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File: 30 KB, 302x442, It_cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10070685 No.10070685 [Reply] [Original]

>six hundred pages in
It's going to get scary, right?

>> No.10070713

its not even going to get readable

>> No.10070730
File: 30 KB, 291x468, Letters_to_a_Young_Contrarian.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10070751

>and so it turns out, this was It all along
Bravo, King.

>> No.10071562

aits for a jump scare*

>> No.10071600

Why did he include an underage gangbang?

>> No.10071604

Always made me laugh how people were so offended by a cosmic underage gangbang meant to save countless lives, but not by children being tortured and murdered.

>> No.10071620


I have never read a scary book in my life.

>> No.10071633

Difference is the protagonists chose to try to not get murdered and chose to have a gang bang..if Pennywise wanted to there wouldn't be a problem because we're rooting against it.

>> No.10072032

It's not as if it was essential to the plot of book, or even added to the horror of the story

>> No.10072172
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>mfw the book has a jumpscare

>> No.10072296

"It" isn't necessarily scary. It's more of a brooding nostalgic evocation both of the terrors of childhood and the goodness of childhood. I'd say it's more about the demons America is haunted by than it is about the clown. If you want scary Stephen King, I recommend Pet Sematary.

>> No.10072417

jej, nothing personel... *gets brain cancer*

>> No.10072471

reported for buying child pornography.

>> No.10073079

I can sort of respect that. I like the way he treats recollection and nostalgia, this big epic tale of a town's dark history... but it's obvious he wants it to be scary, too.

>> No.10073260

I stopped reading it as a kid because early into the book the part about pirhanas eating a dudes penis made me realize king is just an edgelord, but now that I know there's a kid orgy it sounds epic.

>> No.10073289

Wouldn't that align with him being an edgelord?

>> No.10073509

People like edgelords. I'd say it's transgressive because now he has to apologize for it, like with rage. If anything, it's brought renewed interest to his work. Every day someone makes a thread about him being a pedophile.

>> No.10074632

it aligns with him being a pedophile.

>> No.10074652

>He saw several coarse brown hairs clinging to the shallow head-wound on Richie's forehead. They were slightly kinky, like his father's pubic hair.

>> No.10074654

>It's not as if it was essential to the plot of book

check out this brainlet

>> No.10074658
File: 294 KB, 1440x1942, Screenshot_2017-09-26-17-47-52-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every time King gets to Bev, he has to talk about how pretty she is.

>> No.10074991

It's fine. You guys are acting like he's Samuel Delaney

>> No.10075182

Every time something had the potential to be interesting King would ruin it in the next paragraph trying to be edgy, or shoehorn in some shit rock n roll thing, or pull some sexual stuff out of nowhere. Several times during female POVs there would be a sentence like, "She was so mad her nipples would get hard". Constantly talking about Bev and how hot she is, even when she's actually doing something cool like shooting Pennywise with the silver slugs King has to ruin it by telling us her "yellow cotton panties" were showing. Not to mention Bill, fucking Bill, Kings self insert. Everyone jerks Bill off always talking about how he's the most talented writer, the bravest, the strongest, the handsomest. Even Ben says he doesn't mind loosing Bev as long as it's to Bill. Stupid book, child gang bang is just the cherry on a turd sundae.

>> No.10075996

How would he KNOW.......what his dad's pubic hairs look like?

>> No.10076014
File: 523 KB, 1334x750, 9852929C-B31F-4F9F-857B-139C278AEBA2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"And it IS a good book, it's a VERY good book."

I hate you Malcom Jones.

>> No.10076021

The dude just wants to cum. Don't hate.

>> No.10076038

>unironically reading the shit hitchens brother

kill yourself like he did

>> No.10076071

It's not weird for a son to have showered with his dad as a toddler, r-right?

>> No.10076136

I agree with this. Bev was a cute little red-headed pixie. Who WOULDN'T sexualize that?

>> No.10076568

I hope Anon is able to procure some cancer in order to fulfill your request.

>> No.10077824

Because he probably based her on a childhood sweetheart, you autist.

>> No.10077831

eww what the fuck? Your father is a sicko.

>> No.10077839

It just looks bad for a writer to gravitate around that when it serves no purpose. It's cringey. If he described multiple characters' physicality in a scene, it'd be one thing, but he rarely does. You can play a drinking game, every time King writes a Bev scene, he's going to mention her boobs or how pretty she is. You would get plastered. It's embarassing. If it were erotica, it'd be okay.

>> No.10078546

>he's going to mention her boobs
Does he do that in the book??

>> No.10078561

Nah, i did. You have to be really measured with how you interact with kids these days, as a lot of innocent things are perceived as creepy.

>> No.10078567
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>> No.10078642
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>> No.10078660


>> No.10078662

What do they critics say about this? Do they make mention of it? They are critics after all. They'll pick everything worth criticising.

>> No.10078681


>> No.10078695


>> No.10078763


...on the teenage titties.

>> No.10079002

To make an omelette, you have to break some hymen.

>> No.10079021

I really like the way King can wax nostalgic about the 1950s. There is something so comfy about it.

>> No.10079029


>> No.10079037

Not even teenage. 11 years old.

>> No.10079057

Honestly? I find it a little cringey.
Okay, fuck it, it's comfy at the same time.
Best age, tbqh.

>> No.10079067

I just ordered this, mostly becasuse I've never read any Stephen King material as a kid.

>> No.10079256

I like the whole Americana thing. The way he describes it in The Body, It, Hearts in Atlantis, 11/22/63, The Man in the Black Suit, The Death of Jack Hamilton, etc. is super comfy.

If you want I could recommend some good places to start. I've read most of his stuff and it's definitely hit-or-miss sometimes.

>> No.10080096

Yeah, I'm reading through it for the first time and the Beverly stuff seems a bit overdone. And he really does seem to prop Bill up in a heavyhanded manner.

Still like >>10079021, I like the description of the yester-years.

Though I'm a little taken back by the scene structure, where he opens a section with what happened and backtracks to it.

>> No.10080152

I don't remember ever being scared by It, but I do remember that the passage about the drunk watching the water tower collapse as if in slow motion was one of my favorite things I ever read.
I thought Salem's Lot was Kings scariest work that I ever read. And I give TheShining anhonorablemention for making topiarys scary. Not possible on film.

You have to remember King was on a lot of cocaine at the time. I just read Dolores Claiborne. Fun, immersive, but it's told in one long breath, no chapter breaks or anything, and for such a short book it repeats itself a few too many times at the end.
The thing about Bev and It was, the cocaine, and she is the only female in the losers, which is 6 other dudes going through puberty. As far as they're concerned, she drips sex. So it makes sense for it to be told in that mind set. She is on a pedestal.
And I hate it when people call it an orgy or a gang bang. It was a fucking train at worst. It's 2 pages out of 1100, and you can tell it's not even written to be hot. And like someone said, no one mentions anything about the grisly murders in his books, Dolores Claiborne has a guy trying to fuck his own daughter, but when kids do things of their own accord, somehow people make it into a big deal.

>> No.10080187

How does that work?

>> No.10080205

Hell, It doesn't even have a proper endng.

>> No.10081059

OP here, there was one part I actually found legit spooky. It was when the Losers all split up as adults to get re-aqquainted with the town, and it's Bill's turn, and while everybody else had something horrifying happen to them (awful scene structure like >>10080096 points out) but Bill gets something more quietly unsettling and unexplained. And I'm not talking about the bike part.