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File: 52 KB, 685x385, houellebecq2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10099631 No.10099631 [Reply] [Original]

Is he secretly a tiki torch burner?

>> No.10099653

Are you?

>> No.10099655

are you secretly read: openly a faggot?

>> No.10099657

He has the sensibility of a reactionary no question but he's smart enough/depressed enough to know there's no putting the genie back in the bottle.
He makes it pretty clear in his novels he thinks the FN are imbeciles unfit to address his frustrations.
He certainly does not think the situation today would be any better if there were no non-whites. They're more of an insult to injury for him

>> No.10101069

there is nothing wrong with standing up for the rights of white men

>> No.10101074

It is possible to do it in less gay ways, though.

>> No.10101079

>less gay
I feel as though God kind of painted him in a corner.

>> No.10101231


Well he didn't age well

>> No.10101458
File: 141 KB, 511x683, deb929_bc960f380b3a4fa3b6025d4dbd6cbacd[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What went wrong?

>> No.10101649


Cigarettes/sun damage/genetics, I think he likes to look like a ugly goblin though.

>> No.10101655


>> No.10101659

One does get the sense he relishes his ugliness

>> No.10101660

Can someone give an impartial observer a rundown on Hoolahoop's mass appeal? I gather that it's more message than sheer writing ability, right? I've only read the beginning of Soumission and didn't necessarily think it was bad but am just not a big fan of first person.

>> No.10101671

Houllebecq is far too phlegmatic for serious political involvement.

So much wrong in one post.
>Houllebecq is not reactionary
>tiki torch burner are not reactionnary
>Sense-of-history "genie back in the bottle" millenarist bullshit (like Islam will never ever dominate Iran again right? China will never ever become nationalist again.)
>"certainly does not think the situation today would be any better if there were no non-whites", come on
He does say that the FN are morons though, but that's just a statement of fact.

>> No.10101697

He has said mulitple times "I am already dead". The way he gets through life is pretending he is already dead. He just does stuff and doesn't care about anything.

>> No.10101776

>He has said mulitple times "I am already dead". The way he gets through life is pretending he is already dead.
I see, Michel is living the Gorilla Mindset

>> No.10101786

The last sane man unhinged by the madness of his countrymen

>> No.10101789

Don't smoke kids

>> No.10101849

>Don't smoke kids
Christopher Hitchens aged alright and he smoked. Well right up until he died from smoking.

>> No.10101853

I was talking about that gay ass tiki torch thing.

>> No.10101903



>> No.10102595

>>Sense-of-history "genie back in the bottle" millenarist bullshit (like Islam will never ever dominate Iran again right? China will never ever become nationalist again.)

there's a world of difference between people changing their minds in what they believe and mass deporting people from places they consider home

>> No.10102653
File: 50 KB, 814x500, 1428189019695.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yet another thinly-veiled politics thread

>> No.10102801

He's a Marxist I think, his book goes hard into how people find ideologies to escape alienation.

>> No.10102849

It doesn't matter whether muds consider France their home, it isn't.

>> No.10102863

I recommend Houellebecq's manifesto:


>> No.10102866

not the point

if they consider it their home and dont want to leave it will be incredibly difficult to get rid of them

>> No.10102881

No, it's not. The vast majority of these people are dysfunctional and can be removed with ease, the most difficult aspect is taking power away from the crooks and developing the will.

>> No.10102892

he's just blackpilled

>> No.10102894
