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File: 96 KB, 768x960, Popper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10042343 No.10042343 [Reply] [Original]

Popper seems to be a meme right now. I never really paid attention to him. Are the normies getting him right? Should Karl Popper be read?

>> No.10042356


Seems like a stupid semantic argument. As long as you don't tolerate violence or damage to your person or property, I don't see why you have to do anything else. Your pic just seems like an excuse to arrest people for having "politically incorrect" opinions like not wanting more immigration.

>> No.10042363

i wonder where he got the name POPPER from
HINT: he wasnt taking BONG TOKES

>> No.10042367

>that picture

"No liberty for the enemies of liberty" (Saint-Just) is an old meme from the French Revolution, and we know very well its murderous consequences. Nothing new here.

Regarding Popper himself, no idea.

>> No.10042371


>> No.10042426

If you look at in context though, it would have made sense for people on the shit end of the stick to behave intolerantly towards their oppressors, or dickhead who don't like them in other words.

I do find it interesting that leftists have repurposed Popper's nuanced argument and apply it to natzies, but they don't do the same with the extremely retrograde and anti-cosmopolitan Islamist ideology.

>> No.10042437

He's right in a Hegelian way

>> No.10042442

I doubt Hindenburg cared much for tolerance.

>> No.10042445

yeah, what I do know of Popper is how it has been used for years against islam

>> No.10042446

Whenever I'm wrong about something I'm going to say that from now on. "But I was right, in a Hegelian way"

>> No.10042458

It seems like a means for justifying violence that protects the status quo.

>> No.10042461
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>Karl Popper

>> No.10042466

>I do find it interesting that leftists have repurposed Popper's nuanced argument and apply it to natzies, but they don't do the same with the extremely retrograde and anti-cosmopolitan Islamist ideology.

We do. Maybe you don't seek out actual leftist critiques of Islam and aren't really exposed to media that would give you those critiques? Not even trying to be snarky, most socialists are as critical of Islam as they are of Christianity, and naturally so. It's more pertinent to speak on issues relating to fascism then it is to Islam tho, at least in the States.

>> No.10042468

No. A neoliberal capitalist ploy to distract idiots and lesser liberal ass kissers.

>> No.10042483

Yeah. If this is necessary to sustain it, the open society is its own enemy.

>> No.10042493


>> No.10042499

Do you mean Sam Harris or Bill Maher? These are a few left-leaning figures known for their critical stances on Islam. But they are few and far between. And the thrust of leftist politics in recent years has been one of appeasement and apologetics for Islamist extremism.

>> No.10042501

honestly who even cares

nobody is actually committed to total freedom for everyone. never happened, never will. when people advocate for it, its just politically convenient.

its more effective to talk about what a society wants as opposed to some impossible values they should maintain. most people dont care about having consistent principals, they just want to feel good living where they are.

>> No.10042533

Nobody significant is defending terrorists, its directed towards moderate Muslims who face the biggest backlash because of terrorism

Not to boil everything down to an aphorism, but generally, the left is wrong on Islam, but the right is wrong on Muslims

>> No.10042535

Isn't that shit taken out of context in the first place?

>> No.10042536
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>Karl Popper

>> No.10042551

>moderate muslims
The left sure doesn't care for moderate fascists of any other kind. Makes you think.

>> No.10042556

I started reading Popper's The Open Society before I was jew aware, and it puzzled me to no end why he smeared Plato and Hegel with blame for the totalitarian atrocities of the 20th century, yet absolved Karl Max from criticism.
Now I know, the jew always covers for his co-ethnic.

>> No.10042565

is popper really jewish? god, that would make too much sense.

>> No.10042585

Based on equivocation. Tolerance of thought is different than tolerance of action. Free speech is different than free action. Furthermore, intolerance is performed in many ways, which are very unequal to each other. If I refuse to listen to someone, I am being intolerant. If i shoot them for what they say, I am intolerant. If I excommunicate someone for the color of their skin, I am being intolerant. If I fine someone for an action they took, I am being intolerant. Obviously, any society, even one that is generally regarded as tolerant, is a system of bother certain tolerances and certain intolerances. For a society to be completely tolerant about all things in all ways is to not be a society at all. But to say a society must be intolerant of some things in some ways is not a novel or importanr thought at all, for it is the very basis of society. The question is what should be tolerated and in what ways. In this, the American society is quite clear that all speech, and therefore all thought, is to be tolerated only so far as the law is concerned, and only to the point of action, where a new system of tokerances is continually molded by democratically organized legislation and judicial review. I've never read Popper, so I can't really say how his ideas agree or disagree, but any who use his name to support the idea that thought alone, and so also speech, can be actively curtqiled by the government engages in gross equivocation of the meaning of tolerance.

