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/lit/ - Literature

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10239773 No.10239773 [Reply] [Original]

Also what do you listen to when you do stuff that doesn't need concentration?

>> No.10239791

All political b.s. completely aside, it's the beat musical since Les Miserables

>> No.10239868

I like it. I don't like how people I know reference it to current political issues, but I don't really blame the musical for that.

>> No.10239891

It's goofy showtunes, pretty good but it shows that the best songs tend to the most standard broadway songs by Burr.

>> No.10239922

Garbage. Listen to the White House Cantata for a good founding fathers musical.

>> No.10240088

It's one of the single most repulsive things American culture has ever produced and objective proof of the nation's decline

People occasionally complain about Kim Kardashian, McDonald's and the Transformers franchise, but at least nobody confuses those things with intelligent and skillful art. When acknowledged by cultural tastemakers and their acolytes, they're recognized as trash and treated as a guilty pleasure. If trendy ironybros and tumblr girls embrace garbage, they do so in an overly exaggerated and self-conscious manner that's well-aware of its reputation

But middlebrow trash like Hamilton is so much more dangerous than the lowbrow because nobody feels any need to be ashamed of it. They sincerely don't know why they should be ashamed because they have no standards or way of separating quality from horseshit. The modern American is so detached from art, history, literature and music that a hip hop sitcom like Hamilton can genuinely be considered a work of genius

In a couple of decades it'll probably be taught alongside Shakespeare in public schools

>> No.10240123

I don't think anyone thinks of it THAT highly. Anyway what do you like to listen to?

>> No.10240303

How is this any different from Epic Rap Battles of History? It's just nerdy educational rap for well-to-do white people

>> No.10240306

Michelle Obama called it the greatest piece of art ever created

>> No.10240309

Are musicals /lit/?

>> No.10240315

Plays are so I guess. If you just read it you're missing the music though.

>> No.10240344

In order for something to be literature, it needs to be good.

Fucking this. Holy shit, it's an alright musical, but it's just that. It's a musical. It's light entertainment for the bourgeois. Getting tickets to Hamilton is a status symbol far more important than actually seeing the show itself. It's entertainment for a country full of the nouveau riche who are so uneducated and divorced from their own goddamn culture that the second they see something mediocre, they seize upon it and elevate it to the position of masterpiece.

The Masses have seized control of the spaces reserved for the Aristocracy, and the result is a hip hop musical theater production about the founding fathers. Imagine reading that sentence aloud to a person from a century or two ago.

>> No.10240357

What's the solution?

>> No.10240375

>Implying that there can be a solution within this generation
The answer is creating a culture in which Art of all kinds is held up to a real critical and cultural standard again. But, of course, that would involve a complete change in the domestic and educational lives of Americans, which isn't going to happen any time soon.

>> No.10240398

I don't really care about its politics because I'm just so tired of that shit but I thought the music was awful. I'm not any type of authority on hip hop and I don't exactly like it but I have listened to "the classics" and I'm not sure how people consider this good hip hop.

>> No.10240429

This. It's like being alive in a nightmare where you can't wake up.

>> No.10240434

Superhero movies regularly get 90%+ on rotten tomatoes. I've given up hope a long time ago

>> No.10240468

as much as I despise trap rap, mumble rap, and all the other garbage that comprises hip hop in the current year, the surest indicator that rap is totally finished is its appearance as a Broadway play.

All the young folks get to crow about "we legitimate now" and all the old folks who dismissed it when we had Rakim et al. can now feel safe and hip for enjoying it in a way that panders to them, and neither of these things have a damn thing to do with hip hop.

>> No.10240485

I think it's funny that he wrote a musical about Hamilton supporting immigration when the real Hamilton's view was essentially "I'm a good immigrant, but let's not let anymore in.

I want /mu/ to leave this board more than any other.

>> No.10240503

been on this board since day one, pal

>> No.10240513
File: 109 KB, 900x800, kamaradenkierkegaard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I only listen to music based upon the writing of S. Kierkegaard.

>> No.10240521
File: 57 KB, 448x682, rarekierkegaard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10240568

I'd assumed this was just for gay or effete hipsters

>> No.10240644

The musical was clearly written with intention of commenting on modern political issues.