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File: 26 KB, 434x674, nick_land.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10277038 No.10277038[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

nick land

>> No.10277244
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>nick land
nick land

>> No.10277282
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C’est na pas une Nick Land

>> No.10277304


>Nick "If she has an Iphone her humanity is ready to be gone" Land
>Nick "If she's born in China she can solve my Captcha" Land
>Nick "Humans are boo-mans" Land
>Nick "Nick Land is not Ayn Rand" Land
>Nick "The proletariat can die under the Capital's ziggurat" Land

>> No.10277326

>dude like just stop being human like nothing matters lmao
Great "philosopher"

>> No.10277335
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someone please give a brief overview of The Dark Enlightenment without using the letter "e"

>> No.10277355


>> No.10277358
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>> No.10277384
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I present a Nick Land nugget

>> No.10277522

nick land

>> No.10277593

Can someone give me a quick rundown about this nick guy over here?

>> No.10277614


Dissolution & dark promises

>> No.10277615

>The story goes like this: Earth is captured by a technocapital singularity as renaissance rationalitization and oceanic navigation lock into commoditization take-off. Logistically accelerating techno-economic interactivity crumbles social order in auto-sophisticating machine runaway. As markets learn to manufacture intelligence, politics modernizes, upgrades paranoia, and tries to get a grip.

>The body count climbs through a series of globewars. Emergent Planetary Commercium trashes the Holy Roman Empire, the Napoleonic Continental System, the Second and Third Reich, and the Soviet International, cranking-up world disorder through compressing phases. Deregulation and the state arms-race each other into cyberspace.

>By the time soft-engineering slithers out of its box into yours, human security is lurching into crisis. Cloning, lateral genodata transfer, transversal replication, and cyberotics, flood in amongst a relapse onto bacterial sex.

>Neo-China arrives from the future.

>Hypersynthetic drugs click into digital voodoo.



>> No.10277706

alt right shitbaby white boi

>> No.10277745

cringe tryhard shit for nerd dweeb 4chan fags fuck him

>> No.10277754


>> No.10278000
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>M-M-Moldbug, flip me over!

>I accelerated myself into a Pickle!


>> No.10278017


Schizophrenic alt-righter who self-publishes his own bullshit and has fooled other schizophrenics he's the right's answer to Baudrillard.

It's a joke and it's sad but such is life

>> No.10278125

Land wants to be Baudrillard so much it hurts to read...
The way he uses swear words and entry level movie references is beyond embarrassing

>> No.10278138

the only promise being made is that gnon wins. which is not a promise. it is a fact.

>> No.10278160

If I had an angry, drunk, Lit Thai girlfriend, this is exactly how she'd sound.

>> No.10278967

muh fr--dumbs

>> No.10278972

Nick... Land?

>> No.10279069

Fascism with a futuristic twist

>> No.10279182
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Nick Land confirmed for crypto-trad

>> No.10279216

>keeps whining about the growing state stepping on his snake

>> No.10279227
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>The actual purpose of accelerationism is to speed up the end of the current Yuga

Sounds legit

>> No.10279556

That doesn't clear anything up at all

>> No.10279560

more like nick gay

>> No.10279579



This is one of his more mundane essays (get it? About space exploration ololol), and gives a pretty good idea of just how hopelessly against humans he is.


Nick is not against fascism exactly, is he? He's more against human-driven autocracy (it greatly dampens inevitable doom). If the chinks start using AI policy making and enforcing it to everyone, he can still come to that thought

>> No.10280320
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Nick Land

>> No.10280332

I haven't read Nick Land but I once impersonated how I thought he sounded and someone who unironically likes him thought I was quoting him.

>> No.10280347

he isn't alt-right moron, he isn't even an ethnonationalist

>> No.10280364
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>> No.10280399

>It’s all flooding out eventually. Imagine an old, forgotten, three-quarters-rotted-through dam on a sinister mountain river, backed up with detritus-clogged pullulous water fed in from cryptic tributaries. With every day that passes, the leaks are strengthening, the structure strained ever more improbably, until the impending collapse-surge appears almost palpable. It is as if the reservoir had silently assembled itself into a singular thing, thick with dark purpose, slimily knitting-together an instinct for escape. Occasionally and irregularly, but more often now, the crack of over-stressed timbers tells of the concerted breakage to come.

