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/lit/ - Literature

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10195210 No.10195210[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

just saw bladerunner and it was pure kino. JOI wants k to read pale fire to her. haven't read a book since high school so I grabbed pale fire. what am I in for lads? last book I read was the catcher in the rye. it made me realize I wasn't special and was just an edgy faggot. also picked up the power and the glory. thats also in blade.

>> No.10195217

Yeah, we're not going to discuss your shitty flick here.
You could've just asked your inane question without the other pointless shit

>> No.10195221

Boy you should probably read more stuff before jumping right into Pale Fire. Read some other Nabokov, like Lolita or Ada.

>> No.10195222

woah easy there Einstein lmao

>> No.10195224

Assuming not bait you're going to have a bad time with Pale Fire. Read Nabokov's other works first

>> No.10195229
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>reading a book because it was mentioned in a movie

>> No.10195246

>pure kino
What is kino? I've never heard this word.

>> No.10195259

Dude there was a thread here yesterday about "Simulacra and Simulacrum" which people only know about because it appeared in "The Matrix" People would never have heard of the obscure French author without the exposure. Don't underestimate the power of cinema to promote great literature.

>> No.10195268
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>> No.10195271

you cant be serious

>> No.10195301
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weeeeeeeeeeew the foreward is 20 pages long. can i skip that? its just info about john shade.

>> No.10195316

I wasn't lol

>> No.10195327
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>thread every week
You are either an incredibly stupid person or larping as one. Either way you should fuck off back to discussing your shitty waifukino on the brainletboard. Pale Fire isn't particularly dense, but judging by your mental deficiencies and the fact that you don't read - you're not going to enjoy it.

>> No.10195337

No you gotta read the whole thing or none of the book will make any sense

>> No.10195341

>Simulacra and Simulacrum" which people only know about because it appeared in "The Matrix
kek just because you're stupid doesn't mean everyone else is

>> No.10195342

i had no interest in reading it anyway sourpuss

>> No.10195348

We're already here dude.

>> No.10195352

okay im almost done it. this book is pretty kino so far. its like reading the words and the words are turning into a movie that i can see in my head. so this is the power of reading. i can see why its been popular for so long now.

>> No.10195363
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>haven't read a book since high school
>picks one up because of a scifi movie
Imagine being this lmao

>> No.10195383

What does kino mean?

>> No.10195389

There are a ton of allusions to literature and painting that you will miss

>> No.10195407
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>> No.10195408

so what are you guys telling me i shouldnt be reading this book. wtf im almost done the foreward its too late to stop now. this guy writes really nice sentences. i keep reading some over because they are nice. this is nice. i am enjoying this. its like reading a really long movie.

>> No.10195416

is your google broken?

>> No.10195422

>this guy writes really nice sentences
It's Nabakov anon you started strong, the book centers around verse though

>> No.10195427

No, but I thought it may be some 4chan inside-joke. Is this accurate? Kino (movement), a worldwide group of amateur filmmakers

>> No.10195432

Or this:
Kino may refer to:
In film and theatre: from the Norwegian, German, Polish, South Slavic (Serbo-Croatian, Slovene, Macedonian, Bulgarian) and the Russian spelling of cine for cinema.

>> No.10195439

Dude "The Matrix" is a Gnostic initiation if you can read the subtext, you actually have to have a pretty high IQ and some familiarity with the Western esoteric tradition to pick up on it, it's definitely not for stupid people.

>> No.10195440

Nabokov is one of the greatest writers of all time, but his harder stuff is pretty exit-tier. You have to have some literary knowledge to really understand him

>> No.10195445

well shit. if I dont get it i'll just google it after.

>> No.10195456

I read Ulysses in high school and understood maybe like 20% of it. If you're okay with not really understanding like half of what he's trying to communicate, i'd just power through it. You can always read it again later.

>> No.10195462

so far im not having any issues. is this supposed to be a hard book or something? why did joi want k to read it to her then?

>> No.10195468

5/10 meme you should discard it
You can't really google allusions, if they are done right you won't notice
>Comparing Ulysses to Pale Fire
Pale Fire isn't difficult to read, it's the structure that really defines it, and why the fuck did you read Ulysses in Highschool

>> No.10195481

>i'll just google it after
Kek. This isn't some pop-culture reference memefest. In vain hope this thread isn't some autistic (you)-collection operation, here you go: http://www4.zippyshare.com/v/MfniSyGS/file.html

>> No.10195492

because the nations listed here
may produce or be more known for their indie and arthouse films, the term 'kino' has been used to imply 'dope artsy intellectual cinematic beautiful film'

i.e. "dude did you see that pornstars snapchat today, shit was so kino, pure cash my nigro"

>> No.10195495

jesus christ guys thats longer than pale fire. am i supposed to read pale fire first then read this or read them at the same time. you niggers make reading seem hard.

