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10119359 No.10119359 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw too depressed to read

I feel like nothing matters. How do I overcome this feel.

>> No.10119361

go to a therapist :^)

>> No.10119363


I can't afford one

>> No.10119364

Why would you want to overcome this? Nothing matters.

>> No.10119384


Because I want to feel happy and have the energy to go and do something with my life instead of go to work and then go back home into bed and contemplate suicide in a viscous cycle.

>> No.10119387

Stop being a pussy

>> No.10119404


>> No.10119406

So being happy and having more energy matters after all.
Adjust your lifestyle, eat more healthy, do some exercise, find a clear goal and monitor your progress. No one can do that shit for you, man, you're in total control and picked passivity.

>> No.10119408
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What if I was born under the star of the beta? How can I overcome this torturous paradox? To act is the solution, but the problem is the inability to act? What does a man do when a invisible, indescribable, monstrous weight is put on his shoulders? There is no light or dark to be vilified or praised, there is only pure and raw cold existence, where I perceive no hope or beauty.

>> No.10119421

Well, the obvious thing to do is check if the depression can be cured simply. Sometimes depression can be cured slowly by simply doing new things, drabness can lead to depression, or accomplishing new things: set small tasks that you can accomplish and gradually increase their difficulty.

>> No.10119422
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I, too, was 20 once.

Go to /r9k/ if you want to blog about your """depression."""

>> No.10119425
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>> No.10119428


>> No.10119432

If you're obsessed with depression its the obvious reason you're depressed. You're addicted to it. Wean yourself off by being happy sometimes.

>> No.10119450

just b urself

>> No.10119453


Have any of you even been depressed at all before. It's not like im some normie thats just been dumped by his GF. How can you fix anything when you don't even have the energy or mental strength to get out of bed? It feels like my fingers are rotting as im typing this. It's so much more than emotional or mental, I can feel depression in my gut, in my arms, my fingers, my eyes, its like im rapidly aging, it feels like I have no bloodflow.

>> No.10119455

Get medication. Seriously, it helps.

>> No.10119457

Eat more apples.

>> No.10119465

Rely on a secondhand value system because you're too dumb to come up with one yourself

>> No.10119466

It'll pass. It feels like it won't, but it will.

>> No.10119507

go for a walk with audio books
meditate , try headspace app

>> No.10119533

You were never 20.

>> No.10119539

take ayahuasca

>> No.10119541

If it's really this bad and youre not meming get on an SSRI for a few months and revaluate. You sound underage so it should be dirt cheap on your parents healthcare

>> No.10119554

Good, you have reached the ultimate and absolute threshold of reality. Now that you know that nothing actually matters focus on any random action, as arbitrarily as possible, such as disguising yourself with a horse head and run down the street yelling "I am Jesus, I have returned for the second time".

>> No.10119555

You had enough strength and energy to make thus thread (instead of just googling) and presumingly enough to read replies and type your owns. Shit, you even had the mental strength to find a meme image, download it, waiting for the upload and waste enough time online to internalise shit like "tfw" and "normie". And of course there is work, so don't bother with shitty excuses. If you want to whine, be open about it and do it without the pretence of looking for a solution, venting is good after all and a bit hugboxing doesn't hurt.

Focusing on the suffering for too long is a waste of time, at best you'll get bored of self pity; or you can be proactive and adjust your lifestyle, that shit would turn everyone depressed.

Also this.

>> No.10119614

Stoics, something something Diogenes, something Tolstoy something something reading Growth of the Soil...

>> No.10119618

how can wittgenmeme help with depression

>> No.10119627

Shoot an Arab or two elderly Jewish women

>> No.10119634

I actually red Tractatus, hard as hell, didnt understand a thing. Now I am back to basic logic, aristotelian, propositional and mathematical logic studying the basics. Wittgenstein is one of my favorites.

>> No.10119648

Nietzsche, eternal return, climbing mountain, maybe evola?, don't take buss; walk, happiness comes from overcoming burden and achieving relief. Or reaching a an awaited goal after hardship.

>> No.10119655


>> No.10119658

do you lift weights?

>> No.10119663


>> No.10119664

dude drug ect.

>> No.10119683

Should you throw away all of Plato cause of his "fascism" or retarded political ideas?

>> No.10119699

Find a free support group for whatever you have. They aren't as good as one on one but they are still very helpful.

>> No.10119700


>> No.10120081

Is that even a question bro? I bet he is a skinny fat dyel
I would feel like shit too

>> No.10120117

Eat veggies, fruit, eggs from a farm cut out grain and dairy. Lift and do something that benefits you and/or others. Learn a practical skill. Don't read or listen to anything depressing. If all that fails, do DMT and have a convo with some good spirits. Be careful around the bad ones tho. Good luck.