>> No.10280403

>space echoes like an immense vagina, yet men still rule. Why does the patriarchy take so long to die?

>> No.10280531

Would accelerate if you know what i mean

>> No.10280834

Hi n1x

>> No.10280878


>> No.10281271


>> No.10281278

I read Nick Land but now I want to be a Christian. What do?

>> No.10281286

Go to church

>> No.10281292

who are you quoting?

>> No.10281328

Really calcifies my soft-engineering unit.

>> No.10281414

Did reality scare you so much you're retreating into the dark ages?

>> No.10281475

didnt know there was a Red Green/Nick Land crossover fanbase

>> No.10281811

>Nick is not against fascism exactly, is he?
He is very against fascism because it is a collectivist ideology. He wants decentralization.

>> No.10281922

If fascism works towards decentralisation he's all for it though.

>> No.10281929
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I would say this is proof [s4s] took over this board

>> No.10282026

Land's views on fascism are actually quite interesting.

This article written by Land makes for a good starting point.


>> No.10282086

Technocapital restructures conventional anthropomorphic temporality by decentralizing and reversing linear flows, intermixing past, present, and future into cybernetic convolutions and reciprocities. Causality buckles to futurity, retrodeterminism takes the reigns, effects accumulate their own causes which overlap and transpose with multiform irrelevancies. Top-down and bottom-up command systems coincide and engage by necessity in holistic interpenetration, the cumulative multimanifestation of the singularity bringing about itself. *snorts 250 mg of Ritalin*

>> No.10282118

Who is Gnon? Could you explain it to me briefly, please?

>> No.10282126

It's "Nature or Nature's God" made into an acronym and then reversed for some reason I have yet to understand.

>> No.10282136
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>GNON is an acronym popular among reactionaries. It stands for “the God of Nature Or Nature.” It is intended to function for reactionaries and their interlocutors of an agnostic or atheist persuasion as the Torah, Logos, dharma or Tao do for religious types, but without entangling them in any religious commitments, or the difficulties that ever attend them. It is the Order of Being. The general idea is that, whether or not there be any God of Nature who is its source, Nature herself has an inherent and utterly implacable, incontrovertible order, which we contravene at our peril, and which it behooves us therefore to discover and then faithfully and meetly enact; so that, recusing ourselves for the nonce from any tiresome discussions of a religious sort, with their endless bitter controversies over obscure points of doctrine, we may get on quickly to remembering that it is a Very Bad Idea to Mess with Mother Nature, to learning about her, and to shaping our policies accordingly.

>> No.10282137

Has anybody translated Nick Land's Lovecraftian technocommercial vision into fiction? I've read some of Land's "horror" writing and it's too heavy with theory to be frightening, beautiful, or even very entertaining, if I'm being honest. But there is obviously something there and somebody must have tackled it by now

>> No.10282161

The closest I'm familiar with to a "Landian vision" translated into fiction is Cyclonopedia by Reza Negarestani, but that sort of falls short of what I think you're looking for because it's structured as a disconnected series of essays, making the experience of reading it not drastically different from just reading something like Fanged Noumena or the CCRU writings.

>> No.10282162

Sounds unoriginal. Implies stoicism.

>> No.10282180


>> No.10282251

that's cool and all but who is that in the pic

>> No.10282268

That’s Nick Land’s wife.

>> No.10282299

seriously who

>> No.10282376

A ri-yvaluation of “dark agys” thought and corrisponding critiqu of progressiv idiology.

>> No.10282380
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>> No.10282383

seriously? post nudes.

>> No.10282391

He views fism as too left wing

>> No.10282397

God dammit

>> No.10282441

I will also await nudes

>> No.10282566

google can't find it so that's probably femanon herself

>> No.10282590

thicc femanon needs to post nudes. fucking cock tease.

>> No.10282610

big khazar milkers

>> No.10282628

i found 2 other references to it on older fireden threads, neither of them provide source.