>> No.10042613

He dedicated a huge section to extensive criticism of Marxism, you sophist.

>> No.10042616
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from his wiki https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Karl_Popper#Personal_life

>> No.10042693

>jew aware
Sounds like someone needs a five knuckle sandwich.

>> No.10042831


This may make sense in a strictly dispassionate sense, but in practice humans always twist and manipulate these kinds of rhetorical arguments towards their own ends. This is easily primed for labeling an adversary 'intolerant' and then justifying all means of destroying them.

The idea is too paradoxical and vague to ever disseminate correctly without descending into chaos.

>> No.10042971

>threatening violence because you disagree with that anon
Pretty pathetic.

>> No.10042991

bullshit idea made to please modern sensibilities
either you defend absolute freedom of speech or you simply defend censorship and don't care if people accuse you of being intolerant because tolerance is a meme

>> No.10043003


Who gets to define "intolerance" ? These days everything from reading certain books to sitting on a train the wrong way is considered intolerant.

>> No.10043005


>being a moralfag

You too.

>> No.10043009

My bad, I took you for someone with questionable morals; turns out you're just a lunatic.

>> No.10043022

everybody is a moralfag in some way, brainlet

>> No.10043023

this is only a paradox if you haven't defined "intolerant", and tolerant as well for that matter.
Ideas must be tolerated as far as our emotions being hurt, but not as far as being physically hurt. Thats all there is to it, no paradox there.

>> No.10043027

How historically illiterate do you have to be to think that Nazism spread through tolerance of extreme views? Absolute tolerance would preclude both most Nazi practices AND the government imprisoning people for their political opinions.

>> No.10043093

>want to live in a nice white country full of nice white people
>people literally want me killed for being a white nationalist
I guess I should commit genocide then, I can't tolerate intolerance.

>> No.10043124


The most liberal parts of the US are some of the whitest. You think the hippies weren't white? Europe and the US moved left far quicker when they were ethnic states or close to it.

This is not to say that I love unchecked migration and refugees everywhere, but the idea that races have intrinsic unchanging political leanings is a notion that dies with any knowledge of history.

>> No.10043125

>a five knuckle sandwich.

A fist has only four knuckles you goober

>> No.10043155
File: 434 KB, 3213x1381, Saint-Just-e1492814152278.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how can you disagree with this face?

>> No.10043168

being a "moderate" while you have a de facto armed bastard son that does all your dirty work is quite convenient

it allows you to have things like de facto blasphemy laws in western countries that are paid with the death sentence. and the left's answer to this is just more appeasement.

>> No.10043175

>You will never find a brilliant hot Catholic girl who writes about ethics and causality and have 7 children with her
Why live

>> No.10043179

>not having a thumb

>not being a moral nihilist

>> No.10043180
File: 173 KB, 1024x421, fc2062aef352f80dc2215f346ba9ce28_XL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

like this :^)

>> No.10043187

Why white?

The tolerance did allow the building up of the party's power though, which allowed Hitler to get rid of enemies violently

>> No.10043270
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>reee kick them out!
is he the precursor to crazy man Hoppe?

>> No.10043294

Just read Feyerabend.
Why don't they ever read Feyerabend...

And if you want a grown-up critique of tolerance read Nietzsche and Zizek.

>> No.10043310

>read Feyerabend paper
>enjoy what i am reading
>suddenly he starts talking about alchemy and astrology as justified alternative sources of knowledge without justifying it in any way
did he actually write anything of value?

>> No.10043399

>We're tolerant because we're against muh nazzzzzies
Anyone on the center is a white supremacist according to feral leftists.

>> No.10043424


>> No.10043451
File: 57 KB, 850x400, quote-the-cure-for-a-fallacious-argument-is-a-better-argument-not-the-suppression-of-ideas-carl-sagan-35-98-66.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sagan > popper

>> No.10043475
File: 14 KB, 195x195, 1407536517474.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10043496

>Do you mean Sam Harris or Bill Maher?
More like Baudrillard.

>> No.10043499

Not gonna touch that pic but Popper's main achievement was falsification, which is a great thing for natural scientists but is being misapplied in many social sciences.

>> No.10043513

>punching with your thumb

>> No.10043643

Popper is a fag and couldn't realize that tolerance was not a paradox it was just self defeating

>> No.10043714

Yes, of course, they are obviously saying the same. Retard.

>> No.10043749

Progressives think this justifies punching nazis, but it really just shows that tolerance cannot legitimize itself and needs to stay in private life, not public life.

