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/lit/ - Literature

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10212066 No.10212066 [Reply] [Original]

What is the best newspaper or magazine to read? One that covers interesting topics that can inspire ideas and story's to write about.

>> No.10212246

Smithsonian magazine. then general pubs like atlantic, new yorker, but warning about how leftist it is, more tinged than ever in unnecessary opinion. but worthwhile and cheap

>> No.10212294

not the economist

>> No.10212299

Not the Economist, and that's a statement coming from someone who read it front to back weekly for years. Unfortunately nearly all of these publications are today owned and operated by jews, and are thus of extremely low quality and little more than propaganda outlets. If you don't understand this and take them at face value you are not going to understand much of anything. You will instead become much more informed reading people who devote their time to deconstructing these jewish narratives, a good entry-level individual being Steve Sailer over at the Unz Review (unz.com).

>> No.10212306

What makes Smithsonian magazine better than the rest?

>> No.10212323

All newspapers and magazines are compromised. As for interesting online publications:


>> No.10212354

The New York Times for daily news
The New York Review of Books for intellectual and literary content
The New Yorker for high culture
New York magazine for wit and not being a virgin
And The New York Times Magazine for advanced analysis

>> No.10212363

I have to agree with our /pol/tard friends on the Economist here, it's very biased. I tend to read the business insider for economic shit.

>> No.10212376

Business Insider has a lot of shit writing

Rueters is known for being nonbiased I think. The fact is you have to get multiple sources.

You could probably do a lot worse than RT - NYT - Brietbart

>> No.10212495

For raw news go to the same sources all of the major news outlets use: AP and Reuters. For 'processed' news, the New York Times is good. As for a magazine, Nature is my favorite. Smithsonian is also nice.

>> No.10212514

This. You should read the completely unbiased opinions shared on /pol/ instead :)

>> No.10212537 [DELETED] 
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>the New York Times is good.

>> No.10212568

ABC news.

>> No.10212574

I didn't know brain-dead boomers had such a heavy presence on /lit/.

>> No.10212576

>talking shit about the ABC
shoo shoo tony

>> No.10212615
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>wanting to be a part of legacy media in the age of the internet

Real life is a much better source for story material anyway.

>> No.10212649

WSJ and the Economist

>> No.10212696
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>> No.10212707

Boys what happened to Jacobite, they barely post content anymore

>> No.10212717

Subscribe to 2 small town newspapers in each state, country, province. Which ever region of your choosing.

>> No.10212722

Social Matter is the corpse of a movement that had real potential.

>> No.10212740

They weren't willing to discuss the JQ so they quick became irrelevant.

>> No.10212848

patrician detected

>> No.10212941

I think they still publish interesting essays, but yeah, they're not really what I'd call "vibrant." Of the current crop of neo-reactionary websites, Thermidor seems to have the most fire in it at the moment.

>> No.10212977

the problem with these sites is that they never talk about anything i dont already know about (they don't investigate shit they react to the same news as everyone else) and their takes aren't as hot as mine or my twitter niBBas

so what's the point

>> No.10212983
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>The Economist shamelessly stealing headlines from Frasier episode titles

>> No.10212997
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The Economist is a good read. It's obviously biased towards free markets but the clue is in the title.

>> No.10212998

I feel like they're not really for us. Not for those of us who are on 4chan and troll around the seedier parts of the internet. They're for the next level of people, people who don't believe in the mainstream press or even the first level of alternative sites but who still haven't sunk to our depths yet. It's a bit of a chain of dissemination, with, I guess, the dark internet at the top and, say, Time Magazine at the bottom. Sites like these can be used to change narratives and perspectives further down the line, even if they're not as plugged in as the average chan user.

>> No.10213028











>> No.10213045

I'm conflicted by all these sites, and also The Intercept. On the one hand they do seem to report on stuff most outlets don't pay attention to. On the other hand their slant is painfully obvious. They're like the mirror opposite of all the alt-right news and commentary sites.

>> No.10213070

if you read any magazines or newspapers in 2017 you are incapable of producing art.

>> No.10213076

social matter > thermidor
but honestly just read autobiographies and shit from the 1600s and prior.

>> No.10213078

I grew up on old Nat Geo's. It sucks now but back in the day it was the shit. I have like hundreds of them that I rotate for use as toilet reading material.

>> No.10213093


>> No.10213113

Oh I agree that the quality of the articles and essays is better on Social Matter. But it's more sedate these days, you know? Compared to Thermidor and Jacobite it isn't as active or as pugnacious on social media. That's mostly what I meant.

