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/lit/ - Literature

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10100678 No.10100678 [Reply] [Original]


** Current state of /lit/ **
Allowed meta thread 01/01

Here we discuss what we can do to improve /lit/
I don't know which ones are worse, the /r9k/ posters or the /pol/ posters. Please stop replying to this threads that do NOT belong here.

>> No.10100694

/r9k/ can be contained, /pol/ is a tumor that's reached the point where it's spread to all the other organs in the body. This is the only way it could have ever ended, it was unavoidable.

>> No.10100700

Can we just delete all peterson threads

It's not just that invariably they're started by /pol/ or they're just to bait replies, I never see any meaningful discussion come from them and it's clearly just a fad like all the King threads (due to the movie)

>> No.10100702


>> No.10100712

From now on, people who say "my diary desu" or just desu shall be banned.
Also anyone who creates threads with unrelated photos of women in underpants or naked shall be banned.

>> No.10100714

delete all pol threads
delete all phil threads. when pol stops treating this as his 2.0 then we can phase phil threads back in, but until then, phil threads are literally the gateway thread for pol to come and talk about shit unrelated to literature

>> No.10100716

these threads are so pointless, a new one pops up every time the old one 404's and nothing ever comes of it. /lit/ has little moderation so just report posts that violate global rule 3 and the jannys will do their jobs. ignore obvious /pol/ baits and boom, problem solved

>> No.10100721

whats wrong with saying t b h? only new fags like you don't know what desu is

>> No.10100725

Sorry, I don't make the rules.

>> No.10100726

kys newfag desu

>> No.10100733

Keep trying. See how fast you get banned.

>> No.10100738


>> No.10100753


>> No.10100755

I can't believe the misogyny threads. How is this not a banable offense?

>> No.10100760



+ phil threads make me fill stupid

>> No.10100763

Because telling the truth is not a crime, yet.

>> No.10100782
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People really just need to stop taking the bait. I mean, when you see the culture of critique poster, just ignore them. When you see the red pill, of the jews, or any other dumb /pol/ caricature topic, just ignore it.
You may hate them, but you're their enablers.

>> No.10100784

Even if you believe such backwards things just keep it to yourself.

>> No.10100787

Phil threads have helped me to read more difficult material and understand the study, plus they count as literature. Though I do agree they attract an undesirable /pol/ presence.

They unify this board. They also remind me that I'm not the only person who dislikes pointless Peterson threads and misguided misogyny.

>> No.10100797

This is true. It hurts to ignore a troll and then see it fed by one of my comrades.

I think a higher thread output of literature related topics, even with less average replies, would help to send bait threads down into page 2 obscurity. If you want to talk about a book, throw it out there, don't feel stupid, it's what this board is here for. Authors and works will inevitably be rehashed but we can help newcomers to adjust and inform them where possible.

>> No.10100829

It's the culture desu and how could you blame them. There's about one good female author ever and that's O'Connor.

>> No.10100830

i was actually banned for making one of those 'they just can't help being inferior to us white men!' posts. shame too i used to love those shitposts, now it's mostly unironic misogyny

>> No.10100831

Oh and Sappho I guess but that is translation

>> No.10100833

Peterson and misogyny don't belong on lit. There are other boards for that.

Real pol would agree. They'd build a wall to prevent meme-mixing if they could. They hate meme-mixing. They want every board to remain pure.

The problem is troll pol. And make no mistake about it, if real pol had the power the fist thing they would do is purge troll pol. But it's a free web. A web without walls. It's democracy.

>> No.10100841

>real /pol
>troll /pol
What a load of absolute horseshit. There are only 14 year old fucks and middle age fucks with the minds of 14 year olds. Either way, literally ALL they want is attention by any means necessary. /pol is fucking cancer.

>> No.10100842


>> No.10100845
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>> No.10100852

No, as in "everyone wanting to discuss politics is /pol" because THAT IS THE POINT OF THAT BOARD you fucking retard.

>> No.10100853
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I feel like half the problem with current /lit/ isn't a problem with /lit/ at all, but with /his/. Our threads about right-wing philosophers, for example, are usually started by /pol/ shitters but frequently turn out pretty well. Why are they started here? Because /his/ is a mess. /his/ is a failed board like /aco/. It's accomplished nothing it set out to do; all the serious discussion on the subjects it was meant to take from /lit/ have migrated back to /lit/, largely because of shitposting on /his/. /his/ either needs to be fixed or deleted, I think that would help /lit/ out a lot.

>> No.10100857

Honestly tho! As someone who started on /pol/ then navigated my way to /x/ and then /lit/ I must say you guys are a bunch of censorship--if you had the power--pussies. JUST DONT REPLY TO OBVIOUS B8 and the problem solves itself. Not even /x/ is this sensitive

>in b4 someone says Im an idiot, tin foil hatter who hasnt read any great lit.

