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/lit/ - Literature

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10007008 No.10007008 [Reply] [Original]

Share your age, where you live, and what you are currently reading.

>Georgia (U.S.)
>The Critique of Pure Reason, A People's History of the United States, and about to start reading The Complete Stories of Flannery O'Connor

>> No.10007012

>survey threads

Why not just make it a general "what are you reading and what your thoughts/opinions about it?"

Why add shitty survey crap to it? Why is my name or location relevant to what I'm reading?

>> No.10007017
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greetings fellow kekistani! be sure to get the ART OF THE ARGUMENT by Stefan Molyneux, it's a great, great book!

want to know how to defeat those sjw leftist cucks? look no further! save the white race!

this is western civilization's land stand! buy this book or you have failed the white race!

>> No.10007020

Reading great philosophy works this young is a huge mistake.

>> No.10007021

Idk. These threads happen all the time and nobody complains about it. Just share what you're reading is the main thing, though.

>> No.10007039


>> No.10007040

>Northamptonshire (U.K)
>The Mysterious Affair at Styles

See I've tried to read some "Great" philosophy but feel like it's completely wasted on me due to my lack of understanding & general lack of life experience. Glad to see there's at least some logic there.

>> No.10007046

23, recently moved to London.

Reading: Gulag Archipeligo, Crime and Punishment, The Nudge Unit and The Myth of Sisiphus

Am I a pleb

>> No.10007049

North Hollywood, Los Angeles, California, United States of America
Hombre by Elmore Leonard

>> No.10007050

Because you lack the experience and maturity to fully comprehend the concepts. Hence, by the time you're mature enough to fully understand what he's saying on a deeper level you will have to reread the book. And you probably won't do that.

>> No.10007063

>a portrait of the artist as a young man

rereading, actually
i love so much the first chapter

>> No.10007073
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>Mt. Olympus
>Nietzsche, de Cleyre, Anne Carson, Mary Renault

>> No.10007074

Out of curiosity, is there any philosophy would you recommend to an 18 year old then? Or should I just stick to reading fiction with philosophical themes & concepts till I get the confident enough?

>> No.10007076

it's not age itself, but it's safe to assume op hasn't read the greeks and early modern philosophers and just jumped straight to Kant

>> No.10007085

>Alkibiades I

>> No.10007090


>> No.10007093

It's a bad idea to read the critique with other books. I doubt you make it past the deduction with all that on your plate

>> No.10007096


Am I really not the only 40+ here?

>> No.10007116


>Tampa Bay
>Sakyo Komatsu Japan Sinks

>> No.10007131

> 22
> Faust
> trying to read all European classic
> Dante is next

>> No.10007164

>God Bless You, Mr. Rosewater by Kurt Vonnegut

>> No.10007174

>Chicago, IL
>Osman's Dream; Latro in the Mist; Molloy, Malone Dies, & the Unnameable.
After I finish one of those (probably Latro in the Mist) I have 2666 on deck.

>> No.10007185
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>Memphis (Burgerstan not Egypt)
>a collection of Brecht's plays (I'm hoping to improve my German)

>> No.10007196

there are plenty who are your age, grandpa. Ten years ago you were just been an aging young adult. Now you are middle-aged.
I expect to at least lurk here for a long time to come, pathetic as it is.

>> No.10007199

>Underworld by DeLillo

>> No.10007204 [DELETED] 

>Critique of Pure Reason

>> No.10007205

>Infinite Jest (Not even memeing)

>> No.10007208

>Silverlake, CA
>Galatic Pot Healer

>> No.10007210 [DELETED] 

please go and stay go

>> No.10007215

>advertising survey thread time
you should pitch dropping the age and location demographics because you're going to be constantly logging the last of the emulators and not the trends they'll emulate. tell them it's worth a 5% salary bump.

>> No.10007217 [DELETED] 

Are you intimidated by my intelligence, brainlet?

>> No.10007220 [DELETED] 

If you were intelligent you wouldn't be here, frog.

>> No.10007224

Crime and punishment. I want to read the old man and the sea afterwards

>> No.10007229

Howdy pardner

>> No.10007320 [DELETED] 


>> No.10007368

Child of God

>> No.10007386

Any chance you're gay and twinky?

>> No.10007427
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New Jersey
I'm reading The Savage Detectives. It's been a wild ride so far
I was thinking of reading that next since the last book I finished was The Dubliners. Recommend it?

>> No.10007531

That's an odd question. Why ask?
I love Portrait. Everyone should read it.
Actually, you're right. I've read, Plato, some Aristotle, Hume, and Descartes—that's it. I think I may start fresh with Plato and re-read so I can properly work my way up to modern philosophy. It's just that I'm impatient and I want to learn about politics specifically, but I guess I shouldn't rush.

>> No.10007647

From Manila, Philippines
Currently reading Moby Dick

Excited to get into Bernhard's works after this journey with the Pequod.