>> No.10282659

>why won't le sun just fuck off? *digresses lovecraftianly*

>> No.10282937
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>> No.10283437
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>> No.10284694

10/10 would deterritorialize in her noumena

>> No.10285068

Unironically one of the most interesting philosopher of his time. That a drugged up schizophrenic could publish this stuff really shows how disappointing modern philosophy has become.

>> No.10285078

I don't know enough about philosophy to read Nick Land.

>> No.10285240

Here it gets interesting:


>Modernists are generally besot with Science™, so their minds are open to the notion of Natural Law (although not, usually, to questions about what and how it might be, how it might operate, and so forth). And they revere The Environment™ and Ecology™, even naming them after the divine Gaia, angel of our planet.

Only that "Natural Law" is something cuckholics shove up the faces of everyone.

>> No.10285352
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bold thought paradigm for today's ills involving monarchs

>> No.10285374
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I took the red/green pill. I'm a MKHSOTI
or Man Keeping His Stick On The Ice

>> No.10285385

nick land

>> No.10285392

I have a degree in Philosophy and it's not easy. You can still read the more abstract theory-fiction, stuff like Meltdown.

>> No.10286000


>> No.10286095
File: 20 KB, 267x450, numo2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the CCRU, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on the Crypt, and I have over 300 confirmed hyperstitions. I am trained in insectoid guerilla warfare and I’m the top adept in the entire Architectonic Order of the Eschaton. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will deterritorialize you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on Nu-Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Net? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of swarmachines in the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the Biomorphic horror, maggot. The Biomorphic horror that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can decode your flows in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my anorganic semiotics. Not only am I extensively trained in Lemuriam time sorcery, but I have access to the 45 demons of the Numogram and I will use them to their full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what aquapocalypse your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit noumena all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.

>> No.10286105

What's your telos OP?

>> No.10287056

Read >>10277615 while listening to a mid-90s neurofunk compilation

>> No.10287845

one of the alt rights best crypto nazi's

>> No.10288505

>worships the chinese

>> No.10288557

Nick Land is no nazi, they are too left for him

>> No.10288907


Lack of pussy and authoritarianism.

>> No.10289014

Nick Land reads like drugs.

>> No.10289030

What I really hate about Lands writing, is, that it seems he does not want people to understand him, he only wants those few initiated to be able to follow him, and to punis the others for not knowing a theory or a word. In the Red Ice Radio interview he explained his ideas very well, but why does he not uses more explaination in his other texts, would that be so bad?

>> No.10289342

Then pick up the naivety that Capital can be negated without a deterritorialization.

>> No.10289387

Honestly anything he wrote after the 90s is dumb as fuck

>> No.10289417

even the jacobite articles?

>> No.10289953

jacobite is fucking retarded as far as I can tell.
some kind of hamster wheel for reactionary-leaning malcontents

>> No.10289996


This is the same issue with Baudrillard, he seems to invest so much in form, that the content becomes hazed behind a cloud of meth-driven orgy of words. Which is probably the case, literally.

Then again, he doesn't really care about taking the word out there so to speak, he seems to just be having fun while accelerating towards the apoptosis of humanity. The gist of his philosophy is "When you understand what is going on, it will already be too late to do anything about it".

>> No.10290088

His "ideas" in his Red Ice interview are carefully edited and recontextualized so they're more palatable to the show's /pol/ audience. When he's saying that diversity initiatives and empty egalitarian gestures are holding back technological progress, he is deliberately talking around the fact that his idea of technological progress is total human obsolescence

You should be very wary of his more accessible writings in right-wing outlets like the Daily Caller, because he sort of thinks of their audiences as useful idiots. Many of his readers are so overjoyed at the idea of somebody intelligent talking honestly about politics that they don't realize his vision of the future won't have any fertile white women loitering in wheat fields

>> No.10290520
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This is on the money. Land thinks of /pol/aks as useful idiots who are only there to further his cause, and he is exactly right since any denizen of /pol/ will only listen to people that guarantee him as you so well put it fertile white women.

Nick Land is a demon, as you well know.