>> No.10100877

Wonder if there is a correlation between that "sensitivity" to unrelated fuckwittery and the fact that this is by far the best board remaining on 4chan. Not wanting to put up with nonsense is not sensitivity, I will not be tread on etc. fuck off dickshit.

>> No.10100888

Thats what I think, if there are different boards dedicated to different subjects, each subject should be restrained to the board they belong.

>> No.10100890

probably because discussion about right wing literature doesn't devolve into spam about cultural marxism and jewish conspiracy unless that's the designated topic

>> No.10100893

It is pretty good, that is why Im here, but people calling for mods is a real bitch move! JUST DONT REPLY TO B8

>> No.10100894
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>As someone who started on /pol/
>navigated my way to /x/
>you guys are a bunch of censorship
>to sensitive
You are the problem

>> No.10100902
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I'll have you know that I scored as quite left-wing on one of those political thingamajigs. I'm going to use all my """progressive""" points to be misogynistic with impunity. The truth will set me free. My ancestors fought and died so that I could be a misogynist and if you don't like it then you can just get out.

>> No.10100903

Because I wrote tho? Sounds like pedant snobbery at its finest

>> No.10100904

So you would rather have a shit board with lax mods than a good one with strong mods?

>> No.10100910

Strong mods=good board? Sounds like some Trump jargon to me, or some peace through strength. JUST DONT REPLY TO B8

>> No.10100913

wtf I hate books now

>> No.10100917

>Sounds like pedant snobbery at its finest
You mean /lit/? I bet you haven't even read the Bible and "don't get" poetry.

>> No.10100921

decent moderation is necessary for the board if you don't want it to turn into /tv/. I don't mind visiting /tv/ for the shitposts but i'm not particularly interested in seeing /lit/ barraged with posts saying 'any good books on mass shootings' every time there is a major political event

>> No.10100926
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Everything you've posted in this thread has been fucking stupid. Keep the trip so I won't have to bother reading any of the garbage you might write on my board

>> No.10100927

You're just contributing to my larger point. /his/ all too frequently devolves into /pol/ shitposting when it tries to discuss philosophy, precisely because most of its threads are bait threads. That's why serious philosophical discussion migrated back here. I don't have a problem with this, but if one of the goals of /his/ was to get philosophy off of /lit/, it's failed and Jap Moot needs to look at why it failed.

>> No.10100930

Love poetry. Dickinson, Emerson, and Kipling are my favorites and I was born and raised Catholic, so while I havent read many books, I have read parts of Job, James, the Gospels and Genesis. BTFO!!!!! Im just not a fuckin pedant. Ideas over grammar, though grammar is important, just not the end all be all you dumb dumb. Now my turn, I bet you are the kind of person who would trash an essay because someone used the wrong there/their/they're. Be honest

>> No.10100932

Lol, if Im being honest the trip was an accident, leftover from a thread. What has been idiotic?

>> No.10100943

>Dickinson, Emerson, and Kipling are my favorites
Lmao you made it worse
>so while I havent read many books
Yeah I can tell, you communicate like a fool

>> No.10100948

Many books in the bible. The reading comprehension is not very strong in this one. And you didnt answer my question

>> No.10100954

>hasn't read the entirety of the single most foundational work of western literature
>is proud of it
you are the problem

>> No.10100959

you sound like you're 17

>> No.10100970

Lol, wtf? How can I sound if I am mot talking, dumbass? Are you listening to me typing?

>> No.10100975

oh you're one of those ebin trolls. you're sure got them good.
have an upboat

>> No.10100983

someone post this to r/4chan!!!

>> No.10100986

Excuse me, shiiiiit. For the record though, let it show that you were wrong, and still have not answered my question. I think we all know who the pleb here is

>> No.10100990



>> No.10100991

Lol, nice impersonation. *tips top hat

>> No.10100997

the report button doesn't actually do anything you reddit fools.

>> No.10100999

It does. Report trash threads, folks.

>> No.10101000

like this one

>> No.10101001

Is there anything more pleb than that?
You are a waste of time,buddy

>> No.10101015

The current state of /lit/

>> No.10101022

BTFO M8!!!

>> No.10101028

no it doesn't newfag. also even if it did there is very lassez fair moderation on this board. thats why the thread about communism and vidya games is at 290 replies right now. I bet you can't find one mention of a book in the whole damn thread.

every board is essentially /b/ with a light theme. and thats how it's supposed to be. you fags dreaming of patrician literary discussion are cock gobblers who will never have any real friends to talk about books with

>> No.10101031

Sequential trips
Guys GUYS this is now an EBIN thread
xd u guise pls screencap me into the screencap end posting this to reddit/r/upboat
Yahooo Calooy

>> No.10101037

>every board is essentially /b/ with a light theme. and thats how it's supposed to be.
Would ban for opinion

>> No.10101043

Absolutely abhorrent post

>> No.10101045

did a i touch a nerve you /r9k/ autist fag? why don't you just fuck off to >>>/qa/ which you probably didn't even know existed and whine about it there?