>> No.10007688

why would you read that shitty history textbook

>> No.10007699

Smoky Mountains in Tennessee
House of Leaves mostly writing though.

>> No.10007732

Because outside of AP history classes, I know nothing about history; and I don't want to be ignorant.

>> No.10007737

a) that is a literal high-school history textbook
b) learn to use semicolons

>> No.10007753

Perhaps you could impart your knowledge of good history to me, then.

>> No.10007755

Maybe his high school is in a red state. They make you read Rand for history.

Hobsbawm's Age of Revolution is a great read for the subject

>> No.10007756


>> No.10007781
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Laguna Beach
Divine Comedy

>> No.10008098

Also in Chicago, hi

Are you an Ottomanist?

>> No.10008101

>Mexico City
>Paradise Lost
>Mitos indígenas (UNAM ed.)
>Athenaze (Italian ed., 1st volume)
>some Mesopotamian wisdom lit

>> No.10008263

>Sword of the Lictor

>> No.10008290
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>you gotta have wa. american ballplayers in japan

>> No.10008303
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rural Pennsylvania
Don Quixote desu

>> No.10008346

>Davis CA
>The Castle, The Art of Loving, Prison Notebooks

>> No.10008357
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>West Virginia
>Practical Programming for Strength Training 3rd edition

>> No.10008370

I'm sorry.

>> No.10008434


>Georgia (US)
>The Shadow of the Torturer, Blood Meridian, City of Saints and Madmen

Mostly dropped the latter though, the good stories were really good but the bad ones were a chore and the randumb ones were nothing to write home about

>> No.10008437

Hello Mr.NSA

>> No.10008450


wasn't Kant a legendary autist who literally never left the house

>> No.10008455
File: 15 KB, 184x274, ItsAllAboutBlackPeople.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ganadian :DDD
>Heart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad

>> No.10008461

>Look Homeward, Angel

>> No.10008543
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>pic related

>> No.10008639

Is this an actual book cover or some kind of a joke photoshop?
how full of cringe can you get?

>> No.10008748

>The Evolution of Strategyby Beatrice Heuser

>> No.10008760

>Athens (Greece)
>On the Genealogy of Morals

>> No.10008767

>Pacific Northwest
>Dragonflight, War & Peace


>> No.10008925
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The Napoleon Options

>> No.10008962

>Five Days in London, May 1940 by John Lukacs
not a military historian fag before you assume anything

>> No.10008975

>The Book of Disquiet and Fear & Loathing in Las Vegas

>> No.10008977
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>Brisbane, Australia
>Currently reading Conrad's 'The Nigger of the Narcissus' in print and about halfway through the audiobook of Dostoevsky's 'The Idiot'

>> No.10009031

Phishing for Phools

>> No.10009032

>The Blind Owl
Really strong start, hopefully it ends as strong.

>> No.10009038


I live in Burbank! Cheers m8.

>> No.10009047

It's *Sisyphus, you plub.

>> No.10009056

The Stoics

Marcus is the most popular, but I reckon Epictetus is way way better.

>> No.10009149

Casual 70 replies datafishing thread

>> No.10009158

put on the tinfoil hat

>> No.10009255

There's a difference between paranoia and allowing others to make a monkey out of you.

>> No.10009260

>4chan is better than reddit because everyone is anonymous

>> No.10009261


>> No.10009285
File: 81 KB, 600x480, schulz self-portrait.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Brazil (SP)
>Complete Fiction by Bruno Schulz; Crime and Punishment by Dostoevsky

>> No.10009303 [DELETED] 

>The Great Gatsby/Wild Cards I

Tgg because school and Wild Cards I because I love it.

>> No.10009336

stick to camus since you're probably an edgy loser

>> No.10009345

>Nairobi, Kenya
>"Free Will" and "The End of Faith" by Sam Harris

>> No.10009364

I bet it's the jews right?

>> No.10009366



Prisoner of Azkaban

>> No.10009383


>History of Rome by S.I. Kovaliov

>> No.10009388

it's data miners selling info to advertisers, why do you think it's pretty much the same format every time? do you actually think anybody cares about your age, location and an 'interesting factoid about yourself'?

>> No.10009390


>> No.10009393

>about to start reading The Complete Stories of Flannery O'Connor

Mah nigguhhhhhh

>> No.10009398

I'm from Atlanta, but right now I'm
>Hartford, CT
>House of Leaves and IT (I saw the movie and liked it.)

>> No.10009400


>> No.10009406

nicholson baker's the mezzanine and i fucking hate it

>> No.10009419

>the master and margarita

>> No.10009424

House of Leaves by Mark Z Danielewski (3rd attempt)

>> No.10009429
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>> No.10009483 [DELETED] 
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>Alice Springs, Australia
>Cell, by Stephen King

Good read thus far.