>> No.10043755

They seem to forget it can go both ways as well.

>> No.10043762

tolerance itself is a massive fucking meme

>> No.10043764

I agree, Gas all Kikes

>> No.10043802

Does he really absolve Marx? I'm only a little way into the first book but he mentions in the intro that the three main thinkers he plans to tackle are Plato, Hegel, and Marx, which would suggest they all receive the same severe treatment, no?

>> No.10043862
File: 24 KB, 266x420, 41NXLi4K-YL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> should he be read

For any student of epistemology, absolutely yes. That said, there's room for nuance in his open society. By "not tolerating intolerance", my interpretation of that is to allow the individual to express his views within the confines of existing society, but not to budge in terms of allowing their ideas to form matters of policy.

>> No.10043951
File: 256 KB, 800x1000, a-30.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10043955


>Being scared of words and pictures

Why are Liberals like this?

>> No.10043981

>Does he really absolve Marx?
No, besides the fact he's a raging liberal, the whole thing he's most known for is his epistemological attack on the likes of Freud and Marx

Ignore anti-Semitic trolls

>> No.10044018

Can you point me in the direction of some leftist critiques of Islam?

>> No.10044024


Are critiques of Islam are, by definition, right-wing.

>> No.10044047

What is your definition of right-wing? Was Envher Hoxha right-wing?

>> No.10044060

Why is there a double standard between national socialism and communism?
They both killed millions of people, but only nazi's get pinned with wanting to repeat the crimes of their predecessors.

>> No.10044101
File: 61 KB, 1280x907, 1494802829543.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am proudly intolerant and very much an enemy of the open society in all its forms.

>> No.10044113

Being a Naz-Bol is the definition of shitting where you eat

>> No.10044130
File: 26 KB, 621x615, 1504561711430.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every one of you is a Nahtzee until some poor woman takes pity on you and lets you bang her.

>> No.10044316

>as critical of Islam as they are of Christianity
>as critical

Jesus, dude. Christians aren't going around throwing acid in peoples faces, covering women up, and cutting off women's genitals. Christians may be wrong, and they may do some messed up stuff, but the two groups aren't even comparable.

If you think Christians are just as bad it's because you're coming from a Eurocentric perspective.

>> No.10044764

That doesn't work because intolerance isn't an objective trait. People nowadays will call you intolerant for using the word "denigrate" or questioning transgender bathrooms. Is that enough grounds to silence someone?

>> No.10044777

lmao, no. Popper thinks Plato was a fascist.

>> No.10046029

Is Plato not a fascist? I could see how some of his ideas in Republic could give that impression.

>> No.10046046


Define "Facisim"

>> No.10046049

Define "define"

>> No.10046054
File: 46 KB, 850x400, quote-i-disapprove-of-what-you-say-but-will-defend-to-the-death-your-right-to-say-it-voltaire-334856.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No. Right and wrong are not subject to the calculus of convenience.

>> No.10046058



state or describe exactly the nature, scope, or meaning of.
"the contract will seek to define the client's obligations"
synonyms: explain, expound, interpret, elucidate, describe, clarify; More

mark out the boundary or limits of.
"clearly defined boundaries"
synonyms: determine, establish, fix, specify, designate, decide, stipulate, set out;

>> No.10046064

It's hard to take anyone seriously who feels the threat of communism serious.

>> No.10046075

he is probably going with the "christianity only doesn't do these things because it was modernized" line of thought while ignoring that many modern ideas such as social justice, economic freedom or even fucking secularism came from the catholic church

>> No.10046091

If you were to seriously apply the logic here proposed, society wouldn't just get rid off Nazis. They'd get rid of Muslims. Yet oddly enough the groups that have such animosity for the former consider the latter wholly beyond scrutiny. What could be the explanation for this? Only that their motives are not as stated, that this is ultimately simple posturing, arbitrary ideology gone amok by a populace impressionable and loth to think critically.

>> No.10046102

Whoa... so this is the power of philosophy

>> No.10046195

i love ol' GEM, don't get me wrong—but that's a pretty strong word for someone who always looked like a bulldog. hell, i never thought iris murdoch was attractive enough to merit her numerous affairs, though i can sympathize why witty slept with her and not anscombe.

>> No.10046232

>intolerance must be outside the law

popper needs to check his fucking islamophobia

>> No.10046238

>What could be the explanation for this?

because if you can exclude muslims for creating sharia zones then you would have to exclude the hassidim too

>> No.10046252

Voltaire didn't actually say that.

>> No.10046345

That goes both ways

>> No.10046381

That's why California used to be a Purple state. Check the rates in which immigrants vote for leftist parties for muh benefits and muh bring the whole family over!