>> No.10213148

Are there any nrx blogs or sites that post even semi-regularly? I already know about Social Matter, Atavisionary, Thermidor, Jacobite, Nishiki Prestige, Free Northerner, and Orthosphere. I personally am not one for the MUH BASED TRADITIONAL ORTHODOX CATHOLICISM angle so I'm less interested in that but I'll take whatever I can get.

>> No.10213151

It hosts Myth of the 20th Century, which is consistently solid

>> No.10213212

News is just trash. Why read something with a shelf-life shorter than anything you eat.

>> No.10213221

yea, their twitter posts get like 15 notifications max, usually like 2 or 3. Thermidor is riding the Spencer cringetrain though, or at least some of its editors are.

just follow all the 'muh freedums' guys; @Outsideness @ClarkHat @Damn_Jehu @UF_Blog @Alrenous idk i dont really run in that circle so i cant vouch for quality. maybe try re-reading old U-R posts over and over and pray Moldbug comes back.

>> No.10213251

yup, it's all twitter all the time now. which is fitting at least on the 'muh accelerationism' side of things

you could also keep up with unz and spandrell. i don't read any of these guys' blogs anymore desu it all suffers from the same syndrome previously indicated >>10212977

>> No.10213263

Just read Manufacturing Consent and take the "red pill" about media in general desu.

>> No.10213276

i read the new yorker and the economist, neither seem 'leftist' to me. but 'leftist' is an ambiguous term if i ever heard one.

ive heard the atlantic is good though, maybe ill look it up

>> No.10213318

Anyone you recommend I look into? I'm looking for a wide variety, accelerationfags, HBD, muhmonarchy, etc.

>> No.10213331

cringe-y post

>> No.10213355

They're both cosmopolitan liberal capitalist magazines. That's the prevailing ideology of the West and they're both devoted to it.

>> No.10213516

I'm a pol fag and even I can't recommend this book enough. Read all of Edward Bernays and How to Watch tv News for the full red pill

>> No.10213557


>business insider

Embarrassing. Buzzfeed with dollar signs.

Bloomberg is good and the articles are brief. I tire of the traditional journalistic style, always quoting three sources regardless of whether their commentary adds anything.

>> No.10213674

Among the cosmopolitan liberal mags, only The Atlantic seems at least vaguely self-conscious about the Left's failings, and before Trump they still had some good articles now and then, not sure about now.

I feel like they represent a different breed of liberal from the cancer that is Salon and Buzzfeed, which is okay in my book.

If you want to balance out reading the Atlantic, try out The American Conservative for palaeocon views. They also have good stuff on New Urbanism.

>> No.10213701

This. Everything aside from the opinion articles are good.

>> No.10213713

This is a great list if you're a real life faggot.

>> No.10213715

The Economist is a dick-up-ass Keynesian hogwash, pal. "Markets"

>> No.10213773

Stopped reading.

>> No.10213786
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What are some other moderate websites?

>> No.10213790

>He hasn't read Culture of Critique by Kevin Macdonald

>> No.10213793

Nobody cares about your propaganda.
>/lit/ - literature

>> No.10213798 [DELETED] 
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>tfw reddit doesn't even deny being from reddit anymore
Nobody cares about your opinion go back to your shitty website and stop posting on a literature board if you don't like literature

>> No.10213804

>he's so dense that someone literally has to say the words "i do not use reddit" and is incapable of interpreting a rude response as a denial to his accusation
>yet he chooses to have his ebin raid on the book board
Back to /pol/ faggot.

>> No.10213814
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I'm not the original person you were replying to faggot, my issue was that you seem to think Culture of Critique is propaganda. Culture of Critique has been a pillar of /lit/ for a long time, it's pretty thorough and if the only way you can respond to it is by screaming /pol/ like an autistic window licker, you do not belong on this board.

>> No.10213818 [DELETED] 


>> No.10213826
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>> No.10213831 [DELETED] 
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>> No.10213857
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Then maybe you should get off of my board because /lit/ is a Christian board.

>> No.10213866

Ah, Kevin! Still shilling your shit I see. We were all worried you had left us in the lurch.

>> No.10213888

>I've Never Read Culture of Critique: The Post

>> No.10213915

>everyone I don’t like is /pol/

>> No.10214903

Associated Press
Independent experts on Twitter

>> No.10214931

The amount of people unironically repping msm news outlets itt is sad af. Aren't most of you supposed to be gen z kids who grew up with the internet?

>> No.10214938

Jews are the master race, you are just jelly

>> No.10214982

Master races don't live as squatters in other people's territories for thousands of years while producing zilch within their consanguinous little shtetl ghettos.

