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/lit/ - Literature

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10036510 No.10036510 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone else find this book absolutely boring, pretentious and poorly written? I have no clue why it's assumed to be good literature. I'd venture to say it's only because it was written by a woman. If a man wrote this, no one would read it. Literary affirmative action has given this book the reputation it has and nothing more. This book is repulsively dull.

>> No.10036515

you are trash, and your life is repulsively dull
cease to exist, nobody will notice

>> No.10036516


>> No.10036519

this, basically. don't even try to come back this, OP. don't say "taste is subjective". you objectively have bad taste and literature is not for you. go back to video games

>> No.10036520

remember when it was middlemarch but then they realized they didn't know enough about middlemarch to do more than say cuck a bunch of times
next it will be rowling

>> No.10036524


Explain how the book is objectively good.

>> No.10036533

I can give reasons why I don't like it.

> Stream-of-consciousness makes for bad story telling.
> Abuse of semi-colons makes for bad story telling.
> Lack of plot and uninteresting characters makes for bad story telling.
> Literary cliches and try-hard metaphors makes for bad story telling.

The writing is jolting at times. The prose is dried-up. It is, on the whole, trash.

>> No.10036539

nice teen spacing redditbro

>> No.10036544

The only writers to ever do anything interesting with stream of consciousness might be Proust and Joyce. Apart from that, no one has ever been able to handle such a dull narrative style and Woolf is a testament to everything a writer should not do.

>> No.10036560

kill yourself, manchild.

>> No.10036566

Lots of butthurt in this thread.

>> No.10036576

Neck yourself

>> No.10036590

threads like this makes me want to see this board fucking die

guys like OP are worst than the worst review in goodreads

>> No.10036595

im buthurt

>> No.10036598

>To the Lighthouse is poorly written
The absolute state of /lit/, ladies and gentlemen

>> No.10036606

Still lots of butthurt. No one providing any argument for why the book is good. Just ad hominem after ad hominem.

If you like the book, please give your reasons why and try to explain thoughtfully why it isn't as bad as I think it is.

>> No.10036612

why don't you, wait a sec, why.don't.you.neck.yourself?

>> No.10036613


>> No.10036616

>why it isn't as bad as I think it is.
Because you're an illiterate mongrel.

>> No.10036621

no u

>> No.10036627

Screencapped for the next goodreads cringe thread

>> No.10036631

>If a man wrote this, no one would read it.
A man could not have written it.

>> No.10036633

im seething

>> No.10036654

u mom gay

>> No.10036692

So far, no one has defended her prose. Just a bunch of ad hominems. Kind of shameful and it affirms my suspicion that she is a trash writer and unsurprisingly has a bunch of trash fans.

>> No.10036702

u mom gay

>> No.10037060

All female writers are shit m8, when we say a female writer is good we mean comparatively considering she has a vagina, she still doesn't measure up to a mediocre male writer

>> No.10037065

This, but unironically

>> No.10037677

Reading women is for cucks.

>> No.10037680
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he can't into platonic form or basic calculus memes

>> No.10037716


Boring and sometimes pretentious, sure... but it's written fine. I even enjoyed some of the floral masturbation. But it's not for me.

>> No.10037756

There's nothing to refute because you haven't provided any substantive criticism of the work. Just saying

>hurr style make bad story

isn't enough to warrant a meaningful response. To the Lighthouse is one of the premier achievements of modernist fiction because of everything you dislike about it. The immediacy of the language which can move from micro to macrocosm without the point of transition ever becoming noticeable; the flawless depiction of the ravages of time upon the body and mind and all human hope, toil, and expectation; it's poetic push toward the outer limits of language and the expansion of possible expression within the novel as a discursive object and literary form... To the Lighthouse is fucking brilliant. I legitimately feel bad for you that you got so little out of the text, because it is her masterpiece.

>> No.10037761

trolled epically

>> No.10037810

No but I read Mrs. Dalloway and it is a steaming pile of dogshit.
The concept is intriguing, but the execution is awful.

Modernism is the worst thing to ever happen to literature.

>> No.10037822


I didn't think it was so much pretentious as utterly boring and unengaging.

I've plowed through other books before but this and Under the Volcano are the only two books so far I went "nope" and put them down to never pick back up.

>> No.10037922

>objectively good

>> No.10037940
File: 22 KB, 294x475, middlemarch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have to read Eliot to understand TTL

>> No.10037958

t. brainlet