>> No.10101047

Go to any other board then

>> No.10101048

make me, cuck

>> No.10101054

So what? Congrats for knowimg about every board, but have you read Infinite Jest?
No?ohhhh that actually takes time and dedication that a poltard doesnt have
Im sorry for you

>> No.10101057

Ok. Just a matter of till you get banned. Enjoy while you can

>> No.10101058

yeah I have read it. It's hot garbage.

>> No.10101060

lmao. keep holding your breath. I don't know what I will do if I get banned! that would surely be the end for me!

>> No.10101068

When you cant comprehend something just call it garbage.>>>thats criticsm for you folks. The fact that you dislike this book just shows how young and foolish you are. This is lits top 5 or 10 all the time.

>> No.10101076

Bitch-maid for taking obvious b8. YOU ARE THE PROBLEM

>> No.10101087

>300 posts
>20 posters
a very vocal and very reddit minority seem to be upset about /pol/

I see more threads bitching about them than I see racist posts. I think some people are just very sensitive. and there is already a literature forum for people like that. it's called r/books

>> No.10101093


>I don't know which ones are worse, the /r9k/ posters or the /pol/ posters. Please stop replying to this threads that do NOT belong here.

I'd venture to say /pol/ posters. While they're pretty much equally hateful and pathetic, the /r9k/ posters direct this slightly more inwards than outwards, and there is a certain glimmer of crippled virtue in that.

>> No.10101094

How was I "bitch-maid"?

It seems the other way around actually, the guy displayed terrible knowledge on ajything /lit/ related while I successfully defended a more restrict quality over freedom position.

>> No.10101099

Thank you. Thats what Im saying. Off to Reddit you pansies

>> No.10101104

True, the guy is a dumb-dumb--at least acting as such, but you are a dumber dumb-dumb for responding

>> No.10101105

How was I "bitch-maid"?

It seems the other way arund actually, I successfully defended /lit/ while the other displayed no knowledge of anyting related to the board.
Again, I am for quality over quantity, we don't need total freedom, people who come for violence "womyn sucks" are better banned and thats all

>> No.10101111

Im cleaning up the board

>> No.10101113

>I-I-I hope the mods b-ban people who say things I don't like
>they didn't? time to make 5 meta threads bitching about it
lmao you're so impotent and angry. it's pathetic.

>> No.10101114

Hey OP. Newfag here. Been enjoying this particular board the last couple months and really appreciate this specific thread. I didn't even realize there was anything like this on 4chan for the longest time. This thread helped me clue into a bit of the dynamics from before my time.

I really wish there was a /phil/

philosophy and literature have always seemed quite distinct to me, like prose versus logic, constructing narration versus constructing argumentation. I feel like a lot of people consider "literature" to be basically akin to anything written down and substantially preserved or distributed in some way, but I prefer to limit my conception of "literature" only to efforts at maximally elegant long form language inscription, whereas "philosophy" is any means by which one actively appreciates and propagates wisdom, and that may or may not involve linguistic articulations, inscriptions, etc

if there is like eight different boards for various stylistic variants of booby drawings, you think we could have one for literature and another for philosophy, one for politics and another for history etc

>> No.10101125

Hahahahahha. Just wait, buddy. Im enjoying destroying you

Very relevant point. I agree there should be two different boards, phi and lit.

>> No.10101127

>hi guys I'm fresh off the boat from reddit
>I think this website is ok but it should be more like reddit with a specific board for every single niche thing I personally want

>> No.10101129

I just made anoth /pol/ bait thread. come find me there ;^)

>> No.10101130

Metathreads are stupid beyond belief
You can't organize 4chan. You can't individually change 4chan. You can't censor 4chan.
If the actual state of a certain board displeases you then tough shit.
/lit/ for example. As long as it is literature/philosophy related it is allowed with all the implications that brings.
I firmly believe a board specific for philosophy should be created so that way ideological debates disguised as literature would be eradicated and threads about actual literature would be more prominent. And I mean philosophy not only as in ideas but books too. Anything like Phenomenology of the Spirit, The ego and its own or Marx at all should be banned from lit.
Besides that all of the people complaining about "the state of the board muh pol muh r9k" are fucking retarded and should get a hint. You are on an anonymous deathcamp stickers trading board. All opinions are equally respected and important even if some of them which you can't even truly argue are sincere or ironic derail threads into shitposting because shitposting is one of the prices we pay for complete freedom of speech.
If you want tp talk about Moby Dick then make a thread about it and if no one replies then make another one in a few days.