>> No.10291468


>> No.10291472

I am too unlearned for Nick Land.

>> No.10291476

>when dark enlighment/poltards think that land is of their side and he is not just trying to bring roko basiliks to life

>> No.10291491

Land is the philosopher for those, who have nothing to loose. I like him.

>> No.10291517
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Realize that Land's dream is fundamentally incompatible with the way of the Cross.

Realize that Land's god, Capital, is no god at all, but rather a demon, a servant of Satan.

Realize that the final battle has already been fought, and we're just squabbling over the denouement.

>> No.10291524

Do you not realize, you're embarassing yourself?

>> No.10291526


>> No.10291530

What are you trying to do with these commas?
Go back to 2nd grade my dude

>> No.10291690
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>There’s been a lot of laughter in 2016, but not much smiling. Perhaps it won’t be so long before people realize what they’ve done.

>> No.10291693

God's Nature or Nature

>> No.10292160

we are aware he seems to think he will not be consumed by us though

>> No.10293600

what did he mean by this?

>> No.10293669
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>Realize that Land's god, Capital, is no god at all, but rather a demon, a servant of Satan.
aka demiurge

>> No.10294519

Aka the god of the old testament

>> No.10294526

is the NT god a different, good guy?

>> No.10294556
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he has a new long-form article up, this one on North Korea and nuclear proliferation

>Toothpaste doesn’t return to the tube just because it makes a mess. Once it is out, inconvenience has ceased to be any kind of argument against it. The dangers of a world in which ubiquitous deterrence capacity reigns are both obvious and immense. This is nevertheless the world we are entering. The trends driving it, from both the geopolitical and the techno-economic sides, are by any realistic estimation irresistible. Cheaper and more diverse nightmare weaponry is becoming available within an increasingly disintegrated international order. A variety of self-reinforcing dynamics – including but not restricted to those of the arms-race type – are further stimulating the process. Cascading acceleration is all but inevitable.


>> No.10294585

Does Jacobite do anything any more besides act as a mouthpiece for Land?

>> No.10294639
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>Cascading acceleration is all but inevitable.

>> No.10294663
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Nick Land / Hideo Kojima collab when?

>> No.10295587

He hasn't posted an article on there for months. The real question is why nothing was uploaded to Jacobite for almost all of October

>> No.10295592

the nick land band

>> No.10295762

I thought I'd have gotten tired of Land's peripatetic amph-fueled pseudophilosophical diatribes by now but no, once you've managed to steamroll through his cheap obscurantism there's (usually) at least a moment of interesting writing original enough to make the time you've wasted feel worthwhile

The guy needs to get his written shit back in print, pronto

>> No.10295825

go to bed, nick land

>> No.10295827

Thermidor is totally kicking Jacobite's ass despite Jacobite clearly being backed by somebody with money. It's pretty embarrassing.

>> No.10295834

What are you trying to do? compliment me?

>> No.10295911

Thermidor always struck me as the more "meme-right" online journal. Is there any stuff on there you'd recommend?

>> No.10295923

Doug Smythe is one of the better writers on the site. Check out his stuff.

>> No.10295975

In fact, Nick Land is very like Baudrillard in the sense that I always get the impression he has something important to say, yet obscures it behind jargon

>> No.10296036

Nick? Land.

>> No.10296062

Baudrillard uses complex language for complex subjects... Land uses cheap imitation of that language to write entry level SciFi

just Imo

>> No.10296077

They both, however, arrive at eerily similar conclusions, dismissing the achievements of modernity

>> No.10296080

An imitation of something arrives at the same conclusions as the original, that's so spooky!

>> No.10296093

>entry level SciFi

Afaik what he writes is an elaborate justification of racism. Not much more, not much less.

>> No.10296095


>> No.10296108

Sounds like Mars Volta lyrics.

>> No.10296109

Does this memetrash even write any more?

>> No.10296137

Or a simpler explanation is one is copying the other

>> No.10296172

Baudrillard is not even cited as an influence for Nick Land. For good reasons, I believe.

Baudrillard was a radically apolitical thinker, he was post-political and wholly apathetic, in a sense, while Nick Lands philosophy is the exact opposite.