>> No.10046384
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Hoppe is right you know.

>> No.10046386

Is Democracy: tgtf worth a read? I was surprised to find a link to the full .pdf on Hoppe's own website and I was thinking I'd make it the next book I read.

>> No.10047573

Prove it.

>> No.10047579

>The most liberal parts of the US are some of the whitest.
This is untrue. Maybe percentage wise it's true for some small states, but the real correlation there is with wealth and left leanings.

You look at places like West Virgina or Iowa, they are over 90% white and not especially wealthy, they're all red states.

>> No.10047648

Wasn't it said against Voltaire and originated in a biography of his detailing his detractors? I can't be bothered to google it (on my phone) and I'm not that anon though.

>> No.10047655


Wasn't le drumpf's election pretty much decided by white people having the temerity to vote for him?

>> No.10047875
File: 214 KB, 600x450, red_herring.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

white people are a meme, trump won because the neoliberal mainstream narrative collapsed, russia and white people are just a red herrings to avoid confronting this fact

>> No.10048314


>> No.10048328
File: 25 KB, 250x392, 1504398848086.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you couldnt tell a joke if it hit you on the face

>> No.10049298


>> No.10049370

he's joking you goon, he hated scientism

>> No.10049392

Why do you guys believe in Democracy when it has failed? No one can accomplish anything of value. We need one side to take over and eradicate their enemy through force.

>> No.10050168


>I'm still alive
>Democracy as failed

Has failed me yet.

>> No.10050561
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Karl Popper? More like Karl Poopier am I right?

>> No.10050573

I'm not this poster but I'd also like to hear some thoughts on this.

>> No.10050603

but what if western society has more to fear from middle eastern migrants than in nativists, in terms of eroding liberal notions of tolerance?
what if the set of tolerances espoused by the left (muslims good, nazis bad) ends up making our society more intolerant than the inverse?
we see here that it isn't as simple as 'don't tolerate intolerance', intolerance for what? to whom?
as it stands what is tolerated or not by whatever political position tends to be decided by what various political parties think will end up inflating their voter rolls and not on pragmatism or preserving anything, it seems.

>> No.10051127
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My problem with this infrographic is that "Nazis/fascism" are the only ideologies of that people who espouse this philosophy recognize as "intolerance."

Islamists are intolerant toward infidels. Anarchists are intolerant towards statists. Communists are intolerant towards "kulaks" which could be anybody they want to be.


>> No.10051494


But, see, it literally does not make sense. It is a paradox, one which your meme fails to resolve.
>The intolerant cannot be tolerated by a tolerant society.
>A society which does not tolerate is intolerant.
>Therefore a society which does not tolerate intolerance is intolerant.
>Therefore a society which does not tolerate intolerance must not tolerate itself

Unless this balding autist is actually arguing that "intolerance" is meaningless outside the context of a majority defining tolerance, and placing an "intolerant" minority outside that definition to justify not tolerating it.

Or in other words, "we must persecute any individual or movement which preaches persecution" which means the speaker must be persecuted because he literally just preached persecution.

>> No.10051527
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>all the butthurt rightwingers in this thread
So good.

>> No.10051616

If you have to ask whether it's worth a read, it's worth a read

>> No.10051651

As SJW as it sounds the benchmark for tolerance should be allowing people of any gender, ethnicity, sexuality, age, ability, economic status participate on an equal level in your imagined society. I'd say this is roughly broad enough to be inclusive of ideologies as fringe as communism and AnCap but not broad enough to tolerate things like Nazism and radical Islam.

>> No.10051847

>any gender, ethnicity, sexuality, age, ability, economic status participate on an equal level in your imagined society
>I'd say this is roughly broad enough to be inclusive of ideologies as fringe as communism and AnCap but not broad enough to tolerate things like Nazism and radical Islam.
that sounds tricky, you listed a few arbitrary categories, but left out religion, i don't see how you can meaningfully tolerate an ethnicity built around a religion if you don't tolerate religion, and if you tolerate religion you open the door for islam

in the same way you say you would tolerate ethnicity, but does mean only minority ethnicity while whites are only allowed to organize as universal subjects? Or are you going to tolerate people organizing around white ethnicity as well, and at what point are you going to cut it before it turns into actual Nazism?

>> No.10051851

was for >>10051651

>> No.10051876

I don't think religion should be included, it should not be covered by tolerance or indeed held to a different standard than ideology. There are many sexist, racist, homophobic, ablest and very many other kids of -ist religions out there and they should not be protected. If they actively fall under these categories, as radical Muslims do, they should be prosecuted. However if you subscribe to a more liberal strain of Islam that doesn't promote imposing medieval laws upon society then this should be permitted and protected as long as it stays liberal.