TL;DR : Create a fucking board for philosophy and stop complaining about spooks

>> No.10101133

they're too interlinked and the board is slow enough as it is. it's not like there are hundreds of seperate threads a day that would warrant seperation

>> No.10101138

Send the link, fag

>> No.10101141

no I will wait for you there and hope you find it while you're on patrol, defending the catalog from non pc shitposters like myself.

>> No.10101156

Heroic quads. Beowulf would be proud. Good luck anon

>> No.10101160

It means that the board will be cleaned!

>> No.10101164

THANK YOU! Some of /lit/ wavers on reddit-tier

>> No.10101171

What do mean by cleansed?

>> No.10101174

We'll get rid of the jews and leftists that permeate this board.

>> No.10101175

/ourguy/ I was hoping those quads didnt land in the wrong pussies hands. Can you believe these fuckers?

>> No.10101176

Please... I can shapeshift into an alt righter for 1000 years and then jump out at the last minute to make sure your great great great great great great granddaughter gets blacked3000.com. You can't win this shit, bucko.

>> No.10101192

This board has been shit for at least three years now. Stronger moderation would help mitigate some of what makes it terrible. Just saying don't reply is not a realistic option because of the demographic changes that have happened to this board since the popularity of pol skyrocketed. If the options are between telling people not to reply, which many still will to bait threads and bait comments in threads which have become more and more common as time has gone on, or to have stronger moderation where some bait threads can be removed, then you are choosing between garbage and slightly less garbage that someone is at least attempting to approve.
Also I never said strong mods=good board. I wasn't making some blanket statement. But in this case you are choosing between a shit board with little moderation or a less shit one with more moderation.

>> No.10101195

I have literally never been on reddit for more than thirty seconds when happening to follow a link. Checked it out briefly once, and thought it seemed convoluted for being overly specialized, not active in seemingly any of the topics I was interested in, and so I left, like literally inside of a minute. Thought maybe I'd be back, never found a reason.

I like this website because its less organized, but still organized enough to find navigate sufficiently to find my niche interest: books, but then when I do get there, its random/destructured enough for there to be space for an actual, organically developing discourse.

My first experience with 4chan (or some similar chan site) was actually in like 2003/2004, when I started watching specific males in my social circles becoming /b/tards, and I definitely shyed away from it after that. (never spent much time on a computer until finishing school in 2011) Then during the last American election I started scoping pol to see what all the fuss was about. Then I found I might actually enjoy myself on his, and only then realized there was a lit, and now I check this daily when I get home from my wagecuck job scraping plates and listening to audiobooks through the shift while I'm cuddled up with my kat drinking tea before I hit my nightly novel and its really honestly just improved my qol by like a good twenty percent

>> No.10101196


>> No.10101197

hey retard, look at the boards that get the most mod attention,


do they seem like good boards to you? also because it's so easy to ban evade especially on phones moderation will never fix anything.

>> No.10101199

Start by banning everyone who regularly participates in these threads. Why don't you just put in an application, you wannabe janitor fucks? I can't stand your breed.
What the fuck do you even think you're doing, you twats? "What can we do"? Contribute quality content to the fucking board instead of circlejerking your tiny e-peens in these garbage threads and wishing you were mods.

>> No.10101200

Mods for the love of this board delete this disaster of a thread

>> No.10101208


>> No.10101209

delete this board

>> No.10101228

>comparing free speech to crime


>> No.10101232

The problem with /lit/ I feel is that people take it way to seriously at times while other posters get bored with those people and start baiting or shitposting.These threads are always a good example. We should just let go and have fun all the problems will disappear.

>> No.10101505

>I don't like reddit because it's too specialized
>I have the fantastic idea of making /lit/ (one of the slowest boards on 4chan) more specialized
kys you reddit normie

>> No.10101634
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>discussions of marx should not be allowed on a literature board

>> No.10101639

I come to /lit/ for serious discussion tho

>> No.10101858

so is hal actually having a seizure during that first scene of the book or what, i've read it like 4 times now and i can't decide if they're just fucking with him for being a smart-ass or something.

>> No.10101890

>Everyone I don't like is "person who blames everything on /pol/"
>The /lit/ Guide to Being Wrong

>> No.10101960

I understand me to. But it's still the internet and still 4chan, banning people won't make things better and crying for jannis won't help either. We'll just have to take the sweet with the sour and filter trough the bullshit ourselves. So many times people get into flame wars here why? it must be that they really think this is some legit writers guild and the posts on /lit/ are somehow non-fiction, but they are. Irony and larping have always been part and parcel of this site and most boards can deal with that because the posters don't let it effect their sense of self-worth at all.

>> No.10102053

Ban everyone who posts pointless threads, like a picture and some meme phrase.

>> No.10102281

then you're a cuck

>> No.10102483



Ok go