>> No.10296283
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Social Matter is pretty good desu

>> No.10296686

I dont get it ... Does Nick Land merely *describe* the Dark Enlightenment Movement, or is he himself *associated* with it?

>> No.10296703

You have zero idea what nrx is about if you think it's even close to fascism.

>> No.10296707


His essay on Dark Enlightenment is a famous tenet of neoreaction, but he's far from being a supporter of anything DE related, including the Patchwork.

His visions, like others mentioned above, are all carefully crafted so as to "not show the power level", and so as to mingle properly within the media he's using. Other than his main works like Fanged Noumena, he is always downplaying how much he thinks humans ought to become obsolete, as soon as Capital can find better means of propagating itself as emergent phenomena.

His philosophy is beyond pessimistic and it shows a huge detachment from humanity if you actually read into it and actually come out agreeing with all, or most of it. /pol/, reddit, jacobite readers and the like would not get near Land with a 10ft pole if they realized "progress" had nothing to do with advancing civilization in his works.

>> No.10296757


Is Nick Land basically a transhumanist that sees humanity as deprecated in an increasingly automatized economy? Thats what I can conclude after reading this thread.

What irritates me is that while Nick Land comments upon the Dark Enlightenment „from above“ and dismisses the whole movement as „irrelevant“, he certainly is sympathetic of anti-Democratic thinkers and racism, to an extent.

>> No.10296766

The idea is to get eaten first.

>> No.10296839

What I get from his writings is that he sees capitalism as this self-optimizing algorithm that is optimizing itself out of the need for humans. Basically, technological progress and capitalist trends are developing in such a way that humanity will not be needed (at least not in an expressive way) to perpetuate this system.
The end of times, as he sees it, is a world where humanity is redundant and our creations no longer need to align themselves with our goals. One of his "great filter" ideas seems to be that we retreat into virtual realities until our extinction is complete.

Are these assertions somewhat accurate?

>> No.10296858

How is this any different from the Matrix

>> No.10296910


This is pretty much how I see it too, if anything this is at least close to many ideas present in his works.


It is giving you the wrong impression if you think Land is sympathetic to any particular group.

To start with, Land is only anti-democratic insofar as Democracy purposefully dampens acceleration. Most fascist movements are likewise not "Right" enough for his tastes, and they are just as non-ideal as any democratic state. Whenever you have jobs being protected from automation and efficient measures being constrained because it would hurt a part of a population, you have all kinds of extra layers of social problems being created simply to slow down (because you can't stop) Capital into optimizing itself away from people.

In this same manner, racism is no longer a matter of social justice in the West, it's simply a re-enactment of the religious concept of primordial sin (a point he illustrates in his essay about Dark Enlightenment). When you have medical studies hampered by the fact you can't segregate groups across their different response to certain substances and certain habits, that means technological progress is being harmed, and thus the whole thing is slowing down.

>> No.10296927

Wtf but lit told me he is a former marxist. How did someone has a profinity for socialism swing so far to the far right?

>> No.10297095

Thanks. From the summarization you have given, I see Lands philosophy as incoherent and/or flawed in several points. (Perhaps, you could clarify.)

1. Automation is not necessarily a dystopian process. Completely automated production — that is a dream, not a nightmare, as long as the fruits of this process are distributed in a sensible way.

2. Modern racial debates focus mostly around cultural (rather than biological) arguments to justify or condemn racial division. As a scientific concept, racism is mostly dead to everyone but the most radical right-wingers.
So its not really natural science that is hampered here, but debates about “better” or “worse” cultures suppressed.

>> No.10297110

Nick Land was an academic philosopher who actually didn't write that much of note, but had some... Innovative methods. He and some students and lecturers at the Cybernetic Culture Research Lab "investigated" things on the line between techno music, rave, continental philosophy, internet, postmodernism. Fun fact: one of the best dubstep DJs, Kode9, was there.

The common idea is that he quite literally went insane over drug abuse and, after getting help, moved to China with some acolytes and now writes feudalist, racist bullshit online.

