.10279001
File: 120 KB, 620x375, norm-macdonald.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sounds like a real jerk

>> No.10279003

just kill me now.

>> No.10279009

I have all of these to some degree and still feel pretty average, maybe the anti-depressants are losing their edge

>> No.10279010

I get your point, but communication isn't something that's given to us by nature, it's something that we develop and I like to think that everyone has aces up their sleeves when it comes to it. Hell, I used to be god awful at it, but then I started paying close attention to see what people liked to hear when they were opening themselves up and I felt kind of dumb. Generally speaking people don't like straight up advice or opinions when they don't ask for them, and just trying to understand them is enough for most, so I just hear them and go with the flow. When you have to "lead" people, it's better to be sympathetic instead of a dictator, etc...
For a place that has many active readers, very few pay attention to how (good) characters communicate.

I mean, it's true that some people have handicaps, but like I said, I used to be an aspie and I can totally be one given certain topics, but at the same time one needs to dedicate oneself to learning about the things we are weak at. And that is something so many people are not willing to do, getting out of the comfort zone is the big step.

You need to relax your body completely, this is what everyone fails at, put a song you like (House music is particularly easy), forget about your masculity for a second and just move with the beat. Don't do anything too complex, you need to learn how to walk before you run.
Learn how to follow the beat with your head, then learn how to move your legs, when you get it, start moving your arms, shoulders, etc... moving the hips is what you should aim at, because dancing is ultimately something sexual. Don't rush things because you won't learn overnight. Most people dance quite horribly, but if you know how to follow the beat you are better than most males. Also, don't imitate anyone unless you feel confident.

For some reason, females are great at dancing, so if you have a good trustful female friend ask for help, asking a friend to dance with you is a good way to create bonds and maybe get laid if things go that way.
Alcohol helps too, but that's up to you, just get the right ammount.

>> No.10279016

I go in and out of this, I think it's pretty accurate.

>> No.10279025

>getting out of the comfort zone is the big step.
yeah fair enough, I can vibe with that.

>> No.10279041

Not literature.

>> No.10279044

thank you so much anon, i swear being teased about dancing has been the bane of my existence but no more!

>> No.10279052

I'm glad if it helps
Just remember that you might do it bad the first time, but the more you do it, the better you will get at it. Everything counts, dance in the shower, in your bedroom, follow the beat while walking, etc...

>> No.10279064

This would be me if I hadn't gone to university and started reading. Now I can wank and listen to sad music, BUT ALSO find a reason to justify it. I've always been able to have sex or be in relationships too, I think you guys are just terrible at talking to women.

>> No.10279067

Carnists will never know how this feels. Do you imagine how much I save by eating veggies, nibba?

>> No.10279081

alright this one got me. time to log off

>> No.10279082

Hey! Give some merit to the fact that at least 2 of the 4 girls I've approached this year have been in a relationship.
I'm too pure to cheat senpai, even though I think one of them was one of the best woman I've ever met, and she reciprocated feelings.

The other two were not interested in the long run, so I grant you I'm not good at talking with them.

>> No.10279085
File: 52 KB, 271x382, Screen Shot 2017-11-16 at 11.14.27 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

me af lmao

>> No.10279086

they called him the Grey Man

>> No.10279090

y'all niccas need to wonder for 1 second why would in the unholy name of YHWH a pure waifu be interested in you
if you were a pure religious girl you wouldn't set your eyes in yourself, would you?

>> No.10279093

No, His name was Ezra. Cool guy oddly enough.

>> No.10279099
File: 131 KB, 801x1000, stirner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Somebody got called a fucking retard a lot, I wonder why-

>> No.10279105

>toll house
Ok, you got me.

>> No.10279106
File: 37 KB, 316x202, DE0402A4-F08C-479C-A0B4-D20C46F3AD9C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can’t take it anymore! Reddit has completely and totally taken over /lit/. Fuck all of you Redditfags. Go back. Go back. Go back. You’re like niggers who want to move to a white country because yours is so shit, but you don’t realise that filling a country with niggers just turns it into another shithole.

>> No.10279113

even da virgins b hoes brah

>> No.10279125

Orthodoxy is a cultural religion, like Bahá'í or Zen Buddhism. If you're from the West then you're just not compatible with it.

