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/lit/ - Literature

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10136885 No.10136885 [Reply] [Original]

How'd he get pass the age line /lit/?

>> No.10136897

It was Mad Eye Moody that put his name in, did you even finish the book, or is 700 pages too much for you? I think you should go back to plebbit.

>> No.10136903


>> No.10136906

Be honest, you didn't even finish the book. This board has gone to shit lately.

>> No.10136911
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>we have gone from people who read Harry Potter to people who can't even finish Harry Potter

>> No.10136969

you read an entire harry potter-book, and youre calling HIM plebbit?

>> No.10137039
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>In your lifetime, /lit/ will have made the transition to people who find comprehending Harry Potter books difficult to a Finnegans Wake degree
>The outside world will STILL be even plebbier

>> No.10137060

I fail to see the contradiction.
He wasn't even able to finish an entry level work of literature. Long? Sure. But not if you actually care about literature. And if he can't make it to the finish line on something like HP4 I can't see how he'll be able read (much less comprehend) something of comparable length (and greater difficulty) like LoTR.

>> No.10137065

>you completed a work of fiction
>lol fgt
welcome to idiocracy

>> No.10137071

we were all kids once bro. I feel terminally distant from the potter books now but im encylopedic on their plots and characters.

>> No.10137091

I'm pretty sure Bugs put it in for him, but I'd have to read the book again to be sure.

>> No.10137097

wow watch out for the carrots (or whatever the meme is)

>> No.10137099

What? There's literally no way Bugs bunny is in this book.

>> No.10137114

Yeah, Harry bewitched a swarm of ants to carry the paper into the goblet for him.

>> No.10137118

Hermione sucked him off and swallowed before every event (yeah, Rowling kept those parts out). This gave him the confidence needed to win.

>> No.10137126

And Harold Bloom's like: Ohhhh these books have no literary merit.
Who gives a fuck about literary merit when you have Hermione Granger sucking your soul out through your dick?

>> No.10137132

Harold Bloom is massive fag. He's mad harry gets more pussy than he does.

>> No.10137136

I'm feeling bad today because the Indians lost the series. The Yankees did not win. The Indians lost.

>> No.10137139

Who are the Indians?

Is that a sports team... *grins*

>> No.10137142

My dear boy, my dear boy, you should be reading Dante, you should be reading Hart Crane. My dear boy.

>> No.10137147

They are SUPPOSED to be. Sometimes I wonder.

>> No.10137157

Live forever, my friend.

>> No.10137158

reading is gay and for nerds. fuck you virgins. I'm going back to /b/

>> No.10137160

How to read harry potter as an adult?

>> No.10137161

Dont think about it too much (unless you're a philosopher)

>> No.10137184

harry potter and the goblet of fire is a more complex work than finnegan's wake on every level but the lexical level.

>> No.10137209
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this thread is a nightmare

>> No.10137215

Holy shit.
Is Hermione a dementor that steals your soul by stealing your precious semen?

>> No.10137218
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>> No.10137221

i hope bloom dies soon

>> No.10137231

If trips then your wish will be granted tomorrow.

>> No.10137237

We don't have to shit on people for reading easy stuff. I, being a brainlet, often turn to easier material.

>> No.10137238
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Harry Potter is a pathetic waste of time,
Why are you reading that shit?

>> No.10137262

Deep down shes one of those really rebellious chicks who wouuld rather ride or die b4 bearing a single child. she comes off as a classic woman, full of sentimental nonsense, deeply desiring a child more than anything else, but really shes hard rida bitch nigga girl

>> No.10138100

You need to use advanced hermeneutics to see him but he's definitely there.

>> No.10138321

t. DFW

>> No.10138342
