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File: 50 KB, 604x611, Thg-mockingjay-presidentsnow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10096933 No.10096933 [Reply] [Original]

If you think about it, Snow was a competent leader, if a little arrogant. Panem seems to be running on a Plutocratic system, so Snow had to have had YEARS of training to be the leader. Since there were 75 Hunger Games, it can be assumed that the previous revolt would still be fresh in the minds of older citizens. Snow being brought up and trained in an environment that constantly preached how districts should be seen as lesser and subservient and should be controlled as a result of the "Dark Times" could be the cause of his relentless refusal to dominate and not compromise.
Maybe before the event of the first book/movie, Snow was ready to retire or live out the rest of is days with ease and during an arguably "peaceful" period. Katniss's breaking of the newly established norm (since societal changes take years and decades) could be why he hated her so much. I like to believe that if Snow was younger, he would have sought a peaceful solution to the rebellion, but, if he was indeed looking forward to an easy last few years and it was ruined, Snow's actions could be justified beyond just "He was evil."

Say what you want about "The Hunger Games" but its a good series in a shit genre

>> No.10097177

snow is a stupid name for a character

>> No.10097298

all the names are stupid....

>> No.10097312


>> No.10097328
File: 45 KB, 479x591, 1501221492165.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The cartoonishly evil president was cartoonishly evil because he was upset that the plucky brave mary sue upset the status quo
What a groundbreaking analysis
Hunger Games confirmed greater than schlock like War and Peace could ever be

>> No.10097400

books were complete shit....i like the movies because of the visual choices

>> No.10097606

He wasn't actually that evil. The Hunger Games and everything else he did can still be justified. It was President Coin who did the most evil and sadistic shit.
>strong independent woman turns out to be more evil than white male
Really made me think as a teen.

>> No.10097821

Haven't you heard?
Hunger Games is about millennials and feminists overthrowing the competent white man

>> No.10097825

My girlfriend made me sit through all three films and I was so bored I started coming to the same idea and telling her this theory. She didn't like it

>> No.10097851

>visual choices
keep telling yourself that dickhead

>> No.10099391

Why did you start a thread on YA garbage? A thread died for this.