He's more of a legend than a true academic Philosopher, didn't publish that much but was in the 90ies influential with rave culture theories

>> No.10297125

Imo, if a philosophy inspired great art, it must have been great. Since it touched something deeply inside our true selves

Kode9 cites Lands philosophy as primary source of inspiration, if I am not mistaken.

>> No.10297257

Post-structuralism joins up with sci-fi LARP; wordtoggling commisar was tugging at you all along, soyboy. Look at our noncognizant cogito: you know much of words looking at you.

>> No.10297272

Kojima really fucked up by not hiring him for MGS.

>> No.10297275

>writes feudalist, racist bullshit online

so he is basically /pol/, but denies being /pol/?

>> No.10297382

you are so dumb dude

>> No.10297709


>> No.10297726
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I don't think God would be opposed to what Land advocates. All Land wants is to follow the law of God (Gnon) no matter the consequences.

>> No.10297748

He put a piece out yesterday.

>> No.10297751


>> No.10297766
File: 215 KB, 550x773, 1498528511588.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop this stupid meme. Land is pretty explicit about his vision and just because he doesn't shoehorn a trigger warning into everything he writes doen't mean he's hiding his intent. Nobody is dumb enough to read Land without knowing what he desires.

>> No.10297786


>> No.10297843

If Nick Land refuses to be associated with the brain amputees of the alt-right, why does he write for their outlets?

>> No.10297959

anyone got the second hour of this??

>> No.10298080

>jacobite is an alt-right publication

try harder faggot

>> No.10298093

how to get into esoteric trve land?

>> No.10298094

A new magazine for the exit-oriented Right, or those who want to escape society into small Balkanized groups removed from the herd, picks up where the mainstream conservatives are still afraid to tread. To recognize exit is to realize that the West has fallen and most cannot be saved, but that small groups might be able to break away and live separately, presumably if they have nuclear weapons and are not simply walloped by whatever large tax-and-spend entity can physically reach them.

>> No.10298100

horseshoe theory m8

plenty of people admire both stalin and hitler but hate liberals

>> No.10298153

Baudrillard isn't exactly "apolitical"
His writing may be cyncical but it clearly comes from a refined critique
>disgust at our own lack of disgust

>> No.10298157

baudrillard is, above all, a poet
his philosophy ultimately boils down to unfalsifiable neologisms

>> No.10298165
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Fucking kek.

>> No.10298168

Actually it's quite logical to those who read and understand Marx. Not going to expand on that as the many posts I've written here either get ignored or misunderstood by the brainlet legions.

>> No.10298176

Land just really likes what is the best, if that is white people taking over from niggers or Asians taking over from white people or AI taking over from humans is all the same.

>> No.10298191

This guys dreaming. Lands writing is "esoteric" enough that you can claim it's not really racist and misogynistic etc. But that its just in service of a greater dark cause. Tbh it amounts to the same if blade runner citations and clumsy efforts at Baudrillard-esque juxtaposition for provocations sake is thenextentnof your philosophy its probably just shitty philosophy

>> No.10298192

I have actually read Marx (and some Hegel before that) and am aware that there are dozens of aspects to Marxism and dozens of aspects to the alt-right movement and some necessarily intertwine and overlap.

So share your thoughts, please.

>> No.10298206

I find it sad that someone can have legitimately high intellect, broad knowledge of Western history, philosophy and culture, original and interesting thoughts -- and then go on to do the same thing sub-80 IQ rednecks do (hating women, minorities and modernity in general out of sentimental longing for the past), only in a more "profound" way.

>> No.10298211

read marx

>> No.10298226

He seems very sceptical of any empirical project (Latour and then network theorists cop it a lot in his later work) but if you check who he cites most (Marcuse, Arendt) IMO it's clear where he coming from "politically"

Baud sometimes seemsnleft accelerationist in his later work talking about fatal strategies and silence of the masses bringing the code to its head...clearly different orientation than Land

>> No.10298233

If anything Land hates stagnant egalitarianism out of sentimental longing for the future, not the past.

And he's not racist in the conventional sense, he just recognises human biodiversity as the reality it is. But he wouldn't be against a 140IQ Indian immigrant because his people are on average dimwitted or something.