>> No.10216217

I got a free subscription to Foreign Affairs, what should I expect?

Only article I remember reading on The Atlantic was the one where they called Prog Rock music for white people.

>> No.10216561
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Foreign Affairs is published by one of the most influential foreign relations think-tanks in America: the Council of Foreign Relations. It has some great articles on IR generally, however it's also useful as a scrying glass into US foreign policy thought.

>> No.10216914


>> No.10217046

how many tote bags do you own

>> No.10217546

he's not wrong, you know

>> No.10217571

I know Glenn Greenwald is trustworthy because everybody hates him. Not even a leftist, I just know he must be on to something because of how many enemies he has.

>> No.10217602

Do you literatti enjoy any zines?

>> No.10217606

i like the new yorker

i tried reading the economist but desu i dont care much about what other countries are up to

ive heard about the atlantic but i havent gotten a chance to look at it yet.

>> No.10217612

>pillar of /lit
Kek, as a meme joke you mean.

>> No.10218248

Tiger Beat
Teen People

>> No.10218356

Reuters is hardly unbiased. They just hide their biases better than most.

>> No.10218378


>I got a free subscription to Foreign Affairs, what should I expect?

"Here is feel good foreign policy program in country x that actually covers up a CIA covert operation of funding and arms transfers to the moral equivalent of rapists and gangbangers."

A smart non-crazy person with a background in intelligence history, propaganda analysis, and esoteric writing could make bank doing propaganda analyses of IR magazines.

>> No.10219894
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Finish by taking the black pill by reading pic related.

>> No.10219910


My god.

>> No.10219932
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The only magazines I read regularly are Viz and Private Eye

Probably not what you're looking for besides the investigative journalism stuff in Private Eye

>> No.10219941
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There are a fuckload of these

>> No.10220034
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Yeah, they're amazing.
/lit/ related

>> No.10220063

If you are a brit read Private Eye. Full of lels. Calls out other UK publications on their hypocracy. Also very good at highlighting corrupt behaviour of politicians/ bourough councellors. Everything is written with cutting wit. Will leave you more cynical about may UK affairs.

>> No.10220094

Greenwald is not trustworthy. He's jewish, like nearly all of the owners of these controlled opposition outlets that pretend to take anti-establishment stances.

>> No.10220177

everything reads like lefty propaganda once you submerge yourself in /pol/ bullshit and NRx blogs

>balancing a center mag with a paleocon mag of all things

that's no fucking balance

>> No.10220406

>falling for a meme

>> No.10220798

It's /pol/ack newfriend

>> No.10220807

>falling for the meme that it is a meme

>> No.10220815

>He's jewish

If anything that makes him more trustworthy.

>> No.10220823

The New Yorker is as middlebrow as you can get.

>> No.10220846

>No new criterion

>> No.10220849

>vaguely self-conscious
Frum has washed his hands of the ultra-progressives

>> No.10221110
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>> No.10221132


>> No.10221302

>no mention of the jew street jourrnal
The articles are good, editorials are hit or miss

>> No.10221325

Well technically the Journal is a newspaper. If we're going to talk about newspapers we could have an entire other list.

>> No.10221887

>you could probably do worse than fake news and literal propaganda

>> No.10222587

Best thing you can do is read a number of them and keep in mind their biases while doing so, since everyone's got them
The economist leans neocon but is unlikely to print outright fabrications
The Guardian leans left but is also unlikely to print outright fabrications

It can also be interesting to read some state medias like Telesur or Al Jazeera to see how these governments push their narratives.
Ultimately everyone is pushing a narrative though, and you'll have to wade through it, getting all your news from only a couple sources is a surefire way to fall for ideological memes

>> No.10222679

This is the perspective one assumes when they *think* they can see through the clutter, and are perhaps just a few steps away from being able to do so, but aren't actually able to because they are still only viewing the world through the acceptable discourse of the ever-shrinking Overton window being staged in front of them. Every single mainstream news outlet has the same long-term agenda because they're all being run by globalist jews. And in order to fully understand this jewish multicultural globalist agenda you have to first accept that jews have different interests than whites, and second make the uncomfortable exploration into how and why that agenda, and they themselves, is what it is. Anyone who is truly interested in understanding the world from a geopolitical POV must understand the jewish question if they expect to ever have any success with regard to the former goal. Anyone who pretends they understand these things without understanding the jewish question is an intellectual fraud.

>> No.10223029
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>> No.10223674
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> (((the economist)))

>> No.10223676
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