>> No.10120374
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>mfw /lit/ is pathetically unenlightened

>> No.10120483

You either die a self affirming hero, or you live long enough to see yourself become an ascetic shitter.
Kierkegaard was a shitter.

>> No.10120526


Get yourself in the shower and into clean clothes and out the door
Go do some minor favor for a stranger, like just holding a door for someone or something similar that presents itself
There are some absolutely beautiful short stories that would be easier and omre rewarding than some longer work
Also some readings on DBT, in particular practices like Mindfulness
Also some readings on CBT, like Feeling Good by Burns
Short of this >>10119361 >>10119363, these two things can give some clarity and put those negative thoughts in their place

>> No.10120553


>> No.10120698

give that advice to normies

>> No.10120710

I did.

>> No.10120805

>Feeling Good by David Burns

Read this.

It's based on a great deal of clinical experience aimed at developing a method of treating depression that doesn't take months or years. That works quickly -- very quickly.

You can get the gist of it by reading the first 30 pages or so.

It will help pull you out of your hole.

After it helps you, pass the word along to others when you see a thread like this.

>> No.10120816

Eat right
Work out
Find a support group
Wake up when the sun rises

Don't worry if you can't do it all immediately. Take things in little steps and gradually you'll have more energy and feel better.

>> No.10120838

Get yourself some sweet, sweet Zoloft. You'll take it and be amazed at how well it works. Then when you're ready to not be on meds for the rest of your life and you taper off of it, exactly as your doctor says, your brain will zap itself and you will feel dizzy and awful and you will realize that this miracle drug was actually some kind of sick poison.

Anyway, get a dog or something. Then you'll be forced to take it for walks and take care of it and stuff. Take it to a park and girls will talk to you.

>> No.10120923

all you gotta do is tell yourself you're all set and then give everyone advice on how to feel that way

>> No.10121252

Lifting weights is not the key btw. It may help, but it wasn't the key for me. I lifted until I burned myself out, but never during the process it gave me energy to fix myself.

>> No.10121428
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I used to feel like you, I guarantee you are between the ages 17-23, it's a hormonal imbalance, you'll be fine. Speed up the process by risking your life, become a trawler man, working at sea will put things in perspective for you.
Stop being so arrogant as to assume you will ever know enough about this reality to warrant maudlin self pity.

>> No.10121504

I find it funny how none of you faggots are too depressed to shit post on the internet, but everything else somehow takes to much effort.

>> No.10121510

Please take this bigotry elsewhere. This is a safe space board(blue board).

>> No.10121517

Valid point, though.

>> No.10121520

>tfw too hungover to read

There is nothing more frustrating than this. Your body literally does not allow you to read because your brain feels too shitty to process information

>> No.10121540

>>tfw too hungover to read
>drinking so much your body is craving more.
What's it like being an alcoholic, desu?

>> No.10121542

The internet requires no concentration or discipline.

>> No.10121545

Just drink loads of water before you go to sleep next time numbnuts

>> No.10121580

read something short first

>> No.10122063

>too depressed to read
that's stupidity, not depression

>> No.10122136


>> No.10122541

Ebin meme xD

>> No.10122674

Read "To an Unborn Pauper Child" by Thomas Hardy

>> No.10122704

Willpower you nerd.
Or like, take 12 benadryls and experience something new

>> No.10122870

When i got depressed i somehow menaged to get my life on track in just 1 month. The more depressed i got the more i pushed back, joined a gym, started studying hard, learning japanese, reading books, running and visiting my friends. I think it was the most productive period of my life now that i think about it. I still go to the gym after 3 years and everytime i look at the mirror i can't believe i actually look like that, it's like putting the head of a nerd in a ripped body, it's pretty funny.

>> No.10124056
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Try psychedelics, seriously. Depression fucks with how your body uses the neurotransmitter serotonin, and psychedelics like LSD and ecstasy drastically alter your serotonin reception. I was severely depressed for about 2 years and nothing was helping, not medication, therapy, exercise, etc. My friend convinced me to try LSD with him and it was life changing. I was able to be happy in a way I hadn't been since I was a child. There is a lot of research going on right now into how psychs can help people with mental illness because the results are truly unbelievable. That said, using drugs is inherently dangerous and you need to do your research first to make sure you're safe. But if depression is really affecting your life so negatively, you need to do what it takes to get better.

>> No.10124340

You are very angry at the people around you and yourself.