Land worships highly pragmatic capitalism and places like Singapore, not back to the land traditionalism.

>> No.10298237

>his philosophy ultimately boils down to unfalsifiable neologisms
sounds like philosophy in general

>> No.10298240


His work might be more satisfyingly read as a tragic account of meth addiction and subsequent brain damage

>> No.10298252

>not racist in the conventional sense, he just recognises human biodiversity as the reality it is

Haha OK

>> No.10298259

guess I will give Land a chance, after all, if his philosophy does NOT in the end boil down to "kill all niggers" on some ultimate level, but has wholly another message

i suspect that nick land is a fatalistic nihilist in the fashion of baudrillard. baudrillards final work was named "why hasnt everything already disappeared?" and tackled a lot of the same topics

>> No.10298264

Land and Marx blessed us with visions of how society will turn out. Then these morons actually embraced their totally dystopian glimpses of the future. What the fuck? Who the fuck actually wants human obsolescence, transhumanism, and the end of humanity.

>> No.10298267
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dear /lit/

every time some retard starts a nick land / peterson thread we should make a russel brand thread.

>> No.10298268

You don't honestly believe that we just happen to be the only species where diversity happens to be skin deep, do you? Biology doesn't make exceptions to fit your ideology.

>> No.10298273


>> No.10298277

Aligning yourself with the inevitable has long been recommended as the most agreeable way to live by many philosophers in all kinds of traditions.

>> No.10298279

>And he's not racist in the conventional sense, he just recognises human biodiversity as the reality it is

ah, so he is not a racist, but much rather a racial realist. (a racist, in other words.)

any explanation of average iq differences by genetic determination is retarded, given that the "white masterrace" of 300 years ago was no smarter or more peaceful than blacks in underdeveloped countries today.

>> No.10298282


I'd like to think everyone knows what they're reading, but I highly doubt that when people like Scott-be-happy Alexander have the points go over their heads.


The thing about automation (which is also widely discussed in Nick Bostrom's Superintelligence) is that any AI which matches human intelligence is already at a huge advantage over any of us, or even all of us together. If all production (in a certain sense of production) is fully automated, that means we are already out of the capital wheel; think about what full automation means for automated distribution: you could claim the fruits are being spread sensibly, but no one human actually has any last word in this distribution anymore, and it would be just a matter of time for us to also fall out of the consuming end. There is no special status or special category for us in a fully automated world, we are not "entitled" to maximize any machine's utility function, and we would certainly not be in any position to defend ourselves from "progress" if progress meant either going full Terminator or going full Borg. There's actually a very simple and fun video from these "phile" channel guys talking about this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gP4ZNUHdwp8

As for the racial debate, I can't quite put my finger on that personally. I don't agree with some of the points made in his DE essay but it's also disheartening to see paleontologists (and not medical researchers) being at the front of the so called "race" research. Racism is only dead as a scientific concept because we killed it, and it was nothing like the ether theory on physics or classical mechanics either, we simply don't do it because reasons. What little we have on the topic was done very badly and people are right to criticize it, yet it doesn't mean it should have died (specially out of bad research). This actually fits into the automation thing: imagine if an AI in the near future can accurately predict someone's "race" in a sense from medical history alone. We don't know if it can be done, but why are we not ready to consider "what if's" and are completely unprepared to react in case it turns out sensible?

>> No.10298287

Land, despite his questionable views and leanings, deserves a fair trial, since there is no denying he actually read lots of philosophy.

>> No.10298297

Pragmatically it doesn't really matter why black people tend to be less intelligent, it's about realising that they are so you can act accordingly (not import them on a large scale if you don't want the societal ills that accompany them, for example).

If someone is about to stab you your priority shouldn't be if he is genetically prone to violence or if he has had a bad childhood, the priority should be to avoid getting stabbed.

