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10211324 No.10211324 [Reply] [Original]

What's the quintessential /lit/ breakfast?

Easy Mode: Cofee or Tea only

>> No.10211328

rye flour porridge and lingonberries

>> No.10211343
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who is this semen demon

My real /lit/ breakfast:
Two egg scramble with one Hebrew National frankfurter sliced
Two flour tortillas
Cholula, or El Yucateco (green habanero)
Two twelve ounce cans of Modelo
Thermos full of black coffee

Breakfast I used to eat when I was short on time:
Two hard boiled eggs doused in Frank's Red Hot
Thermos full of instant boiling water with some loose tea leaves in it

Poser white people will say:

>> No.10211344

Bourbon and eggs

>> No.10211346
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>> No.10211362
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>> No.10211368

real nigga breakfast: four pieces of toast, very lightly buttered. One cup of loose-leaf Assam tea, brewed English style, with nothing added.
ideal /lit/ breakfast: semen

>> No.10211372

You mean one piece of toast cut crosswise on the corners, yes? To make four triangular pieces? Certainly you don't mean to suggest a stack of toast.

>> No.10211374

two pieces of toast cut crosswise to make four halve pieces.

>> No.10211376

Here;s mine:

Old Sourdough whole wheat with cream cheese spread
One small scrambled eggs with onion, tomatoes, peppers
One banana
Two clementines
A cup of hot lemon water with lemon zest

>> No.10211381
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>> No.10211386

>cup of hot lemon water
nigga is you CRAZY?

I drink a liter of filtered water with ice and the juice from a whole lime if I have a hangover, but it has never occurred to me to drink this hot. Otherwise that meal sounds tasty.

>> No.10211402

4 hardboiled eggs, whatever fresh fruit I have on hand, a glass of kombucha, and two cups of coffee

>> No.10211404

To steal Kingsley Amis's hangover advice, a shot of half bovril and half vodka, and nothing else. Give your stomach the morning off.

>> No.10211405

I mince up 2 - 3 thicc cloves of garlic and knock it back with the juice of a lemon, honey, and cayenne pepper. Then I have an espresso and don't eat at least until 3pm (wake up @ 7ish) or until I really feel I have to.

Feels good surpassing plebs who need food. Sadness is the way of efficiency.

>> No.10211406

Jesus fucking Christ and I thought the guy I knew who ate raw garlic on toast and brandy for breakfast had it rough

>> No.10211412
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Three oranges, 6 pieces of bread with peanutbutters, probiotics, Vitamin D, fish oil pills, caffeine + L-Theanine, creatine, and magnesium.

Nothing but water baby, no sugar, no dairy, no gluten.

>> No.10211414

scrambled eggs with hot dogs in it

>> No.10211420

Raw garlic keeps you going. Try it out. It will burn your stomach a bit at first but that's just bad writing leaving your gut. If >girls complain about the stench it's cus you have poor taste in wo-men

>> No.10211422

Anon, but magnesium itself is pleb-tier. Get yourself some ZMA (zinc, mag and B6), friendo.

>> No.10211425

You're going to destroy your stomach lining, you utter fucking moron.

>> No.10211427

a white chocolate frappuchino with a jelly filled donut

t. buzzfeed soyboy

>> No.10211429

Stomach linings are for people who need not have ulcers you utter effin plebe

>> No.10211436


>> No.10211446
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>> No.10211465
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>> No.10211468
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eggs, bacon, sauteed mushrooms, cherry tomatoes on the vine, strong black tea and a banana

>> No.10211514
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Gorgonzola with crackers (or bread) or any other cheese I have, walnuts, hazelnuts, peanuts, peanut butter and honey sandwich, fruit, a teaspoon of honey and a strong cup of Assam black tea with milk, no sugar.

>> No.10211524

Fruit Loops

t. Giovani Verde

>> No.10211535

>peanut butter and honey
Never tried that, is that any good?

