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/lit/ - Literature

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10232511 No.10232511[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

some lad on /r9k/ recommend me a book called "noises from the underground" a while ago. i look for it online today but i can't found at all anywhere

i think it was by a russian author. "turgenev" ranged a bell but i looked up ivan turgenev: couldn't find it.

can you clever lads help me out?

>> No.10232516

>he browses /r9k/
Kill yourself

Also, it's notes. Now fuck off back, you sad sack of shit

>> No.10232518


>> No.10232520

It's Notes by Dostoe idiot

>> No.10232524

Turgenev is better than Dostoevsky in a lot of ways but if you're /r9k/ than you will be affected by Notes, even more so if you are resentful about your intelligence relative to your position in life

>> No.10232534

no it's not notes, i screenshotted and it's defiantly noises. thanks for quickly replying, however

shut the fuck up. no offence to everyone else on this board, /r9k/ is way better than /lit/. and i was stroking your egos by calling you clever lads but people on /lit/ talking about dumb pointless shit while people on /r9k talking about things that matter. some of you might be clever but average is dumber than /r9k/

>> No.10232552

>while people on /r9k talking about things that matter
That's nice, dear, now go rinse out your piss bottles and find a thread about the size of women's labia

>> No.10232561


>> No.10232569

You must be baiting

>> No.10232578
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>/lit/ talking about dumb pointless shit while people on /r9k talking about things that matter.
Foundation of value structures and the myriad human experience vs Blacked bait and women hate

>> No.10232586


>> No.10232596

Try the redpill, and you'll realize why we're discussing important things and your not

>> No.10232602
File: 31 KB, 728x546, aid278241-v4-728px-Bait-a-Worm-Step-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10232611

Don't laugh, this will probably be an accepted spelling in 10-20 years.

>> No.10232626

I'm not laughing, I'm fucking scared because this is the prototypical example of retards refusing to spellcheck. It scares me because this one in particular is so ubiquitous, that were it continue on in the future unchallenged then it would effectively be example of the constriction of human language and therefore expression. The endgame of newspeak in action.

No, I'm not laughing. I'm definitely defiant.

>> No.10232655

Put a little effort in next time and you can bait people proper rather than just confuse them

>> No.10232855


>> No.10232859

i think we can all agree that OP is an unlettered retard and he fully deserves whatever kind of miserable existence he's living

>> No.10232885

>gets name wrong
>people point this out
>calls everyone else a pesud out of anger
>seriously things /r9k/ contains anything of value
>"I called you clever I gave you a compliment I deserve something in return!"

the worst part is that he isn't even baiting

>> No.10232954

>isn't even baiting

>> No.10233472

he was quite obviously baiting from the very first post you fucking retard, this thread shouldn't have gotten a single serious reply

>> No.10233476

>No, I'm not laughing. I'm definitely defiant.
If I had emojis on my PC keyboard I'd post the 'tears in closed eyes, open-mouthed smiling' emoji right now

>> No.10233524

>better than...literally one other board
very, very bad b8

>> No.10233527

Thread reported. Sage goes in all fields.

>> No.10233759

You guys are all playing along right? Nobody here thinks this is a real OP. Im taking reverse bait rn

>> No.10233876
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>> No.10233904
File: 17 KB, 236x236, 91758893634f686a05080214050dd954eb1cf2f595bcb27b4d50227b69cdf96a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

skillfully executed op

>> No.10233938

>There are people who don't recognize that Dostoevsky is playing a double game with the Underground, making him a smart but ultimately miserable, evil person
>Not recognizing that Liza, despite her naivety, is the moral core of the novel due to her refusal to take the Underground Man's money
>Not recognizing that just because the Underground Man is a polyphonic figure doesn't mean he's someone to be admired
How does everyone on here miss the obvious text every single time

>> No.10234103

how will /lit/cucks ever recover?