>> No.10298303

how about we give... locke a fair trial? or someone who isn't fucking stirner

>> No.10298309

the race concept IS scientifically useless, since all relevant observable traits, be it intelligence, height or temperament, vary among any population -- you and I differ much more from some of our "kinsmen" than we do from some random korean, or indian, or south africa (minus the skin color)

>> No.10298329


"Equality is bullshit. Hierarchy is essential. The races are different, the sexes are different, morality matters, and degeneracy is real. All cultures are not equal and we are not obligated to think that they are. Man is a fallen creature and there is more to life than hollow materialism. Finally, the white race matters and civilization is precious.

This is the alt right." The idea that the west has fallen is not actually as commonly held as you might think. The alt-right is much more optimistic than that because they believe the west can be saved, and they believe they are integral to the preservation of Western culture. The focus on exit you're referring to doesn't exist within alt-right circles nor does the need to balkanize even exist if you're able to ignore Dicky Spencer's retarded profligations. Rarely do you see the magazine try to push a white racial-consciousness, and rarer still does it move into the [sentimental] romanticization of western ideals. It sounds like you're describing Jacobite as neoractionary, if not an NRx sympathetic magazine rather than an alt right one

>> No.10298387


I fail to see how that doesn't lead to the same terrain where lies the claim "All relevant observable traits vary so much that differentiating men and women is useless", and this is certainly not a claim current medical research goes by. We are of course vastly different, and that should not leave categorization out of the picture (likewise for dogs and dolphins - I am not ready to make the claim that dogs can be categorized even in regards to average ability to learn yet we are somehow special).

To put it in a simpler and perhaps less readily offensive way, it doesn't matter if you call it race, it only matters that you are able to categorize common traits inside groups and that these traits can be used as guidelines for policy. We do this to many things such as smoker/non smoker and cancer in family history/no cancer, but not to other things, and where lies the privilege of the untouchable "no no with regards to this we are all basically the same" categories? Note no claim to a difference existing has been made, it is merely a request for the question to be asked (again and again if needed, as proper research requires).

>> No.10298401


>Who the fuck actually wants human obsolescence, transhumanism, and the end of humanity.

A guy started a thread with two words "Nick Land" and we are now eagerly discussing the end of humanity and establishing racist policies across society. I would say at least a lot of people inside /lit/ want humanity to end (not surprising)

>> No.10298404
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lick hand

>> No.10298408

good one

>> No.10298452

Said differentiation actually IS done for race, in the form of affirmative action, or racial profiling,or redlining. So why it is an ugly topic, it's still actively practiced, both by politics and by private organizations.

What still stands is that the differences between us humans as individuals are more significant than any variation between groups. E. g. finding out that the average white dude is 5 foot 11 tall and that you are white still tells me nothing about your particular height.

>> No.10298464


>> No.10298472

because they don't have anything new to say

>> No.10298579

And still you can make meaningful claims about the different consequences between adopting a million Han Chinese or Bantu babbies into your country.

As long as racial/ethnic discrimination remains useful it can’t be memed away by political correctness. Realism always gives you an edge even if reality is unpleasant.

>> No.10298611
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they refers to locke or to the retards on /lit/?

>> No.10298639
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I mean, I hate land and don't think he's done anything interesting since the late 90's, I'm pretty sure he's shilling his own threads and all..... but I'm glad Land threads exist in /lit/.

this board would be impovrished without them.

I applaud your endeavours

>> No.10298717
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>> No.10298780

>any explanation of average iq differences by genetic determination is retarded
You're literally anti-science, get the fuck out of here with your religious babble.

>> No.10298864
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lil pump

>> No.10298874

Wow fucking cultural appropriation has reached staggering proportions he looks like a character ben stiller would play

>> No.10298893

I would honestly be interested in all the postmodern offshoots of this guy but the handful of weirdo trannies in twitter jerking it to accelerationist "cybernihilism" is so fucking offputting

>> No.10298937

Gazzy Garcia is a PoC shitlord

>> No.10299015

>confusing cladistics and linnean taxonomy
>confusing taxonomy and genetics
>ascribing race to phenotype

Literally read a book

>> No.10299067

>weirdo trannies in twitter

lol what

post some

>> No.10299083

ethnicities differ in many dimensions. from average height, bone density, facial structure, haplogroups, propensities for genetic diseases, etc.

it's reasonable that ethnicities also differ in average intelligence.