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10122158 No.10122158 [Reply] [Original]

Is there anything worthwhile to read in gnosticism and/or western esotericism, for a non-religious philosophyfag? I've spent some time with Christian theology and want to consider the "other side", to speak.

>> No.10122189

Simone Weil.

>> No.10122216

Constantine didn't make christianity the exclusive religion of Rome. He wasn't even christian for fucks sake.

>> No.10122416

There was a thread yesterday on /x/ which philosophy is paranormal? where someone proposed Weil as well, in addition they proposed Crowley (not really a philosopher), Evola (maybe), Boehme and Schelling. That gave me the idea to try create a list of philosophers that both have an entry in a standard reference work on (western) philosophy and the Dictionary of Gnosis & Western Esotericism (the standard reference work for this area). I choose Bernd Lutz, Metzler Philosophen Lexikon, for the former (mainly because I have it and the Standford Encyclopedia of Philosophy seems a bit too random in its choice of what they included). I didn't get very far: of the above philosophers only Boehme and Schelling have entries in both works. In the letter A there are: Agrippa, Heinrich Cornelius; Albertus Magnus, Augustinus (Augustinus is mainly famous as an enemy of gnosticism, though). Aristotle is present in the entry "Aristotelianism" in the dictionary of Gnosis & Western esotericism.

>> No.10122438
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>I'm non-religious

>> No.10122560

Those 2 episodes in Star Trek TNG, ship in a bottle bretty scurry.

>> No.10122852

B: Baader, Franz von; Bacon, Francis; Boehme, Jacob; Bruno, Giordano
C: Campanella, Tommaso; Comenius, Jan Amos
D: Dionysius Areopagita (Pseudo-)
E: Eriugena, Johannes Scotus
F: Ficino, Marsilio
H: Hildegard of Bingen
J: Jung, Carl Gustav
L: Llull, Ramon
N: Newton, Isaac
P: Pico della Mirandola, Giovanni
R: Reuchlin, Johannes
S: Schelling, Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph von
W: Weigel, Valentin

>> No.10122864
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>I believe in God