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/lit/ - Literature

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10105451 No.10105451 [Reply] [Original]

What are your favourite non-fiction books, anons?

History, psychology, philosophy, autobiographies/memoirs, etc. As long as it's non-fiction, I need to know your favourites.

Pic related. Essential winter reading.

>> No.10105454

Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine

>> No.10105483
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>> No.10105488
File: 44 KB, 325x499, the hero with a thousand faces.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10105489

Does Aldous Huxley's The Doors of Perception and Heaven & Hell count? I mean, he is detailing his experiences on mescaline but it's also not really conventionally non-fiction

>> No.10105498
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Has anyone read Propaganda: The Formation of Men's Attitudes?

>> No.10105513
File: 165 KB, 1127x1500, anime a history book cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> see this
> assumed it was kawaii weeb shit with anime characters showing le ebin history of japanese cartoons
> see British Film Institute logo
> decide to buy it to see if it'll help with my dissertation
> begin reading it
> it's an actual detailed history of early Japanese cinema and animation, how it developed through post-war Japan, how it became the basis of anime as it is now understood, how it became more about commercialism and consumerism and less about the products and how it all contributed to giving us an almost "golden age" of anime
> filled with obscure historical references to "animation" pre-1910 to detailed references to the fanaticism and merchandising of Sailor Moon, Vocaloids, etc
> a literal fucking goldmine for people interested in the history of animation, animation studio houses and filmmaking in Japan

Strong rec. Solid 8/10 for film history fags wanting objective assessment of one of the more distinctive forms of animation.

>> No.10105515
File: 38 KB, 321x499, the emperor of all maladies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10105516

the girl on the far right dressed as a 1950s catholic gril is my wife t b h famalam

>> No.10105519

Is Sigmund Freud accessible for somebody curious like myself who didn't study psychology in school? I wouldn't mind learning about why I have awful dreams and also it seems like his books could improve my understanding of mental health too

>> No.10105523
File: 27 KB, 326x499, julius ceasar the civil war.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> they don't read about muh based Caesar

>> No.10105639
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>> No.10105681

Exterminate All the Brutes by Sven Lindqvist

best book on colonialism.

>> No.10105700

yes, he is, but it will not help you. You should read books on cognitive-behavioral or schema therapy

>> No.10105710

yes, he is, but it will not help you. You should read books on cognitive-behavioral or schema therapy.

Like: Breaking negative thinking patterns: a schema therapy self-help and support book.

>> No.10105737


Freud? He's not inaccessible, but his stuff is hardly a romp. Remember, he considered himself a scientist and wrote in that tradition's style. Constantly setting axioms and doubling back to clarify how xyz doesn't nullify/contradict them.

I don't know how much he'll help you understand mental health though. To be fair, he did start a gigantic revolution in that field, but his explanations and theories are often outlandish at best and unbelievable at worst. In Freud's worldview, for instance, the fetish object is a metaphorical, prosthetic penis the fetishist accredits to the woman in order to ward off castration anxiety. Sound intuitive? It's not until you've read Freud's stuff outlining sexual development in children, i.e. the oedipal complex.

By the way, I'm not telling you not to read Freud, I actually think he's really interesting, but I thought I'd give you fair warning.

>> No.10105748

Fair enough, anons. I'm still curious about him though so i'll probably dip my toe and see if I appreciate it or not. Thanks, lads

>> No.10105895

yes, he is, but it will not help you. Freuad is obsolete.

You should read books on cognitive-behavioral or schema therapy.

Like: Breaking negative thinking patterns: a schema therapy self-help and support book.

>> No.10105928

Erich Fromm and Ernest Becker wrote great sociology/psychology books, get The Art Of Love (on interpersonal relationships), The Sane Society (similar points but on group relationships), from Becker I've greatly enjoyed The Denial Of Death.

Packer's The Unwinding is recommended if you're an ameriburger, of if you want to see where other Western countries are going to.

Stoll's The Cuckoo's Egg is my favorite book about the early Internet.

Ray Monk writes amazing biographies, get his biographies on Wittgenstein and Oppenheimer.

>> No.10105950

zygmunt bauman and alain badiou both good on love too, even though latter is usually a crank

>> No.10105975

The Landmark edition is coming out in a few weeks.

>> No.10105978
File: 523 KB, 1600x1200, February-March 2012 047.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this and das kapital

>> No.10106000

Reading it now

Good book

>> No.10106015

I had NOT heard of Bauman before, thank you very much! Will check out both more

>> No.10106212


>> No.10106223

why no latin version? lucretius is very figurative and greek influenced but still, if you have three editions in english why no latin

>> No.10106478

Based recommendation, looking for it on Amazon rn.

>> No.10106537

Eric Hoffer's "The True Believer"