>> No.10279133

Fuck you there's NOTHING wrong with Brubeck or Zappa

>> No.10279138

>t. one of this guy's intellectually inferior friends

>> No.10279161
File: 87 KB, 285x285, 1421303342554.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one makes me angry because I know it's right.

>> No.10279198

It sounds like you were looking for /r/thedonald or for /pol/. Better luck next time, maybe lurk you'll murk her

>> No.10279203

>knowing individual subreddits
>prentending to not be a newfaggot
Reddit please leave. You’re literally just posting shitty Reddit memes.

>> No.10279205

Funny how Russia is the greatest boogeyman now but when Mitt Romney said this exact thing dems all went "haha look at this delusional guy still thinking Cold War is ongoing"

>> No.10279206

That's wrong but ok

>> No.10279209

t. burger

>> No.10279213

From this it looks like there's no diffetence between /r/books and /lit

>> No.10279218

I'm not American.

>> No.10279224
File: 935 KB, 1242x1520, 3123936D-9102-47FC-856A-5F091E56BFFE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh /pol/
>muh r/the_dolan
Is pic related you?

>> No.10279347
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>> No.10279365
File: 35 KB, 840x486, 1510553604216.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this one is really out of touch, the header is a really distinct class of person but you missed the mark completely

where is sam hyde

where is rejection of streetwear brands and fun clothing in favor of monochrome or old-man-wear

where is nofap

where is ironic use of i-want-to-kill-myself memes

where is 'spiderland' and that interpol record?

missing, because you were too tone-deaf to the demog you were trying to model to know to include them

>> No.10279373


>> No.10279378

Yep, I actually am a member of IWW and think we need a Marxist Napoleon to take over the world.

>> No.10279465

fuck even the favorite album

>> No.10279474

You REALLY don't follow the news do you?

>> No.10279499
File: 37 KB, 460x276, Karl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Marxist Napoleon

>> No.10279696

>rejection of streetwear brands and fun clothing
How is spending large amounts of Money on low quality clothing fun? When I can just go to the goodwill and buy all the clothes that I will need for the next 5 years for less than 200 dollars, now that is what I call fun clothing.

>> No.10279737

W-what do you mean, anon?

>> No.10279752


>> No.10279755

Oh I meant that she was born in the Soviet Union before it fell.

>> No.10279756

This post.
>The I unironically attended Hillary Clinton rallies starter pack.

>> No.10279793

The only funny one.

>> No.10279797
File: 58 KB, 256x256, 9835FB19-7D63-4107-9E1E-8B9F11F2F409.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who could be behind this post?

>> No.10279803
File: 281 KB, 1329x3832, kelly friends.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder myself

>> No.10279890

Why are you dating a 30 year old, Anon?

>> No.10279899


>> No.10279962
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>> No.10279967

Classicist is patrician.

>> No.10280035

T. Classicist

>> No.10280074

better than the other two

>> No.10280103

Too real

>> No.10280183

lol the person who made this must be obsessed with their school years

>> No.10280201
File: 14 KB, 480x480, 1492111621575.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no man, I still haven't found a girl that actually understands me. they are quite dumb around here
This got me good. How can I stop being like this? What's wrong with me

>> No.10280212

Thats me when I was like 15

>> No.10280236

Whats the I read while my future self gets fucked by my current inability to choice, care and devote myself towards some goal and get no pussy and will probably work at McDonalds all my life starter pack

>> No.10280240

tfw all of these except career and social/romantic life
Feels bad

>> No.10280387


>> No.10280406

When I was 16, anyway.

Now it's 6/28

>> No.10280709


>> No.10280759

>stop hanging around dumb people
>stop deluding yourself with the "if they don't understand me they're dumb" meme

>> No.10280785

Don't diss russia today like that, it is 10x as good as us media

>> No.10280801

It certainly far more ethnically based than any other sect of the church.
Everyone at my Greek parish (I was prod scandi before) is really nice, but besides some of the friends that got me involved in the first place every one is Greek. It is somewhat difficult. The OCA is interesting in that it's goal is to be the American parish

Well actually there's a Chinese chick who married a Greek dude there too

>> No.10280883

'cause she's cute and I enjoy her company.