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File: 19 KB, 220x250, 220px-Punishment_sisyph.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10079387 No.10079387 [Reply] [Original]

So, the moral of the story is "everything is absurd so we should embrace it but also revolt and be happy just cuz"? Am I missing something or is that conclusion super intellectually lazy? If there is no meaning and life is suffering and there is no hope, literally kys. Why suffer through a horrible existence because "life lmao"? It seems to me he's making the very leap he pretends to reject, and it's potentially worse, as the leap to faith should at least give you hope for meaning and therefore a real reason for happiness.

>> No.10079401



>> No.10079409

it's a fucking expression, asshat, address the substance.

>> No.10079537

I guess nobody actually discusses anything here. It's a shame since the memes aren't even good.

>> No.10079542

I used to post before they added 6000+ recaptchas

>> No.10079554
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using the myth of sisyphus would be like a mildly poignant aphorism in like a mildly competent thinkers oevre but camus actually really thought that this was really super smart and worth making an enitre novel about and actually the focal point of his entire contrived "worldview"

>> No.10079567

You fucking inbred nigger, do you read with your chocolate eye? Try those two small beads attached to the drained coconut you call your head.

First of all, there's no corellation between meaning and happiness/suffering. As such, meaningless life is not necessarily unhappy. Furthermore, even if the life is meaningless - and let's presume it is - death is just as meaningless, so lack of meaning is certainly a dumb reason to elimanate your map. The trick is to break the artificial chain between purpose and joy, i.e. it's not that Sysyphus is happy, Sysyphus would be better off he stopped worrying about the purposelessness of stone-rolling and just concentrated on the boulder.

>lmao existentialism also has presuppositions)))

Sure it does buddy. But the idea that taking up faith and then getting fucked over because it doesn't suddenly start to generate meaning is reasonable. Take a leap that says that rolling the boulder is purpose enough, not reaching the summit.

>> No.10079624

>First of all, there's no corellation between meaning and happiness/suffering
rETARD. If you're gonna use this kind of faggot positivist language use some actual fucking data. Because I'm 900% there are probably a hundred social studies saying people who are doing "meaningful" things are happier or more content or whatever. You can tell that to fuck off, and say they're misunderstanding some vital proposition or whatever, but it seems strange to be so blase about discarding the entire connection whatsoever without providing at least some kind of real, human insight about why

>> No.10079645
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I like the argument put forth by Thomas Nagel.

He concludes that, essentially, if life doesn't matter, then the fact that life doesn't matter has no meaning itself.


>> No.10079730
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>> No.10079799

No it isn't, maybe you should fucking read it instead of Gay-moo's stupid fucking interpretation of it.
Sisyphus died, then he tricked Hades into letting him go home to get a proper burial because he can't stay otherwise. He instead stayed alive and eventually died of natural causes. For this transgression he was forced to do what he is known for. For trying to avoid the fate he was prescribed, he was given a much simpler fate that he couldn't fuck up and had no consequences, and was much less pleasant.
Moral: enjoy what you have and do not fear death unless you have good reason to.

>> No.10079806

obviously this thread is about Camus' text.

>> No.10079812

Fuck gay-moo