>> No.10211539

Its a good drink to break a fast with

Lemon water in general is good for you, but when its hot, the digestive system really wakes up

>> No.10211568

I really like it. I've run out of honey, so I prepare a pb and homemade apricot jelly sandwich every morning instead

>> No.10211569

>not animal style
Enjoy being a brainlet

>> No.10211584

cigarettes and vagina

t. published superdyke

>> No.10211685

soft boiled eggs and cheap beer + instant coffee

>> No.10211764

>sulfurous beer-egg farts

>> No.10211782

Cigarettes and a black espresso from whatever third world shitholes that plants them

>> No.10211795

left overs from last night's dinner and a cup of milky tea

>> No.10211818

cigarettes dipped in cough syrup, a xanny and coffee

>> No.10211850

would swap >>10211584
t. unpublished virgin (no homo)

>> No.10211857
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Here's mine
>smoothie with banana, strawberry, blackberry, and blueberry, milk
>3 large eggs scrambled
>2 hot dogs grilled on stove
>greek yogurt
>piece of cheese

Bulking season

>> No.10212027

how is this fucking lit related you fucking nigger. kys.

>> No.10212040

shutup the nazi harpy mod will come and erase this. it's a fun thread. too many of them get deleted lately. stupid nofun mods.

>> No.10212182

Ramen. Thats it. Hard ramen noodles.

>> No.10213360
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A Toblerone

>> No.10213387

hot chocolate, coffee, and fruit.
some days I have eggs/fish/meat, but only if i wake up feeling drained.
pastries if i time the bakery right.

>> No.10214008

>bread with a lot of fiber
>black beans
>cofee + turmeric & black pepper
>nut mix

>>3 large eggs scrambled
>>2 hot dogs grilled on stove
>>greek yogurt
>>piece of cheese
enjoy cancer etc. m8

>> No.10214057

A handful of nuts and coffee.

>> No.10214074

A pinch of snus.
A massive dump as the final reward for deciding to face another day.

>> No.10214156

>A pinch of snus

My man

>> No.10214250

A bowl of weed, two cups of coffee, two over-medium eggs and a piece of buttered toast.

>> No.10214297

Coffee and rolled cigarettes.

You guys are disgusting

>> No.10214305
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>designating certain foods for breakfast exclusivity

>> No.10214323

cup of coffee and something to dip in it, be it biscuit or bread

when feeling health-conscious, greek youghurt with fruit and a boiled egg

>> No.10214953

Everything gives you cancer, vegan fag

>> No.10215041

Either a smoothie with plain yogurt, frozen raspberries, blueberries, strawberries, a banana and half an avocado or simply a bowl of yogurt with berries and granola
Coffee brewed with a tablespoon of cinnamon in the grounds or black tea with a touch of milk and sugar

>> No.10215203

Half a grapefruit, a tin of Heinz English beans, two cups of black coffee, B vitamins, C vitamins, Iron, L-Theanine, and a cigarette.

>> No.10215806

black coffee and a cig

>> No.10216014

unless those fruits and veggies are organic and not treated with any pesticides or harsh chemicals your cancer risk is still high, also coffee gives you certain types of cancers, the air gives you certain types of cancers, and those black beans are probably carcinogenic.

>> No.10216022

I never eat until 1PM.

>> No.10216029

>bulking mode
2 almond butter and banana sandwiches and a protein shake

>cutting mode
oatmeal with blueberries, protein shake

Always with looseleaf green tea.

>> No.10216041

You'll grow out of it eventually

>> No.10216046

used to be
>cigarette to cafeteria
>milk, coffee, bacon, shitty french toast
now im out of college its
>ritz and milk
i dont even fuck with coffee anymore. its such a stupid thing to make a habit of.
>dont talk to me until ive had my first cup

>> No.10216069

>he doesn't weight train

Wew lad. Go read the Greeks.

>> No.10216075

Weight training is a juvenile stage of physical development fit for insecure teenagers

>> No.10216081

>looseleaf green tea
fellow senchapai

>> No.10216123

Real patrician spotted, if you eat eggs or milk for breakfast you're disgusitng

>> No.10216127

How do you prep your beans? really hope you don't just eat them out of a can like a savage

>> No.10216185


>> No.10216203

Good phase: Nothing except for water or maybe a black coffee, intermittent fasting until the evening.