>> No.10195496
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>> No.10195497

Cool thank you for the clarification.

>> No.10195499

>Pale Fire isn't difficult to read
It is the difficulty of letting the artistry of the poetry touch you if you are a brick

>> No.10195504

>it made me realize I wasn't special and was just an edgy faggot.
Then why the fuck did you make this self indulgent /thread?

>> No.10195510

It's not that the book itself is hard to read, it's that its themes, references, and allusions are only really clear to people who are familiar with the canon. It's not like the book itself is impenetrable, like Finnegans Wake

>> No.10195520

HOLY.... can you guys stop being so toxic. i know what you did to that one youtube book review girl with your piss bottles and tampon babies. im just trying to enjoy a read here. goddamn.

>> No.10195521

Pale Fire then Boyd the Pale Fire again. PF is really a beautiful puzzle of allusions. Not being well read you're going to miss most of them and take nothing away from it.
>you niggers make reading seem hard
That's because you, nigger, don't read. Trying into functional analysis will be equally hard if last time you did math was some babby trig in high-school. Others have already rightfully told you to read something easier and more straightforward.

>> No.10195536

Love u Katie

>> No.10195554
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>allusions to literature and painting
For instance I remember a few lines
"the talks
With Socrates and Proust in cypress walks,
The seraph with his six flamingo wings,
And Flemish hells with porcupines and things?"

The second line references the first layer of Dantes Inferno through the talking with Socrates and Proust in cypress, Socrates was amoung a number of Dante's literary heros who appeared in a forested (cypress) limbo, Proust was a hero of Nabakov's so he adds him. A seraph is a six winged angel, and flemish hells is a reference to Bosch, a medieval painter of biblical nightmare landscapes (pic related). All together it paints a some vivid imagery of biblical afterlife. The effect is kind of lost when you have to research each line, which isn't even possible for some, I just tried to dig up a reason for flamingo wings and couldn't find anything beyond speculation.

>> No.10195562

Why are you consistently misspelling Nabokov's name?

>> No.10195578

I don't know, haven't read his work or about him in a few years and that's how I always pronounced it. Give me a break it's 1am

>> No.10195582

Also how do you consistently misspell something once, especially if it's a name

>> No.10195648

that anon provided some good incite, you provided an obnoxious meaningless grammar nazi way of telling him he accidently replaced an o with an a.

>> No.10195666

>accidently replaced an o with an a
He spelled it this way several times already.
>obnoxious meaningless grammar nazi way
I literally just asked a simple question, you terminal autist.

>> No.10195670

>Why are you consistently misspelling Nabokov's name?
Why did you think he was? Sabotage, or mistake?

>> No.10195671 [DELETED] 

>some good incite
Keep your chin down friend

>> No.10195679

Who gives a fuck can we talk about Pale Fire or NabOkov you children

>> No.10195689
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>He spelled it this way several times already.
>several times
"Several: more than two but not many."
Hmmm looks like NabAkov was mentioned once in the post...

>> No.10195696

the foreword is the best part

>> No.10195702

>this book is pretty kino so far
The fucking foreward, cunt?

>> No.10195757

It's the German word for cinema.

>> No.10195817

Great intro to Nabokov's poetry, if you skip the introduction and notes.

>> No.10195869

Bruh 2049 wasn't even good.
Dialog was surface-level and unsubtle.
Themes were hammered down the audience's collective throat.
Shots were empty, boring, and sterile.
Aside from being pretty the film doesn't have much to offer.
The fight scene in the casino was cool though.

>> No.10195874

Kino is the /tv/ way of calling something great, top-tier, a classic, etcetera
Unfortunately I have to agree with you, a damn shame

>> No.10195876


Film theory students should be stricken from /lit/. I swear they do more to destroy continental philosophy than anyone here.

>> No.10195880

>he fell for the /tv/ meme
kek lurk more

>> No.10196027

How can a book be kino? That doesn't make sense see>>10195432

>> No.10196042

Dude there are plenty of fascinating synergies and interrelationships between film and literature that should be explored, I thought /lit/ would be fertile ground for such collabs and idea jamming. I have no intention or desire to destroy any school or trend in philosophy.

>> No.10196051

>How can a book be kino?
/tv/tards use kino as "good".

>> No.10196083
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>> No.10196085

>JOI wants k to read pale fire to her.

No she doesn't.