In the case of ethnicity built around religion you're clearly referring to Jews, and other descendants of ethnoreligions. They should not be protected on the basis of their religion, they should be protected on the basis of their ethnicity. And "Jew" is not an ethnicity, Ashkenazim, Sephardim, Mizrahim, Beta Israel and so forth are ethnicities. And it's entirely possible to belong to one of those ethnicities strictly speaking without being religiously Jewish.

>Or are you going to tolerate people organizing around white ethnicity as well, and at what point are you going to cut it before it turns into actual Nazism?
I think people organizing on the basis of being white is permissible provided it doesn't degenerate into trying to impose white supremacist policies onto the existing system. As long as their organization does not impede upon the rights and freedoms of the listed categories it is a non-problem.

Indeed I think white people having a mainstream acceptable outlet for racial organization would be helpful to stop them from radicalizing and becoming real Nazis.

>> No.10052660
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Can you tell me what this neoliberal mainstream narrative is? I believe you, but I want to be able to talk to other people about it and have at least a shot at being persusive.

>> No.10052915

Wow big brain

>> No.10052925

Women clap emoji need clap emoji burqas

>> No.10052930

You'd also obviously have to apply it to communists.

>> No.10052938

It's all so tiresome.

>> No.10052946

popper is the worst """philosopher""" to have ever existed

even a kid can figure out falsification

>> No.10052947

What if groups within that society want to self-segregate? Currently that's illegal because you can't refuse service to groups, you can't have homogenous institutions and the government will force undesirable groups into the territory of groups who don't want them there.

>> No.10052951


>> No.10052959

What about black supremacist policies like forcing companies to hire PoCs over whites?

>> No.10052963

I don't know

>> No.10052997

>>Another sheep violence shaming

That's what adamantly held differences of belief always boil down to. Violence shaming is how the powers that be stay in power.

>> No.10053006

Pretty dumb. EVERYBODY is intolerant of something. Surely he is not referring to "intolerance of murder"?

Demonstrates how "tolerance" as an ideal virtue is pretty dumb. A tolerant society arises from the sensibilities of the population, not the law.

Liberty is a state, not an ideal.

>> No.10053146

Here' the relevant question in America today:

Should you be allowed to wear a swastika in public?

If so, should physically assaulting someone wearing a swastika be acceptable?

If the swastika man is yelling at minorities that he wants to kill them, but not actually harming them in any physical way, is violence against him acceptable?

>> No.10053298
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>You must be intolerant of the intolerant

Doesn't that make you... intolerant?

>> No.10053975

Nigga, did you miss the last 100 years of history?

>> No.10053983

>waah some abusive rich fucks died

Revolutionary violence isn't any more reprehensible than the execution of murderers

>> No.10053990


>> No.10053993

Bad bait

>> No.10054001

You see, "comrade", the problem is: who is the enemy of revolution and who is not? There is a long history of leftist revolutionaries murdering their own, when the power balance shifts

>> No.10054043


Popper puts Marx in his place actually, by deconstructing all of his argumentation in Das Kapital and concluding the introduction of ad hoc hypotheses makes it pseudo-scientific, which was not what Marx originally intended. He still gives Marx a lot of credit in other ways (and frankly, the guy has a lot of credit if even for trolling others into loving/hating him so hard).

Popper was a great "practical" person and basically created what we now consider to be the definite differences between "science" and "non-science". Sadly, he has failed to spread this view: not only are contemporary scientists extremely ignorant of all philosophy, even analytical and Popper himself (I would know, I'm a physicist), most of my peers in academia actually lie in some kind of logical/empirical positivism zone, claiming they are finding "truths" and that "theories are facts, facts are derived from data, and theories are ontological", except they don't even use the word ontology in spite of smearing ontological claims into mere equivalence classes.

Likewise, OP's picture imply Popper did not ever differentiate from allowing thoughts to allowing actions, and that his views on tolerance do not have to undergo constant revaluation. How do you say who is being intolerant at any given time? You might have to ban both sides of the argument at times and impose the middle ground, which is hell of an irony. Popper does address such things, but it's another view he failed to pass on, and people remain acting as he sought them not to. I hope he found happiness in life at least.

>> No.10054071

Yes, McCarthyism was a great success.

>> No.10054091

Great chinese famine was an even bigger one, really cut into that world overpopulation. Heck attempted communism was so good, that people died trying to spread the word about the utopia, scaling the Berlin wall and swimming on the makeshift rafts from Cuba to the failed capitalist country called USA