Bad phase: Vodka from the nightstand.

>> No.10216223

>Get yourself some ZMA (zinc, mag and B6)
How does this help your body? Could you also redpill me on supplements in general? I've seen many points ripping the use of supplements recently, not really believing it though.

>> No.10216242
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I eat three eggs, two slices of bacon, two pieces of toast, and a large plate of seasonal fruit every morning, after which I could probably still think you under the table.

>> No.10216362
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>Smoking cigarettes today, a time where countless amounts of research marks its dangers.

>> No.10216383


t. manlet

>> No.10216506

Breakfast is the only meal of the day that I tend to view with the same kind of traditionalized reverence that most people associate with Lunch and Dinner. I like to eat breakfast alone, and almost never before noon; anybody with a terminally jangled lifestyle needs at least one psychic anchor every twenty-four hours, and mine is breakfast. In Hong Kong, Dallas or at home — and regardless of whether or not I have been to bed — breakfast is a personal ritual that can only be properly observed alone, and in a spirit of genuine excess. The food factor should always be massive: four Bloody Marys, two grapefruits, a pot of coffee, Rangoon crepes, a half-pound of either sausage, bacon, or corned beef hash with diced chiles, a Spanish omelette or eggs Benedict, a quart of milk, a chopped lemon for random seasoning, and something like a slice of Key lime pie, two margaritas, and six lines of the best cocaine for dessert… Right, and there should also be two or three newspapers, all mail and messages, a telephone, a notebook for planning the next twenty-four hours and at least one source of good music…

All of which should be dealt with outside, in the warmth of a hot sun, and preferably stone naked.

>> No.10216521

No, just a cowardly untermensch. If manlets didn't smoke, cigarettes would not be marketed to Asians

>> No.10216527


>he like to nag other men

kinda faggy bro

>> No.10216533

hunter... easy on the list descriptions

>> No.10217102

>coffee on an empty stomach
enjoy your upset tummy faggot

>> No.10217554
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are the lemons activated tho?

>> No.10217563

Coffee and a latka

>> No.10217593

Coffee has never upset my empty stomach. Tea is the real hidden killer.

>> No.10217599

I don't eat breakfast, except I drink coffee at that time. Don't even have anything for lunch besides drinking coffee. But I eat dinner, and have it with coffee. Sometimes toast with sliced cheese at midnight, coffee too, always. 12x3 cups of coffee every day. My coffee maker makes 12 cups, and I end up refilling it 3 times or more per day, and it's all I drink, no water or juice. Dinner is spontaneous, shark and fried okra, macaroni and goat cheese, 8c.

>> No.10217616
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>> No.10217617

You guys are all idiots. You need your fucking brain to be in shape if you actually care about literate and not just about seeming like a properly depressed and effete skinny bones man. I always eat at least Greek yogurt, toast, fruit/fruit juice, sometimes a hash brown or eggs, etc. Plus loads of water. Hydrate or diedrate.

>> No.10217621

Although all that said, this >>10211346
is objectively the right answer.

>> No.10217678

two eggs, over hard and peppered
two slices of whole wheat bread, lightly topped with strawberry preserves

>> No.10217684

Made me fall back cackling

>> No.10217694
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I don't eat breakfast. I wake up around noon-ish/afternoon and grab a twinkie to hold off until dinner time. After that I spend the night drinking Dr.Pepper and whiskey and snacking on dried seaweed.

>> No.10217701

I don't eat breakfast. I only eat once a day when I'm working, and twice when I'm not. It doesn't help that I work at mcdonalds, so 5 days a week it's all I eat. I eat mostly fruits, vegetables, pasta, and nuts on my days off though.

>> No.10217702
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I always rush through breakfast because I want my coffee but won't drink it on an empty stomach.

>> No.10217706

the first meal of the day is always breakfast, regardless of what time you eat.

>> No.10217711

Water with ice cubes and lime squeezed in

Omelette with only mushrooms

>> No.10217722

>Three oranges, 6 pieces of bread
>no sugar
>no gluten
Are you retarded?