>> No.10009488
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>Cell, by Stephen King

Good read thus far.

>> No.10009498

>Master and Margarita

>> No.10009503

>"Detectives Salvajes" by Roberto Bolaño
He's pretty based desu.

>> No.10009557

>The Myth of Sisyphus, Meditations on Philosophy

>> No.10009591



An introduction to psychology book, Norton's Field Guide to Writing, Machiavelli's The Prince

>> No.10010416

Cape Town, South Africa
Fathers and Sons

>> No.10010423

Washington State

>> No.10010444

>new zealand
>sons and lovers, song of myself, and borges' labyrinths

great books

>> No.10010454

>20,000 Leagues Under the Sea

>> No.10010462

Doesn't matter, I lie every time.

Portland, Oregon
To the Lighthouse

>> No.10010483

It's *pleb, you plib.

>> No.10010486

Fuck off with your data mining!

Sage all data mine threads.

>> No.10010737 [DELETED] 

Indiana, US
Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep,
The Trial and Death of Socrates

>> No.10010831

dont tell on him

>> No.10010905


>> No.10010909

>Maine (superior Lib-arts college)
>The Recognitions

>> No.10010928
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It cannot be gainsaid that there is an incredibly useful and enlightening effect earned through the dint of introspective inquiry into why you were wrong about meretricious thinking one. It behooves any anon serious about self-improvement to identify ways in which they were wrong in and remedy any strains of logic or thinking that are similarly afield.

Again, I've personally found that gleaning the causes and reasons of my error, more reliably inoculates me against future misunderstanding or misapplications of a concept when compared to slavishly memorizing why somebody was right and little else.
Also, the supercilious insistence that neophytes and journeyman must read in a particularized order, some list of works, is inimical to a community of heterogenetic thought and inquiry. We should hope to encourage multiplicity in the ways in which people are wrong. Others would aim towards an intellectual milieu in which there is no difference in how people think wrongly about things, and when they do, often the divide is banal or of little significance.

>> No.10012314

>The Master and Margarita

>> No.10012318


>> No.10012322
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>The Island of the Day Before by Umberto Eco

>> No.10012356
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>mfw I didn't buy Schulz's complete fiction during one Cosac Naify's sales

>> No.10012532
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>West Virginia, USA
>Kafka's complete works, Meditations - Marcus Aurelius, waiting for gf to catch up to me in Lolita so we can finish it, just finished Watchmen earlier today

NEET life is the best.

>> No.10013786


>> No.10013956

>Richardson, TX
>Hippolytus, Dynamics of Faith

>> No.10013964

>Massenpsychologie und Ich-Analyse

>> No.10013973

The Complete Stories by Lydia Davis

>> No.10014002

Oh shut up. The sooner you read such stuff the sooner you will be able to comprehend it.

Nabokov was reading such things when he was like 12 for christsakes.

>> No.10014362

why the fuck do people write like this
eloquency just for the sake of it is retarded

>> No.10014525

You talk like a fag

>> No.10014900

>reading schulz in translation

>> No.10014914

He didn't ask for your name pleb

>> No.10014938

no one asked for your opinion varmint

>> No.10014960

>Cleveland, OH
>Catcher and the Rye

>> No.10014962
File: 98 KB, 500x335, mom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Atlanta, Georgia, USA
The Idiot, Elif Batuman

>> No.10014978

> Jeremy Bentham's Principles of Morals and Legislation, Spinoza's Ethics
Might take a break from Spinoza to finish Bentham. Bentham already has too many causal relations, i dont need more of them in Spinoza--along with more definitions, axioms and shit.

>> No.10014979

Quebec, Canada
The picture of Dorian Gray

>> No.10015416

>idiots putting their age and location with their IP after Hiro sold us to google
All of you are fucking stupid. OP is a data skimmer.

>> No.10015777

>Citizen Soldiers and The Path Between the Seas

>> No.10016004

Asked the 'are you gay and twinky question' because I dream of having a /lit/ bf and am also from our fair city.

>> No.10016016

>IT (Stephen King), Pressure (Jeff Strand)

>> No.10016610

>Baja California, México
>Matter & Memory (Henri Bergson)
>El Gallo de Oro (Juan Rulfo)
>If This Is a Man (Primo Levi)

>> No.10016652
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No one thinks you're cool. Quit being a dunce.

>> No.10016718

>das kapital (not a commie), the tunnel, cartesian meditations

>> No.10016726

>Washington (US)
>Notes from Underground, House of Leaves, and Plato's Republic

>> No.10017400

>The Art of the Deal (not even memeing)

>> No.10017527


I just finished Notes from a Small Island by Bill Bryson. I've also been reading the Bible; I'm on 2 Samuel.

>> No.10017549

>haha look at me im so patrician at this young age xD

>> No.10018928

>Falling for the starting strength meme